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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4731521 No.4731521 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people do this? If you want to play Pokemon Blue on your SNES just put the cartridge in the Super Gameboy. I don't understand why people started ruining perfectly functional Super Gameboys and Gameboy cartridges just so they can play pretend about having a Gameboy game for their SNES. This is like taking a DVD player and gluing the tray shut with your favorite movie inside.

>> No.4731523

And look at that shit quality label on plane matte paper. It takes a special kind of stupid to make something like that.

>> No.4731530

Absolute fucking Autism. The only reason someone would do this is that they can post it online saying "hey guys look at this cool thing I made" and get their free epeen points.

This is less functional than having an actual SGB and a Pokemon Blue cart. Whoever made this butchered two perfectly functional pieces of hardware just to make something stupid.

>> No.4731531 [DELETED] 

Pokemon is okay, but DUAL ORB 2 came out prior and was better.

>> No.4731551 [DELETED] 

I swear, it's the same poster every time Dual Meme 2 comes up.

>> No.4731569 [DELETED] 


>> No.4731585 [DELETED] 

I thought that was obvious?

>> No.4731651

I can just imagine the fucktard who did this. It takes a special kind of retard to unironically "enjoy" first-gen Pokemon, but then to also make it an SNES cart? I bet you it's some fucking epic 90s kid who wears gamer t-shirts and thought this was cool. The fucking basedboy must own a switch, too.

>> No.4731657

Thats a lot of assumptions. But you're probably right.

>> No.4731659 [DELETED] 

Are you sure that isn't Chinese yellow, just the guy was dumb and didn't put a yellow kabel on it?

>> No.4731715

Who cares.

>> No.4731716

This wouldn't even be as retarded if it were a romhack or almost any other game. Why the fuck would you put a game boy game in an SNES cart, let alone one that's impossible to complete? Have fun getting all 151 Pokémon without trading, dingus.

>> No.4731780

It's worse than that. He ruined a Super Gameboy to do it. This isn't some sports game or untranslated Super Famicom cart that he found for $5 at a game shop-- he took two real cartridges that people actually want, and were working perfect, and he ruined them for no reason.

This spent hours meticulously dissecting and combining two game cartridges for the purpose of limiting their functions, because he wanted that super Gameboy to only ever play Pokemon Blue, and he never wanted that copy of Pokemon Blue to be used in a regular Gameboy again. This is not a reproduction cart-- it's a DE-production cart. There is now one less copy of Pokemon and one less super Gameboy in the world all so this guy could get le ebin upboats.

>> No.4731819
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>> No.4731836

He should of made the whole cart blue.

>> No.4731871

I'd like to see all original copies of games purged & recycled for more important chip usage.

>> No.4731880

This is like that movie Tusk

>> No.4731902
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>should of

>> No.4731923

Not sure how many SGBs were made, but let's be realistic here; there's fucking millions of Pokemon Blue carts out there. If one autist wants to do this to his own property then like, whatever, it doesn't matter.

>> No.4731953

Purely for the novelty. Don't be upset just because you're poor and can't afford to sacrifice a Super Game Boy and a Pokemon game.

>> No.4732017

I think that is definitely considered gore.

>> No.4732047

>boohoo muh og carts
collectorfags are the worst. glad i threw all my genesis and n64 collection in the trash when i got a gamecube.

>> No.4732051

While I kind of agree, Pokémon carts are stupid expensive these days. Most retro game stores here sell them for $20-30 cart only, and the newer games cost $40-50 in box. It's like an Earthbound situation only with lower absolute prices but exponentially higher supply.

That said the Blue cart can probably be easily salvaged since I assume it's just inside. What about the SGB has been damaged? From what I can see (although I may be wrong) someone opened up the SGB cart, took out the internals, plugged Blue into the game slot, and then glued the whole thing into a second, emptied SNES cart with a sticker pasted onto it. So technically he ruined three pieces of hardware.

>> No.4732069

Is this sarcasm or could a person exist who is actually this dumb? It's hard to tell sometimes. If it is sarcasm, I don't see how it has anything to do with his point.

I think some people think they're in some sort of competition of who is the most hardcore retro gamer. So this is the sort of garbage they come up with, because they have no understanding of why retro gaming or collecting is a thing in the first place.

>> No.4732079

What could you even use such old components for nowadays?
A dollar store digital alarm clock?

>> No.4732092
File: 894 KB, 1971x685, 4 grand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows it feel to spend 300 dollars and some time painting to make 4 grand?

>> No.4732094

>While I kind of agree, Pokémon carts are stupid expensive these days
This has everything to do with demand and nothing to do with supply. Pokemon games are expensive because people will pay a lot for them. There are still millions of copies out there.

>> No.4732107

yeah nah it's pretty cool I'd buy it

>> No.4732110

I'm mad I didn't think of it first

>> No.4732113

>green version
ay yo hol up

>> No.4732123


>> No.4732140

So many crybabies in this thread holy shit. It's a stupid idea but it's not like the guy did this with your copy of Pokemon or Super Gameboy.

>> No.4732141

Yeah it's the English translated one that's basically just Blue.

>> No.4732143

The point is that this practice is driving up the rarity of games that are sacrificed as donor carts. It's rather senseless when they could just as well use a shitty Flash cart for that purpose.

>> No.4732160

Ok so? If you already have a Super Gameboy and Pokemon Blue, who care?

>> No.4732224

>basically just Blue.
I haven't played that version, does it even have the original sprites or does it use the updated ones used in US Red/Blue?

I cannot realistically see anyone actually buying that for anywhere near that price.

>> No.4732236

People are allpwed to do whatever they want, wether you like it or not.

>> No.4732246

Changing those save batteries on the gen 2 game is gonna be fun, if anyone is dumb enough to buy those with the intent on playing them I bet they're not gonna have the slightest clue how to do it.

I think this is a cool idea for a personal project for funsies but I draw the line at profiting off of it.

>> No.4732251

>Changing those save batteries on the gen 2 game is gonna be fun, if anyone is dumb enough to buy those with the intent on playing them I bet they're not gonna have the slightest clue how to do it.
What? It's exactly the same process as changing one in an original cartridge. If someone knows how to do that, they can change it in this thing. And if they don't know how, they're in the same boat no matter which one they buy.

>> No.4732259

This, I think projects like this are cool. The exception being when someone has something really rare or one-of-a-kind, something that is a part of video game history, and they hack it up. I'm still mad about that fucking retard destroying an original Xbox devkit with who-knows-what otherwise lost data on it to turn it into a standard PC case. That guy deserves to be kicked in the balls every day of his life.

>> No.4732260

Well, I'm assuming that you already have access to both a super gameboy and a pokemon game. Am I right? I'd also make the assumption that you're not a scummy reseller, so there would be no reason for you to dread the loss of either item in the market place. And even if you were a reseller, things like this would only drive the prices of both items up.
Lastly, I am fairly safely assuming you wouldn't want one of these things yourself.

So now that we've safely concluded that this practice in no way effects you, I have to wonder what got up your ass?

>> No.4732261


>> No.4732269

>teh tism

>without trading
Yeah. It's impossible to cut a hole in plastic. lol. You might actually be more retarded than the guy who made the cart.

There are a fuckton of SGBs out there. No shortage whatsoever. I have several. Picked up the loose ones for ¥100-500 and the CIB ones for ¥800-1000.

Nah. A few guys doing this with shit they already owned isn't "sacrificing" anything and didn't have any impact on rarity. You're just mad because you jumped on the bandwagon late and are looking for someone to blame.

>> No.4732302

>Yeah. It's impossible to cut a hole in plastic. lol.

What the fuck are you talking about? There's not actual Pokemon living inside the cartridge.

>> No.4732659
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>> No.4732660

A hearty kek mate.

>> No.4732665

i can enjoy it if im playing on the train etc, if you try to play pokemon for 6 hours straight in from of your tv screen then you are doing it wong

>> No.4732691

There was a youtuber who did exactly that and then tried to shill his video about it here a couple years back.

>> No.4732735
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>> No.4732737

See >>4731819. The situation is much more upsetting than that. He removed the cartridge slot from the SGB and soldered the pins of the Gameboy cart directly to the pins where the cart slot connector should be. Good luck getting the solder off of those cartridge pins if you ever have second thoughts.

Of course if this person every had a second thought about anything they wouldn't have done the modification in the first place.

>> No.4732739
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Game-Boy-Flex-Adapter-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, so now all the get-ebay-rich autists out there are going to start buying up all the supergameboys and destroying them to make these stupid cartridges for other autists.

You wanna know how bad it is? Someone is actually manufacturing a ribbon cable specifically for turning Super Gameboys into single-game cartridges. Some of you laughed when I said this was going to be a problem but it's already too late. The ebay spergs now see Supergameboys as "pokemon conversion boards" and you can say goodbye to people ever being able to buy them for their real purpose at a reasonable price now that it's been established that there are people retarded enough to buy these hacked up cartridges at top dollar.


>> No.4732768

Fuck me.
I'm glad I was able to get my Super Game Boy for 10 bucks when I did. I just hope it never breaks down on me.

>> No.4732770

Where does it say that someone actually bought that for $4,000?

>> No.4732774


Its in the picture you stupid fuck. Can you not read?

>> No.4732820

Wish I thought of it first...

>> No.4732860

>have a super gameboy
>have a gameboy player
If either of those die I just play on emulator. That's all.

>> No.4732893
File: 860 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180424-202106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4732942

so what you're saying is we should round up garbage games, remove the cartridge cases, sell them as mystery lots and use the profits to buy up all the super gameboys before they can be turned into crappy pokécarts?

>> No.4732958

No. You should buy the lot and get an eeprom burner and make repro carts from the garbage games.

>> No.4733068

I'm sure that wasn't the first thing people laughed at you about and I'm sure it won't be the last. For example, I'm laughing at you right now about your claim someone is "someone is actually manufacturing" that shit. inb4 you claim prototyping in manufacturing.

>> No.4733191

Did you even look at the link? You can buy that adapter cable right now.

>> No.4733226

Just because they can do it doesn't mean they're protected from criticism for doing it.

>> No.4733415

>i baked a cookie
>i'm in the cookie manufacturing business
Sounds like you might be retarded kiddo

>> No.4733471

Is sacrificing a cart even the most cost effective way to make bootlegs nowadays? You can buy new boards in bulk from China for really cheap.

>> No.4733545

My issue with this potentially driving up the price of Super Game Boys and Pokemon carts is that if my own SGB and Pokemon carts break down or somehow get lost, that's more money I'd have to pay because retards can't be assed to look into reproduction carts.

>> No.4733605

Literally anyone who unironically enjoys pokemon this day and age should be gassed

>> No.4733643

I don't know what's worse, the people in the comments acting like OP is some godly engineer for doing something a child could do or the fact that this guy did this to multiple carts, even making a fucking emerald one...

>> No.4733736

>even making a fucking emerald one
Now that you've got me thinking about this, I unironically want a SNES Sonic 2 cart made from one of those Genesis "adapters" that work the same way as the GBA ones.

>> No.4733750
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 43EAFB4C-F3BA-4001-9E2D-4FF9C304DC98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You new-fags are honestly crying over a super game boy cartridge... Holy fucking shit.

>> No.4733762

>My issue with this potentially driving up the price of Super Game Boys and Pokemon carts
There are literally millions of each of these out there, and there are only a handful of people doing this. It is not going to affect the prices in any way.

>> No.4733769


>> No.4733771

Why are you retards crying about a supergameboy, anyway?

If you, for some reason, dont already have one, you should be buying the superior Super Gameboy 2.

The Super Gameboy fucking sucks in comparison.

>> No.4733781
File: 1.74 MB, 320x179, 3JwSPZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, no

>> No.4733786


>> No.4733795

There are GBA and Genesis adapters for SNES, but they're really just clone systems stuffed into a cartridge that uses the SNES for power and input, with their own dedicated video output. I know a company called Retro-Bit makes them, but there might be alternatives out there that I'm not aware of.

>> No.4733852

It depends on what game you are trying to make and whether or not the boards are pre-assembled. If you were doing a large batch of games like say, 100, then buying the capacitors and resistors you would be pretty cheap per unit and you'd likely get a bulk discount on the PCBs.

If you just want to make one copy of a particuar game or even a few, it's often cheaper to just buy a sports game and swap out the chips. If you want a game that uses enhancement chips your only option might be to use a donor cart.

>> No.4733871

Anything after first gen is high level autistic tier

>> No.4733902

But it clearly affected that anon profoundly. He's on the verge of tears and it's 100% the fault of those few guys who made the monstrosities that he's to retarded and poor to own a SGB.

>> No.4733964

Except gen 2 which is literally leftovers from gen 1 that didn't fit into the first games. Gen 1 and 2 belong together. Everything after that is meaningless.

>> No.4734450

>implying "sold" on ebay means someone has bought it