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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4725885 No.4725885 [Reply] [Original]

>11 hours into game
>Saved on save slot 1
>Little brother wants to play
>"No, you'll save over my game"
>He cries to Mom
>"Anon, you have to share with your little brother"
>"But he's little. He's going to get confused and save over my game"
>He promises he won't
>"See Anon? He promises."
>Let him play
>By the next day he's saved over my game
>Doesn't see what the big deal is
>Complain to Mom
>"That's not important Anon, what's important is to spend time with your little brother"

>> No.4725891

Did your game not have an option to copy your save to another slot, or make multiple saves?

>> No.4725892

>Not sharing a savefile

>> No.4725894


It was Dragon's Curse for TG16 and had 3 save slots. There was no option to copy saves. I guess I could have loaded up save 1 and saved to DRAGON2 and DRAGON3 in the File Cabinet every time I wanted to save but man would that have been cumbersome.

>> No.4725906

One of my brothers erased my file in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and blamed it on my youngest brother. My youngest brother accepted responsibility despite not doing it and the two kept it a secret from me for 20 years.

>> No.4725919

I'm glad my mother is not an idiot.

>> No.4725921 [DELETED] 


That's sweet how the middle brother protected the younger one.

>> No.4725923



>> No.4725930

Hell my fucking OLDER brother accidentally saved over my Final Fantasy 9 file that was on disc 3. I made him buy me lunch.

>> No.4725937


>> No.4725976

a thread died for your shitty story OP

>> No.4725995

>"That's not important Anon, what's important is to spend time with your little brother"
She's right you fucking faggot.

>> No.4726036

Had an older sister, she was cool as shit

>> No.4726138

>not making backups
seems like you were the retared brother all along

>> No.4726167

>>"That's not important Anon, what's important is to spend time with your little brother"
She's right. What's the big fucking deal? You got that far once, you can do it again. You bitch.

>> No.4726192

Back to /v/.

>> No.4726210
File: 154 KB, 947x790, C-YpbT_UAAEOLbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you make him get back to where you left off

>> No.4726213

>11 hours into game
That's not a long time. And you're a kid, you were just going to play it from the start again anyway.

>> No.4726243

My situation too. The only time I had to worry about this type of thing is when my girlfriend moved in with me. She liked Gex and there wasn't enough room to save, so FFVII had to go. I got her a memory card after that.

>> No.4726270
File: 38 KB, 258x254, 1463408874137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... i was the little brother... it was my brothers file on DK64

>> No.4726285

My older brother would accidentally save over my files sometimes. Still does when he plays one of my steam games with cloud saves.
Its why I make a checkmark save in slot 3/6/9 when I can. Because he's too daft to be that thorough and disciplined.

>> No.4726286

Then when he is bored with the game and loses interest in it. I save over his file.

>> No.4726296

>letting your little brother use the memory card

>> No.4726302

My sister deleted my Pokemon save with 137 Pokemon on it (Including all the trade required/alt game ones).

I still haven't quite forgiven her

>> No.4726303

>be me, like 10 years old
>playing destruction derby
>want to save replay to memcard i guess
>do you want to format memory card?
>me being a stupid 10 year old, i guess that makes a slot for the save?
>entire memcard wiped in one fell swoop
>older bro's dozen disc 3 ff7 saves all gone
>oh fuck fuck fuck fuck
>why the fuck would a game put an option to wipe all gamesaves in...

>> No.4726308

Did /v/ break again?

>> No.4726331
File: 13 KB, 210x240, dr-gero-android-20-dragon-ball-z-super-android-13-1.77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thinking man understands and feels your pain.

You may now feel that your time that you invested in gameplay was a total waste. However, you have built up great practice and will find it easier in your quest to complete your game.

You are no longer the blunt pencil of a novice. But the proud sharpened pencil of an adept.

Keep at it anon. You can and will complete your game.

>> No.4726340

Does she cook at home? If so, take her cooking after it is done and throw it on the ground.
> Whats important, mom, is that you spend time with your family

>> No.4726347

I was the little brother....it was

Earthbound. Secret of Mana, Metroid, FF3, and many many more. I fucking hated him I would even erase his copies.

>> No.4726356

This honestly. Best post I've seen in years.

>> No.4726437

oh youre an asshole, i didnt do it on purpose!!!

>> No.4726496

> tfw you are the only one in your house who even plays vidya

>> No.4726525

>Let My Friend borrow Quest 64 alongside my third party controller pack so he can save his game
>game is nearly finished
>Friend returns game I check game file and it's gone
>get into fight with best one of my best friends over my game save; ruin friendship
>never go back to the game since I didn't want to replay all of that again
>realize many years later it was not worth it
>realize that "Performance" Memory Cards are known to be faulty and not very reliable
>might've ruined many more weekends at my friend's house as a kid over what's considered a horrible game and for buying third party

>> No.4726527

I just remembered another one:
>Y2k New Years Eve
>I have my trusty GBC with Game and Watch Gallery.
>whole game is completed with all the stars, I only play to set new records
>See a younger kid who looks bored at the party
>being 12 I think it's time to let others have fun since I'm about to be a big kid once I hit 13
>let him borrow my game
>not too long after he returns the game, I for some reason check my game and the file was deleted, all my records gone
>confront him and he tells me he didn't do anything
>never get all the stars in all the games let alone set records

>> No.4728207

No, I just sold the game. Your save file was fine.

>> No.4728256

I lived next to a nice family at one point when I was maybe 8 or 9. One day they were over our house and I showed the brother Super Mario RPG. He didn't do anything obnoxious like erasing my saves, but he seemed completely incapable of playing the game. It was weird as shit. I didn't treat him badly for it, but it was super frustrating to watch. It wasn't just that he was having trouble understanding RPG basics, like he didn't seem able to understand how what he does on the controller is reflected by what's on the screen. Didn't have any discernible impairment otherwise, it was just straight-up mental deficiency. Fucking unreal.

>> No.4728296

I wish I still had a brother I could play with, but that won't happen either in this life or the next one anymore.
You can always replay the game again if you really loved it or cheat your way like the idiot you seem to be.

>> No.4728960

It's kind of weird, but I didn't get RPGs until I was almost into my teens. Caslevania:SoTN was the prompt to dig back into other titles like FFVII and Wild Arms. I blame youth based "ADD".

>> No.4729016

When we were kids we would always share save files, making a new save file never occured to us, because we never cared about story but slowly when we started caring about story we sould tell each other what happened when he/me played.

>> No.4729074

You would only do that when you were done playing and he was going to play

>> No.4729078


>> No.4729480

>little brother wants to play
>game doesn't even have a save
>say no anyway
>cries to mom
>"Anon, you have to share with your little brother"
>"No I don't. I bought this with my own money that I earned. Buy him one with your own money that you earned if you want to let him play something.
tl;dr OP: the non-millennial version

>> No.4729571

Did you get to smell her underwear?

>> No.4729664

Sure mom is so happy to have a back talking little shit like you

>> No.4729680


>tfw I had a younger sister
>tfw she didn't even like computer games, the only stuff she has ever played were The Sims, and a few adventure games (like torin's passage)
>I pretty much made her play M&M VII and she liked it only because she was able to spend hours on dressing up the party paperdolls.

But there was a thing I really hated

>getting me kicked out from PC because she wanted to make a bunch of eyesore pictures in paint for 2-3 hours straight.

At least my saves were pretty safe.

>> No.4729681

Should have beat him with the controller cord.

Not you to your brother, your mother to you for being such a fag.

>> No.4729685

Sure my man, you stood up to your door mat parents so you don't have to share with that totally real brother of yours.

>> No.4729712

My older brother and I were given a rule that we can play the console for an hour before we have to give it up to the other, and either watch them play or find something else to do. I generally respected the rule, with the occasional "let me finish this level/race/match", my brother did not, he'd always find an excuse to keep on playing.

Well one day we were taking turns spending our sweet finite time with the games we had just rented from the video store, he got NBA Jam, I believe I got Donkey Kong Country.

He was playing NBA jam, and the hour was up, "oh but let me finish this match" he says, so I let him, because I would expect the same courtesy.

He finishes the match and starts another one, I call bullshit, he asks for one more, I begrudgingly allow it, he starts another one, and I call bullshit again, and this time I persist, he pretends not to hear me for a while, but he gets fed up, says "You want your turn? Here!" and he bashes me over the head with the SNES, cartridge first, breaking the cartridge.

I lose my shit, naturally. "shh shh don't tell mom don't tell mom"

Fucking dick head. I'm glad his life is in bad shape.

>> No.4730405

She was. She was very intelligent and well educated and instantly realized the hypocrisy of making me earn my own spending money while other kids were given an allowance but then not respecting my rights to the property I bought with that money. She took the opportunity to help us work out a deal where he did some menial tasks for me in exchange for game time and set my brother on the righteous path to respecting other peoples property and having a good work ethic at an early age.

Millennials. lol

>> No.4730408

>rights to property
>under 18

Im laughing

>> No.4730437

>my rights to the property I bought with that money
If you were a minor you don't have property rights. This is why child actors emancipate themselves when they find their dirtbag parents can/are spending "their" money.
If your mom feels you weren't being treated fairly, I assure you, her solution was at her discretion, not because of your "rights to property."
Everything you have as a minor is considered property of your guardian and they really do have the legal right to revoke it as it is at best given to you in trust.
Kids are in charge of fuckall in their lives.

>> No.4730813

>under 18
Clearly. But you shouldn't admit it. Rule 2 and all.

Look out lads. We've got another underage armchair lawyer on our hands. Rights vary from place to place but in the US I don't think there's any state that doesn't allow a minor to own personal property. You'd be surprised what rights you have as a minor. And I mean that literally. You, clearly being a minor as demonstrated by your abundance of ignorance and confidence you know everything, would be surprised what rights you have.

>> No.4730885

>bringing legal bullshit into a lesson about how to not be a fuckwad, and to earn things legitamately instead of relying in gibs
I guess its also illegal to pay all those kids for doing yardwork what with child labor laws
Better shut down that lemonaide stand without your merchants license while were at it

>> No.4731007

I just want to point out that unsurprisingly, closing lemonade stands has actually happened in the States because of no license. Forgot which state this was in though

>> No.4731038

Armchair lawyer detected. The only property rights your parents have over your stuff is being able to restrict access. Trusts were created because of rampant theft that is difficult for a minor to prove or press charges against. It's not easy for a kid to take their parents to court on an emotional level, but when they do it's nothing but a desire to punish them.

Child labor laws only kick in during certain working conditions or after a certain amount of hours. Lemonade stands do get closed down depending on area as unequal enforcement of law is something you don't want to deal with when it comes up in court.