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File: 53 KB, 800x280, aladdin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4720919 No.4720919 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people seem to prefer the Genesis version? The sword feels fucking awful.

>> No.4720921

Only reason I can think of is that I prefer the megadrive controller

>> No.4720930

Because they're not discerning and objective as you

>> No.4720957

The Virgin game got a much better marketing team than the Capcom game at release, and to be honest, the digitalized animated sprites are really good, so it's the game that was more impressive to look at.
But yeah gameplay-wise it's not that good, lots of hitbox and design problems.

>> No.4720979

The SNES version looked and played more like a Mickey Mouse game to be honest

>> No.4721003

>people seem to prefer the Genesis version

I'd say opinion is pretty evenly split on which is the better version.

>> No.4721014

People only played one and will insist it's better than the other one, even though they didn't play it.

It's just a proxy for the console wars

>> No.4721190

To me they're so different that it's difficult to compare. Virgin's Aladdin is more like an action game, while the Capcom game is much more a rather slow platfformer.

Different kind of games, for different tastes. I enjoy both for why they're.

>> No.4721556
File: 121 KB, 640x480, Aladdin_(USA)-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickey Mouse goes around doing acrobatic/parkour moves?

>> No.4721592

Imagine if companies still did this, paying two separate companies to create licensed games at the same time and compete.

>> No.4721594

Man, that level looks fruity.

But I guess it's fitting, since only homosexuals and children like Nintendo.

>> No.4721603

>changes subject completely when confronted with real arguments
Never change, console warriors.
Also, Disney in general is for homosexual and children, lol.

>> No.4721604
File: 13 KB, 256x224, aladdin_bonus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, does the Virgin game have a level where you get to ride the carpet with your princess?

>> No.4721605

What's the newest shit coming up? Wreck it Ralph 2? FUND IT


>> No.4721613

Aladdin and Jasmine actually kiss in the Megadrive game.

I wasn't even the other guy you were arguing with, you schizo.

>> No.4721614


Imagine if Battlefront 2 was outsourced to 2 companies, one for the Ps4 version and one for Xbox, we might have actually gotten a decent title out of the mix.

>> No.4721624

But I loved that bit in the movie where he ran through the marketplace slicing up the royal guards with his scimitar, they had to keep it in.

>> No.4721630

>I wasn't even the other guy you were arguing with, you schizo.
I also wasn't the other guy you replied before, I just like to make fun of 30+ year old console warriors.
Keep on fighting my man! lol

>> No.4721635

>slicing up
You mean making them pop up into dust in thin air like piñatas.

>> No.4721667

It probably used the same engine as the Magical Quest series of Mickey games so that would make sense, tight controls and all, as to explain why it's leagues better than the Virgin game.

>> No.4721681

You can console war all you want, nintenkiddies this, segautists that, but at the end of the day, it isn't about Sega or Nintendo, it's about Capcom or Virgin, and Capcom has always made better games than Virgin.
If only Sega themselves designed the Aladdin game and Virgin only limited themselves to do the sprites digitalizations...

>> No.4722294

People don't think criticially when they play games. They don't look at things like level design or controls, they see the pretty animation on the megadrive one and that's it.

>> No.4722301

The Virgin Aladdin

>> No.4722303

The Virgin Aladdin
The Chadcom Aladdin

>> No.4723350
File: 142 KB, 816x587, giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capcom Aladdin
>is too beta to wield a sword or kiss the princess

>> No.4723373

>Virgin Aladdin
>is too virgin to do real damage with the sword, enemies just pop up like they're made out of dust, it's not real violence, might as well be a magic wand instead of a sword
I'll give you the kiss, as always, Virgin's game stands out in sprite animation, but honestly taking the princess out for a ride on the flying carpet and letting the player control it is way more chad. The kiss is implied, also showing a cheesy kiss is more like a girl's thing, like a TV novel. Chads just take girls for a ride, you know.
Also, in the ending cutscene of the Capcom game, Jazmin proposes marriage to Aladdin, Virgin Aladdin is still single, only gets a little kiss.
Probably Virgin Jazmin left him for Chadcom Aladdin when she found out Virgin Aladdin's "Sword" has tiny hitboxes, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4723383

>People don't think criticially when they play games.
I do, its my job. Genesis version is better.

>> No.4723387

Defend the shitty hit box and collision detection, the lazy level design and the anti-climatic final boss fight.

>> No.4723390

Because the sword makes it feel more complete. Playing an Aladdin game without a sword, is like playing Mortal Kombat without the blood and gore. What would be the point of that? Would you play a Batman game without his Batmobile?

>> No.4723394

>Genesis Aladdin literally outsold Sonic
>hurr durr this obscure capcom trashy platformer was always better guise
Only on /vr/

>> No.4723395

The only part that I don't like is the flying carpet level.

>> No.4723407

Aladdin is more about hitting enemies using his bare hands and feet, doing acrobatic tricks, he only wields a sword for a brief moment on the movie, against Jafar.
But nevermind "canon" stuff, the problem is that the sword isn't fun to use, it doesn't feel like a sword, it doesn't have any weight to it, you don't feel like you're slashing through things or bodies, it feels like you're popping balloons with a needle.
Kicking enemies in their chin while swinging around on the Capcom game has more impact to it, and it's more on character with Aladdin.
Virgin knew the sword has a shit hitbox so they made you able to kill enemies by just spamming apples.
Apples on the Capcom game only stunts enemies, doesn't kill them.

>> No.4723410

>shitty hit box and collision detection,
Once you learn where the hitboxes are, it stops being a problem.

>the lazy level design
They're more fleshed out and interesting than Capcom's game.

>and the anti-climatic final boss fight.
What was wrong with it?

>> No.4723412

Nobody is denying the fact that the marketing team for the Virgin game was better, and the fact the sprites animations on it are actually good.
But as a game, yeah Capcom's game is better. No surprise though, I think all Capcom games are better than Virgin's output.

>> No.4723416

>Once you learn where the hitboxes are, it stops being a problem.
It's not a problem in the sense that I couldn't beat the game due to it, it's a problem in the sense that it feels unpolished. It could have been much better.
>more fleshed out and interesting than Capcom's game
Elaborate, they're mostly maze levels with not really much going for it in either combat or platforming.
>What was wrong with it?
It's supposed to be a giant cobra but it's a very tiny sprite that only shows half the body of the cobra, looks really out of place and the best strategy to defeat it is just spamming apples while standing on a corner.

>> No.4723421

Except it's not, Capcom game is comparable to any other garbage licenced platformer on the SNES.

>b-but muh crapcom

>> No.4723429

>hating games just because they're on a Nintendo platform
It's time to grow up, anon.

>> No.4723439

Saying something is "garbage" doesn't make for an actual argument, little anon.
I gave you actual criticism for Virgin's game (while at the same time recognizing it's good things).
You don't really have anything to say, you're just console warring mindlessly.

>> No.4723440

>hating on console sellers because you got the shit version
It's time to stop being a salty manchild anon

>> No.4723445

You didn't give any crisitcism
You are just trying to convince everyone that the capcom's game is better just because you blindly believe it is without having actually played the mega drive version.

This argument will go on for decades but I don't care because I'll be busy playing the actually good version of the game and ignoring the lazy licenced garbage that is that crapcom game

>> No.4723446

>sales determine how good is a game
Console warriors, when will they learn.

>> No.4723447

Way to project, I played both games back in the day.
Seems like you were stuck with only 1 system as a kid and now you have to defend your childhood, even if that goes against actual arguments detailing flaws in the game's controls, physics and design.
People like you are a bit funny, a bit sad.

>> No.4723540

>Elaborate, they're mostly maze levels with not really much going for it in either combat or platforming.
Not that anon, but “maze levels” are still better than the constant “run to the right” design of the Capcom Aladdin. There is simply no depth to any of the levels in the SNES version, and if you have a parachute it makes most of the playforming an absolute joke in terms of ease. The ONLY challenge in Capcom’s Aladdin is getting all the red gems, which itself is an extremely easy task considering they don’t reset when you die so you can just throw yourself into pits to get them (and you get a ton of extra lives as well). Plus, the same annoying music plays for several stages in a row which gets very grating very fast. Virgin Aladdin has the better “Friend Like Me” by far and has “One Jump Ahead” as the first level instead of whatever mess Capcom Aladdin used for the first FOUR consecutive stages. The music in general is just better on the Genesis, and even the original melodies at least feel like they could come from the movie.

I like both games for what they are, but they’re very much geared for different audiences. The difficulty in Virgin’s version is like a Castlevania: requires precise controls and observation of enemy patterns. Capcom Aladdin is like Dobkey Kong Country: a very straightforward, easy romp unless you try to 100% it, and even then you’re not going to be playing it for the challenge.

>> No.4723559

Everybody knows that the Amiga version is the superior version.

>> No.4723564

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.4723593
File: 563 KB, 3311x591, aladdin_Level_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lazy level design

>> No.4723605


But that makes her less endangered of turning into a puff of smoke.

>> No.4723607
File: 67 KB, 614x408, aus-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur.

>> No.4724227
File: 471 KB, 2270x1127, aladdinvirgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but “maze levels” are still better than the constant “run to the right” design of the Capcom Aladdin
I disagree, maze levels can be good if done right (exploration-based games), but in Aladdin (and many other Perry/Virgin games like Cool Spot), the level design is amateur, not designed not have a real flow.
As for difficulty, I don't particularly find either of them hard, although the land detection issues on Virgin's game can make some parts hard to get through (for example the lake on the palace, landing on those water plants or flamingos or whatever can be tricky), but I remember a bit of trial and error to find how the developers worked out these landing detection boxes, but rather than difficult it just seems sketchy.
Your comparison with Castlevania doesn't make any sense, Castlevania is known for its VERY focused, straightforward design and tight as fuck, pixel-perfect platforming, Virgin Aladdin is the opposite of that. Unless you meant the SOTN style games, which still are nothing like Virgin's game.
I find the music it's good in both games, I like Capcom's original music and their rendition to A whole new world, but yeah Virgin's game used more score from the movie, either way the levels are short, and I don't find it "annoying", but that's subjective I guess, either way: good music in both games.
>geared for different audiences
Not really, both are still kid's games, one was made by Capcom who had experience doing licensed Disney platformers, and the other was a project by Perry which thrived thanks to the excellent digitalized sprites, not because of its gameplay or level design.
Simplicity != lazy.

>> No.4724303
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Capcom Aladdin better because it's more faithful to the movie.

>> No.4724305

The bootleg Aladdin games on Famiclones are all better than the shoddy port Virgin shat out for the NES in PAL regions.

>> No.4724327

that looks pretty nice

>> No.4724341
File: 335 KB, 3500x986, Aladdin-Level5-CaveOfWonders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, but if you pay attention to the level structure you notice it's directionless and doesn't really have much going on platforming-wise, other than the disappearing blocks.
Or take this level for example, nothing but running left and right, the only platforming is at the very end where you have to jump a small pit of water, yay.