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File: 200 KB, 750x750, gameboy-donkey-kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4718534 No.4718534 [Reply] [Original]

This is arguably the most important platformer of all time and the best game Nintendo ever made.

>> No.4718537


>> No.4718554

Consider the implications of how much influence Mario's moveset in this game had on the 3D ones. This was the first game where Mario actually had a variety of moves. Its also the most complex level design I've ever seen in a Nintendo 2D platformer, with lots of good elements being put into a very compact area instead of being spread thin across a level.

>> No.4718572

it's underrated, yes
definitely a 10/10 game, of which nintendo has made many

>> No.4718578

>nintendo has made many
this is the only one i can think of

>> No.4718585

I was going start making a list of all of them, but I'll just stop at Super Metroid

>> No.4718604


>> No.4718628

>Super Metroid
Don't even bother.

>> No.4718634

It's fine.

>> No.4718639

This game is what made me start rimming.

>> No.4718764

So is the Gameboy version just a port? I'd play it but Nintendo jewed the emulators

>> No.4718785

No it’s much more than a port. It’s basically if the original game had like 50-60ish levels and if the Mario 64 moveset was put into a 2D game.

I’m sure you can find a ROM + emulator if you look around. It’s also on 3ds which is how I played it.

Fun game.

>> No.4718787

Well said, but I still wouldn't call this game the most important platformer of all time. Still, it is really important, because, as you said, Super Mario 64 has some movesets from this game, and SM64 influenced the whole genre of 3D platforming.
The level design in the GB Donkey Kong game is fantastic, and I consider it one of my favorite platformers, for sure. It's also one of those rare games I'd say are nearly perfect, similar to Super Metroid and ICO.

>> No.4718797

Oh well if it's on 3ds then I could just get it there then. Thanks Anon

>> No.4718923

It's actually 101 levels.

>> No.4718946

My mind is blown by this game. I never played this. I just always assumed it was a GB port of Donkey Kong. Reading about the moveset being like Mario 64 interested me because I was thinking it was just plain Donkey Kong. This is pretty crazy.

>> No.4718954

i always keep forgetting to play this and then someone talks about it again

thanks for reminding me OP

>> No.4719010
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1370745176103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first "final" boss battle theme

This game's soundtrack was fucking incredible

>> No.4719035

Nintendo didn’t make Super Metroid

>> No.4719051

Hearing that reminded me I reallyn need to go dust off my Gameboy and play it again. I always remember the monkey song https://youtu.be/KCNsaoL9xXo

>> No.4719130

It did have some good ideas for Super Gameboy interactivity.

>> No.4719148
File: 54 KB, 960x960, dumb anime slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do people emulate the super gameboy version

>> No.4719170

That part where the 8-bit electric guitar totally starts shredding some hot licks.

>> No.4719171

I remember playing it at a friend's house without knowing anything about it. At first I thought it was nothing more than a simple port of the original Donkey Kong. What happened after level 0-4 blew my mind.

>> No.4719175

one of those games I played so much the sticker faded

>> No.4719176

1. Grab a good GB emulator like BGB or Gambatte
2. Somewhere in the emulator options should be the choice of by default loading games in SGB mode.
3. You might have to restart your emulator after this.
4. Once that's done, load up the game and it should be in SGB mode. There might also be an option to turn borders on or off depending on your preference. It's been a while since I've done this.

>> No.4719281

gambatte doesn't support sgb borders. mgba might though.

>> No.4719283

>the most important platformer of all time
It's not even the most important game boy game. Kirby's Dream Land, and Mario Land 2 are more important just by introducing new characters & staple franchises.

>> No.4719301

Oh man, I haven't played this in a while and now I want to go back and revisit it, thanks Anon

>> No.4719313

pokemon is the most important gameboy game. but donkey kong was definitely more influential than sml2.

>> No.4719315


I will always remeber it as the first game of mine the save battery died.

>> No.4719317
File: 28 KB, 250x249, Warioland3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game boys had such underrated gems.
Wario land 3 and 4 are also games that I consider almost flawless. Some of the best platformers ever made.

>> No.4719382
File: 2.20 MB, 2601x3199, toxic-landfill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wario land 3 and 4 are also games that I consider almost flawless.
The level design is extremely simple. Why do people keep jerking these games off so hard?

>> No.4719383
File: 3 KB, 240x136, 5-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison.

>> No.4719387

SML2 introduced Wario, who has been far more impactful than DK'94

>> No.4719759

You can do side flips, handstands, a higher double jump after landing from doing a handstand, you can knock the debris that falls down with your feet while doing a handstand.

>> No.4719761

Level 0-1 to 0-4 is the original game.

>> No.4720093


That's still not true Super Gameboy Emulation IIRC. Use either standalone Higan or if you use the Retroarch core follow this guide: https://forums.libretro.com/t/higan-v105-super-game-boy-bios-tutorial/12676

>> No.4720216

rofl at the princess being like twice Mario's height

>> No.4720218

No, it's a completely different game. OP is a retard.

>> No.4720242
File: 4 KB, 256x224, donkey-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gets the mushroom in the ending, allowing him to finally transform into his real size.

>> No.4720276

I tried it. BGB does it by default. Thanks anon!

>> No.4720660

>OP is a retard.
Rude. Read the thread.

>> No.4720706

technically true but real sgb emulation won't buy you anything except "help" screams that grate on your ears. palette + border is enough for the most enjoyable experience.