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4713024 No.4713024 [Reply] [Original]

ff6 had a good translation, why was 7's so awkward?

>> No.4713039

Same reason FF4's translation was notably worse than FF1's. They didn't care that much, so it was mostly a crapshot how good the hired translator was.

>> No.4713040

Post three more examples, then, if it's so awkward.
Plus that's a fairly simple typo, not really a translation error.

>> No.4713080

>does not know about 7's translation
Go back to >>>/v/

>> No.4713084

>Ungarmax is supposed to be Angermax
>Midgar Zolom is supposed to be Midgardsormr, the old norse name for Jormungandr
>Aerith says she knew Tseng since "we were little", this completely contradicts the scene where Aerith is a child and Tseng is an adult. She actually says "I was little".

Only errors I can remember, the translation is more lazy and low quality rather than inaccurate.

>> No.4713094
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>> No.4713160
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>> No.4713173

This guy gets it

>> No.4713174

>ff6 had a good translation
No, no translation which changes character names AND rewrites them is a good translation.

>> No.4713178

They had limited time

>> No.4713214


>> No.4713216

I feel like this thread is just not going anywhere

>> No.4713225

Because Sony did it.

>> No.4713248


The FF3/6 translation was great. The more authentic ones lack a lot of the charm.

>> No.4713258
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>> No.4713296
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>> No.4713302

They were in a rush. not only is the translation rushed but FF7 is full of bugs and glitches.

>> No.4713304

I'm convinced that these daily shitpost threads are all made by the same guy.

>> No.4713326
File: 574 KB, 630x700, ff9longface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't FF9 actually the most accurate translation of the PS1 trilogy?

>> No.4713389

Woosley's translation was just as different, you just didn't notice because he spoke English.
>Atma vs Ultima
>Ultros vs Orthros
>Vicks and Wedge vs Biggs and Wedge

>> No.4713390

Woolsey got shifted out of Square reorganizing in this era. So while his group ended up doing Shadow Madness, whoever was around did FFVII.

>> No.4713393

It was the point when it was at their peak, at least. Dead Pepper and small mistakes in references we didn't even know about yet be damned.

>> No.4713407

99% of the time that came down to textual limits, Atma and Ultros most likely fell under this. He was told many times to shorten things down, and a name using one letter less was a good way to do it. Even better if it used five less (Spire instead of Lightning Rod).

Notice that Vicks was just as reoccuring. He knew what he was doing, the issue was Star Wars. He did make amuch lesser noticed alteration in Chrono Trigger though, where Piett is Piette.

>> No.4713418

Forgot to mention. If you really wanted to nail him outside of le meme, you should probably mention the shit that was actually awkward. Like Nizbel Plus's one line in CT.

>> No.4713564

At least the english translation is decent, while the spanish tranlation is dogshit, same with Suikoden II.

>> No.4713586

>like 25 types of chocobo greens
>every character and store in the game spells them all differently

>> No.4713640

>butchers Celes scene
>original is describing in detail what happened to those on the island
>some died of sorrow, of madness, of ilness, suicide..
>Woosley Celes: hey everyone jumped from a cliff to perk 'emselves up and so will I!
>#joke #too_long_for_burgers_to_read #charm #nailed_the_feels

The more authentic ones during GBA era had even more researched high fantasy vocabulary and put back the meme sentences to please those "fans", but it seems a translation must be an abridged dubs with tons of references to has-been pop singer trash (the fucking underlings of the main villain for the first part of Chrono Trigger, no less) and characters speaking in unreadable accents just because, to be passable.

Even Square's late PS1 localizations after they got their shit down still suffered from this, but it was light years ahead of SNES era "localized" trash. You know, like when they made Squall an asshole with an EDGE so he appeals to young teenage emo faggots who loved a character from a different game. Oh yeah and the swearing is all made up too. Final Fantasy 8, Threads of Fate, you name it.

For 7, it was sony europe doing them. Their terribleness defies statement. For the later games they established a subsidary that properly translated them from japanese without aping woosley (the "localized feel") or working designs (writing it like an abridged dub) or fansubbers (the made up swearing) and they are generally better than their english equivalents because they are normal translations that rewrite sentences to flow naturally with local mannerisms and figures of speechs and cultural references but don't give themselves carte blanche to rewrite the story.

>> No.4713650

I'm still kind of butthurt that the demons in Cyan's mind are still named after the Three Stooges rather than anything remotely like an accurate translation.

>> No.4713668

>pinning NoA's heavy censorship policies on the translator
>complaining about swearing
Oh boy

>> No.4713669
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.4713672

I prefer Aeris but I never got the lisp thing.

>> No.4713678

>Attack while it's tail is up!
>It's gonna counterattack with its laser!
Poor sentence breaking.

>> No.4713729

You mean all those [expletive]s are a lie?

>> No.4713736

Changing the letter s into th in words is the way to convey a lisp in text.

>> No.4713769
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a translation fitting the target audience

>> No.4713878

>Suikoden 2
The funny thing about those European translations by Sony are so bad nobody even bothered pirating them and put them online.

>> No.4713975

Apparently the German translation is much worse.

>> No.4714457


They did it in house. I love parts of ff7, but man is it really melodramatic and bad at times. It could have done with American charm.

>> No.4714590

Isn't Cloud meant to be Claude too?

>> No.4714615

I actually liked this. It was sort of fun

>> No.4714664

French one was awful too, though they must be based on the English one as they keep the same errors... and adds a new layer of literal translations (fucking "gardiens de robots") and tons of typos.

FF8 and 9 were a huge step up in that regard.

>> No.4714668

No, he's supposed to be Cloud in the same way that Aerith is supposed to be Earth.

>> No.4714675


". . ."

>> No.4714679

>midgardsormr is the old norse name for jörmungandr
it's not you aspie, midgardsormr means the "Serpent of Midgard" which is clearly a title

>> No.4714680

It's a case of the translators translating it and then never seeing how it looked ingame.

>> No.4714697

Is there a fan retranslation of 7?

>> No.4714721

also worth noting: in japanese ff6, his name is spelled ビックス (bikkusu) and not ビッグス (biggusu). woolsey probably didn't know it was a reference.

>> No.4714756


Yes but it's godawful and you shouldn't bother. I think there's a patch that fixes the mistitled items and typos, I'd just install that and call it a day.

>> No.4714810


>could have done with American charm
>Barret is literally Mr. T

I agree it got overly melodramatic but it's a very charming translation, especially all the swearing, gags and punctuation abuse. The fast and loose nature of the dialogue probably helped it more than it hurt it, I know a lot of people that weren't able to get into future entries due to Square's translations becoming quite plain. FF7 is one of those cases where its translated poorly but reads well, in contrast to something like Tactics that's translated poorly and reads like it just got ran through google.

>> No.4714816

left out the "if" by mistake
>"if you attack while its tail is up,"
that one is pretty bad
they would have needed a couple accented characters to handle Rêve/Sogno/Sueño but they probably gutted the dakuten code during the english port and/or woolsey was feeling witty

>> No.4714843

There's two in the OP.
It could be either
>This guy IS sick.
>THESE GUYS are sick.
So having it as 'This guy are sick,' could potentially be two typos depending on whether Aeris is taking about one guy or many guys. I don't remember because I've not played FF7 in nearly 20 years.

不思議の国のアリス is the Japanese title of the book 'Alice in Wonderland.' Notice the last three moon runes. They spell 'Alice' in nipspeak.

Aeris, on the other hand, is エアリス. Note that while the last three are identical to 'Alice,' the first rune is different. This one is pronounced like the 'e' in the word 'bed.' Putting it together with アリス just sounds like a 1950s Queens, NY housewife calling her sister on the phone.

>e'alice! how ya doin', doll? I'm makin' ma's sundee gravy so you bring frank and the kids by for dinner

If Nips continue to insist on using a special writing system specifically for the purpose of writing foreign words only, they really need to add some more diacritics to it to represent the foreign sounds they're trying to ape at. Until then, Aeris is Aeris and not Aerith and certainly not Earth.

>> No.4714862

You should definitely bother with the fan retranslation. The official one is so shitty it's not even funny. Omitted text, buggy text, actively misleading text...

>> No.4714876

>Until then, Aeris is Aeris and not Aerith and certainly not Earth.
As if they didn't write her name in plain English letters not only in design docs but even official manuals and strategy guides. But "the mystery of the nihongo" justifies this and Sefirosu and Midgar Zolom and et ceatera and ff7 best translation ever amirite

>> No.4714894

Are you saying Japanese FF7 media contemporary with the game's original release had Latin letters spelling Aeris and not Aerith?

>> No.4714898

>find the last elixir
>its not the last elixir in the game

>> No.4714969

More to the point, 'Earth' ith alwayth phonetically tranthliterated in moonruneth ath 'アース.' No need for an R thound there, the thame way 'computer' in moonruneth is written without one.

Were you to google 'アース' you'd come up with dozenth upon dozenth of pictureth of our planet earth.

>> No.4714994


Not sure why you even bothered posting when the only defense of the fantranslation you can muster is how bad the official translation is. If you actually play the game through with the Beacause patch you'll quickly realize how much they missed the mark. It's no fun at all.

>> No.4715064

To be honest I think Final Fantasy VII is a shining example of informal, conversational dialogue.

>> No.4715263

Dude how can you seriously not know how dogshit the FF7 translation is.

>> No.4715295


Finally someone else who gets it. There's a reason it got so popular compared to other JRPG's and that's exactly it. I know most people here are autistic and have their own preferences, but it had exactly the translation it needed to be as monstrously successful as it was.

>> No.4716539

>ff6 had a good translation
what the everliving fuck

>> No.4716541

The only people who complain about translations are faggots with no to a minimal understanding of Japanese and have no idea how things where or have or will be translated; and because they know a few hints in Japanese they think it makes them the authority on how things should be translated. In case you didn’t know your ego is small, your Japanese is shit and your opinion is also shit. Now fuck off and do something productive instead of bitching about a translation from 20 years ago.

>> No.4716553

>You don't know enough Japanese to judge whether "This guy are sick" is correct English!
Why don't you log off? Your body pillow (or "daimakaimura") is lonely.

>> No.4716564

Too many translators and no editor on the localization team. That kind of situation tends to cause chaos.

>> No.4716659

The villain the protagonists are pursuing is called セフィロス . Are you saying his name isn't a reference to Sefirot?

>> No.4717158


Holy fuck that's a weak retort. Everything he said was right and moreover it's EXACTLY what happened with the FF7 translation project. Guy running it didn't know a lick of Japanese yet insisted he was right about everything, which is why it turned to be such a trash fire. Nobody's saying FF7 had a perfect translation but those that lambaste it with paragraphs of what it did wrong having never played the game in Japanese are part of the problem. Hell, they are the WHOLE problem.

>> No.4717265

Ok but no. It’s Aerith.

>> No.4717784

Happy Birsday!

>> No.4719021

He wanted to buttfuck it.

>> No.4719152

>Liking Woolsey butchery.

He had an easier job with the smaller script of FF6 and CT and still managed to shit upon it.

>> No.4719191


So, Aeris is Alice in Engrish? Arice?

>> No.4719794

Not as butthurt as I am that half the bestiary and arsenal DID get changed from sensible and entertaining names to literal garbage.

I don't like the Woolsey script much-- I don't care if "son of a submariner" is stays or goes but I'm about 5 to 1 in favor of his versions of item names, monster names, and spell names; that's even before you consider how changing the name ruins existing reference material for the game. (That's not counting any spelling fixes that are clearly recognizable as tweaks, such as Graedus to Gladius).

>> No.4719926

>post makes no mention of the villain
>"are you saying X, Y or Z about the villain, anon?"
Safe to say the answer to that is "no."

>> No.4719935


Anyone who calls her Aerith is literally a faggot.

>> No.4720287

I have a question about some FFVII lore. Prolonged exposure to mako turn people into monsters, or is it a mixture of mako and Jenova cells? Or do Jenova cells just turn people into a different set of monsters?
Are all monsters in FFVII-verse mako corrupted people? What connection does mako have to the lifestream, and why does it turn people into monsters?

>> No.4720460
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How to make pc version look like pic related?

>> No.4720526

>Attack while it is tail is up

>> No.4720618

If ff6 had a good translation I'd be the one raking leaves with a metal dildo

>> No.4722948

FF7 is so depressing now

>> No.4723168

The PC version honestly looks worse. The character models look all shiny and plastic, and clash even more horribly with the prerendered backgrounds. And why did they give the characters mouths that never moved?

>> No.4723245

If エアリス should be translated as "Aeris", then セフィロス should be translated as "Sephiros"

>> No.4723258

セブンスヘブン should also be "Sevens Heaven".
ス can be the equivalent of -s or -th.

>> No.4723362


this confused me so much. "off course!" couldn't have been the choice to continue...

>> No.4723370


This and the cryptic "They're coming right at us" (WHO? What?) bit before the final descent are the two bits of mistranslated gobbledygook that stood out to me when I first played the game.

As for the original question, its because, as much hate from autists as it gets, the Final Fantasy 3/6 translation was made to adapt the script into English. FF7 was a more oldschool style rush job to get it readable.

>> No.4723706

Is this still the case with the latest Steam release?

>> No.4723725

I'm saying I want to make the PC version look more like the PSX version. With that same look on the menu and those soft shadows.