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File: 837 KB, 2224x2844, Kings-Quest-7-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4711815 No.4711815 [Reply] [Original]

The King's Quest games are some of my favorite games. Which ones did you like best?
What was your favorite place in Kingdom Daventry?

>> No.4711942
File: 166 KB, 640x400, kingsquest-iii-3.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King's Quest III. First one I'd ever played, still have it on the original floppy.

>> No.4712162

Going chalk here with KQ6.

>> No.4712582

3 and 5 are my favorite, but 4 and 6 are great too. plenty of KQ discussion on a few sierra groups on FB if you're interested

>> No.4713164

Already there, bro.

>> No.4713456

Did III get a remake like I and II did? Or maybe those were fan remakes.

>> No.4713534

I thought 6 was by far the best. It was simultaneously more epic You fucking go down to the underworld and make death cry!, but at the same time I really liked hte whimsical narration you got, both in death scenes and otherwise.

Also, maybe it was me just getting more used to it (I started with the first one, played them in order), but I found there was less lunatic fringe logic in 6 than in the earlier ones, and if you got a warning about something being dangerous, it was BEFORE it killed you, not as it did so.

>> No.4713714

Yes, KQ3 has a fan remake


>> No.4713739

Looks nice from the pics on the website. Reminds me of that Silver Lining fan game that got forced to stop years back.

>> No.4713802

3 and 6 are the best ones and the only ones worth playing IMO. Prince Alexander > King Graham

>> No.4713830
File: 249 KB, 1368x1050, KQIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosella FTW! KQ6 is a close second however. I liked KQ5 the least, despite the "higher" difficulty (I'm looking at you KQ2 & 3) Cedric was just that annoying IMO. He's the Navi to your Link so to speak.

>> No.4713857

KQ3 is the most noteworthy of them, I think, at least, when you look back at the series from 2018. There is simply No Other Adventure Game Like It.

KQ6 is interesting for non-linearity and some early Jane Jensen's writing. The whole game basically revolves around one single scene and about finding the means to access it. GK1 however is by far the more rich and stylistically consistent of her works though.

>> No.4713871

>never really heard of the series until 5 came out and was fucking everywhere
>always heard people talk about 5 and 6
>6 being the best of the series, and 5 having a puzzle involving a cat and a mouse that fucked a lot of gamers
>see this thread
>everyone is praising 3
5 and 6 seem to get all the critical acclaim, what makes 3 good?

>> No.4713928

It's, uh, not as much strictly "good" as it is "peculiar". It's a high-concept game, one of a kind, not even all that much part of the series gameplay-wise.

There is a mansion with a wizard living in it. A very anal no-nonsense type one. That wizard has a slave who is almost, like, 16? 18? Meaning the protagonist. Anyway, the protagonist is not the first wizard's slave, there were others, they were disposed of once they reached 16 or 18 respectively, I think that was specifically mentioned somewhere. Anyway, you being a slave, you having ANYTHING to do with magic is a strict taboo, punishable with swift death. You also can't really run away from the mansion. Well, you can try, but that's suicidal for obvious reasons. As a slave, you need to do the chores the wizard imposes upon you. As a human being, however, you need to find the way to survive, which means disabling the wizard somehow, without wizard as much as suspecting anything until the very last moment.

I think that whole concept has something to do with Krabat, but I've only read, like, 1/3 of the book, so I don't know if it pans out similarly enough to how the game plays out.

Anyway, what I described is, like, first 3/4 of the game. Then there is last 1/4, which is, like, simple repetition of KQ 1 and 2 no one really cares about. That first 3/4 part of the game, however, is very self-consistent, extremely clear in terms of the internal logic it works upon, and even though very archaic in terms of the engine, interface and such, surprisingly effective and tense. It's a pretty great, all things considered, simulation of a hypothetical situation that could never really happen in real life EXACTLY the way it was depicted in the game (due to, well, no magic), but that still kind of manages to make an impression, that if you were really, REALLY unlucky, something more or less vaguely AKIN to it, could.

Anyway, that's my take on that game.

>> No.4713936

It's funny that King's Quest is considered Sierra's flagship adventure game franchise because as a whole it isn't very good compared to their other games. 3 and 6 are the only ones I really liked. The rest are either just ok or godawful.

>> No.4713940

>extremely clear in terms of the internal logic it works upon
Also, I cannot vouch for whether the remakes managed to preserve that clarity, of if they muddled it with inappropriately added extra content. That sort of thing is very easy to fuck up, so, well, just keep it in mind.

>> No.4714205

Is VIII still the worst one or did the recent reboot surpass it?

>> No.4714264

my general impression is that the reboot is competent but forgettable. Even if everything 'works' it lacks the OG king's quest charm and mean sense of humor.

>> No.4716154

>King's Quest is considered Sierra's flagship adventure game franchise
I always thought of Quest for Glory as their magnum opus.

>> No.4716170

That sounds really compelling. Do I need to play other games in the series to know what's going on or do they work as standalones?

>> No.4716379

Some games require knowledge of other games. Some don't.
1. It is the story of the main character of the series King Graham and his journey to become king.
2. King Graham sets out to find a queen. Doesn't require other games, just know this guy is a king.
3. Is what you read there and really all you need to know from the 1st 2 games is who the King and Queen are. Works fine by itself.
4. Now this game I think directly picks up where 3 ends and spins off from 3's ending.
5. The story is very strongly tied to the events of 3.
6. The plot of this game occurs because of an encounter from 5. You could probably play it without 5. 5 just shows how the two central characters met.
7. This game is strongly tied to 4.

>> No.4716712

The absolute state of that graphics scaling. Horrible.

>> No.4716850

>Also, maybe it was me just getting more used to it (I started with the first one, played them in order), but I found there was less lunatic fringe logic in 6 than in the earlier ones, and if you got a warning about something being dangerous, it was BEFORE it killed you, not as it did so.

Good fucking luck getting through the Labyrinth if you aren't fully prepared with all 4 necessary items, though.

>> No.4716995

It's been a long time, but I thought you didn't get thrown in immediately if you didn't have the 4 items (brick, hole, scarf, tinder and flint) on you; you got some sort of admonishment to prepare yourself before facing the labyrinth.

>> No.4717061
File: 16 KB, 320x200, 56935F7E-77DF-416A-926F-3DBEBE4B4081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this one for some reason.

>> No.4717293


This one of course.

>> No.4718450

How is Quest for Glory? It similar to the King's Quest games?

>> No.4718463

I loved I-IV. V sucked, never played the rest. My dad thought I was gay when he watched me playing IV: The Perils of Rosella. GAY

>> No.4718473

7 is the only one that I played, but I played the shit out of it when I was a kid.

>> No.4718871

Fairly similar. Instead of a straight adventure game, it's more an RPG / adventure hybrid. Also, the entire series is connected. The character you make in Quest for Glory 1 you import into 2, then into 3, etc etc. Your stats, equipment and the decisions you made carry over into the later games.

It plays very similarly to the King's Quest games, complete with Sierra's patented bullshit ways of dying and possibilities of permascrewing your save files over with bad decisions.

>> No.4718884

>permascrewing your save files over with bad decisions.
*perfectly reasonable decisions that arbitrarily put the game in an unwinnable state.

>> No.4719214

Sounds like your dad was just trying to repress his own homolust towards you, anon.

>> No.4719280

Gosh! That wood be so horrible if that was the actual truth!

>> No.4719716

>is that a dead fly on the ground?
>well, the Wizard wants me to keep this place clean, better pick it up
>>Gwydion, you've collected magical fly wing components!? Now you'll have to die for practicing magic!

>> No.4719727

This is at the start of the game and is easy to get around. This, on the other hand:

>hmm, three bowls of porridge!
>let me eat the one that's just right!

>three weeks later


>> No.4720090

>permascrewing your save files
>across multiple games
That's some next level shit.

>> No.4720184

You can't actually do that. Well, until you get to QfG5 and can't access certain one-class-only things if you have multi-class skills.

>> No.4720213
File: 44 KB, 464x304, Avoozl Awakens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem with the Quest for Glory franchise is that the fifth sort of lowered the stakes. QfG4 was the culmination of all the other games. The Dark One they'd been talking about since Shapeir that Ad Avid worked for, the secret of what became of Erana, an actual Old God that would destroy the world, etc.

Then you go to 5 as a random adventurer among other adventurers and kill a dragon pestering an island. A real step back from stopping the apocalypse in 4.

>> No.4720238
File: 53 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.1113542505_plo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you can't mix the too hot and too cold porridge to "fix" your mistake

>> No.4720245
File: 33 KB, 294x367, Space_Quest_I_-_Roger_Wilco_in_The_Sarien_Encounter_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was more of a SQ fan myself. I will say that it was worth the "corrective training" I received in basic when learning radio lingo that I finally got the "joke" behind Roger Wilco's name. Explaining to my Drill Sergeants why I was having fits of laughter over that was priceless.

>> No.4720262
File: 35 KB, 498x456, 1523256395208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is Quest for Glory? It similar to the King's Quest games?

Fucking amazing. Pretty sure it's the first adventure game with RPG elements, so building and growing your character is intensely rewarding, its Sierra fuckery is restricted just to amusing deaths and not destroying your life over reasonable early game decisions, it's funny as hell, and being able to import your character into the sequels is great.

Also the different classes get unique areas and situations, expanding replayability endlessly.

>tfw beating the game, starting a thief playthrough, and then finding out you can actually break into the buildings in the town

It's the best adventure series Sierra made and criminally underrated.

>> No.4720269

>Then you go to 5 as a random adventurer among other adventurers and kill a dragon pestering an island. A real step back from stopping the apocalypse in 4.

Going 3D killed every Sierra adventure

>> No.4720486

This. One of the first computer games I played

>> No.4720497

I got it for the Apple II in a combo pack with 1 and 2. However, my King's Quest III had a bug where if you typed any word beginning with "T", it would freeze! Looking at the manual's list of spells and their ingredients, I knew that it would be impossible to finish; luckily, we were able to get fixed disks without the bug.

>> No.4720641

>not destroying your life over reasonable early game decisions
Like going to visit Baba Yaga in the evening without having an Undead Unguent on hand.

>> No.4720863

Yeah. Happened with King's Quest VIII too. I still can't tell what they were thinking with that.

>> No.4720869

3,4 and 5 are good.
Haven't played any others in the series.
Would be nice to see a remastered version of them (done properly, not a lazy remake).

>> No.4721006

This game scared the shit out of me as a hatchling and still makes me uncomfortable to this day.

>> No.4721007

What was your reaction when all the references to IV started popping up out of the blue?

>> No.4721212

Stupid mandrake root.

>> No.4721242

I love IV and VI, but I have a soft spot for VII.

>> No.4722646


8 doesn't count just like Star Wars

>> No.4722651

TFW I used a walkthrough as a kid and thought the command for 'Turn to page X' when making the spells meant literally turning to that page in the game's manual (pages numbers usually didn't exist).

>> No.4722830
File: 293 KB, 500x240, 1398243272328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4723251


>> No.4723724
File: 7 KB, 320x256, kings_quest_iv_03_Amiga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to play the Amiga ports of the Sierra games back in the day.

Damn, Sierra did the worst ports on the whole system. They even "ported" over the butt-ugly EGA color palette, despite that the Amiga had better graphic capabilities. And the games also run like ass on the system. Pretty much every single port of the Sierra games run like molasses on the Amiga, even the Hoyle Card games.

>> No.4725137

I just remember seeing that clip of the reboot guy being rude to Roberta Williams at some event. I quickly came to the conclusion he wasn't probably going to make a worthwhile remake.

>> No.4725325

I was just wondering what they were developed on. I played the early ones on Amiga, but it occurred to me those were probably ports. Then I come to this thread and lo.

>> No.4725480

KQ1 is a great game.
KQ2 has its charm, like visiting count dracula and the bizarro world through the door.
KQ3 is a special game.
KQ4 is probably the best all round KQ game in terms of craftmenship.
KQ5 is when the introduced nice graphics and point and click, it's a decent game but very linear
KQ6 is good, non-linear, more humourous, but it has a more quirky vibe whereas the previous games were more serious. A great game but quite different from the original four games.
KQ7 very different again, ambitious but overall a let down. The writing too is a step down from KQ6, so this becomes fairly mediocre.
KQ8, this is actually a third person adventure game. I played through the whole thing, it's pretty ambitious for a PC game of its time. You could tell they didn't have the time/cash to realise what they were going for. No doubt they had many technical challenges. Not a complete waste of time, I did have fun, but nothing like th old games.

>> No.4725674
File: 22 KB, 319x286, 1510506887953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4725686
File: 45 KB, 155x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my God, even his name is gay. Literally.

>> No.4726728


>> No.4726878

VGA or EGA, /vr/? You like your text parsers?

>> No.4726917

I go back and forth. My nostalgia says EGA, but whenever I go to actually replay one of these, I always play the VGA version.

>> No.4728627

>wandering desert
>meet a dead lost soul
>cursed to forever suffer in the desert
>has spent countless years with unbearable thirst
>offer some water
>after all this time his horrible thirst can be sated
>finally see some hope and an end to suffering
>lol just kidding it's salt water
I like a game where you can just be a dick and troll characters sometimes.