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470134 No.470134 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm gonna assume that a lot of the people on this board are collectors. What are your personal rules for collecting vidya? My philosophy used to be that a collection is meant to be enjoyed, so only buy things that are directly playable or usable, like games and art books. But lately I've been straying off that path with toys and extra Japanese versions of my favorite games.

What do you think is worth collecting and what isn't? Merch, posters, demo disks, alternate editions? How do you prioritize?

How do you feel about those rich guys who pay hundreds of bucks for sealed "VGA graded" copies of games they can't even open?

>> No.470154

they are turned into action figures, which is fine by me.

i'd rather have the games i intend to play on a flashcart of some kind anyway

>> No.470153


RE: Toys

I have some cheapass mega man toys sitting on top of my TV. I think it gives the game room charm.

>> No.470210

Art books are probably about as far as I'll go when it comes to video game extras.

>> No.470197

I miss the mini posters you used to get in the boxes.
I have Trog, Metroid 2, and Final Fantasy Legend up on the wall right now.
I think the last game that had one in the standard box was Halo 3, it's all hidden away in limited editions now.

>> No.470219

I have a pretty similar philosophy to you. I mainly just collect the games, and only games I intend to play, but if I happen across some other related merch and it's not prohibitively expensive, then sure, I'll pick it up.

I want to say that I feel like people who spend exorbitant amounts on sealed games that just sit on their shelf are wasting their money, but I spend a shitload of my own on anime figures, so I guess I don't have room to talk.

>> No.470227

Don't spread myself too thin with too many different systems

Enjoy them because they are games, even if that means emulating it instead

VGA is for smart asshole sellers and retarded buyers

Art books are nice. OSTs are nice. If I had the room, I'd get a poster or two.

I'm trying to get a complete Super Nintendo/Super Famicom and Game Boy/Color library. I really enjoy my hobby and I love to share it with others.

>> No.470252

I sorta-collect Figma video game characters. I have the Nintendo trinity; Samus, Link, and Robocop. I preordered Pit a while back. I will either keep him or give him to a friend for whom I had recently bought Kid Icarus Unleashed.

To hell with slabbed bullshit. If I couldn't get it when it was brand new, I'll be damned if I give some faggot scalper the satisfaction. Same goes for games. If it's out of my comfort zone as far as the price goes, fuck it, mod chip or flash cart.

>> No.470254

>What do you think is worth collecting and what isn't?
For retro vidya, consoles/hardware and games. Preferably with manuals, but I don't care if it's boxed or not. I want games to play and hardware to play them on, not something to put on display.

For merch, I'm not really interested in anything retro vidya related. Toys/figures if they're decent but I don't seek them out or feel the need to have them.

>How do you feel about those rich guys who pay hundreds of bucks for sealed "VGA graded" copies of games they can't even open?
You actually can open them, same as you can open slabbed comics. I'd never buy them, though, because I have zero interest in an overpriced and entirely useless display piece. Games are meant to be played, not sealed in plastic to sit around and do nothing.

>> No.470256

I fucking hate the VGA bullshit. It's just some guys capitalizing on the fact that old games are trendy at the moment.

I have a good overpaying job and am an avid game collector; when I get some free time I'm planning on acquiring a bunch of sealed games, sending them to the VGA for grading/sealing, and then making a series of YouTube videos of smashing open the plastic, unboxing the games, and fucking playing them.

For anyone who doesn't know, Jay Leno is one of the most prolific car collectors in the world. He doesn't just put them away as display pieces like a lot of car collectors, he makes it a point to drive all his shit. His opinion is that cars are machines meant to be driven. If he doesn't want to drive one, he sells it.

I have the same opinion about games. They're meant to be played. Fuck turning them into untouchable museum objects.

I recently payed a pretty penny for a boxed copy of the US release of Jack Bros on the Virtual Boy. As soon as I got it, I cut the plastic off the box, pulled out the game, put it in my Virtual Boy, and played it.

>> No.470264

It depends how much I like the series. Mega Man and Metal Gear are my favorite franchises, so I buy pretty much anything related to them but I've ended up getting rid of a lot of stuff because it just takes up too much space.

I buy games that I know I like or games that I've heard are good. I try to avoid things that will only collect dust.

>> No.470279

fuck, even the ones found in game magazines were sometimes pretty decent
now theres so very few games worth owning let alone wanting a poster for one, unless you'ew one of those strictly army games only fags that seem to be the norm in new vidya unfrotunately.

>> No.470289

I'd subscribe to you.

How's Jack Bros by the way?

>> No.470298

PS1 collector here. Going for full set.

> Only collect black label games
> Only CIB shall enter my house (No broken cases or torn manuals either)
> All games are stored in cardboard boxes in my spare room
> No posters
> Certainly no action figures or any of that shit

I hate you cunts that collect for every retro console, have a room full of Sonic toys and Zelda posters, a fuck load of games without boxes on random mismatched shelving you've found on Craigslist.

Get some fucking order.

>> No.470320


It's one of the better Virtual Boy games, though that's not saying a ton. I still love the VB though simply because there's nothing else like it.

The closest thing to compare it to would be Gauntlet. For someone who just wants to play the game, the JP version can be had for a lot cheaper. It's the least common American release. I got it because it was the last game I needed to complete my collection of American VB releases. Now I just need two JP titles to completely finish.

>> No.470328

>What do you think is worth collecting and what isn't?
>Merch, posters
Low priority
>demo disks
>alternate editions?

I also collect to have fun. So if I buy an original wrapping item (I have found these several times in the past) then I open it even though it ruins the resale value. I guess if I was smart, I'd sell it for a huge price and then buy a used copy off ebay with the funds and get to pocket some of it, but oh well.

>> No.470330

Fuck that, you got it lucky. PS1 has jewel cases. The games I collect don't. I have to buy them without the boxes because I'm not paying $50 for a fucking box for Final Fantasy III/VI

>> No.470334

I like you, and I have a bit more respect for Jay Leno now.

Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine?

>> No.470345

>Only collect black label games
What if it's a game like Spyro 3 where the green label version has additional content?

>I hate you cunts that collect for every retro console,
I'd rather have all the games I actually enjoy instead of neglecting them so I can have a uniform collection of mostly mediocre shit I won't play for more than 10 minutes.

>a fuck load of games without boxes
Again I'd rather have a game I can play first, I can always save up and buy a box later

>> No.470347


>> No.470357

Gotta have at least one playable version.

>> No.470361

I don't bother with the toys and figurines. Worst are the plush things. But with that said, I'd probably collect even those if they were related to a series I really love. Like zelda.

>> No.470365

1. Only buy it if you'll play it.

2. If the price is justified, then go ahead and spend. For example, Castlevania for the NES is worth $20 according to multiple pricing cites, but no one should have to pay that much. I saw it in a retro shop and decided to treat myself since it was my birthday, and I'll definitely get more enjoyment out of it than I would of a brand new $60 game.

3. Don't pay for cardboard, there's no reason to pay more for a boxed copy when a cart by itself will bring you just as much joy.

Games are toys, not trophies.

>> No.470391

I stop at one playable version, unless I'm making a rescue effort or it's a ridiculous deal I stop at one version of anything.
Let someone else collect it, can't be greedy (unless of course it's a ridiculous deal)

Also, I don't really bother with CiB, I only bitch about manuals when it comes to jewelcases )fuck manuals as the label)
It's nice to have but I wouldn't go out of my way to get one, I'm happy with ust the cartridge and cds with a case

>> No.470408

I just like owning the physical game. If it's only a little bit more to get it boxed, I'll do it, but not of the box is expensive.

I'd never buy a mint game I'd never play, that just seems like a waste of money.

>> No.470424

OP here. I normally limit myself to games I can play. I like artbooks but it's hard to justify paying heavy pricetags for them when I could just get another video game.

For my absolute favorite franchises though I want to collect everything that's out there... books, posters and alternate editions of the same game. They're usually pretty small franchises though so it's more do-able than Mario or something.

>> No.470440

I collect high quality SNES games and I will not abide any shit on them. They have to be spotless. No stickers, no marker ink, no dirt, nothing. I am kind of a neat freak. My SNES is spotless too. None of these greasy stained ones that everyone posts pics bragging about. I also require boxes in as good shape as possible. No torn or folded cardboard, no crushed corners or wear if possible. I am willing to pay top dollar for a good game. I make most of my acquisitions at conventions and at retro stores. I also use ebay when I am forced to for rare games. Again, money doesn't really stop me from anything I want. My grandfather was rich as fuck and he left it all to me since I'm his only grand child. So I get what I want. I'm close to completing the full collection now and I think I will move on to NES games next. Sadly it can be a real pain in the ass to find those with good boxes so I may move to N64 next.

>> No.470441

What if a game has different versions across multiple consoles? Do you go for the one that is considered the best? Will you get them all or most of them if they play differently enough?

>> No.470452

Not OP, but yeas I would get them all. Different versions on different consoles often are very different. Especially if it's a franchise I like, I'm definitely interested in seeing what they did with it for different consoles.

>> No.470461
File: 73 KB, 320x240, barfing mint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> PS1 Collector
aww yes
> collecting CIB black label games just to stuff them in cardboard boxes
> no posters, no figures
> no other consoles (apparently) and scorn people who do
A fucking video game nazi if i ever saw one.

>> No.470551

I buy gaming magazines only. I just emulate the games to be honest.

>> No.470561

awesome, I've got some Zelda stuff myself.
again, awesome. Something that needs to be brought back.
>alternate versions
only if the artwork is better, or it has a major bug-fix.
>demo disks
Neat to own, but I dont go for games just because it has the box with it, unless the price difference is only ~$10 retail.
>VGA ratings
Don't do that shit, seriously. Unless you've got another copy to keep out and play from time to time, don't ever pay into that jew-scam.

>Japanese games
I started off with buying only the pre-CD Harvest moon's games CIB. But then realized that they're far cheaper, look cooler, and unless it's text-heavy, no reason to not get them instead of the US versions. I'm waiting for several packages to arrive right now.
Make friends with a Jap seller, pay a little bit more for a few of their auctions/OBO's. That way they're more willing to fetch your shopping lists or ship for cheap.

>> No.470563
File: 394 KB, 1536x1152, Chocobo!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect mostly PS1 games; i don't have a single cartridge game because my OCD prevents me from getting shit without boxes and manuals, and that's one slippery slope i can't afford.
My games MUST be black label (fuck that lime green GH shit), boxed and complete; i'll settle for less than complete if it's a VERY good deal (Rule of Rose for PS2 is going for $90 complete and i found one for $40 missing the manual, the manual simply isn't worth 50 bucks for me).

As for extra stuff, i'll grab anything that catches my eye, trying to make a shelf not only of vidya but also with extra material. Got a few Metal Gear comics, two Killer7 comics, a japanese artbook/guide for FFVII, the Dawn: Worlds of Final Fantasy artbook, both FF movies, a Yuffie figure due anytime now, and pic related. I collect FF, if it wasn't entirely obvious, but it's on the backburner now because there's just way too much stuff and way too many people with complete collections.

>> No.470592
File: 36 KB, 638x398, policenauts-pc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a purist. Games (preferably CIB), systems, accessories, and guides. Everything else is just for fun and I don't actively try and get them.

>> No.470608

Am I the only one who refuses to buy a disk game without a case and manual but doesn't really care about cardboard boxes? I'll just buy cartridge games on their own.

>> No.470620

You're the rule, rather than the exception. Key difference is that cartridge boxes are way too expensive for what they are, and cartridges look good by themselves on a shelf, unlike plain discs.

>> No.470627

That's probably what most people are like. The boxes are just too expensive and usually in bad shape anyway to bother. And cartridges are easy to store and sturdy.

>> No.470634


>> No.470643

The only reason I want to collect tons of shit, is so I can have a wall of video games. It's one of those things that looks really impressive, since video games usually cost quite a bit. Although if it's retro games, I could have a wall of floor to ceiling Genesis games and only be in about a thousand bucks, same goes for NES, Gameboy, and PSX.

Dont get me wrong, I will/do play every game I buy, but the only reason I keep most of them (aka, the shitty ones), is to take up shelve space. That and the pussy factor.
Plus, if/when I have a kid, It'll make all his friends jelly.

>> No.470681

>buying disk games without the case
I hope no one seriously does this.
>and manual
That's how I am, but I know of plenty of people who don't care as long as its a DVD style case, and not a jewel case.
>but doesn't really care about cardboard boxes?
Too easy to damage, too hard to find, and too expensive. I pick them up when I find them for cheapthough ($1-3 by itself, no more than $10 over average if complete with the game).

>> No.470752

The only exception to disks games without there cases I have is if I can get them for cheap.

>> No.471125

I have two rules for collecting and a secret third rule that goes directly with the first two.

>1) Buy low
>2) Sell high
>3) Know value

>> No.471274

>How do you feel about those rich guys who pay hundreds of bucks for sealed "VGA graded" copies of games they can't even open?

I find it funny that people are dumb enough to fall for that scam.

>> No.471279
File: 820 KB, 637x850, 20130414_104139[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, how much dis worf?
It's rarity alone makes Earfbund look like Madden 95.

>> No.471297

Is there a demand for it? Rarity don't mean shit if no one knows or wants it. There is a PS1 game that is incredibly rare but only goes for about $20 because not many people know about it so there is a lack of demand.

>> No.471312

of course, there is ALWAYS demand for DREDD!
i'll GENERATE fucking damand and force the fucking hipsters to pay 10,000 for it or i smash their eurfbund into pie.

>> No.471323

Definitely this:

I've got loads of unique gewgaws (socketed carts, mis-prints, manufacturing SNAFUs, etc), from the 8- and 16-bit era, but none of them are particularly interesting for the average person.

>> No.471319

There was a period in the late 70s when you could buy mint Action Comics #1 for about $400

>> No.471352

thats your FLAW man, you gotta MAKE them interesting to the consumer, ie; hipsters

>> No.471378
File: 87 KB, 454x627, 1353247160648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how are you gonna do that? Put DREDD VIDEO GAME RARE!!!!! VGA GRADED 84! on your ebay?

>> No.471416

If it's something I'd want to play, I get it. That's how it's always been but I'll usually pick up doubles if the price is right at, say, a thrift store or something. I do have a few random oddities such as a few old Mega Man and Sonic figures and the Final Fantasy IX figures And other assorted Freya Crescent figures and artbooks but the games themselves have always been the #1 focus.

I usually stay away from incomplete disc media but when you find Tomba with its case and back insert but missing the manual you really can't complain for $10. This was way back in 2006 when Gamestop was liquidating their PSX stock. Those were the days. Also found Mega Man Legends 2 and Tail Concerto complete and dirt cheap that time.

VGA is a heap of shit, on that subject. "Uncirculated" copies of games not even three years old going for tens of thousands of dollars is fucking ludicrous.

>> No.471743

obviously! how else will they know it's super rare and thus they MUST have it. They can't live without it and every second they do is constant pain.

>> No.471779

I refuse to buy anything in VGA boxes, even if they'd be the best option if I were to buy them for the same price without the box. I don't want to support that shit.

>> No.471857

I pick up games I want to play or for friends who may want it. The only things I buy I don't really intend to play are for adding to an existing collection. A good example is Mario Paint that I bought just to go with all my other Mario stuff. I don't seek it out but it catches my eye or interests me.

I can't stand your pic OP. That whole grading shit means nothing to me, and paying some people to get your game graded seems like a ripoff unless it's something super duper fantastically rare. Even then, does it needed graded? Seems like a huge scam to me and I'd refuse anyone who tried to sell me something in one of those boxes.

What if someone took out the game, instruction manual, and faked the grading? You just bought Earthbound Grade 95 for 300 dollars and guess what? You don't even know if the game is in there or not, you're taking their word. You just bought a 300 dollar game box.

>> No.471889

It is a scam. Hell there are some people who sent the same game to those VGA guys twice and got completely different ratings. They just slap a random number to trick gullible people into thinking they will make a ton of money off it.

>> No.471896

>They just slap a random number to trick gullible people into spending a ton of money on it.

>> No.471897
File: 396 KB, 1620x1080, muh collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only rule is that everything in my collection has to be from the wild. I refuse to ever buy anything from eBay. Pick is my collection so far.

>> No.471909

Where do people get those massive standup advertisements?

>> No.471908
File: 396 KB, 1620x1080, muh hanhelds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lied I bought that metroid poster from eBay.

>> No.471918

Get a buddy who works at a game store.

>> No.471919


I got the tomb raider one at best buy.

>> No.471925


Let's start a business that grades stand-up advertisements.

>> No.471936

You just walked in and they said "HEY YOU WANNA BUY THIS"?

>> No.471949

Usually if you ask they will just give them away. A lot of game stores will do that if they are about to throw the display out.

>> No.471953


no roomate works there. Employees get to claim the ads as they put them out and he always snags them for me.

>> No.471979
File: 67 KB, 662x672, 1350844131058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted a few to use a tacky decoration for the places in my house that need something to fill them.

Most new games I see them for are ones I don't have any interest in though. I guess I'll never have nice things.

>> No.471994

Yeah, I'd love to have one but I don't think any have even been made for any series I like that much.

>> No.472015
File: 13 KB, 416x297, 1353203414253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess I'll never have nice things.

You can have my friendship.

>> No.472036

I guess he'll never have nice things.

>> No.472040

Collecting full sets seems retarted to me.. Paying good money for so many shitty sports games and terrible shovelware titles just so you grow your e-peen by claiming you have a full set.

>> No.472050

I'm working on making reproduction boxes for my n64 games but it's kind of fucking annoying. I dont plan on selling them but i want them to fool most people into thinking they are originals

>> No.472062
File: 14 KB, 251x246, 1349730604429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.472064

I have some fuck huge soul calibur 2 ones. but they's been in my closet so long they must be degraded as fuck

>> No.472054
File: 104 KB, 900x900, 1358118183132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, no nice things, then?

Just kidding, you seem like a nice guy.

>> No.472071

I agree. I find it much more impressive to have a smaller collection of the best games from multiple consoles rather than every single game from one or two.

>> No.472095

>Good money
>For shitty sports games and terrible shovelware titles
You can often find them, CIB for like $1.

>> No.472119

Madden 2006
>Not worth it

>> No.472147

I only "collect" games I actually enjoy playing.
That's my only rule. If I find something valuable for cheap my inner jew springs to life and that funds my normal collection when I sell it.

>> No.472213

I collect mainly SNES right now, just upgraded my mildly yellow SNES to a sparklingly white one. I cleaned it with a toothbursh and everything.

As far as games I can only collect nm/mint games. I have a copy of Scooby Doo that looks like it was left in a sandbox for a decade and it pains me to keep it. It there is even a minor tear on the label I want to get rid of it.

For merch I usually only go for things that look cool, even if I am not a huge fan of the series. For instance I have a few gundams without ever having watched the anime.

Posters are meh, I prefer art deco stuff for my room.

I need a better shelf for my games though, it pains me to see them on a shitty shelf.

>> No.472253

NFL quarterback Club 98 was worth the 89 cents.

My brother and I have around 70 n64 games, and are always looking to add. we play everything we buy, even the garbage like the aforementioned title.

>> No.472282

>For merch I usually only go for things that look cool, even if I am not a huge fan of the series. For instance I have a few gundams without ever having watched the anime.
I always feel ashamed for doing this.

>> No.472309

I only collect stuff that I plan on playing.
Maybe in 100 years it will be worth collecting old vidya just for the purpose of collecting.

>> No.472370

Just watch the anime, damn
You're gonna avoid a lot of potentially awkward conversations that way
>Dude I LOVE gundam! What's you favorite series?
>Uuh i don't actually watch it I just like looking at robots

>> No.472428

rarity =/= value


Personally I'd buy it from you for $5.

>> No.472447

I remember you, you're that reseller piece of shit that had his youtube page posted.

fuck off.

>> No.472456

I don't recognize him. Care to enlighten?

>> No.472469

Me either. I'd like to hear this one. (Though it's believable, it's my experience that people who use "muh ______" in any context are generally insufferable twats.)

>> No.473059

I'd give him $15 for it... But not $20

>> No.473081

I can tell from his pic that he thinks pretty highly of his weak collection.

But this kind of hate makes me hesitate to even post my ebay auctions here even if I were parting with something choice. Mainly because I offer trade credit and my trade in values are pretty jewish.

Dudes will go crazy for a certain item their collection needs, I've found. To the point of being willing to part with items of equal value plus money.

>> No.473219

I collect for various systems, but I only really collect games that I've enjoyed in the past as a child, or games that I've played on an emulator and enjoyed.

As far as boxed/unboxed, I will collect CiB for specific games (dragon quest games) 100% of the time, everything else is more of a "well, a boxed version would be nice, but I'll just take the cart because it's so much cheaper". I will get a boxed copy if it's a good deal though, or games that I'd like to have CiB and will pay out the nose for (LttP, Lunar, ToD2, US Dragon Warrior)

As far as extra things go, I've got a few DQ things (the slime PS2 controller, a couple little figs I got in a blind box, and some other little things), but other than that I might have some a couple posters that I don't have up, or I have some display things from stores (I worked at a best buy for a while and got first dibs on everything because I worked in the warehouse and saw all the shippers before anyone else). I wouldn't mind some Nintendo related merch though.