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469839 No.469839 [Reply] [Original]

Why is sanic r such a bad game?

>> No.469845

I really liked Sonic R.

>> No.469851

Tails Doll's Curse

>> No.469852

gotta go broke

>> No.469864

Sonic r's music is shit

>> No.469880


>> No.469879


Uh, no? Sonic R had some of the best music out of the whole franchise, next to Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic CD.

>> No.469904


>> No.469923



>> No.469925

Because it was the Sonic game that began the franchise's downfall.
Sonic wasn't meant for 3D.

>> No.469919

>Gotta' go fast
>Run into wall
>No reverse
>Gotta' slowly turn around

>> No.469935

shit was crazy fun, what are you talking about.

I played it on the PC though.
Which reminds me, anyone else have that Sega Smash Pack collection? It was the shit. Comix Zone, Vectorman, Shining Force, Kid Chameleon... so much greatness on one CD. Wish I could find my copy.

>> No.469939


>Sonic wasn't meant for 3D

At least not until Sonic Colors.

>> No.469985

I use that song for like five stages in Generations. Not the shitty new version, the true blue original.

>> No.469992

headed to the point of no franchise

>> No.469996

Yeeeaaahhh boiiiiii, I had that shit. I think I also got a Sonic classics pack that had the PC version of S3&K, and a few other things. It didn't have Sonic CD, though, which was weird.

>> No.470015

I liked it MUCH better once I learned I could turn off the vocals

>> No.470017

Way too short. Having only 5 tracks is unacceptable, even for the time period.
Very unbalanced characters. Good luck winning any race with an unlockable character that isn't Super Sonic after you've unlocked Super Sonic!
Iffy controls. Turning at low speeds is especially shit.

Fix those issues and you'd have a fantastic racing game.

Sonic Colors is like 95% 2D, and what little 3D there is is usually just running a straight line down a narrow corridor, or scripted drift sequences.
Colors is incredibly weak as a 3D platformer.

>> No.470027


That's a massive exaggeration.

Sonic Colors has 2D segments, but the 3D sections are very, very good.

They're fun as hell too. Running fast in 3D feels great in that game.

>> No.470032

Is it even remotely possible for Amy or Robuttnik to win a race against Super Sonic? Or worse, Mecha Knux?

By the way, FUCK Mecha Knux's battle. You have to be fucking perfect and know every single shortcut or you're doomed.

>> No.470045

Generations proved to me that Modern Sonic is a lot of fun in 2D (more so than Classic), and controls like shit in 3D. Did he control any better in Colors?

>> No.470046

I'm not even trying to exaggerate. There's really very little 3D in the game.

>> No.470052

you can't dodge things half as easily in 3D, and if you wanna go fast, you gotta dodge.

>> No.470061

Yeah the homing attack and X boost in 2D is a lot of fun but the biggest thing that Generations finally fixed was the dramatic decrease in pitfalls and cheap enemies. Those Advance games, god, every level hovered over an abyss that was waiting juuust off screen to swallow you.

>> No.470057


You can do it plenty fine in Sonic Colors. The 3D level design is great.

>> No.470072

That and the better level design in general. Ever since Adventure, if you tried to veer off the pre-scripted path you died. In Generations missing a jump generally just meant falling down to a different route,

>> No.470073

My understand is that after you've unlocked everyone, if you pick a default character, you will only race other default characters, and if you pick an unlockable character, you will only race other unlockable characters.
Only characters like Eggrobo and Tails Doll have to deal with Super Sonic.

>> No.470074

did anyone play or like sonic 3d? i bought the game new when the megadrive was obsolete so there cant be many others who did. its not true 3d but an isometric view

>> No.470086
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>Having only 5 tracks is unacceptable, even for the time period.

That didn't seem to be an issue at the time. Daytona USA and Sega Rally on the Saturn both had 3 tracks each, right?

>> No.470094
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>Those Advance games, god, every level hovered over an abyss that was waiting juuust off screen to swallow you
That's simply not true. Not even in Sonic Advance 2, which is one of the games where people bitch about that the most.

>> No.470107

>dat reply
>dat pic
10/10 lol'd hard

>> No.470117

Not enough to do, but it's not really such a bad game.

>> No.470113

No, Advance 2's criticism is

>> No.470120

I LOVED 3D Blast. I had it fro Genesis and Saturn.
I thought it was a great way to incorporate Flicky gameplay into a Sonic game and the soundtracks were both great.

>> No.470128

What's funny? Most levels are like the image I posted, and have only 1 or 2 pits in them at most, and you'll usually only have to deal with them if you play poorly and end up on the lower path.
Generations has about as many bottomless pits. Maybe even a little more.

There is no boost in Sonic Advance 2.
You're thinking of Sonic Rush, maybe? Now THAT'S a game with bottomless pits everywhere.

>> No.470136

That level is the epitome of frustration. Not since Sonic & Knuckles have I felt that rage.

>> No.470148


Snaci games always have the best music

>> No.470157

...What, the level I posted?
What was frustrating about it?

What was frustrating in Sonic & Knuckles?

What are you talking about?

>> No.470169
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>what if SunSoft made a Sanic game

>> No.470189

People liked the singing non-ironically?

>> No.470183

Sonic Advance 2 had those boost pads all over the fucking place

>> No.470208
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good times

>> No.470198

Boring, badly designed levels, unbalanced characters, extremely short, little replay value, godawful music (As reminiscent as it is, it just makes my ears bleed and isn't at all appropriate for a racing game), trying to compete with Mario Kart 64, one of two Sonic titles on the Saturn.

tl;dr, it's only decent and will hardly last you for a few hours.

>> No.470234

The music was good, it just didn't fit the game. The lyrics were pretty stupid, but Super Sonic Racing worked pretty well for a race.

I like that song, at least. But yes, I am left wondering who in the spinning blue fuck decided to use R&B for the soundtrack to a Sonic game.

>> No.470245

Also spikes. Those GBA Sonic games would have spikes in the most retarded and unintuitive places. Speed boosters that would shoot you into an unavoidable enemy and/or spikes... UGH

>> No.470259
File: 214 KB, 4648x754, sv2z62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to dispute this, but I will say that Sonic Rush had more boost pads, and the ability to boost, yet is more highly regarded.
And no one seems to complain about the boost pads in Chemical Plant. In fact, Chemical Plant is probably the most popular Sonic level.
It all seems a bit silly to me.

>implying Sonic Advance 2 doesn't have about as many branching paths as the classics

Sometimes I'd swear no one has actually played Sonic Advance 2.

>> No.470301

Dude, holding right and beasting most SAdv2 acts is well known and look at that fucking map! Look at the size of the pits! and missing your footing after a stupid boost pad has shot you into the void is common. It was poor level design since the controls weren't snappy enough to accommodate

>> No.470303

>sonic's shoes got metal plating
Why didn't I ever notice this before?

>> No.470326

I did, but I just thought it was like the bottom of regular sneakers. I didn't know it was supposed to be metal.

Wouldn't that slow him down considerably?

>> No.470339

This specifically is why I love generations.

They finally found a way to implement the old multiple pathways style into sonic in 3d without it being just a single crappy track on top of another but seperate. Generations feels like sonic 2 in 3d.

>> No.470348

I don't know how you didn't Soap Shoes were plastered all over the place in Adventure 2.
But even the Sonic CD art showed him with soles on the bottoms of his shoes.

>> No.470359

Except for all those shitty levels. Like "ha ha fuck you fire jet out of the floor that you had no way of knowing was there" Crisis City Act 1, or "did you want to go fast and have fun oh sorry here's a million swinging axes and that fucking clock bullshit at the end" Rooftop Run Act 1, or the entirety of Planet Wisp.

>> No.470380

Yeah true, there always were those really dickish levels later on.

First few handfuls of levels got it right though.

>> No.470390

I can't remember a level I've enjoyed less than Planet Wisp. The jungle part at the very beginning is ok but that fucking mining facility just. Not fun. At all.

>> No.470384
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>> No.470396

>holding right and beasting most SAdv2 acts is well known
It's really more like a shitty meme without anything to back it up.

>Look at the size of the pits!
None of those pits are a threat on anything but the absolute lowest path, and most of them you'd actually have to make an effort to fuck up and fall into, and this is the second to last Zone in the game.

>missing your footing after a stupid boost pad has shot you into the void is common
If you actually looked, you'd see there isn't any point in the level where anything like that happens. Crossing the pits without dying is more or less automatic.

>It was poor level design since the controls weren't snappy enough to accommodate
What are you even trying to say?
The controls are perfectly responsive.

You can dislike the fact that there's bottomless pits AT ALL. I certainly do. But please stop with these lies.

>> No.470394

With enemies at the end of all the rails

>> No.470398


>> No.470409

It has only five levels. I mean what the fuck?

>> No.470407

Lies? Was Adv2 your first game or something? It's not a meme its a fact that anyone who played it instantly learned.

>> No.470417

It is not a fact, no.

>> No.470415

Traveller's tales.
They did good games, but sanic wasn't their cup of tea, and sonic team was working on adventure 1.

>> No.470427

I don't understand why so much hate about Sonic R. OK, it's not a perfect game and have some camera/level desing issues but at least it's quite entertaining and not an abomination like Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedhehog 2006 that only autistic kids like. And I'd prefer a new Sonic R over a Sonic airboard/cart game, it's more original and fits perfect to the Sonic's style.

>> No.470429

Sonic Team was busy with political in-fighting and shitting themselves over Sega almost going bankrupt.

>> No.470436

Agreed. the music was balls retarded but it wasn't a bad game, just kinda...lackluster

>> No.470449

If you were retarded, maybe. Stop expecting to BOOST BOOST BOOST TO WIN everywhere and actually do some platforming.

>> No.470469

It's not even bad. Probably better than the Genesis games in my opinion

Not platforming =/= "bad".

>> No.470473

>an abomination like Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedhehog 2006
Hey, ShtH was fun and fairly well-designed. It's just that it had a ridiculous story and it followed the worst character in the Sonic universe short of Charmy or Marine. The levels were pretty good, and the music was cool.

>complains that the level is too long
>tell him to stop boosting, thereby moving slower

Planet Wisp was shit, everybody knows it was shit, get over it. It's retardedly long and boring, even if you're taking the best path all the time, and don't even get me started on Act 1.

>> No.470478

Sonic r was part of a project to relaunch sanic as sega mascot, being precisely step 2.
Step 1 was sonic jam, that showed off sanic in a 3d green hill. Step 3 was indeed adventure 1, but the saturn failure was a good reason to move the project on a new, more capable hardware. I don't know if they were shitting themselves, but before adventure launch they did some travelling around the world.
There are some photos of them going to a location they used after for the jungle and pyramid areas.

>> No.470491

What are you talking about? Sonic was Sega's mascot the second the first game shipped in '91.

>> No.470501


Screw you OP, this game, and it's music, is fucking awesome.

>> No.470521

Planet Wisp is only long if you keep brainless try to go stupidly fast, in which case the level fucks you over. If you take your time and use your brain for once, you will get through quickly. Yeah it took me 9 minutes my first try too, but I can't see how anyone with a functioning brain can't get either act in under 6 minutes. If you think that's long then fuck off, because you're probably the kind of idiot who times over on Sandopolis Act 2.

>> No.470525

*keep brainlessly trying to

>> No.470534

Yes, Yuji Naka and his guys travels and took location photos but that had nothing to do with making Sonic a mascot. He already was. By the time Sonic 3 rolled around he was already more popular than Mickey Mouse.
Sonic Team was split up and the Sega Technical Institute was responsible for most of Sonic2 and for S3&K in the US.
Sega of America had all kinds of fallouts with the Jap divisions, especially after the Sonic X-Treme bullshit which led to the split of STI for good.
Sonic Adventure was a desperate gamble for a fallen mascot/company.

>> No.470549

>6 minutes isn't too long for a Sonic level

Kill you'reself. You probably liked Metropolis, too.

>> No.470553

>6 minutes is too long for a level
You are the worst kind of Sonic "fan".

>> No.470580

So you admit you liked Metropolis. Opinion invalidated, good day.

>> No.470612

>hurr boost2win 30 second speeeedrun every level
I remember when Sonic games weren't shit.

>> No.470614

I can't agree with this at all. Shadow the Hedgehog was a mess.
The good and evil objectives for levels where you had to kill/find all 30 [things] in a level sucked.
The indoor maze-like levels with horrible camera issues sucked.
The gunplay was shit because guns are only fun if you actually get to aim and shoot them. Mashing a button to have Shadow use his auto-aim to shoot anything in a massive cone in front of him sucked.
The controls were kind of slippery, and so, sucked.
Having to play the game at least 10 times through to beat it sucked.
The vehicle sections sucked.
And so on.

The problem with both versions of Planet Wisp is that neither is fun in the slightest.
If the level was 6 minutes of inspired and enjoyable platforming there wouldn't be an issue, but it's 6 minutes of forced and poorly implemented Wisp gimmicks and slow, sub-standard platforming.

Metropolis was cool except for those fucking Slicers and Shellcrackers and it being 3 acts long.

>> No.470616

Isn't weird that Sonic is the "fast" one yet gets 10min for a stage whereas Mario only gets, what 5?

>> No.470623

No. Sonic has longer levels. Nothing weird about that.

>> No.470646
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So how fast is Sonic?

>> No.470674


>> No.470739
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It still surprises me how much they fucked up with the Sonic X-Treme development. But even more fucked-up were all these faggots who started a war against Assemblergames for an overpriced half-finished game they haven't paid a cent for it. No wonder why the Sonic fandom is the most embarassing videogame fandom.

>> No.471179
File: 65 KB, 500x761, Orange Sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playstation Sanic was much better in 3D

>> No.471196


Shitty controls
No depth

>> No.471192

come on OP can you really dissCAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE

>> No.471205

Shadow the Hedgehog was a fairly decent game.

It just wasn't a Sonic game.

>> No.471221

None of my complaints with the game have anything to do with it not being like other Sonic games.

>> No.471253

>Going fast
>Shitty forced-feels
>Being a hedgehog
Point me towards the bad, I can't seem to find it.

>> No.471338
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That shit was worse than 06. Atleast Sonic 06 was hilariously bad and all you had to do was beat the level, Shadow had those fucking missions and you controlled like you were on fucking ice.

And screw Lost Impact

>> No.471341

I pointed out my problems with the gameplay here: >>470614

What I'm saying is NOTHING I've listed has anything to do with Shadow being different than other Sonic games, so saying "Shadow the Hedgehog was a fairly decent game. It just wasn't a Sonic game," in response is pretty meaningless.

>> No.471358
File: 101 KB, 800x600, Shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But look at him, he's so edgy.

>> No.471353

Not really. Even on its own it was a sloppy slipshod POS

>> No.471375

Yeah, because the Sonic series is on such a higher tier than other games.

It's a shit game and it's not a Sonic game.

>> No.471392


>> No.471408

Fuck him. He's the fucking cause of that dark age and that retarded fanbase. No, they can't keep him dead, let's bring him back and put him in mediocre to bad games, fuck up his character development and turn him into a bitching brooding emo guy.

Sorry, it's just that if he never won that vote for most popular character, we could have gotten a Dr. Eggman game.

>> No.471428

That doesn't count, you don't even play as Robotnik.

>> No.471424


>> No.471426
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>> No.471439

That wasn't a puzzle game. But that game was fun as shit but it was hard as shit. Wasn't there a SNES version of this game

>> No.471445 [DELETED] 
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>>Sorry, it's just that if he never won that vote for most popular character, we could have gotten a Dr. Eggman game.

>> No.471446


>> No.471464

I regret following that link. Why would you post something like that. You are a bad person.

>> No.471480

What do you mean?

>> No.471505

It's just Puyo Puyo Pop with a shitty Sega of America skin.
the SNES version was Kirby themed

>> No.471553

Sonic R sucked dick for two reasons: one, most of the characters were completely pointless, since everyone since Sonic/Super Sonic was slow as shit; two, unlocking Super Sonic was a fucking bitch and a half, since you basically needed to have the entire fucking course memorized and then flawlessly execute a run through it in order to get the emerald and finish in first. It was a nightmare, and your reward was a character that simply could not lose any race, even if you tried.

>> No.471626

I like it, I´m dead serious, I liked that game, played like 50 times, though it was short, it felt good to discover the secret ending by yourself

>> No.471714

His characterization has gotten a lot better ever since after his game. He really isn't brooding or emo anymore, he's just a serious secret agent, or as serious as an artificially created sentient cartoon hedgehog can be.

Of course, the only main series games he's appeared in since Shadow were 06 and Generations so it's not like he's had bunch of a spotlight.

>> No.471759

Its ok. I legit love Chaotix and saved my allowance to buy my copy.
$60, and that's 1995 dollars!

>> No.471803

Because the soundtrack was so awesome it made everything else in the game worse in comparison.


>> No.471816

He Personality wasn''t too bad in Adventure 2, Heroes and onwards was when he started getting all edgy.

He should havve stayed dead though. Kinda ruined the ending

>> No.471829

So is the love for the soundtrack ironic, or do people actually like really cheesy, ultra 90s ballads about mammals running?

>> No.471842

I concede that it probably wasn't the best idea for a Sonic racing game, but cheesy ultra 90s ballads are awesome. Plus she's a legitimately talented singer.

>> No.471862

>not loving cheesy ultra 90s ballads

Do you even SEGA?


>> No.471882

I can't even tell. I remember being embarrassed as hell when I booted it up that first time and that mediocre singing started. It wasn't even funny singing like RROOOLLING STAAAAART
It was just lame ass dentist office music.

>> No.471905

It's weird that id had a Metal SOnic AND a Metal Knuckles, but all Tails got was a doll version fo him

"Muwahahaha" Not only have I rebuilt Metal Sonic, but now I have made a Metal Knuckles too!"

"Um, what about tails?"

"Shit! Get me a stuffed animal and a tripod and I'll work something out"

>> No.471929

I'm a little older than I care to admit and I can say that, at least for me and my group, that shit was not cool back then. I think a lot of people look at it like "ha ha this old game has cheesy music how fun" but when it was new? Nah, man.

>> No.471938
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Tails Doll was creepy as hell though

>> No.471956

Japan was still into cheesy ultra 90s ballads and lighter pop music, which is why we got Sonic R and the Japanese Sonic CD soundtrack. Then they decided to try to appeal to America more and we got Crush 40.

I'll leave it to you to decide which is worse.

>> No.471967

The cheesy rock was still less cheesy than the cheesy R&B. But I stand by both. Live and Learn was a legitimately good song.

>> No.471982

Why in God's holy name did you remind me of this? I won't sleep for weeks.

>> No.471993

Sonic R is a British game...and the US Sonic CD soundtrack is far more mellow...you are wrong about everything you said

>> No.472017

Both are guilty pleasures and you know it.

>> No.472045

Am I the only one who enjoyed Sonic Adventure? I liked the free-roam feel it gave when you were in the City and Mystic ruins.

>> No.472039

Not for me. When I got home with my new Dreamcast me and my buddy spent more time laughing at the shitty character themes than we did playing the damn game. The music only got worse from that game on, at least THEME wise.
Cock rock was lame the first time around and it certainly wasn't worth listening to when by a no-name band like Crush 40

>> No.472051
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3D Sonic had so much squandered potential. Adventure 1+2 levels actually did have quite a few branching pathways (Final Rush in A2 would be the best example). All they needed to do was tighten up the controls.

Colors and Generations tried to go back to this to some extent, but it still doesn't feel the same.

>> No.472063

A lot of people did.

I didn't and think both Adventure games are awful.

>> No.472060
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H-Hey guys, i'm 3D too...

>> No.472075
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Japanese Sonic CD's soundtrack was amazing. It felt lively and had a recurring motif based on what time you traveled in and the future outcome. Now that's a good way of incorporating music into a game.

Fuck Spencer Nielson.
Sonic R's soundtrack kicked ass and is a guilty pleasure. Diamond in the Sky made me felt things I haven't felt in a while.

>> No.472079

I liked them, but they both aged horribly in my opinion.

>> No.472069

You do realize Crush 40 was started by Sega employees who had worked on Sonic games before for the express purpose of making music for Sega, right?

>> No.472091

Yes, you are literally the only person who enjoyed Sonic Adventure, which is why they made two sequels and there's constant fan begging for a third.

I-Idiot! It's not like ur a faget or anything!

>> No.472092

>but it still doesn't feel the same.
That's the point. they made it better. Using a level comprised entirely of grind rails an a good example is a horrible thing to do

>> No.472110

Hey, don't talk shit about Final Rush. That level was the shit. Fast, hard, lots of branching paths, it was awesome. The only other Adventure level that came close was Speed Highway as Tails.

>> No.472116

I actually like the US sountrack better in most cases. The past music being so radically different in motif from the other times was a real treat. The whole level morphed, music, colors, scenery.
Now I try to use the Jap soundtrack and it's all too homogeneous for me.

>> No.472126

Final rush was only good because you could skip half of it and make it end sooner.

>> No.472130

>you will never play an official Sonic game with models like these

A-At least I still have SRB2 with models.

>> No.472158

Because it wasn't... good. The level design was sloppy and barely finished, the controls were wonky and the characters were unbalanced.

I hope you people know that your god-awful opinion is the minority.

>> No.472151

Can't you feel the sunshine ma/vr/ick?

>> No.472168

... no it isn't, but I still don't agree with it.

>> No.472185

Isn't it? I was under the impression that the music, like most Sonic games, was fairly liked.

>> No.472191

I just hate the original soundtrack. I guess its because I grew up with the US versions, ech. Most of it is such generic techno or has stupid soundeffects in it while the US soundtrack has actual musical structure.

>> No.472225

No, Sonic R's music is consider absurdly hilarious by most people. It's not good music in any regard and certainly not in a fucking racing game.
BUT its mainly the lyrics that ruin it. They are so lame and trite and just corny.

>> No.472239

I got Sega Smash Pack 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD (not sure if I can find that disc). If this thread is around tomorrow and anyone is interested I'll see about where I can upload an iso of it.

>> No.472243

The PC versions, just to make that clear.

>> No.472249

A level made almost entirely of rails is only a bad idea now that grinding has been ridiculously over-simplified.

Back then you had to balance and shit, and you could go faster but risked slowing down dramatically if you fucked up balancing, and getting onto a rail was entirely manual, and you could jump at the end of a rail to do a trick to get points (which was important in SA2) and jump further than normal, and there was actual physics and shit.

Now, you just press A while in the air to get on a rail, and move the control stick left or right to switch rails, and... well, that's it.
The only thing Sonic Team can think to do with rails anymore is "OH NO, THE RAIL YOU ARE ON HAS AN OBSTACLE!! QUICK!!! SWITCH RAILS!!!"
It's kind of sad.

>> No.472252

Considering the usual look of Sonic before 1994, it fits very well. It used sampling and had a variety of instruments. The US version was just there to fill space. Save for a few songs, I could never get into the US soundtrack. When I listened to the JP soundtrack, I was hooked and it made sense when I found myself jamming to the past themes which couldn't be changed. Again, fuck Spencer Nielson.

>> No.472265

Huh. The more you know, I guess. I honestly don't see the hate for it. I thought it was pretty good.

That said, I also like MGR's soundtrack, which was equally cheesy, so, I dunno.

Honestly, I do like the US's soundtrack more, but the JP one isn't bad.

>> No.472256

I've got that, the S&K collection and Sonic CD PC

nothing special about them as far as ports goes. Except for S3&K having midi of the music...

>> No.472296

It wasn't there to fill space. The music was multilayered and well composed as opposed to the lame UMPH-TSS-UMPH-TSS-UMPH-TSS of the original. Collision Chaos is the only music that I'll side with the original on.

>> No.472338

So much this. Grinding was fucking fun back in SA2.

>> No.472384

Sonic music isn't supposed to be composed. What kind of music do you expect from a game starring a fast hedgehog? Sure as hell not this:




And even the ones that don't fit the description feel more ambient and fit with the level. Seriously, I have no idea why Nielson felt the need to shit up the US version with his composition.

>> No.472389

>BUT its mainly the lyrics that ruin it. They are so lame and trite and just corny.

who gives a fuck about lyrics? it's pure 90s dance music in a sonic game

>> No.472391
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>hating that detroit techno sound of the Japanese soundtrack

>> No.472395

Except Sonic games were never about "speed, whoa"
>Sonic music isn't supposed to be composed
Oh, so you're retarded. Sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.472401

>Except Sonic games were never about "speed, whoa"

That was kind of their main hook for the entire franchise.

>> No.472405

>Most of it is such generic techno or has stupid soundeffects in it while the US soundtrack has actual musical structure.

Fuck you, tidal tempest is amazing

the USA soundtrack sounds like something from a shitty licensed game

>> No.472406

>90s dance
No its not. It's easy listn'n nonsene
It's just J-pop and anyone that says J-pop ISN'T bad is an invalid.

>> No.472416

No, it was a character trait that they displayed one or twice per level. Going FAST WHOA was a good way to never beat a single act.

>> No.472439

Detroit techno with goofy Engrish and children clapping...

>> No.472445

How is it J-pop?

>> No.472449

Oh good, it's THIS argument again.

Why even waste your time? I've seen this retardulous USA vs. JP Sonic CD soundtrack argument a thousand times here, and do you think it every has a concrete ending? One guy posts some music from the US soundtrack and says he likes it, another does the same for the other soundtrack, they both throw around nonsensical criticisms like "Sonic music isn't supposed to be composed" and "the USA soundtrack sounds like something from a shitty licensed game", and this continues until the thread dies.

Just do yourself a favor and don't even bother with this ridiculous debate. You are both wasting your time.

>> No.472462

I'd like to point out that both those sample arguments are from the pre-Jap side.


>> No.472467

>No its not. It's easy listn'n nonsene

its eurodance, shut the fuck up

easy listening is basically smooth jazz/'elevator music'

>> No.472480


u suck jon

>> No.472486

Controls are shit.

Although, I kind of like Sonic Blast today.

>> No.472496


>> No.472489

Yeah, this argument is literally like apples vs. oranges. Kinda retarded really.

You know a Sonic game you've probably never played? Sonic Blast for the Game Gear. That shit was awful. I don't think they ever even bothered putting it in SADX/SGC.

>> No.472491

It's porno music with childish lyrics sang by the most "meh" singer ever

>> No.472508

>You know a Sonic game you've probably never played? Sonic Blast for the Game Gear.

Oh I've played that anon.

i really wish I hadn't.

>> No.472516

You realize the past tracks in the U.S. version were the same past tracks in the Japanese and European version, right? They're radically different because they were never changed with the rest of the soundtrack.

>> No.472519

It's obvious you're nostalgic and biased towards the American soundtrack. If you like boring music, fine. Meanwhile, the Japanese soundtrack actually tried to liven things up and managed to sound more American than the American soundtrack.

>> No.472526

I feel like it was a fun game, but would have been better as a game not with Sonic. Knuckles 3D Blast, anyone?

>> No.472529
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>more American
Motherfucker please. Just cease this infernal debate so we can get back to real matters.

Like why in the FUCK they ever decided to make the game Sonic Labyrinth.

>> No.472553

Yes I realize that. I'm saying that's one of the reasons I liked the Us soundtrack and way the Jap is too same-ish.
I just like good music. Most of the Jap soundtrack has horrid Japanese rap, children cheering and other bullshit. Saying it tried to living thing sup just make you sound like you have ADD or something

>> No.472569

>the Japanese soundtrack actually tried to ... sound more American

Dude that shit is so cheesy and Japanese it hurts. The US music establishes mood and actually fits with the Genesis games stylistically.

>> No.472564

>Most of the Jap soundtrack has horrid Japanese rap, children cheering and other bullshit.

thats like 2 songs

listen to tidal tempest, wacky workbench, quartz quadrant. there's none of that shit. hell, the kids cheering happens ONCE in palmtree panic and the 'rap' is mixed pretty low (and only appears in the boss theme and the bad future of metallic madness)

i think both OSTs are fine but your reasons for disliking the japanese one don't make much sense.

>> No.472578

mecha knuckles was badass

>> No.472582

Seriously guys.
How is not much closer to detroit techno?

>> No.472584

Stardust Speedway also has stupid rapping or chanting or something.
Wacky Workbench US is so much better it hurts. Ugh..

>> No.472587


>I think the American OST fits better!
>Fuck you, I think the Japanese OST is superior!
>The US soundtrack is OBJECTIVELY better!
>Well fuck your shit nigger, you have shit taste!


>> No.472593

The 'Japanese' rapping was more than likely sampled from acutal western songs(My mistake on the American mention). The vocals that weren't sound nothing like Japanese. Again, I think you're biased.

>> No.472595

What does that even mean?

>> No.472591

Because nobody likes that New Jack City shit

>> No.472607

>Stardust Speedway also has stupid rapping or chanting or something.

you mean the HYER HYER thing?

>> No.472615

>Again, I think you're biased.
How can one think that something is better if biased isn't involved?
It usually comes down to which one was heard first.

>> No.472627

And that damn siren noise. FUCK that track was a mess.

>> No.472646


When Sonic started to look like a unlikeable douchebag.

>> No.472648

Are the same people defending the Sonic R music also saying the Jap/Eu SonicCD music is better for being more techno?

Cuz, wow, that's some quirky ass musical taste. Not a BAD thing I guess that I can't stomach that much kitche.

>> No.472653

>There are people in this world who don't like Takenobu Mitsuyoshi's rambling in Stardust Speedway.

Do you people even fry sky high, go away-hay, or see brue skies?

>> No.472664

Shadow the Hedgehog was somewhat playable, Sonic 06 was just a unplayable mess like Superman 64.

>> No.472661

This is the best song of the entire series, though.

>> No.472668

NO, thank god.I was never weeaboo enough to like that kind of thing.

>> No.472679

NOPE. The Past mix is better and far less ear raping

>> No.472683

I heard the American soundtrack first. I tried to get into it. I couldn't.

Well to each his own.

>> No.472691

I had a lot more fun than I probably should have had with this game. I used to play it all the time with my brother. Super Sonic was OP as shit though. No one could rival him except maybe Metal Knuckles on a good day. And then no other character came close to them.

>> No.472704

We're done here, folks. This guy is biased as hell.

Back to the original thread, Sonic R was a poor game and anyone who had to pick it over DKR, CTR and MK64 deserves sympathy. Good music, bad game.

>> No.472710

I did, But i was like 12 at the time.

>> No.472712

And yet I clocked the Sonic campaign and beat the other two, enjoying it quite a lot.

>> No.472724

I raise you a Jungle Joyride Night.

Although Planet Wisp Act 2 is probably on the same level.

>> No.472726


>> No.472746

You keep saying biased. OF COURSE I am. That's why I pick one over the other. Why even point out such an obvious fact?
The Engrish isn't cute or endearing. Why else would anyone think otherwise unless because "OoH it's Japanese and therefore neat"?
The US so better crafted in every way. Sonic games were about exploration over speed ESPECIALLY SonicCD and the Us music matched that vibe far better than generic dance music ever could.

>> No.472775


yeah i played this with my friends a lot. because of the nostalgia tied to it, i can't hate sonic R completely, but i played it recently and it is a pretty damn bad game especially compared to the title it was trying to ape (mario kart 64)

>> No.472774

As long as you admit to it. Now can we drop it?

>> No.472803

I can't argue with Jungle Joyride Night. I'm usually the guy posting that song, actually.

Every piece of music in Sonic Colors is amazing. It's definitely one of the best Sonic soundtracks there have ever been.
Hopefully the next game sounds at least that good.

>> No.472823

Any news on the next Sanic, by the way? I remember something about them rebooting the series in like 2014, but nothing since then.

>> No.472836

That's not what I wanted.

>> No.472834

>Any news on the next Sanic, by the way? I remember something about them rebooting the series in like 2014

is there any need to? they already reduced the main cast back to sonic, tails and robotnik 'just like everyone wanted' it'd accomplish about as much as rebooting mario.

>> No.472846

>just like everyone wanted
I don't think there's anybody who wouldn't like to play as Tails or Knuckles as well. I'm not asking for a full cast including Marine the Furry or whatever the fuck, but at least bring it back to a manageable three characters. Maybe they could each have slightly different control styles, different available paths, unique bosses. Shit would be cool.

>> No.472858


oh yeah i'm with you guys here, that's why i phrased it like a quote

>> No.472863


Much like how all Nintendo has to do is refine Starfox 64 and then BAM amazing new star fox game, all sega has to do is keep tweaking the generations/colors formula and then start adding the new characters back into the mix. anybody who adds enough variety is welcome. i'd even accept shadow if they could do something interesting with him.

>> No.472921

I played all the others and still enjoyed this game. Sure it wasn't as good but it still wasn't all that bad

>> No.473001

>and then start adding the new characters
Oh shit nigger WHAT?
Speed, flight and flight, thats all you need. S3&K knew that

>> No.473046

The most memorable? Sure. The best? Hell no, that music was awful.



>> No.473053

Unbalanced characters is right.

>Good job unlocking Super Sonic! Enjoy playing him exclusively from now on or getting your ass kicked by the Super Sonic CPU.

>> No.473102

Sonic R is an A+++ album masquerading as a video game

gets me all frilly.

>> No.473162
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If only this game was developed by AM2...
Fuck Traveler's Tales

>> No.473227


but what about AM3??

They made that gorgeous Sonic game for arcades. It's like everything you could want out of Sonic cosmetically but with really shallow gameplay.

>> No.474164

Implying that the edgy, wanabee cool rock songs for most Sonic games from Sonic Adventure and later are better.

>> No.474297

Knuckles wasn't "fight", he was "dude who could wall-crawl and glide". Tails already flew, Knuckles didn't really add much besides wall-crawling and wouldn't have been worth an extra playthrough if they didn't make areas exclusively for him.