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4694546 No.4694546 [Reply] [Original]

Service Games had a really rich and enviable range of IP's.
How could they fuck up so much by only making sonics and neglecting everything else?

>> No.4694551

Yakuza series is superior to all that lame, boring, outdated shit.

>> No.4694556

easy because even at it's worst sonic still sells more than 90% of everything there

>> No.4694575

>t. Dipshit weeb

>> No.4694676

>Why did they neglect game series that was a financial flop?

>> No.4695002

Wrong. Bayonetta is a cash cow for Sega too.

>> No.4695008


It's not even just Sega. Capcom, Konami, even Square are pretty content to not actually DO anything. We entered a nightmare future where development costs have made it too expensive for game makers to MAKE games

>> No.4695016

>cash cow
The first one made it to 1.35 million sales 1 year after release which is nice but they said was below expectations
Second one apparently did so poorly they never even commented on it or released data for it
I doubt they consider it a top-tier franchise or even a priority. Comparing it to Sonic is like comparing Zone of the Enders to Metal Gear Solid or something

>> No.4695024
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>How could they fuck up so much by only making sonics and neglecting everything else?
Because non of those franchises sell near as mush as Sonic, even back in the day the biggest seller besides Sonic was Sakura Taisen that sold a total of 4.5 million units as a whole, heck even Phantasy Star Online 2 isn't that big of a deal, Sega had original and fun games in their home consoles but none of them where a commercial success or managed to get attached to people besides hardcore fans as much as their arcade games and even so we don't see any arcade IP of them any more.

>> No.4695029

Also, some fag in 2Chan was saying the other day that Sega had plans for a Virtua Fighter but it was canceled after seeing how bad SF5 and MVCI where received

>> No.4695035

>after seeing how bad SF5 and MVCI where received

But that's because they where horrible anti consumer pieces of shit

>> No.4695051

If the rumor was true, then Sega planned to be anti consumer pieces of shit themselves.

>> No.4695065

Hellblade has shown you can make a high-end game without going crazy on it. Nips are just stubborn traditionalists who are slow to change and adapt.

>> No.4695073

The only high-end thing about Hellblade are the graphics/art direction
It's literally a walking simulator with "press button to win" combat
I'd rather they keep blowing budgets on things that resemble actual games or just let the IPs stay dead than doom them to that fate

>> No.4695092

And I’m glad they have such a great legacy.

>> No.4695115

The last gen was generally shit for SEGA. SEGA used to release many games during the sixth gen - Toejam and Earl 3, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Altered Beast, Space Channel 5, OutRun 2, House of the Dead III, Gunvalkyrie, Jet Set Radio Future.

However, things are changing. Last year we got Sonic Mania, Yakuza 0, Puyo Puyo vs Tetris and others outside of SEGA like Wonder Boy Dragon's Trap and Night Trap 20th Year Anniversary. Maybe this generation will redeem SEGA like so many other companies have experienced.

>> No.4695120

If SEGA is short for Service Games...
Does it means the actual correct way to pronounce SEGA is "SAH-GAY"?

>> No.4695378

>it took a deal between platinum & nintendo for them to make a sequel
>a cash cow

the only other IP sega has that probably does as well or better than sonic is the persona games

>> No.4695386

well we are getting a new virtual on, a new house of the dead and a new bayonetta so that's something.

>> No.4696097

No, because you pronounce it like a japanese would do.

>> No.4696101


>> No.4696157

But SEGA didn't start as a Jap company...

>> No.4696214

Got its idea from Shenmue tho.

>> No.4697267


They where Hawaiian, that's almost close enough

>> No.4697327

I believe it's better to SEGA to just create new IPs, like he did almost constanly in his golden days. We all now the're are not going to live to the expectations of new sequels for Golden Axe, Shinobi or Streets of Rage. The magic it's not there anymore. Also Ninjas, F-14s or barbarians are not cool anymore nowadays.

What they have to go back it's to capture the spirit of that era: optimism, experimentation, cool concepts, memorable characters, freshness, etc, and then, maybe if they have some good ideas, bring back some old IP.

>> No.4697353

>They we're Hawaiian
No shit? Learn something new everyday.

>> No.4697431

A japanese firm bought a hawaiian arcade company that distributed coin game cabinets to the US Navy established in the Pearl Harbor.
That's how SEGA was made.

>> No.4697469

Aren't Sega aware of how good DBFZ is going?

>> No.4697524
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DBFZ sold because the brand is popular all over the world, Virtua Fighter was overshadowed by Tekken when Tekken was released in 1995(?), even in Japan now days VF is not popular.

>> No.4697532

>Sold on brand name
>80% drop in playerbase after two weeks when normalfags realized they were tricked into buying a genre they hate
Fighting games are a dead genre.

>> No.4698156


It's not that the genre is dead it's just that FGC faggots who talk the most hype aren't the big fish they think they are, so when people buy the game to play either alone or with ACTUAL poeple they know instead of being BADASS INTERNET WARRIORS they start blaming everyone else. Look at what happened to SF5. Game is rushed out for Tourney fags and it fails miserably, but despite the game being an anti consumer peace of shit they still treat it like the second coming because they can't get Capcom's dick out of their mouth

>> No.4698957

At this point, that series might as well be a Nintendo IP.

>> No.4698983

It's the same deal Activsion did with Sony to release N.Sane Trilogy first on PS4…

>> No.4698985

Except Bayonetta 2 didn't have non-Nintendo releases

>> No.4698997

No. Nips just hate bullshit.
Western games of the current era are 90% bullshit.
The left side is crap and the right side isn't making anything. As far as we're concerned, this is bad because it drives people back into the older generations, which drives up demand, which drives up costs on products with dwindling supply.

>> No.4699020

For now.

>> No.4699057

Sega could do a IP crossover fighting game. That would definitely be pretty sweet and would have large fanbase appeal.

You've already got a good base of characters with Virtua Fighter, Fighting Vipers, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe and Shinobi. Throw in a couple of Virtua On bots, Nights, Rent-a-Hero, a Yakuza character, Ryo from Shenmue, Bayonetta, Comix Zone Dude, a Jet Set character and maybe Ulala. You've then got a fuck ton of more niche characters for future variants.

>> No.4699060

That's called Project X Zone

>> No.4699140

Nintendo funded it, and they're funding the third game aswell. Face it, its not getting ported to non-nintendo systems anytime soon.

>> No.4699145

Except its nothing like that at all.

>> No.4699236

Given what the Souls games have done in repopularizing super-hard games, I'm surprised Sega hasn't revived Shinobi.

>> No.4699329

For DBFZ though, they actually tried to "get Capcom's dick out of their mouth" by getting rid of MVCI (which had many problems, to be fair).

>> No.4699340

They did fighters megamix and it was hot back in the day. They never did it again because sega is full of old men who do dumb things like skip out on QA

>> No.4699352
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we need a fuckin Fantasy Zone 3

>> No.4699354


DBZ is too Niche a title from the start. I know niggas love Dragon Ball Z and Fighting games but the appeal is just too narrow. And yeah not everyone likes marvel either but that had a longer history of capcom fighting games and still could appeal to the capcom side of it's roster.

To be blunt though I don't think tournaments should be as big as they've become. Im all for competition but it's something that needs to be defined by it's players on a local sense and not it's sponsors.

The idea of pro-gaming just creates and unnecessary divide between the larger bulk of people buying the game and the small handful of "pros" who somehow got it into their heads that they speak for everyone despite making up maybe 20 percent of the market.

>> No.4699414

>DBZ is too Niche a title from the start.
Game sold more than SF5 and MVCI together in their releases, but i agree on the pro gaming part, SF5 was created by having them being a big part of it, the game managed to sell 2.5M units just recently that talks how bad Capcom fuck up with this one.

>> No.4699427

Nice RETRO discussion, faggots.

>> No.4699873

Shadow Dancer and Revenge of Shinobi are not even that hard.

>> No.4699920

They're pretty tough on max difficulty. Harder than Ninja Gaiden NES imo...

3DS Shinobi is honestly 2hard4me. Not harder than arcade Shinobi, but it's not (quite) fun enough to memorize enemy placement in levels that are like 20 minutes long a piece. I feel like they decided the game wasn't long enough at the last minute and just padded everything out with more of the same.

>> No.4699983


daytona, puyo, valkyria. HOTD all had games recently

bayonetta, shining ... , and virtua fighter will have new games out next year

>> No.4700148
File: 52 KB, 320x240, toy fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody knows about this fucking amazing and hilarious fighting game
Can't blame 'em since it never got a home release though. There was a local tourney for old and obscure fighting games in my city yesterday, this being one of them, and holy shit is it dope. I would implore everyone here to rev up DEMUL and check this fucker out.

>> No.4701412

Don't forget that Toejam & Earl game that was kickstarted 4 years ago.