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File: 177 KB, 1009x742, SD2SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4689275 No.4689275 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like Redguy has been making some fantastic progress on SD2SNES SuperFX implementation:



>> No.4689310

>community does it
>for free
>ikari keeps the profit

>> No.4689358

It's not like he's going to be earning anything extra from this. He developed the SD2SNES firmware as open source anyway.

>> No.4689363

>>ikari keeps the profit
Krikkz probably gets most of the profit.

>> No.4689384

SA-1 implementation would be more worthwhile.

>> No.4689387

I think that's been ruled out because the FPGA isn't good enough to handle it.

>> No.4689410

that FPGA is just a little bitch then

>> No.4689547

>"On a side note I'm pretty confident that SFX+SA-1 are possible" - Ikari in a thread on the capabilities of the SD2SNES.
SFX happened, SA-1 could happen. Probably not thanks to Ikari, but should be doable. Might require disabling some other features to get it to fit but not impossible.

>> No.4689598

I honestly do not believe SA-1 is possible, due to the amount of cross communication between actual hardware that'd need to be emulated. If that overclocked SNES processor simply ignored the original processor, the odds of it being emulated would be greater. But, that's not how the hardware was made.

At least SPC7110 and even S-DD1 is doable, provided someone like redguy is willing to give either of them a look at.

>> No.4689609

this just proves that ikari is incompetent, and the rumor that byuu made all the work may be true!
btw I hope that redguy tackle sa-1 or SPC7110

>> No.4689638

>this just proves that ikari is incompetent, and the rumor that byuu made all the work may be true!
byuu is the hero we deserve but not the one we need right now

seriously though its all open source specs and its not like Ikari has never done anything at all. Give the man a break. would redguy even have the option of contributing if it wasn't open source?

Lets just hope redguy or someone else has an interest in tackling SA-1 after SFX is stable

>> No.4689662

>> its not like Ikari has never done anything at all
Like the msu-1 fixes that "fix" the mistake he made?
or the in game hooks, that mess around with the snes cpu, breaking game compatibility?
yup he sure made a lot of improvements in the past 6 years!

>> No.4689748

More like byuu or whatever really wrote it purposely wrote that 'mistake' in case he never got paid and since it went unfixed for years, clearly they never got paid by that scammer. The same applies to the overclocked CX4 emulation, which too should be a simple 'fix'. ikari is a hack and a con artist. Can't even code cheat device support, much less fix the 'mistakes'.

>> No.4689925

the problem is the guys at everdrive forums, that like to suck his dick, even after, redguy proved how incompetent ikari is.

>> No.4689928

Incidentally, when I first posted a link to this thread a few days ago there were plenty of naysayers saying it won't happen, the SD2SNES fpga just can't do it, yet look at the progress in the space of just over a week. Amazing.

>> No.4689960

yeah! you are a great guy , like redguy ignore the trolls and rednecks!

>> No.4690005

More like ignore that one angry spic with the trashy sister who has a mental block against open hardware and a vendetta against the creator.

Seriously, check out every other thread where SD2SNES is mentioned on this board over the past 4-5 years and you'll find the same hater using the same broken English repeating the same bullshit over and over.

>> No.4690443

[citation needed]

>> No.4690448

>On a side note I'm pretty confident that SFX+SA-1 are possible

Seven years ago.


>> No.4690979

>I'm recovering from a filesystem crash
dejap scammed it first

>> No.4691504

7 years of nothing, but excuses, one guy comes out and do, what this fucker could not do, in all that time, and you still defend him, unbelievable!

>> No.4691519

Are you the angry spic? I'm just asking because of your broken English and the unnecessary and misplaced commas.

>> No.4691529

are you ikari or do you just suck his dick?

>> No.4691534

>msu-1 (inb4 he stole it from byuu)

Not exactly nothing but I get your point.

>> No.4691539

>all these great features 7 years ago
>and only 'bug fixes' since
cx4 isn't even accurate

>> No.4691659

I'm sure that
is just falseflagging to bait you.

INB4 that guy replies to me telling me "No hombre, I'm serious you disgusting gringo!"

>> No.4691663

Welp, so basically, the original guy was just cockteasing jerking us off with his pussy ass excuses and claims that NO, it seems like an impossibility gais!


>> No.4691665

So glad I haven't bought an SD2SNES yet.

>> No.4691682

Coming from the same belief that Super Fx was only a micro theory possibility for 7 years, and now here we are, one random dude does in a week what the original creator jerk us off for 7 motherfucking years!

>> No.4691725

all of these were in there when sd2snes launched.

the only thing added via firmware-update was support for obc-1.

>> No.4691815

It's a good thing we're one step closer to full compatibility on SNES flashcarts but remember, it's only a beta release and as you can see in OPs video, it's far from accurate. Even if it gets a definitive (?) version then there are still some other chips left like the SA-1 and the S-DD1 that still can't be played on any flashcart. It's a relatively small amount of games compared to those that are supported now but I wouldn't count on being able to play games like Star Ocean, Super Mario RPG or Kirby Super Star on it yet.
Maybe if someone else could join with his own updates? I mean, it's open source so it's technically possible to contribute.

>> No.4692156

Smokemonster (the guy who compiled all the everdrive packs) testing the beta firmware for 90mins:


>> No.4692267

You can play star ocean on sd2snes
the only s-dd1 game you cant play is SFZII

>> No.4692360

How does this work? Wouldnt the super FX work reguardless? Its running on the original hardware even though its a flash cart. Or were the FX chips on the cartridge and not the console.

>> No.4692419


all special chips that games use are cartridge side, although you'd think with emulators doing SuperFX games flawlessly since windows 98 it would've been in Rev1 of this thing.

>> No.4692441
File: 95 KB, 279x271, 87498602-4DF3-449D-945C-76965DAD18C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great news, might actually get one now.
If full support for SA-1 support happens, that's a guarantee buy.

Seriously what took so fucking long?

>> No.4692458

>even S-DD1 is doable
S-DD1 is highly unlikely simply because it was only ever used in two games, one of which is playable on the SD2SNES via patching and the other being an absolutely terrible port of a fighting game. The amount of work necessary to get S-DD1 games working on the SD2SNES just isn't worthwhile for most people.

SuperFX support on the SD2SNES is great, but there are more games that use the SA-1 and some of those games are more in-demand than SuperFX games.

>> No.4692702

>although you'd think with emulators doing SuperFX games flawlessly since windows 98
lol no

>> No.4692708


>> No.4692728

New release of the beta is up:


>> No.4692740

Wrong. Star Fox in particular always ran incorrectly.

>> No.4692748

Im masturbating to this! this redguy got me really hard!

>> No.4692823

That's a patched version. For the original rom you still need support for that special chip. I am not sure if that's necessarily a dealbreaker to me but it might be for others.

>> No.4692830

>The amount of work necessary to get S-DD1 games working on the SD2SNES just isn't worthwhile for most people
never underestimate autism. I wouldn't be surprised if some byuu-tier cellar dweller did it someday "for completeness' sake!"

Then there's those Mahjong games that used a fucking ARM coprocessor inside to do opponent AI

>> No.4692835


>> No.4692836

Yes, Star Fox runs twice as fast as it should on ZSNES.

>> No.4692837

No i don't think so

>> No.4692840

It literally does because ZSNES only (poorly) emulates the SuperFX 2, which runs twice as fast as the original iteration of the SuperFX (which Star Fox uses).

>> No.4692842

No. Not true.

>> No.4692845

>never underestimate autism.
I try not to, but the autism required to create an S-DD1 implementation would frequently be told to focus efforts on implementing another chip.

>> No.4692891

What's wrong, kid? Don't you have something better to do than shitposting on an imageboard during your vacation?

>> No.4692981


>> No.4693048

OBC-1 is used just by one game (Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge) which even needs an additional controller (Super Scope).

I see S-DD1 to be infinitely more useful than that.

>> No.4693559

it's happening!

>> No.4693584

has any one tried to run megaman x3 with the beta yet?

>> No.4693597

The beta only adds support for the SuperFX chip. It doesn't change anything to do with the CX4 chip Mega Man X3 uses which is already supported.

Ikari apparently fixed CX4 timing two years ago but never released it or something.

>> No.4694205

How long until we can play Yoshis Island on sd2snes?

>> No.4694314

Negative 2 days. It's playable now.

>> No.4694429

Oh really? Is there any catch or is it perfect?

>> No.4694521


Looks and feels just like the real cartridge to me. On it's first load it probably won't load. Power down and reload the rom and it will work flawlessly. The only other caveat is to hold the reset button down before powering off fx chip games for them to save properly.

>> No.4694532

I wonder if that would clash with a supercic modded console, since holding down reset is for changing speed

>> No.4694593

No idea, however he hopes to fix the issue in updates. As fast as redguy is updating and squishing bugs I bet it's gonna happen soon.

>> No.4694684

doing it
>for free

>> No.4695685

Has anyone here tried it yet? Is it worth it or should I wait for a more stable update?

>> No.4695708

works fucking great. if game doesnt start fist time or graphic glitche, power off and the console and turn it back on and it will fix issues. honestly this works damn well already.

>> No.4695930

I never believed Super FX was 'impossible', but I always believed ikari was a hack. That however does not change how SA1 communicates with the original hardware. Love to see SA1 implemented, but it's best to acknowledge that it'd be one of the more difficult ones to emulate and that the hack behind it will never be the one to do it.

>> No.4695937

>would frequently be told to focus efforts on implementing another chip
a true autist never listens to what others want, cause they never work with others to begin with