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4685809 No.4685809 [Reply] [Original]

which one had the most cultural impact?

>> No.4685815

I would say RE since its the only game on there that had a movie series made from it.

>> No.4685818

like all four, but I don't think TR had as much of an impact as the other three

>> No.4685820

looks like someone forgot about the tomb raider movies with angelina jolie

>> No.4685823

I would have said Final Fantasy. JRPGs have been kind of a niche thing until recently.

>> No.4685824

How could you forget about the atrocity that is the Final Fantasy movie?

>> No.4685825

Maybe not in games, but culturally, definitely, more so than MGS or Final fantasy. Tomb Raider basically defined the PS1 era’s aesthetics for casual gamers.

>> No.4685828

Pls dont make me remember noooooooo.

>> No.4685829

>Back then
Tomb Raider by far.

>> No.4685830

On games, Metal Gear Solid.

On actual culture, Tomb Raider, by a landslide. It's not even a debate. Don't reply.

>> No.4685831

You’re a retard. Final Fantasy VII was one of the most popular console games when it came out.

>> No.4685836

I'm saying in general you insecure faggot.

>> No.4685838

ehhh, I actually thought about mentioning it, but if you changed its title would you think "Woah this is totally like FF" when watching the movie?

>> No.4685847

In the mainstream, definitely Tomb Raider. Game was super popular back in the day, and Lara Croft was probably considered to be one of the mascots of the PlayStation, with Crash and Spyro only taking precedence since the mascots of prior consoles all starred in colorful platformers.
In terms of vidya design, I'm gonna have to say that VII, Resident Evil, and Metal Gear Solid far surpass Tomb Raider's contributions. RE popularized the survival horror genre. MGS and FF VII popularized the idea of having big cinematic productions, for better or worse.

>> No.4685868

FF7 was literally the second best selling game on the console,behind Gran Turismo.

>> No.4685871

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.4685873

In pop culture- Tomb Raider, easily. Lara Croft is up there with Mario.

>> No.4685875
File: 21 KB, 630x630, 538560_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen both snake and cloud "up there with Mario". Where's Lara Croft?

>> No.4685878

Learn to read "JRPGs" as much as your gay ass loves Final Fantasy Japanese RPGs weren't a big thing.

>> No.4685879


>> No.4685884

My mom knows about Lara Croft, saying "solid snake" to her she would send me to my room without dinner for saying bad words

>> No.4685885

Yes, it literally was. It wasn't metaphorically the second best selling game on the PS1.

>> No.4685904

Tomb Raider had two movies, the MGS games ARE movies, FF had the dreadful Advent Children.

>> No.4685913

3/4 of the games have movies made of them.


>> No.4685920

FF7 and it's not even close.

>> No.4685996

In terms of overall cultural impact in the West, I'd agree it's probably Tomb Raider. TR was absolutely enormous in the late 90s, particularly here in the UK. Lara was legit on the level of page 3 models for a brief period of time.

In terms of specific impact on games and gaming culture I'd say FFVII. It's arguably one of the most defining RPGs ever made, certainly the most defining JRPG, and Square have been trying to capture that again for over 20 years.

FF Spirits Within came first but it was a miserable failure, considering the original TR and RE movies did decently.

>> No.4686000

Nobody knows MGS, but Lara Croft is famous.

>> No.4686040

Gonna have to go with Tomb Raider on this. To this day you still see people in mainstream movies bring Lara Croft up or dress like her when they want to emphasize the sexual appeal of a character.

If we're talking mainstream cultural impact I'd go Tomb Raider > Resident Evil > FF7 = MGS, if we're talking influence over gaming in general I'd do MGS (Harbinger of cutscene heavy gameplay in many games today) > FF7 (Popularized RPGs in the west and arguably was a major factor in the west's Japan weeaboo fetish) > RE (Popularized survival horror/general horror genre paving the way for Silent Hill all the way up to modern horror games like Outlast/FNAF/etc. Yes I know about Alone in the Dark.) > Tomb Raider (mainstream female protag and brought nude mods to the forefront, but the games aren't that revolutionary IMO)

>> No.4686065

RE and that's with an incomplete listing.
The videogame with the most cultural impact in the 90s was Pokemon.

>> No.4686110

Fuck you, Advent Children was great. It was a fanservice movie and eye candy that never pretended to be anything more. Now, Crisis Core that everyone masturbates at, was a fucking disrespectful disgrace.

>> No.4686257

>pokemon 55 billion
>mario 7 billion
what the fug

>> No.4686293

Mario is under the incomplete listing. They didn't include data for merchandise, just games and box office.

>> No.4686313

Thank fuck there’s someone else who thinks this. AC isn’t perfect, but it did have interesting ideas, some great fanservice, and it certainly didn’t do anything as heinous as CC did with shoehorning Genesis into the lore.

>> No.4686324

Did FF7 make anime more accessible after its release in the 90s?

>> No.4686328

MTV's liquid television got me into anime more so than FF7 ever did

>> No.4686363

What country are you talking about?
We had anime being pretty big in southern Europe since the 70s.

>> No.4686364

Oh yeah and I forgot sailor moon being played a lot on america in the early 90's

>> No.4686431

Depends if you're talking about mainstream or videogame culture. Lara Croft is more mainstream but FF7 is bigger within videogames; especially with the popularity of Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.4686437
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Maybe for Americans. Europe had WMT and other international productions for that.

>> No.4686456

Yeah, this. Laura got much more coverage and ended up with 2 movies with more games overall.

>> No.4686479

I say: RE > TR > FF > MGS.

>> No.4686578


>> No.4686582

FF7 was extremely popular and introduced a lot of people to JRPGS but Metal Gear Solid was more innovative and original and had a bigger impact on the industry. It pretty much took video game production values and story telling to a new level.

>> No.4686604

The culture of modern game design and structure: MGS
Pop culture relevance: RE
Anime as mainstream/normal fag entertainment : FFVII
Lol she was shown on the U2 once back in the 90s, nude mods and now the Japs own the franchise: TR

>> No.4686607

>Pop culture relevance: RE
That definitely goes to Tomb Raider. 80 year olds know who Lara Croft is.

>> No.4686623

Go to

Mainstream movies, merchandising, complete global saturation. She might be big still in the UK, but globally, RE is THE pop culture franchise.

>> No.4686675

Tomb Raider for sure. Lara Croft had become a sex symbol, she has 3 movies, multiple video games, is more widely recognized than characters in FF, RE & MGS. RE is a very close second though.

>> No.4686681

I wonder if the people who watch the RE movies even know it's based on a game series.

>> No.4686704

resident evil, final fantasy 7, tomb raider, and mgs in that order

RE because it's got dozens of toy lines, the most successful video game movie franchise ever, a second CG movie franchise, several mangas, mangas, and even manhuas. anyone who's played video games relatively actively for any period of time since 1996 has probably played a resident evil game
FF7 was THE weeb game, and every prson who looks back fondly on jrpgs will always remember FF7, but never anything else because a good 90% of the things attached to FF7 are trash
tomb raider had a live action movie series that was relatively popular I guess
and MGS was MGS I guess

>> No.4686712

You're forgetting the abomination that was that Final Fantasy movie that got released in 2001.
I never watched it, I already could tell it was going to be bad, but I remember a lot of people really excited for it (it was at basically the peak of FF popularity in the west, with fanboys still fresh off the PS1 trilogy hype and riding the FFX hype train hard), and then everyone was disappointed.

>> No.4686724

I think video games started taking themselves a bit too seriously near the 5th gen but not enough where it taints the gameplay. Mgs1 was the starting factor but it didn't start to infest other games and series until 6th gen

>> No.4686726

Does money made at the box office translate to cultural impact? Many commercial unsuccessful films had huge cultural impacts, while films like Avatar made a lot of money and then were forgotten within a year

>> No.4686728

The RE series probably, even though Lara was a bigger character, the RE movies were bigger than Tomb Raider's, the games built on Alone in The Dark's design and brought horror games to the fore, and it was one of the media properties that did the most towards drawing zombies back into the spotlight.
FFVII did a lot for getting JRPGs into people's homes, and was a gateway to other otaku culture, but that's still niche, and while MGS was popular, it didn't have the cultural impact of TR.

>The culture of modern game design and structure
Cinematic games that mix action and platforming are way more prevalent than cinematic tactical espionage action. MGS inspired stealth "sections", but overall game design, not so much.

>Lol she was shown on the U2 once back in the 90s, nude mods and now the Japs own the franchise: TR
...and movies, comics, a CCG, commercials, toys, and countless other marketing deals. Lara Croft is far more identifiable than Cloud, Solid Snake, or Chris/Jill.

>> No.4686767

You should find those charts that tell you which brand gets searched for the most on Google. That will tell us who wins.

>> No.4686821

When I google "resident evil" the first result is the wiki article for the movies

>> No.4688228

Within my circle of friends? FFVII
Within my School? Resident Evil.
As far as I can tell in my city / country? MGS / RE, hard to say.

>> No.4690139

Metal Gear, easily.

The modern politic landscape, most specifically the political views of men aged 18-34 were influenced by Metal Gear. For a lot of these young men it was the first piece of media that introduced them to the notion of political intrigue, conspiracy theories, revolutions, and even what would eventually become the Alt-Right. Metal Gear Solid 2 went even further with this.
>Solidus was right

>> No.4690162
File: 27 KB, 480x360, CAB151B9-0740-483A-ACC2-2B49A1C818B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF7 without fucking question

>> No.4690179

Tombraider for sure. That face was everywhere! I never played it or liked it but even i knew Tomb Raider as a kid.
I can only tell for germany dont know about america.
Girl that is sexy and kills was big at that time.

>> No.4690204

Psst...he was born the year the movie came out

>> No.4690208

I can even go further but 4chan wont like it.
It was one of the first popular games with a female protagonist. It was supporting third wave feminism and popularized the Girl Power phenomenom in the 90s to 2000s(Spice girls etc). Its impact was huge and the many people critisized the game for being to sexist.
There was also a fucking song and an exhibition "lara goes art" in Hamburg. All that plus the Film with Angelina Jolie.
I mean people actually watched that. RE films could just be an Horrorflick to be honest and i dont see what FF7 or Metal Gear were influencing besides the gaming industrie.

>> No.4690948
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as a euro faggot exactly this. Lara Croft is and was everywhere outside gaming. The shitchannel MTv and so on. RE is not known to non gamers, neither is FF or MGS. Without any doubt had TombRAider the biggest impact and I say it still has a bigger impact (outside) gaming than any of the other 3

>> No.4691153

final fantasy 7

it influenced the production quality of game companies in pretty much every genre with any serious narrative in it.

>> No.4691170

Tomb Raider had the most impact among normalfags
MGS had the most impact on action/stealth and narrative games
FF7 had the most impact on graphics/RPGs
Resident Evil had the most impact on horror genre
Pretty simple

>> No.4691957


>> No.4691970

Spirits Within isn't really bad by the abysmal standards of video game movies.
Taken as a mediocre sci-fi flick you can't really say it's worse than Mortal Kombat or other vidya action movies.
And it was far more influential to cinema, having pioneered CGI characters. Modern capeshit is all CGI except for the face. You will begin seeing 100% digital characters soon as old actors die off. Normalfags never cared much for Aki Ross but they will go wild over resurrected Stalone.

Source: I watched it twice.

>> No.4691980

I have issues with probably every single sentence in this post and would really, really love for you to post some sources for literally any of them.

>> No.4691983

Won't work, Google doesn't have any data pre-2004.

>> No.4691986

Ask a normie to name a famous video game character and they'd be more likely to say Lara Croft

>> No.4692257

Actually they'd say Mario 90% of the time and "guy from COD" the remaining 10%

>> No.4692707

>Depends if you're talking about mainstream or videogame culture.
Why WOULDN’T you be talking about video game culture when it comes to a hypothetical question about video games? Fucking Angry Birds would probably be more we’ll known in “mainstream culture” to a bunch of soccer moms over something like Zelda, but you can’t honestly say the same thing when it comes to people who actually make and play video games.

When it comes to video game culture, FFVII is the most popular in nearly ever regard. Most memorable music with live orchestral performances. Most recognizable cosplays. Biggest cast of unforgettable characters. Inspired fuck-huge swords in countless works. And the volume of fanart/porn of Tifa alone probably dwarfs the girls in every one of those other games in OP’s image combined. There is no contest.

>> No.4692769

>Tomb Raider
Only remembered because of T&A and Angelina Jolie
>Metal Gear Solid
Kind of irrelevant outside the bubble of its fans even if it is the definitive stealth game
>Final Fantasy VII
Made a "niche" genre less niche outside of Japan.
>Resident Evil
Gotta go with Resident Evil, not only did it popularize survivor horror games and a long running game series and a long running movie series but it also kind of revitalized zombie movies restoring them from parodies back into commentaries on the modern human condition. Zombie movies are pretty much the go to movie monster of our time and it's hard to imagine that being true without Resident Evil. According to wikipedia's list 41 zombie movies were released in 2004 and 2005 more than all through 1989-1996.

>> No.4692773

That's a really dated statement. That may have been true in the 90s. Tomb Raider games lost relevancy in the age of FPS shooters.

>> No.4692775

3 out of 4 of those games had movies. granted all of them were terrible except for advent children & the CGI RE movies but they still happened

>the MGS games ARE movies
memes aside MGS4 is probably the only video game (modern or otherwise) i'd ever consider a movie.

>> No.4692782
File: 294 KB, 825x464, the-walking-dead-season-9-confirmed[1].jpg_itok=ALGCMbWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Zombie movies are pretty much the go to movie monster of our time and it's hard to imagine that being true without Resident Evil
Zombies have been nonstop huge since Dawn of the Dead, but even today we owe way, way more to The Walking Dead for peoples' interest in zombies than we do the Resident Evil films

>> No.4692795

as far as their respective franchises go all of them except for tomb raider.

but as far as each of them go individually probably FF7 and to a lesser extent MGS1.

>> No.4692902

>I would love for you to post sources for your opinion

>> No.4692931

So you're just making shit up and calling it an opinion? That's not an opinion, that's actually just lying.

>> No.4692936

Shut up dave

>> No.4692947

Ha. Not a chance this is an american board where opinions are facts and never sourced or even attempted to explain themselves or even provide an example.

>> No.4692948

That show has zombies?

>> No.4693003

>this is what weebs actually believe

>> No.4693006

Underrated post.

>> No.4693612

All the same, "Resident Evil has zombies?" The games haven't been about zombies in over a decade

>> No.4693621

RE6 and i believe revelations 2 had zombies in them also the chronicle games (since they were retellings of 0,1,2,3 & CV) & ORC.

>> No.4693639

Just in the Leon campaign, right? And not even all of it. Haven't played Rev 2.

It's just a funny point to me that the series was originally known for being about zombies, and now the most popular games in the series (4-7) that most people have played hardly have anything to do with zombies.

>> No.4694264

Box Office
Video games
All are important and in the end, RE won the long game against all those franchises, especially Tomb Raider which just flopped fantastically at the box office.

>> No.4694270

MGS could be played as a straight action game at the players discretion. MGS' influence on cinematic structure for modern gaming narratives is fully acknowledged by the industry. It laid the groundwork for stuff like TLou.

>> No.4694275

Lara Croft is a derelict from a husk of a 90s franchise. If she was more identifiable, it was in the context of the west. The rest of the world didn't know or care.

>> No.4694298

Tomb Raider or Resident Evil. Everyone knew about Laura Croft because she had big boobs and soccer mom's created a minor stink about it, I think, so maybe she'd edge out Resident Evil.

>> No.4695071
File: 39 KB, 436x600, tomb_4_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she's not famous in Asia too

>> No.4695512

>All are important
In terms of cultural impact, given the example I gave of a hugely successful film with no cultural impact, why?

>> No.4695679

Resident Evil easy.

They then made the Resident Evil movie, which revitalized the zombie film genre, which resulted in zombie movies, tv shows and video games.

>> No.4695687

>the Resident Evil movie, which revitalized the zombie film genre, which resulted in zombie movies, tv shows and video games.
You think that stems from the the Resident Evil films?

>> No.4695707

Zombie flicks were pretty dead mainstream by 2000. Serious 90s horror didn't feature many zombies.

If not credited, it certainly helped.

>> No.4695716

The RE film didn't get good reviews and I don't remember people really talking about it. The year that the RE film came out, we also got 28 Days Later, which I would give a lot more credit to for making zombies popular again, and 2 years later we got the Dawn of the Dead remake, considered one of the best zombie movies ever.

>> No.4696103

At the time - Tomb Raider. It got huge mainstream attention and got the most coverage in non gaming media.
>JRPGs have been kind of a niche thing until recently.
Sure, if you've been living under a rock.
It was a popular videogame sure, but uutside of gamers and nerds nobody knew wtf it was at the time.

>> No.4696741
File: 461 KB, 931x619, LaraWithLara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb Raider.
-Still well known in mainstream, and Lara continues to be popular, even IF her absolute biggest glory days are now in the past.
-Lara became a cultural icon and a sex symbol. Female videogame protagonists with actual capabilities and competence became more accepted and widespread following her success. Pre-Lara, women were usually either sidekicks, background characters, princesses that needed to be rescued, or in the case of Leisure Suit Larry and Duke Nukem, sex objects. Lara was definitely there, when the whole Girl Power-thing started. Sure, we already had Samus Aran before, but who actually knew about her gender because of the armor?
-The games spawned a moderately successful movie series. And Lara did guest spots in the Witchblade-comics.
-In videogames, modern 3rd person gameplay in an open world is mainstream precisely because Tomb Raider introduced it in such a successful way. Pre-Tomb Raider, 3rd person was very little used outside of simulators.

How is this not enough impact for you? Metal Gear is only known to gamers, and other studios aren't exactly in a hurry to copy its style. Resident Evil spawned movies too, yes, but they're complete and utter, unwatchable shit with no faithfulness to source material (fuck you Capcom for letting them to happen). Not to mention, classic survival horror is now dead. FF is just same shit year after year, the series is stale as fuck.

>> No.4697856

Either Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil, since those games basically invented new genres (MGS invented cinematic games and RE invented Survival Horror), while TR and FF7 just brought old genres into 3D. And in the case of FF7, good game though it is, it didn't really matter all that much for the gameplay that it was 3D.

>> No.4697879

>but who actually knew about her gender because of the armor?
Literally anyone who played Super Metroid.

>> No.4697907

metal gear is technically a movie though

>> No.4697975

>technically a movie
What did they mean by this?

>> No.4698002

I'd say it's RE, though FFVII runs close.

Survival horror is still strong in not just video games, arguably RE went beyond the medium in influence even without the movie. FFVII did that too, but not as much.

>> No.4698016

Pokemon probably got more into anime via the TV show than any other game.

>> No.4698020


That thing on the left doesn't even remotely look like Heidi. Fucking polygons destroy everything.

>> No.4698024

I wouldn't say Final Fantasy VII is as popular as the culture surrounding it is. Like people seem like the Kingdom Hearts Cloud more than they like actual Cloud.

>> No.4698927

She still has cute feet, though.