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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4679552 No.4679552 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people look back on older VN art so fondly?

>> No.4679585
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They look pretty cool

>> No.4679589

Overall, I simply prefer the fashion of 80s and 90s anime characters.

>> No.4679596
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>> No.4679604
File: 12 KB, 251x242, anpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another thread where weeaboo vaporwave fags post pictures from the same 3-5 PC-98 vns that they'll never actually play
>it's literally just typical 90's anime art (of the cheap OVA variety) but downscaled and with dither

>> No.4679657

What the fuck is going on with the perspective in the bottom one?

>> No.4679661

because it was one of the few times when artists put their all into full screen still frames of pixel art, making it the highest form of representation of the artstyle and aesthetic from the period

tl;dr: because it's cyberpunk you bozo

>> No.4679681

make le doom great again!

>> No.4679756
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>> No.4679776
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>> No.4679956

Holy fucking shit. That artist is showing off.

>> No.4679965

>it's a dumb frogposter that would rather have another LE EPICK console war thread than anything else
how about you fuck off back to >>>/v/ retard

>> No.4680009

>complaining about reposted content when this entire board is literally nothing but reposted content
do you really think there are any topics that haven't been discussed to fucking death here, dude

>> No.4680538

Are there any VNs that are translated?
Also, which VNs have the best plot?

>> No.4680639
File: 50 KB, 500x224, illusion city 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern digital anime art disgusts me.

>> No.4680743

>Are there any VNs that are translated?
Kojima's Snatcher and Policenauts are both translated. The Space Adventure for Sega CD is also in English. There are definitely more than that. Go look them up, discovery is good for you.

>> No.4680776

>you will literally never be a lonely, 33 year old Japanese man staying in a room on the 35th floor of a hotel in 20XX Neo-Tokyo during the late hours of a stormy night, playing just released visual novels on your PC-98 as the neon lights and gigantic 4:3 displays shine outside above streets of honking 1980s-ish cars, the darkness of your room occasionally broken by the searchlights of giant flying police vessels passing overhead shine through the vertical blinds covering the rain drop covered floor-to-ceiling window wall of your room
Why even live

>> No.4680798

>just because I don’t understand and play Japanese games no one else does
Granted you’re probably right single most of the pictures here can be found online.

>> No.4680836

What is this game about?

>> No.4682241


>> No.4682303

no grain

>> No.4684002

I hate the colors. Everything looks like plastic and I doesn't even look drawn anymore.
Ofcourse the artist and fans are at fault and not digital art itself.

>> No.4684920


>> No.4685297

What game is this?

>> No.4685367
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>It's another post where someone complains about other people liking things

>> No.4686646


>> No.4686861

I want to play some of these games. Are any of them even translated or worth playing?

>> No.4687281

Maybe if you're 12.

>> No.4687314

post 2000 vn art is shit

>> No.4687316

>Are there any VNs that are translated?
Loads, here's a list of ones released in 2000 and earlier, sorted by rating.


And a more complete list

>> No.4687462

But still not Metal Slade Glory.

>> No.4687465


>> No.4688337

which oldschool vn should i play

>> No.4688348

YU-NO is generally regarded as the best.

>> No.4688643

For retro ones, start with YU-NO, Desire, and Eve: Burst Error.

>> No.4689736


>> No.4690058
File: 493 KB, 2100x1500, 2353454354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say Tsukihime (Moon Princess) is a classic?

>> No.4691287

Yeah, it's a great read. Art is pretty garbage but the writing is very good.

>> No.4691440

Actually, people in Japan are much politer than those in big cities in other countries. So there's no honking even when everybody's in heavy traffic.

>> No.4691490

I would like to point out that i some countries (Not Japan) honking isn't impolite. It's just a part of the everday driving vocabulary.

>> No.4691496

Sounds like true hell.

>> No.4691609

Seishoujo is still good, but he's been around since 1992. And VN aside, there are still eroge artists I enjoy. But I get where you come from, pre 2000 artwork with vibrant colors and harder lines had its charm.

>> No.4691652

also curry butt

>> No.4691848
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Kakyuusei translation fucking when

>> No.4692070

>but the writing is very good.


>> No.4692103
File: 221 KB, 1193x562, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. Thanks for the recommendation though.

>> No.4692260

>but the writing is very good.
You could have at least said something that's actually true like "good world-building" or something.

>> No.4692274

You're thinking of Fate/ which is written like shit.

>> No.4692286

Far side is very poorly written and a slog to read. Near side is better but not by much when you really think about it.

>> No.4692293

/lit/ here. If you are reading translations you have no business critiquing writing. It may very well be nicely written in the original Japanese.

>> No.4692296


>> No.4692336

An anime erotica novel isn't Shakespeare and fuck people who review it as a piece of literature. Its okay to enjoy trash now and then.

>> No.4692395

/jp/ here. Nasu's writing in Tsukihime is pretty rough and uneven compared to some of his later works, but his distinctive style is still very present. I wouldn't call it brilliant writing, but it's certainly not bad either, especially when compared to other doujin works of the time. It's a classic for a reason.

FSN is kind of a mess until Heaven's Feel, where Hoshizora Meteor's influence really becomes apparent.

Nasu's best writing is in Mahoutsukai no Yoru. Too bad it'll never be finished because FGO is too profitable.

>> No.4692487

But anon, how can I be an Alpha Macho Chad without constantly asserting my dominance by saying that everything sucks? My fragile ego is at stake!

>> No.4692804

Based on this recomendation I installed and played Yu-No for a short time. When I tried to play it again. It wouldn't open. In fact telling me that the game wasn't installed. I tried reinstalling it multiple times and nothing has worked.

>> No.4692828
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>> No.4692843
File: 215 KB, 1000x1000, CAA7148F-5997-4CB7-BC52-DC1A9A678744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A E S T H E T I C S です です です PC-98 1989

>> No.4692852

As an artist I'm extremely frustrated with how generic and bland most VN's have gotten with their presentation. I'm working on one at the moment, so I'm putting a lot of effort into making sure the style is both unique and effective.

>> No.4692897

You're going to create the first EVN that doesn't look terrible or (at best) mediocre then?

>> No.4692903

>everyone shitting on this anon glossed over the bit where they don't play the games they circlejerk about
You guys are fucking stupid

>> No.4692907

die frogposter retard

>> No.4692959
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>> No.4692982

>I'm underraged
No 12 year old plays 2D game unless they have an addiction to cellphone mobage. >>>/v/

>> No.4692984

>/lit/ ever reading /jp/

>> No.4692986

>Nibber who bombed youtube
She doesn't even post vidya and she's not an e-celeb. Fuck off >>>/tv/

>> No.4693052

>I'm working on one at the moment
Do the world a favor and stop.

>> No.4693076

i like every artstyle
remake curry butt makes my dick feel funny

>> No.4693334
File: 39 KB, 554x555, 1520129322523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to yourself

>> No.4693362

what's so special about his writing style anyways?

>> No.4693376

I haven't been on /lit/ for a few years. did the board really sink this low? I remember it having a strong anti-weeaboo and anti-consumerist sentiment.

>> No.4693390

I blame the shitty April 1st event that gave every shitposter come to every board and feel right at home.
Of course wishing them leaving as they come would be a dillusion.

>> No.4693871

Yes, yes you are underaged glad we agree.

>> No.4693882

PC-98 shit and art has been shilled here for ages, though

>> No.4693952

I was fishing for some troubleshooting advice since there is pretty much none available on google.
Anyone know why the Elf Classics release wouldn't be working on windows 10 even though it booted up fine once?

>> No.4694067

TM before
>Nasu announces Tsukihime remake
>Nasu announces that Mahoyo book will be re-written into a multi-part VN format
>Fate/EXTRA and CCC was written by Nasu and considers it his Magnum Opus at the time
>Fate/Zero was written by Gen Urobuchi but the series was heavily supervised by Nasu to match up with the Fate lore
>They made actual fun games like Melty Blood, Fate/Unlimited Codes, or Fate/Tiger Colosseum

TM now
>Tsukihime remake is forgotten and will never be released
>Only Mahoyo part 1 is released, the rest are in hiatus
>Fate/EXTRA sequels like Extella and Extella 2 are now written by someone else other than Nasu
>Fate/Strange Fake is not supervised by Nasu at all, he doesn't even care about it.
>They make shit games like FGO, FGO VR, and FGO Arcade

What went wrong?

>> No.4694218

I was making a point towards translations in general not towards a Japanese to English translation. >>4692395 or someone who read in the original language are the only people who can comment on the writing. If you read a translated VN and like the story but feel it was poorly written its impossible to know whether it was the writer or translator at fault.
>a strong anti-weeaboo and anti-consumerist sentiment.
Strong anti-weaboo is strong anti-4chan and pirating unreleased games is pretty anti consumerist to me.

>> No.4694236

It needs to be in installed under C:/Classics and not C:/Program Files/Classics.
All I had to do was check VNDB. Get better at using google.

>> No.4694670

To be more precise, the game tries to install itself in "Program Files" even on 64bit systems, when it should be installing itself to "Program Files (x86)" instead, and that's why it doesn't boot.

>> No.4694683

how would the april 1st event bring people to different boards?
the score was global

>> No.4694692

That makes no sense. You can put 32-bit executables in the "Program Files" directory and 64-bit executables in the "Program Files (x86)" directory and they'll run just fine. The directory name is just for convenience.

Most likely the problem is related to permissions, so as long as you install outside of a system folder it's fine.

>> No.4694918

Well that changed nothing.

>> No.4694931

Because it was drawn by people with talent.

>> No.4694932

I shall elaborate. The person in that thread who was having the same problem as me never seemed to actually fix it and so it appears it shall be for me. Installing this thing anywhere appears to just not work.

>> No.4695191

By installing you mean running elf's installer and not the fan translation's, right?

>> No.4695305

Its a bit of hassle but you could make an windows XP 32 bit virtual machine. I played through several VNs doing that in the past.

>> No.4695569


>> No.4695574

Kara no Kyoukai isn't erotica.

>> No.4695584

I might do this in the future.

>> No.4696673

What a downgrade

>> No.4696680

When will someone translate Suda 51s old VNs

>> No.4696865

Using OP's pic as an example, I like the coloring, more discrete shading and simpler lineart better. There's also something about PC-98 backgrounds I'm very fond of.

I don't really have anything against newer VN art but I'm an autist who's fascinated by era-specific look and feel.

>> No.4697554

I can't describe it. Older styles just feels more "real" to me. Like it was made or chosen by the creator to tell a story instead of carefully marketed and group surveyed for maximum moe

>> No.4697563

When will someone translate that Creamy Mami VN where Creamy Mami is an evil robot who slaughters a small farming village.

>> No.4699084

>anon makes this post
>actually don't see the same 3-5 aforementioned vn webms ITT

>> No.4699116
File: 159 KB, 1600x1194, 1d7yps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the aventure of
>an ordinary man
>at war with the
>everyday world
Nah fuck traffic.