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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 96 KB, 701x960, 2362288-nes_taboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4676447 No.4676447 [Reply] [Original]

/x/ related /vr/ thread. Would post on /x/ but threads always die to fast so thought I'd try here.

>> No.4676519
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>> No.4677508
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>> No.4677649

I remember once playing a japanese game for PS1 that had an horror game vibe, an anime art style and it was 3D (the scenery didn't felt pre-rendered) can anyone help out? I remember a hall and a spider-like monster chasing you but not much else, never quite got its name since I don't know jap.

>> No.4677771

is it Devilman

>> No.4677789
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>> No.4678167
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>> No.4678209
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>> No.4678348
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Great, mysterious atmosphere. I liked it a lot, but what genre is Radical Dreamers anyway?
Can anyone recommend me similar games?

>> No.4678351
File: 99 KB, 211x384, Tarot_Mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some time ago, I wanted to look for tarot games, I only found three, Taboo, and other 2 that were only released in Japan.
Tarot Mystery for Super Famicom...

>> No.4678353
File: 150 KB, 325x376, House_of_Tarot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And House of Tarot for Game Gear

>> No.4678472

Radical Dreamers is so good

>> No.4678523
File: 16 KB, 498x537, IMG_6968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with this mofo

>> No.4678560 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 256x207, 1522426184644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several things in SotN have been intriguing to me, this one in particular, I remember my brother and I spending an hour sitting on both sides and leaving to try and figure out the deal with it, only got "grape juice"

>> No.4678602
File: 9 KB, 256x224, Otogirisou (Japan)_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what genre is Radical Dreamers anyway?
Text Adventure/Visual Novel seem to be the most fitting genres.

>Can anyone recommend me similar games?
The Chunsoft ¨Sound Novel¨ series (Otogirisou, Kamaitachi no Yoru, Machi, etc) seems to be well regarded but as far as I know most of them are only available in japanese.

This link also has a bunch of them for SNES but I also doubt any of them have been translated.

>> No.4678603

That's a weird room. Has its own music and a confession booth regulated by good and evil ghost priests, the former of which has its own voice clip. I always thought there was more to it then just a grape juice drop.

>> No.4678652

>I always thought there was more to it then just a grape juice drop.
Exactly, I think that's one of the great merits of Castlevania (especially the Metroidvanias), sometimes things are put in place just because they're cool or interesting despite little or no pratical purpose, adds a lot of flair to the games

>> No.4678741
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>> No.4678751

That's the one with that weird "I love you" enemy? Shits bizarre

>> No.4678834
File: 272 KB, 475x347, evo_box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4678836

Please provide more information about this game.

>> No.4678839

Second Cross Evolution and Lack of Love for Dreamcast

>> No.4678852

Is Drakken any fun? I found it in the woods years ago but never tried it out.

>> No.4678890

is that true lol sounds like a start of a bad game creepypasta. As for the game its alright Dragonview is probably better tho its the sequel to this game

>> No.4678893

also the combat systems pretty weird

>> No.4678912
File: 26 KB, 256x223, IMG_6969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4679516

>10 year old spends the night at friends house
>playing Ring King on NES
>friends brother comes in the room with a copy of Taboo
>blow in the Taboo cartridge and start it up
>friends brother asks Taboo “is Nick gay”
>game says yes
>me and friends brother have a good laugh
>friend gets pissed and attacks his brother
>somehow the room window breaks making a loud noise
>friends dad come in the room, sees broken window, gets pissed
>because my friend started it, his dad takes him into another room and beats him
>me and friends brother laugh at my friend getting beat
Lmao I haven’t thought about this in years, thanks OP

>> No.4679582
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>> No.4679598

>There's a speck of dirt on my monitor which is perfectly positioned to make it look like a cyclops.
Oh jesus my heart.

>> No.4679640

here's that enemy the previous anon mentioned

>> No.4679686
File: 55 KB, 366x231, moosehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke this game is really unsettling. Especially the fucked up music, janky animation, and even the scenery that changes each time you play.

>> No.4679720

the phone port of Banshee's Last Cry has been
officially translated into English

>> No.4682131

Bump for interest.

>> No.4682414

thanks! now I have something to play for the rest of the weekend.

>> No.4682475
File: 17 KB, 334x256, gth5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this? I wonder if there's anything from this decade that does weird shit like this, most weird indie stuff seems to avoid having any kind of production values and I don't remember the last time I heard a voice sample in one.

Also, bumping the thread with a picture of this game I guess, is it too over the top to be /x/?

>> No.4682513

what game is that

>> No.4682519

Soft & Cuddly

>> No.4682618

Nice haven't played to many spectrum games only some Rare stuff

>> No.4683776
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shivers is a fun point and click game.

Also Shivers 2 although it is completely unrelated to the first.

>> No.4683780
File: 26 KB, 640x480, gadget-invention-travel-adventure_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gadget: Invention, Travel, and Adventure

It's basically an interactive story because there are no puzzles, but it definitely has a creepy atmosphere.

David Lynch was impressed by it and almost worked with the team to make a game with them. And Gadget does at times feel like it was inspired by Lynch's movies.

>> No.4683787

Nice. I look out for titles with this kind of aesthetic.

>> No.4683791
File: 57 KB, 800x600, obs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a cool old point and click adventure called Obsidian. Basically it is about traveling through dreams, so there are some really surreal puzzles, like using a mountain in the distance as a lever.

>> No.4684180


>> No.4684298
File: 6 KB, 259x194, darkeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of point and click The Dark Eye has alot of atmosphere to it. It's stop motion and is based around the stories of Edger Allen Poe

>> No.4685308


>> No.4687449
File: 85 KB, 640x480, drowned_god_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played it, but Drowned God is PnC game that is literally /x/. Never played it, but I believe it involves like every conspiracy theory.

Also the main guy who made it eventually killed his wife, his doggos, then himself.

>> No.4689527

i've really been meaning to play this at some point. there isn't a lot of coverage of it on youtube

>> No.4689571

I'd love it if David Lynch made a game

>> No.4689594
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, gotta-light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lynch's game would've been called Woodcutters From Fiery Ships.

>> No.4689618


>> No.4691862
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>> No.4693961

You should read the manga and watch the 80s OVA while you're at it.

>> No.4694128


>> No.4694258
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>> No.4694390
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x868, vanity_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this really strange christian game.Saints of Virtue Has a weird vibe to it. The levels are really empty with almost no music and you fight floating heads.

>> No.4694453
File: 28 KB, 512x445, Demon Summoning Program.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly this was confirmed fake but still, SMT in general is probably the most /x/ game series ever made.

>> No.4694564
File: 11 KB, 220x259, Cosmology_of_Kyoto_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4695634

Played this game many times and it still mesmerizes me. For me this is the closest we'll ever get to a true urban legend game.