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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4672994 No.4672994 [Reply] [Original]

Does it trigger anybody else's autism when you see a "Top Games of All Time' list and it has Super Mario Bros or the OG Zelda in the top 10?
Those are not the top games of all time. Not even in the top 300.
Influential? Absolutely!
Best? Nope. Not even close. SOOO many games are better and have surpassed them. Nobody can argue that... right?

Heck any of the Gameboy Zelda games are better than the original LOZ.

>> No.4672997

shut up retard

>> No.4672998

>Nobody can argue that... right?
You're in for a treat. Welcome to the internet. Everyone will debate you to death.

>> No.4673001

Are we only counting retro games? If we are then Mario and Zelda are obviously around there also that's alttp not the og one

>> No.4673008

I saw like a top 50 and it had ZERO Sega games
Like wtf

>> No.4673010

Yeah it's annoying seeing shit like Pacman or Donkey Kong. You could make the argument that it gets points for appealing to non-gamers

>> No.4673028

Nah, counting all games ever.

A ton of modern games have more diverse gameplay, better replayability, better graphics, more content, etc than any NES game.

>> No.4673040

You can argue that a best games of all time list should be weighed based on what it was competing with at the time.

>> No.4673043

Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and Space Invaders are perfect video games that have never been topped.
If you can't appreciate the classics, there's always /v/ or /vg/, or any other board on this site.

>> No.4673048

Yeah, it's almost like that's the rationale they actually use when they compile them.

>> No.4673057

Then wouldn't all modern games be higher since they are competing with every other game made before then as well as their contemporaries?
So Breath of The Wild would be #1?

>> No.4673063

Not really. You have to be a retard to think those lists are objective fact and not just the opinion of whatever publication they're from. Also loads of people like Mario and Zelda so no shit they're going to frequently be on the top 10. It's no different from seeing Godfather or Casablanca in a top 10 list of best movies to me it's a bland as hell choice but I can understand why they're on there.

>> No.4673072

I’m not a big fan of top games of all time lists. They tend to be slanted one way or another. I prefer the top list of games from a specific generation of consoles, it’s a much more level playing field.

>> No.4673082


>> No.4673089

For those who don't know the context, this was a list made for Nintendo Power #100 back in 1997. So yeah, it's a 20 year old list which only includes Nintendo games.

>> No.4673102

all these lists have a pronounced 90's to early 00's bias, which is ironic, considering it was during that period games gradually became less innovative.

>> No.4673108

>He doesn't remember how absolutely mind-blowing it was to see Mario in 3D for the first time.

>> No.4673116

The article is in Nintendo Power

>> No.4673120

You hold this contradictory idea that more is better yet are trying to appraise a small selection of games as being decidedly the "best games ever." Irony.

>> No.4673127

mario bros 1 is THE best game of all time
I didn't realize this until I got older

>> No.4673241

I'm too old to keep caring about the top games of all time opinion list of dozens of people. I know what my favorite games are and what games I care less about and that is all that matters.

>> No.4673245

I used to use them like fifteen years ago as a starting point for consoles I wasn't too familiar with but now they're kinda redundant to me. That's what I think they're there for in the end, a good pickup piece for someone relatively new to video games giving them a pretty nice layout of where to start and potentially move out from that based on what they enjoyed most in those lists.

>> No.4673254

ok post the real top 10

10) Radiant Silvergun
9) Chrono Trigger
8) Majora's Mask
7) Shenmue
6) Rez
5) Final Fantasy VII
4) LSD
3) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
2) Earthbound
1) Ikaruga

That's retro only obv, so no Dark Souls, Undertale etc. But no way do Mario 1 or Zelda 1 belong on ANY list.

>> No.4673267


>> No.4673279

>Does it trigger anybody else's autism that underage contrarians exist
No. But I don't like them.

>> No.4673282

Some solid pics, but I could argue a few of them (the rest I haven't played).
7. Shenmue was subpar even back in the day. Today it is surpased by a ton of PS2 games.
5. 9 is better
3. The DS games were better
2. Other games have done what it did, better.
1. Hahaha. No.

>> No.4673409
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>> No.4673417


>> No.4673423


>> No.4673436

>Actually falling for that idiots joke list

>> No.4673438

I think Mario and Zelda games definitely belong around the top, but not the first ones. Super Mario Bros. is pretty bland compared to anything that came after it and is easily surpassed by SMB3. And I think I'd put just about any Zelda game after the first one above Zelda 1. Link to the Past and Ocarina deserve the top spots.

>> No.4673445

>Does it trigger anybody else's autism when you see a "Top Games of All Time' list

no, because it's just a best-sellers list in all practicality, and i'm not autistic like you

>> No.4673446

Majora was better than OoT.
Link between worlds was better than LTTP.

>> No.4673447

Obviously you wern't alive for the 2nd generation, otherwise you'd have some reverence for the old school arcade games kid.

>> No.4673731

If they never give a criteria for what constitutes the ranking it's essentially a random list.

>> No.4673746

>the Gameboy Zelda games are better than the original LOZ

I'm genuinely not sure if this is a joke post or not.

>> No.4673748

Official™ list of greatest games of all time:
10. Radiant Silvergun
9. Another World
8. UFO: A day in the life
7. Mega Man 2
6. Gunstar Heroes
5. Day of the Tentacle
4. Deus Ex
3. Summer Carnival 92 Recca
2. Eastern Mind
1. Cosmology of Kyoto

>> No.4673754


Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Super Bowl
Ultima VII - The Black Gate
Deus Ex
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
Gothic II
Resident Evil 4

Not sure what to put to make it a full 10. There are a bunch of close contenders for sure.

>> No.4673763

10 is street fighter probably

>> No.4673767

Makes me laugh that LTTP used to be top 10 on those lists until OOT came out. Then it's never been back and the same thing will happen to OOT now that BOTW is out.