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4668685 No.4668685 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else want to get their hands on an XRGB Mini or OSSC?

I'm firmly in the CRT camp, but once they're gone, they're gone. I think it would be best if I got an upacaler for when I just wanna dick around in Mario Kart or something and use the CRT for full playthroughs of my favorite games. Just to try and save it fron wearing out as fast.

>> No.4668726

I've got a Framemeister although it's a bit redundant at the moment as I only used it with my SNES and now I've got an Analogue Super NT. I plan on picking up a consolized MVS soon though so that should put it back in action.

>> No.4669371

OSSC is not a scaler.

>> No.4670094

I’m eying a KanexPro but that’s less an issue of me being worried about burning out CRTs and moreso not having space in my apartment for a second larger one on top of my current portable unit.

I intend to use the CRT as my main driver and the upscaler for playing MP with guests on a display not meant for ants.

>> No.4670262

Beware anything that calls itself a converter instead of a upscaler, it's bound to be gash.

>> No.4670374

I want to get one only because 36 inches isn't enough to split a screen 4 ways when I have friends over. It'd be way better on a 50 inch. That plus upscaling shitty looking 6th and 7th gen games would be sweet

>> No.4670647

>OSSC is not a scaler.

Which is the bullshit excuse they keep saying every time someone points out that it has tons of faults.

It doesn't matter that it is TECHNICALLY a line doubler/tripler/quadripler and video digitizer in one package. It is sold as a scaler, it is used primarily as a scaler, so it is a scaler.

>> No.4670663

Is there any reason to buy that if I have 3 CRT TVs to play with? At one point I was thinking about capturing the gameplay.

>> No.4670671

>Is there any reason to buy that if I have 3 CRT TVs to play with?

In case you want to hook it up to your 50" lcd tv, or use your digital projector do make a 100" wall to wall image.

>> No.4670689

Will that ever get cheaper? This is twice as expensive than sd2snes.

>> No.4670945

Probably not as it's going out of production. They'll probably bring out a newer model though.

>> No.4671694

>It is sold as a scaler
no, it's not.

>> No.4671703


>> No.4672406

Is this review by John Cena?

>> No.4673525


>> No.4673583

When my CRT dies and I can't find an easy replacement I will stop playing retro games. Nothing lasts forever.

>> No.4673587

It clearly states on their page that it is for line doubling or 3/4/5x. Just because we replaced doublers with scalers in professional use doesn't mean some how doublers are not scalers.

>> No.4673591

A lot of retro games are fully supported by newer monitors/tvs.

Ps2 and Xbox both had games at above 480p. They are as retro as retro gets except on this snowflake board where people get their cunts all crunchy when you tell them so.

>> No.4673613

On a meager handful of titles, yes. The overwhelming majority of the PS2 library is 480i only.

>> No.4673649

>It clearly states on their page that it is for line doubling or 3/4/5x.
thank you for making my point.
you can call them scalers in your headcanon, but also accept that it's wrong.

>> No.4673864

>before they are gone
You will be gone long before crts will be.

>> No.4673865

I see you ignored the fact GSM can force 480p on EVERY game. Also that plenty of games run ABOVE 480p as default options.

Don't be a whiny bitch that it is a scaler and you went around saying it wasn't to people, now you look dumb. linedoubler = old scaler. Deal with it. No one reinforced your "point" of false narrative. You can't back out of this one and pretend you were just joking it isn't a scaler, just stop replying.

>> No.4673867

Almost impossible to find a decent CRT at a reasonable price these days. Might have to go the LCD/upscaler route soon. Hopefully QLEDs start getting cheaper.

>> No.4673868

Doesn't GSM just uscpale things?

>> No.4673875

Daily reminder that Micomsoft has stopped producing the Xrgb mini.

>> No.4673887

>it's super secret proprietary technology that has never been produced before or will be again


>> No.4673901

PS2 can't do interlaced internally, when it's forcing 480p it's using whatever scaling if any that it'd also do for 480i out.

>> No.4673932

Line doubling is scaling.

Wiki definition >A video scaler is a system which converts video signals from one display resolution to another; typically, scalers are used to convert a signal from a lower resolution (such as 480p standard definition) to a higher resolution

Which is exactly what the OSSC does.

>> No.4674029

you're free to list the available alternatives
>inb4 OSSC
following your argument, it's the shittiest scaler on the planet, producing invalid output at line3x and up.

>> No.4674095

The output with line3x is almost broadcast valid, only difference being the slight deviation in refresh rate coming from the source console. line4x and up aren't valid to broadcast standards, but are still perfectly valid resolutions within the HDMI/DVI spec.

>> No.4674128

>The output with line3x is almost broadcast valid, only difference being the slight deviation in refresh rate coming from the source console.
Not exactly. The OSSC in line3x will output 786 lines from a 262-line console, whereas a standard 720p signal has 750 lines. This difference can and does cause problems with some TVs, though you can often coax it into working on incompatible TVs by playing with backporch and sync length settings.

Monitors are much more lenient since they're built to accept all sorts of weird DVI resolutions, not just the standard HDTV ones.

>> No.4674207

>I see you ignored the fact GSM can force 480p on EVERY game
No, it can't. GSM compatibility is very hit or miss. Works well with some games, but most will have issues.
>Also that plenty of games run ABOVE 480p as default options.
I wouldn't consider five games with a pseudo-1080i mode to be "plenty."

>> No.4674235

looks like a scaler
tastes like a scaler
is a scaler

>> No.4675832

Nope. Although I did build a deticated A/D line multiplier for one of my LCDs which is very similar to OSSC. There's no inidication CRTS will be gone any time soon and I have enough to last the rest of my life.

Daily reminder that OSSC and SD2SNES are open source and free. The cost you pay is 10% parts and a hefty technical illiteracy surcharge.

>> No.4675853

There are even sites selling OSSC kits with the board and less easy to source parts for a pretty reasonable price. https://www.videogameperfection.com/products/source-converter-advanced/

>> No.4676062

>The cost you pay is 10% parts and a hefty technical illiteracy surcharge.
+ ~50gbp for the remaining parts ( https://www.mouser.fi/ProjectManager/ProjectDetail.aspx?AccessID=6ad3a2d4d7 , url taken from https://www.videogameperfection.com/products/source-converter-barebones/ )
+ not as common tools for soldering the fine-pitch ICs like the FPGA (preheater, heating-gun, solder-paste, stencils)
+ time spent on preparing and doing the actual soldering and installing the software-stuff

nah, the "retail" price ain't that high imho

>> No.4676458

TQFP isn't that tricky, can solder them all fine with just a reasonably cheapo iron with temperature control, regular solder and a bunch of flux and patience, having preheat/gun/paste/stencil makes it easier to do quickly and with better reliability, but really isn't necessary.

>> No.4676841

>I think it would be best if I got an upacaler for when I just wanna dick around
Why would you pay hundreds of dollars merely to "dick around" with a laggy subpar scanline emulator?

>> No.4677226

Retail kits aren't exactly the same as the cost of parts though, are they?