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/vr/ - Retro Games

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466247 No.466247 [Reply] [Original]

>Beat the game on normal difficulty
>"beat the game on a harder difficulty for a better ending"

I fucking hate that shit

>> No.466269


"Put some actual effort into beating the game and you will be rewarded." I don't see the problem here.

>> No.466272

Especially on Toki. Normal is hard enough, the hardest setting makes G&G look like a cakewalk.

>> No.466273

>Beat the game on Normal difficulty to unlock Hard difficulty
>Beat the game on Hard difficulty to unlock Very Hard difficulty
>Beat the game on Very Hard difficulty to unlock Nightmare difficulty

Even though we're on /vr/ this mostly applies to modern games. What a shitty way to give your dumb single-player games more "replay value"

>> No.466280

Shadows of the Empire would like a word with ou.

>> No.466285

>play the game on any difficulty but hard
>game ends early with a text TRY ON ANOTHER DIFFICULTY

>> No.466287
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* No final boss on normal

There. I beat you, OP.

>> No.466296


What is Double Dragon 2

>> No.466298

I don't mind that at all, as long as the "true ending" difficulty is unlocked from the start.

If I'm only planning on playing through the game once, I'm alright with starting out on hard or very hard or whatever.

>> No.466303

>Playing a game on anything less than maximum difficulty
I bet you were one of those faggots complaining Skyrim was too easy.

>> No.466304


Also, semi-relevant:

>> No.466307
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Are you a loser /vr/?

>> No.466310

Though it's not retro, I think Timesplitters 2 had it right with difficulty settings.

On easy, there wasnt much to do in ways of objectives. It was basically just a short walk to one place to another to finish the level. You could beat the game that way, but it wasnt satisfying. Then more stuff were added, more exciting risky stuff that made you feel like "oh fuck shit just got real." like the helicopter over the dam, and the fucking zombie swarm at the end of the first level, and not only that it rewards you for better effort in the way of extra characters, levels and modes.

That, in my opinion, is how difficulty settings should be. There's no incentive in watching the TRUE or secret ending anymore now with youtube etc. Just give me more stuff to play with, that's why I bought the game in the first place. Make it harder. not by increasing enemies health, or making health and ammo more rare, but maybe by adding more scenarios (content) dependent upon the mode of play.

Just my two cents.

>> No.466338

I'm fine with it, if we're warned at the beginning
If we only find out about this AFTER we beat the game then it's a big FUCK YOU

>> No.466352

Fine if you're encouraging people to stop playing easy mode, but normal mode play shouldn't be reprimanded so.

>> No.466390


I agree.

Like you said, there's nothing big about getting a "better" ending nowadays, so it would be nice for the game to just add more stuff and make the scenarios themselves harder.

Not shit like doubling enemy hp or whatever; more tedious != higher difficulty.

>> No.466397

>Phantasy Star Online
Odd tho, I didn't mind it so much. I just wish that the rewards later were worth something. Grinding forever for a single item to improve your progression in Ultimate mode was stupid.

>> No.466438

Earthworm Jim CD rewards you for playing on easy, kinda.

>> No.466476

is the voice in the game?

>> No.466485


>> No.466857

>Have to beat the game on easy to unlock normal

That is the worst sin of all.

>> No.467045

That's why i love thief.
Harder difficulty levels don't make the game harder, they just add more content

>> No.468791
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Best difficulty levels I've seen are the earliest Star Fox games.

>Star Fox
Level 1 (easy path) takes you through 6 fairly easy levels.
Level 2 (normal path) takes you through 6 entirely different, somewhat challenging levels.
Level 3 (hard path) takes you through 7 entirely different, very challenging levels.
Very little content is shared between difficulties, it's practically 3 separate games.

>Star Fox 2
Differences from Normal to Hard:
Fortuna and Macbeth are playable.
Layouts of planet surfaces, bases, and battleship interiors are entirely different.
Different enemies and bosses can/do show up.
Have to destroy one more base and two more battleships.
One more member of Star Wolf to deal with.
Base/battleship cores and Star Wolf become harder to fight.
The defense satellite charges slower, and viruses are sent to take control of them.
Andross uses an additional form in his fight.

Differences from Hard to Expert:
Layouts of planet surfaces, bases, and battleship interiors are entirely different.
Different enemies and bosses can/do show up.
Have to destroy two more bases.
Base/battleship cores and Star Wolf become harder to fight.
Viruses appear more often.
Andross uses an additional form in his fight.

>Star Fox 64
Sort of like the original Star Fox except with branching paths. Playing well keeps you on the hard path, while playing poorly keeps you on the easier path.
Expert mode adds more enemies and makes your wings break more easily.

>> No.468870
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I'm more than happy to beat good games again on a harder difficulty.

This shit however...

>> No.468890

castlevania 64 did this too. you could only play the first half of the game on the easiest setting

>> No.468895

God, FUCK that part, seriously.
I'd almost say that's the hardest part of expert mode, and it's fucking LEVEL 2.

>> No.468917

This doesn't really bother me as long as the game is up front about it and tells me when I go to select my difficulty or whatever.

>> No.469231

I still haven't figured out how to get through. I can't even fireball jump far enough.

>> No.469264

I agree that good ending should be available in normal mode, however hard mode should offer some sort of additional reward

>> No.469282

There's nothing wrong with playing on normal mode. Not everyone has the patience to sit and die over and over. That said, I don't usually have a problem with that because I like to play on hard mode, but I get pissed when you have to beat the game to unlock it,

>> No.469295

Is Touhou 7 retro? If you try the game on easy the game basically says you aren't good enough to meet the final boss.

>> No.469309

What? Harder difficulty levels also limit what you can kill and knock out.

>> No.469312

Technically only the PC-98 games are "retro." The Windows games are all made after 2000.

>> No.469304
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>> No.469326

I bet none of the Touhou fans have even played the 98 games.

>> No.469332

Games shouldn't have difficulty modes. It's so stupid. Poorly put together, and steal potential resources that could have been used to refine a singular, core difficulty. If a developer wants to make a hard game, they should give it their all to do just that. Same with the opposing party. But of course, hurr durr sales

>> No.469336
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You get different dress up pictures if you clear harder difficulties in LLS, but that probably doesn't count.

>> No.469339

That's because Touhou, even in its later iterations is a mediocre shmup at best in comparison to the plethora of high quality arcade titles. Not to mention the fact that some of the PC-98 Touhou games were just horrible and fun to play at all. If you took away the lovable cast, you'd have nothing.

>> No.469351

I'm not really a Touhou fan, I went through a weird phase where I was obsessed, but not anymore. I totally agree with you though, if any Touhou fans are reading this and want a good Shmup to play, try Cave. Suwako is best 2hu

>> No.469352

The music was okay.

>> No.469418

I'm sorry. I was actually thinking of a different part just seconds before that image where you have to jump through two of those sets of smashy deals in a row

Prepare to feel dumb.
This is what you do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkp5crr-RzY&t=58s

>> No.469442 [DELETED] 

I wasn't prepared.

There's an easier way to the earlier part though. You can do a three frame jump to bait the first pair do a double jump when they retreat and invert at the end.

>> No.469435
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>Hard mode locked until you beat normal

>> No.469449

I wasn't prepared.

There's an easier way to the earlier part though. You can do a three frame jump to bait the first pair, do a double jump when they retreat and invert at the end.

>> No.469545

I know how to do it, but it's bullshit either way.

>> No.469563
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>> No.469610

>beat game to unlock hard mode
>beat hard mode to unlock easy mode

Oh Megaman 64.

>> No.469647

>Playing Disney's Hercules' Action Game
>Normal difficulty
>That level where you're riding on Pegasus his back
>Fighting Titans
>End level

And that was it. You want to walk through hell? Fuck you. You want to fight Hades and save Meg? Fuck you. Play it on a higher difficulty, faggot. Step it up.

>> No.469789

I don't remember how easy mode worked in Mega Man Legends exactly.
I know you got a buster part that maxed out all buster stats, but was it otherwise the same as normal mode, or hard mode?

>> No.469869

>Unlockable difficulty settings

You stupid shit-game. If I want to play on Eighth Level of Hell before I play on Normal then that's my fucking business.

>> No.470084

You have to beat the game under a certain amount of time to get easy before hard.

You also start with the jet skates, and zenny is worth 10 times the normal amount.

>> No.470085

Especially if your memory card got corrupted or you were renting a cartridge.

>> No.470457

Damn, trying to do that solo is a bitch. That one floor where you have to find the item and then enter the warp door or whatever. There's like a 2 second margin of error if you only have one dinosaur. I did it though. Though I can't say it was worth it.