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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 107 KB, 640x1056, 138556-Quake_(E)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4660491 No.4660491 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought a copy of this. What am I in for? I've played and enjoying the PC and N64 versions, but I've heard that this one is pretty cool too. I know it won't be as smooth as the other two but it looks super atmospheric and color and I like all of the nifty cheats and easter eggs I've seen.

>> No.4660513 [DELETED] 

If you're not going to play on the original hardware it was intended for, don't bother posting here. We don't take kindly to posers. The pc offers higher framerate, resolution, and other technical specifications. Your version is inferior in every aspect.

>> No.4660514

>If you're not going to play on the original hardware it was intended for, don't bother posting here. We don't take kindly to posers. The pc offers higher framerate, resolution, and other technical specifications. Your version is inferior in every aspect.
Are you okay?

>> No.4660528

Not when people come in here like they're going to have a jolly good time talking about some stupid bullshit that's not real gaming. Either dedicate some time to finding out how to have the ultimate experience or lurk moar, but don't bother posting about a fucking stupid way to play a game.

>> No.4660531

Playing a different version of the game on a console isn't "real game"? Jesus man, calm down. I've played the PC version to death and like the series enough to enjoy all the different versions. Why does that upset you so much?

>> No.4660532

Imagine being much of a petulant faggot. First off, there's no "we" here, you are not the arbiter of autistic contrarians. Secondly, the PC and Saturn versions are very different and both worth playing. No idea what your problem is, but just because uncle Larry touched your pee pee as a child doesn't mean you need to act like a douche.

Anyway, don't worry about this retard OP. The game is great. A little clunky here and there given the limitations of the Saturn, but it's my favorite shooter on the console. Don't expect any online multiplayer or anything like the PC version has but it's a very enjoyable experience once you get used to the controls. I won't spoil anything but one of the exclusive secret levels is very unique and interesting.

>> No.4660536

Yeah, I know the controls are a little wonky but I'm looking forward to it. I didn't realize there were exclusive levels -- are the original secret levels included as well?

>> No.4660538 [DELETED] 

Your options are to keep playing the pc version or just stop fucking playing.

"We" being the real gamers who have the experience to give an opinion that matters, unlike you. You wouldn't last a second in a quake deathmatch with me and I guarantee I'd wipe any smirk off your faggot face.

>> No.4660539

you don’t belong here

>> No.4660540

>Your options are to keep playing the pc version or just stop fucking playing.
Lmao, is this satire? You're not really this mentally ill, are you?

>> No.4660541

It’s cool if you like Quake, the Saturn, and have an interest in the technical aspects of the engine

>> No.4660543

It’s a newfriend trying desperately to fit in if you couldn’t already tell. Just ignore it

>> No.4660547

>"We" being the real gamers who have the experience to give an opinion that matters, unlike you.
Nobody cares.
> You wouldn't last a second in a quake deathmatch with me and I guarantee I'd wipe any smirk off your faggot face.
I sincerely believe you could, you obviously care way too much about this game. I can imagine the meat of your neck rippling as you feverishly pound my anus with every keystroke.

>> No.4660548

Yeah, from what I've seen it's pretty amazing what they managed to pull off. I know it doesn't run on the actual Quake engine but it's a pretty good facsimile all things considered.
If he's being sincere I legitimately feel bad for him. I mean damn, imagine if something like this upset you so easily.

>> No.4660552

Blame reddit, or 2017. This board is a borderline subreddit now, but I’ve stopped caring desu

>> No.4660557

>Blame reddit, or 2017. This board is a borderline subreddit now, but I’ve stopped caring desu
I feel you dude. We've gotten a lot of refugees as of late. I've noticed a particular large surge of 19-somethings showing up after gorging themselves on Metal Jesus videos and the like. I feel like a lot of people here just hate games and have to waive some kind of autistic flag. Can't you enjoy everything in different ways?

>> No.4660559 [DELETED] 

Not him, but holy fuck, dude. Chill out.
Everyone knows that PC is always the superior platform, but, do you really need to be a prick about it?

You're acting worse than those Sonyqueers who shit over anyone that doesn't own a PedoStation4.

Grow up.

>> No.4660560

The worst part is that I literally even said I had played the PC version already and recognized it would be a better experience, lol... he must have realized how retarded he was being because he deleted his original comment.

>> No.4660564

for anybody wondering, here's what this faggot was so ashamed of that he deleted it:
>If you're not going to play on the original hardware it was intended for, don't bother posting here. We don't take kindly to posers. The pc offers higher framerate, resolution and other technical specifications. Your version is inferior in every way.

>> No.4660631 [DELETED] 

i didnt delete shit

>> No.4660652 [DELETED] 

Hey, I'm trying to port Quake to Wii, do you have any advice on how to do it? I want it only to work with the WiiMote, though.

>> No.4660663

I guess a based mod recognized that you're a faggot and did it for you, then.

>> No.4660696 [DELETED] 

A pretty impressive port for its time but there's really no reason to play it now outside of curiosity.

>> No.4660709 [DELETED] 

>that he deleted it
It wasn't her it was the janitor.

>> No.4660837

I fucking love pc, so of course it's my preferred platform, but I absolutely hate it when faggots like Anon push their opinion around!

In my opinion, PC is superior, so why would I need to force the obvious down anyone's throat? That just makes me come off as petty and insecure, freaking out at people over which way you play fucking vidya. That's retarded.

I would like to try out the Saturn, as well as the dreamcast (consoles I have never played)

Lastly, semi unrelated, but I absolutely love the SNES version of doom music.
That doesn't take away the the PC experience.

Enjoy your vidya, Anon.

>> No.4660878

Good to see some common sense around here. Personally, I've never understood why you can't just have your cake and eat it too. I love being able to play a game like Quake on PC with the best graphics and framerate and get the ultimate experience, but I also enjoy getting to experience a different version of the game with its own quirks, atmosphere, secrets and appeal. For example, I won't tell you that PSX Quake 2 is necessarily better than the PC version, but it has its own charms and plays differently enough from the PC original to make it worth experiencing.

For me, I don't expect Saturn Quake to be a better experience. I know it's going to have a shittier framerate, shittier graphics and shittier controls. But maybe it has a better atmosphere? Maybe it has more visually appealing colors? Maybe there are some cool secret levels or easter eggs to find? For me, that's the appeal.

>> No.4660939
File: 843 KB, 2152x1074, 67997-powerslave-sega-saturn-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavedriver engine trio. Fucking amazing.

It is worth noting that Powerslave was only released a few months after Quake, which means the slavedriver engine was mostly created at the same time as Quake.
Sure Powerslave didn't have 3D models, and sure it was actually less impressive to have a Quake like engine running on Saturn than on PC at the time, but the vision and skill of Lobotomy software need to be acknowledged.

As for Quake, the exclusive maps of the Saturn version are REALLY good and alone make that version worth playing.

Funny to think DN3D and Quake shared the same engine, at least on Saturn.

>> No.4660945 [DELETED] 

I'm definitely going to pick up the other two at some point, they all look pretty awesome.

So in terms of the levels, if I understand correctly, all of the original PC levels are included except the 4 secret levels which are replaced by 4 Saturn-exclusive levels right? If so, that's pretty awesome. I'm really looking forward to playing this.

>> No.4660947

I'm definitely going to pick up the other two at some point, they all look pretty awesome.

So in terms of the levels, if I understand correctly, all of the original PC levels are included except the 4 secret levels which are replaced by 4 Saturn-exclusive levels right? If so, that's really cool. I'm looking forward to playing this.

>> No.4660951

I don't remember how many secret levels there are in the Saturn version. I vividly remember 2 at least.

Quake is the most impressive of the 3, and in interviews they claimed they pushed the engine to the max for it, but framerate does drop at times in the Saturn version, depending on how many 3D models there are on screen usually.

Level design in DN3D is often dubbed down compared to the PC version. For instance something like Fusion Station had to be made simpler and even cut into several map files; I think it's a good example of the pros and cons of 3D vs 2D engine in 1996-1997, everybody was losing their shit over true 3D but some things DN3D did just couldn't translate to full 3D at the time.

>> No.4660956

That's okay, console ports are always going to have to make concessions so those kind of things are expected. The sheer novelty of getting to play a great version of a game like Duke alone, with features like NetLink to boot, is really cool. What I like about these type of console ports is that they usually offer a somewhat unique experience in terms of visual style and gameplay which is a nice contrast with PC originals, Quake 2 on PSX/N64 both being good examples.

I actually tried playing Powerslave on the PS1 recently but frankly I was underwhelmed. The PS1 version just felt like such shit. I'm going to give it another try on Saturn because it seems like it's a highly superior version with better controls and the like.

>> No.4660962
File: 138 KB, 640x908, 23F4AC88-8656-4AF1-AB34-E3D738CDA72D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is wrong with /vr/? Why do we have all these retards asking for opinions on games they’ve already purchased? Do these same people rush home from the movie theater to read reviews on the film they just watched? Do you ask if the steak is good after you’ve already been served salmon? You have the game now, just go play it, what does our opinion matter now? Maybe Saturn Quake sucks? Could be the worst version! Too bad for you! You already bought it!

>> No.4660967


>> No.4660968

newfriends are desperate for approval from the collective

>> No.4660975
File: 18 KB, 512x512, 3D3BEF2E-78AF-4843-8904-85017B75F9CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“approval from the collective”

There aren’t enough eye rolls or barf bags in the world for that shitty throwaway comment.

>> No.4660987

Yeah, the PS1 version of Powerslave feels much worse especially in terms of combat. They also got rid of fun stuff like bomb jumping.

>> No.4660994

>saturn owner
Congrats you're retarded

>> No.4661038

PS baby detected

>> No.4661146

>am I fitting in yet?

>> No.4661147

congrats you’re retarded

>> No.4661562

Maybe because I'm excited to play the game and would like to talk about it? What kind of retarded question is this? By this logic, you should never even come here to talk about anything, "LOL DUDE JUST GO PLAY YOUR GAMES WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THEM?", I can't speak for everyone but avoiding buyer's remorse has nothing to do with it, I just like talking about games. You know that's what the purpose of the board is, right?

>> No.4661575

It was deleted by a mod. You can report shitposters like that, if you feel like it I mean. They'll generally get handled if it's clear they're shitposting just to shitpost, like that guy was.

>> No.4661615

Why were PCs so late to the hardware acceleration party? It's funny seeing all these 90's software-rendered shooters that had to be almost completely rewritten to take advantage of console graphics.

>> No.4661742

Saturn quake is atmospheric as fuck. Also plenty of slowdown but never unplayable. Only real shit thing is the auto aim is pretty broken.

>> No.4662084

what's the framerate on these?

>> No.4662121

Have you played the N64 version? If so, which would you consider better and / or more atmospheric? I like the vivid colors of the 64 version but I like how the Saturn version manages to blend the gritty darkness of the original with some subtle colors, I also like all of the crazy cheats and easter eggs. 64 is pretty bare bones outside of including 2 player multi.

>> No.4662123


Let us know how it is. If I had a Saturn, I'd pick this up for sure. I was blown away by how fun the N64 version was, but I think a big part of that has more to do with how fast and engaging Quake is as a game.

Take some pics or video and let us know how you like it going through --- particularly how the Saturn version looks and plays different.

>> No.4662654

Will do for sure. I also enjoyed the N64 version immensely. It may not have all the bells and whistles of GE/PD/Turok but IMO it's the smoothest playing FPS on the console. Great framerate, controls, etc.

>> No.4663084

How does saturn quake compare against quake 64?

>> No.4663091
File: 25 KB, 300x384, 300px-Lobotomy_Software_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a dark timeline where Lobotomy Software didn't prosper

Let us pray

>> No.4663104


Does this work with Arcane Dimensions?

>> No.4663116

The controls are even more clunky. It's really unenjoyable on anything besides the PC version, but some people are more sensitive to stuff like input lag and framerate than others.

>> No.4663125

>You're acting worse than those Sonyqueers who shit over anyone that doesn't own a PedoStation4.

and you are as bad as him

>> No.4663151

>not owning a ps4

>> No.4663161

>Why were PCs so late to the hardware acceleration party?
The first 3D accelerator add-in-boards started appearing in 1995. They weren't that late.

>> No.4663174

If 4chan now was full reddit, it would be better, because reddit is just 4chan as it was in 2008.

The problem is the flood by tumblrinas and youtube e-celeb fans, not the reddit one.

>> No.4664324

>because reddit is just 4chan as it was in 2008.
I wasn't here in 2008, but if that's true, then good. Reddit is cringey circlejerk full of insufferable, hyper-sensitive, liberal faggots with terrible opinions. If that's how 4chan used to be, then I'm glad it's the cesspool it is now, because I would rather be able to have discussions where everyone has strong opinions and calls the other person autistic than have to walk on eggshells trying to not to offend some weak-willed pussy that will immediate derail the topic of discussion to admonish you for being a big meanie.

>> No.4664671


>> No.4665005

*boops you with sonic plushie*

>> No.4665009 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 750x562, 80563786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
