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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 202 KB, 1326x641, psx_ridge_racer_release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4656137 No.4656137 [Reply] [Original]

What are some game franchises that were extremely successful in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th generations that died out in the generation that came after? Ridge Racer is a great example: Ridge Racer 1 was an amazing launch title for PS1 and helped sell shitloads of systems. RR Revolution was great (more of an expansion pack), Rage Racer was amazing, and Type 4 is one of the best racing games ever made. As soon as it went to 6th gen the series just died out.

>> No.4656152


There were games after 5th gen, but they didn't have the same staying power as the old ones, and the series is practically dead at this point.

>> No.4656186

Samurai Shodown never had the same success after II. III was rushed though IV was quality. The 3D games never caught on and V was shit

V Special is only liked in the tourney scene. VI is obscure and Sen is a 360 exclusive that no one knows even exists

>> No.4656196

Ridge Racers were launch titles for the PS2, PS3, XBOX360, 3DS and Vita!?

There were more than 5 games on the PSX and at least 2 on the N64. They only shit the bed towards the end of the generation.

>Sen is a 360 exclusive
So it made it past retro.

>> No.4656204

Ridge Racer 5 and onward were not nearly as well received as the 5th gen versions

I liked all the Neo Geo Samauri Shodown games. VI wasn't great and Sen was just awful

>> No.4656209

Bomberman sure has seen better days. RIP Breath of Fire.

Content-farm Ridge Racer is no longer Ridge Racer. It’s just a placeholder and even that has been dead since the series was handed over to a western dev.

>> No.4656225

Crash Bandicoot

>> No.4656234

>There were more than 5 games on the PSX and at least 2 on the N64
That was where my point was going but I goof'd my numbers. I was thinking 5th gen was one further rather than 6th gen (which is what I meant).


>> No.4656237

Double dragon

>> No.4656241

the bonk series was mildly successful, but 3 and Super were mediocre since they were outsourced

Super 2 was excellent but japan only.
the n64 3D Bonk platformer was turned into Bomberman hero.
the mobile and gamecube bonk games were completely obscure and japan only, and the wiiware game was cancelled before release

>> No.4656242
File: 59 KB, 355x500, BreathOfFire_PS2Box_USFINAL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RIP Breath of Fire.

Pretty sure it made it out of retro.

>> No.4656249
File: 62 KB, 460x215, header[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this is a retro board, but you faggots don't pay attention to anything.

>> No.4656254
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, forza x ridge racer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree I pretend Ridge Racer didn't exist past PS1, but I think the PSP game did really well as a launch title for the handheld and the expansion-sequel slapped on even more content making it genuinely a great game.


>> No.4656260

Autism thread.

>> No.4656275

If a series made it one game out of retro and then failed, then it failed to establish itself in a new generation. Goemon had one PS2 game, too.

>> No.4656278

This is literally a retro reboot of a series that had been dead for decades.

>> No.4656303

Konami in general just died out
Yeah that's a shame coz IV is fantastic.

>> No.4656309

What konami even create nowadays? Did they release anything this year?

>> No.4656337

last year they made PES of course, and Super Bomberman R, one of the worst bomberman games

this year they have metal gear survive, an asset flip of phantom pain with zombies, and a ps4 version of bomberman r

>> No.4656340

Ultima and all Sierra adventures, along with Sierra itself.

>> No.4656361
File: 7 KB, 188x231, GrandUpper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streets of Rage

>> No.4656446

Read the OP numbnuts. That franchise has been dead as hell since the mid 90's besides a GBA and ios(lol) remake. It would be almost impossible to find an old IP that no one has made ANY kind of "hey guys remember this?" game with over the last 18 years.

>> No.4656478
File: 65 KB, 342x395, C7F0AE8C-2A80-4886-B11C-82A0D64301CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocks your path

>> No.4656479

panzer dragoon

>> No.4656551

This one hurts

>> No.4656559

RIP Aero Fighters, Metal Slug, Puzzle Bobble, Gradius.

>> No.4656632

What about Double Dragon Neon? That came out and found minor success years before Double Dragon 4

>> No.4656921

Almost every old SNK, Sega or Capcom series, like:
Fatal Fury
Art of Fighting
Samurai Shodown
Metal Slug
Streets of Rage
Golden Axe
Fighting Vipers
Rival Schools
Final Fight

>> No.4656923

PSP Ridge Racers are the best in the series awith Type 4.
You don't seem to know much about it.

>> No.4657261

That one is also considered to be the worst in the series. If you don't count the mobile game.

>> No.4657275

It's pretty good. I do like the nitro system from the 6th gen but the drifting is on rails. The sountrack is hella good though, great compilation of the entire series.

>> No.4657323

All arcade genres like beatem ups, shootem ups and fighters.

>> No.4657327

Legend of Zelda. Had one great swan song in Ocarina of Time, then died for about 18 years until they released Hyrule Warriors

>> No.4657347

I see so many mixed opinions on Bomberman R that I’m not sure what to think. I’ll probably buy it just because money talks and maybe that’ll encourage Konami to get some older franchises going again.

>> No.4657381

By who?

>> No.4657390

lol it can be worse that I and II

>> No.4657408

Psp ridge racers was absolutely killer.

>> No.4657498

(Some of these games have post-5th gen entries, but none of them were ever successful again.)

basically every 2nd gen game except Pac-Man and Donkey Kong
Ultima this is probably the most painful one
everything SNK related except for King of Fighters
Final Fight
Streets of Rage
Golden Axe
a lot of Sega stuff actually now that I think of it
most Konami games (that weren't Silent Hill or Castlevania or just a few others) as >>4656303 pointed out
Star Fox (none of the 21st century games have sold worth shit, and I'd be surprised if most people even KNOW that there are any games in the series except 1 and 64)
Tecmo Super Bowl
almost every 3D platformer


Switch game sold decently. So that doesn't really count anymore.

That might as well not have existed it bombed so hard. Though I do agree that it shouldn't count because the GBA game at the very least was semi-high profile.

>> No.4657507

Exclusivity killed Sports games. Fun, arcade titles like those, that still use real licenses and players, no longer exist.

>> No.4657514
File: 43 KB, 500x350, Goemon423434234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His non-retro games weren't really remarkable with the exception of the DS one, which was also the series' swan song. But Goemon's prime was back in retro days for sure.
Always will be one of my favorite vidya franchises.

>> No.4657524

Maybe Shinobi? There has been some 3D sequels for PS2 and Nintendo 3DS, but they were a mere curiosity. In it's prime, Shinobi was one of the big titles of Sega.
Strider hasn't been successful in 3D, but the character of Hiryu still has some popularity in the new MVC games.

>> No.4657693

Just coming in to reiterate the notion that the PSP Ridge Racers are fucking great, Ridge Racer 7 too - still holds up damn well. The other non-retros are mediocre to terrible though.

>> No.4657697

>Ultima this is probably the most painful one
Shroud of the Avatar?

>> No.4657709
File: 133 KB, 1338x519, boffaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4657731

Can we stop misusing this word?

>> No.4657737

While oot is an okay game, its legit the worst one

>> No.4657748

PS2 aint retro

>> No.4657763

Mega Man Legends

>> No.4657765

I'd actually argue all the RR games are pretty good. 5 was a schoolboy error by Namco - an ugly (even for its time), relatively short, and extremely unforgiving game clearly rushed out for launch, but it's actually very underrated and a lot of fun if you give it a chance. 6 and 7 (pretty much the same game with tweaked mechanics) are also really good, the online particularly was great with a small but hardcore community back in the day.
The trouble is the games weren't even bad, they were just out of step with the way the market was going. The audience had moved on to either po faced lite-sims such as Gran Turismo and Forza, or over the top spectaculars like Motorstorm and Burnout. Ridge Racer sat between two stalls and was unwanted by either side. Giving it to a western dev to try and cash in on the latter style was beyond shameful. I hope the series rests in peace.

>> No.4657878

It’s amazing that there are so many people wrong about this that there are memes representing that fact

>> No.4657972

Konami has largely switched from video games to pachinko.

>> No.4657974

Wizardry is alive and well in Japan, and it's license issues that keep the games there, I believe.

>> No.4658095

Road rash

>> No.4658629

>As soon as it went to 6th gen the series just died out

Ridge Racer V on PS2 was on par with R4, if not superior. RR6 and 7 on 360/PS3 were decent.

>> No.4660064


>> No.4661491

Eggerland Mystery / Adventures of Lolo

and also: Lotus

>> No.4662930


R-Type and shmups in general really.

Became a husk of a game concept with bullet hell and pedo-bait to keep it on life support.