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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 250x355, 250px-GhostsnGoblins_flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
465353 No.465353 [Reply] [Original]

>still considered the hardest game of all time

>> No.466175

Well, it sure ain't easy. It was AVGN's first NES game he ever played, when he was a kid. Shaped his hatetred. He started out as "The Angry Nintendo Nerd" and all.

>> No.466184

I'd say Gradius was harder

>> No.466187

that's not Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna

>> No.466213

that's not salamander aka life force

>> No.466253

That's not Heart of Darkness.

>> No.466258

Bullshit, it's not and it isn't. I've beaten it, and I still can't beat Ninja Gaiden 3.

Heart of Darkness isn't hard, it's just too shitty to finish.
>but muh graphics and atmosphere
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.466260

Gradius is easier.

We're talking about arcade originals, right?

>> No.466262

I'm trying Life Force (the NES port) right now. It sure isn't easy, but is it really that hard?

>> No.466271

Wut. Heart of Darkness isn't that hard. It's nothing compared to GnG.

>> No.466279

That's not Transformers Mystery of Convoy

What if EVERY game was like Mystery of Convoy?


>> No.466286

Sir I'd like to remind you that you're on /vr/ and not /v/, please don't shit up our board already.

>> No.466301

You'd better watch yourself around all those edges.

>> No.466305

>can't beat Ninja Gaiden 3


>> No.466360

Sorry, I forgot that it's against the rules to call shitty overrated games shitty and overrated.

...oh wait, it isn't.

>> No.466373


Indeed it isn't, but at least try to articulate what you dislike instead of being a typical shit flinging /v/irgin.

>> No.466376

State your reasoning, in a way that's coherent and relate able and people wouldn't have a problem, and you'd probably have a discussion, something that this board was made for. But just calling something "shitty" and "overrated" doesn't make it so. You don't need to like it, and to call it out on its perceived flaws is encouraged, actually.

But then you did so in a moronic manner, and thus got called out on your bullshit.

>> No.466395
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Well, dunno if this is the hardest game I ever played, but I,ve beaten it several times as a kid on my Amiga. I don't think I could beat it now, though. Pretty cool game anyways. My favorite weapon was a knife as far as I remember.

Now I think about it, Rick Dangerous games were harder for me.

>> No.466407

Well put, sir. I can see that /v/-like attitude surfacing here a bit more every day, and we most certainly don't need it here.

>> No.466408

Terrible controls, frustrating physics, butt-ugly pre-rendered CG aimed to wow (oh the irony), pretentious presentation with trite, overused, never-been-good-in-the-first-place "kids are imaginative ah oh" aesthetic.

To name a few.

>> No.466413

Dear god, you really are the cancer.

>> No.466419

Excuse me for wanting a board that isn't shit.

>> No.466424

That's not Space Station 13 Syndicate Assistant.

>> No.466441
File: 26 KB, 256x224, Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (U) [!]000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghouls n' Ghosts > Super Ghouls n' Ghosts > Having diarrhea > Ghosts n' Goblins

GnG is hard not just because it's "hard", but because it's utter shit.

>> No.466446



Also, if Arino could beat Ghosts N Goblins, it's not the hardest game of all time

>> No.466567

>GnG is hard not just because it's "hard", but because it's utter shit.
But all three games are some of the best games ever made. From levels to physics to aesthetics, the SNES original is one of the pinnacles of game design.

>> No.466591
File: 166 KB, 500x281, 1361025298397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat this game.

Now, let me clarify. Unlike most braggers who jump on these "hard game" threads and boast away, I do not want to detract from the game's difficulty. Yes, I did beat this game when I was 11, but it took me 6 months. SIX freakin months, to go through the entire game (that's two runs, back to back). I had enemy patterns memorized, half a notebook full of maps and notes, and I'm quite sure I bombed a few tests because of lack of studying. This was my first, and only, game that I obsessed over beating all the way through. The only hard game I ever cared to go all the way with.

Thing is, I have not cared for beating any other 'hard' game since. Admittedly never beat Ninja Gaiden I, II or III, games like that. I guess in my mind since I beat GnG I have my crown and am done with UBER DIFFICULT games. Nowadays I still beat games, and have tons of fun as always, but beating games on he highest setting or conquering the hardest challenges? I just don't care. Got nothing to prove, don't care how I 'rank' amongst other players: I just play shit tons of games and have a blast.

>> No.466596

That's weird. Beating hard games makes me crave for more.

>> No.466608


Ninja Gaiden 3 doesn't have continues, it is also significantly harder than the original. NG2 was a piece of cake by comparison.

>> No.466610

Come on now, Ghouls is fun, more than Super Ghouls, which is fun too.

But GnG is TOO fucking clunky! With Ghouls you have a little more "freedom", in GnG you have to follow an extremely strict pattern.

Sorry bro, not fun. And "pinnacles" of game design, that's quite a stretch. And frankly, the difficulty of those games are a niche thing these days, and rightfully so. There is a place for hard games, but accesibility is the norm nowadays. Sure, it helps create abhorrent game design ideas, but it's not inherently bad.

>> No.466615

Iunno, can't explain it. I just don't care. I'll BEAT the game, sure enough, but I'll have my fun and move on to another. A friend of mine thinks it's because I'm an only child AND that I grew up in a tiny neighborhood and never had that competitive audience around me. Never played sports ('cept volleyball, which I was great at). So I dunno. I just don't care about "being the best". I just wanna play as many games as I can, have great fun experiences, and out games under my belt.

>> No.466632


Likewise. Since I conquered Ninja Gaiden, I've been constantly trying to up the dosage to get the same level of rage/accomplishment/frustration. Battletoads held that for two months. Might have to go back to ghosts and Goblins soon. I've never even finished the 6th level the first time.

>> No.466637

>With Ghouls you have a little more "freedom", in GnG you have to follow an extremely strict pattern.
How is that a problem? That's the point of the game. It's not easy, not trivial. It's a well-structured, well-crafted game. If you were looking for a sand-box, it's not it, but that's your problem, not the game's.

>But GnG is TOO fucking clunky!
They aren't clunky at all. The game never punished you for it's deficiencies. What else do you want? Or are you one of those crazy faggots who complain that Mega Man can't duck?

>> No.466645

I beat all three Makaimuras, but I never beat a single Ninja Gaiden. Maybe because I've been fixated on the ridiculous NGIII.

>> No.466660
File: 4 KB, 256x224, ninja_gaiden_nes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always feel like I won a medal when I finish a hard game. Ninja Gaiden shows you a mountain that you slowly learn is filled with death. When the game ends Ryu's father says "You're a man now Ryu." he's talking to us. When the mountain collapses you know that you beat that mountain into dust with your bare hands.

That's why people play hard games and it's also why a lot of games today are forgotten within six months.

>> No.466671
File: 139 KB, 1024x803, dark_queen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd suggest starting the NG. You can learn that game fairly slowly and eventually come to master it. While I'm sure a lot of people are going to groan over this guy, I'd suggest taking a look at his video if you get completely stuck.


NG2 is more of a series of gimmick stages. They have some challenge to them, but the game as a whole will be easy if you can beat the first. You'd think that would imply you should play it first, but the gimmicks don't teach you much on how the other two games work.

>> No.466676
File: 169 KB, 380x280, 321362382158439961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard game feels.

For those of us who have them, it's something else. For sure.

>> No.466679

Yarly. You beat Borderlands, and it's not even an accomplishment.


>> No.466681

on that same turn, why is it okay to call something ''good'' without explaining why?

a guy shouldn't have to write a treatise every time he has a negative opinion just because of the thin skin of others.

>> No.466690

>but it's not inherently bad.
But it is.
All it amounts to is a cheapening of the medium to the point where it becomes movies-lite.

>> No.466692
File: 103 KB, 425x319, Zelda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda II is a surprisingly good game for all the hate it gets. Sure it's nothing like the rest of the series, but that's hardly something to blame the second game in a 17+ series. The challenge is there for most, but it isn't nearly as hard as the legendary challenges of the NES.

But the combat is tough and the platforming sometimes unfair.

>> No.466695


Because he's using inflammatory language and trying to start a shitstorm.

>I've never liked this game.


>This game is shitty and overrated.


>> No.466706


Let's not let this devolve into a navel gazing session about opinions. Can we just talk about hard NES games?

>> No.466708

I was just watching a contra speedrun and though. Damn this guy is so much better at me than contra, and I thought I was good.

But then I realized, wait, I am good at contra. I can get through it no continues, not many people can do that and it takes a bit of work to be good enough to do that. (he's still 100 times better than me) That to me feels like a huge difference between games back then and now. You need to be good at the game to see the end. Anybody and their grandma can get to the end of Bioshock infinite and see the ending no problem at all, it was made that way. Games back then made the endings congratulating you for actually being good.

>> No.466709

>my laughter when this is the hardest game for zelda babies

>> No.466719

>Because he's using inflammatory language
Is this GameFAQs or Neogaf or something?

>> No.466750


Exactly! People today who play/beat modern games get it all: flashy ending, movie ending, dialogue, narrative, NG+, extra content, killer music, etc etc etc.

Back in the day, some hard games, ALL you got were the credits. Credits, people. That's it. You bled through months or gruesomely hard gaming.... and all you got was a bunch of names of people you don't know, and maybe a "The End". I hate how these days credits can be skipped or accessed at the title screen. Those credits used to mean something. Those credits used to be all you worked for. Those credits used to be all you had.

FUCK I'm getting old...

>> No.466752

The PSP games was much harder imo, I don't think anyone was able to beat it on ultimate mode (going by YouTube playthroughs)

>> No.466761

>"it isn't nearly as hard as the legendary challenges of the NES"

So uh, do you actually READ posts, or do you just look at the pretty pictures?

>> No.467104
File: 11 KB, 320x240, pd_saga_shot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /v/eenagers ruin a board they do not understand

>> No.467123

>ridiculing teenagers when they comprise 80% of the site

>> No.467140

What has one got to do with the other? Are those official statistics there, champ? Or are you just throwing out numbers out from your ass?

>> No.467148


There's no way to prove anything about the userbase of the site other than that it's younger and male.

>> No.467150


You. I like you. But I hate Wiz 4. You need to be a madman to play Wiz 4.

>> No.467156

So you admit you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.467158

That would certainly explain why the whole site's gone to shit.

>> No.467163

>calling people "champ"

The fuck? Are you talking to a dog or something?

>> No.467165

Battletoads is harder

>> No.467167

I'm not the same guy you were arguing with

>> No.467181

not like it wasn't always that way. Moot was 15 himself in the beginning.

>> No.467185

OP just delete this fucking mess and start again, preferably after 9pm on a school night.

>> No.467225

To be honest, some of the people in this thread could be mistaken for retarded chihuahuas

>> No.467250
File: 605 KB, 1113x1487, INTENSE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver Surfer is harder.

>> No.467270

> You need to be a madman to play Wiz 4
and you need to be a wizard to beat Wiz 4.

>> No.467280

NG 3 has continues , just not unlimited. and it's easier than 1 or 2 if you know what your doing.

>> No.467325

I've beaten most of the well known "hard" retro games, but I think the hardest game I've ever beaten, if I had to pick one, was Stuntman for PS2. game had the same "play level over and over until you completely memorize and master it" quality that alot of retro games have.

>> No.467436


Er... yeah. That's right. And what I meant. Because I don't make mistakes.

>> No.469173


Ninja Gaiden is harder. So is Street Fighter 2010. And Silver Surfer. And, of course, Battletoads.

It's still a game which anyone can be proud to have beaten.

>> No.469201
File: 506 KB, 600x434, abbyroadDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I disagree. I beat Ninja Gaiden in only a few weeks of dedicated playing. I've never even come close to beating Ghosts and Goblins and I've had the game for over a decade.

Even Battletoads I'd managed to beat within three months.

>> No.469271

Someone was arguing with me in another /vr/ computer RPG thread. I was saying Wiz 4 was purely for masochists and he was saying I was crazy, it's the peak of the series, everyone should play it, etc etc.

Yeah, I gotta agree with >>469201, Ninja Gaiden was rage inducing and legit difficult but I beat it as a kid. I've beaten most of the "nintendo hard" classics but I can't imagine I'd be do G&G without save state cheesing. Which obviously is shamefur dispray.

>> No.469313

NG3 is the easiest IMO, even WITH the bug that makes you take way more damage in the NA version. It's just an easier game to do whatever and beat than the two others, where you have to memorize and master everything.

But yeah I guess the whole no continue thing can be harsh, if you're inexperienced.

>> No.469347
File: 172 KB, 600x659, IMG_0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yiss... GNG scored this weekend CIB.

>> No.469356

I beat the every game in the GnG series and Ninja Gaiden, but still can't beat King Cup on the SNES F-Zero on Expert or above.

>> No.469363

I really can't understand how Arino could beat this, with not that much help iirc. He couldn't even beat some of the Mega Man games but this?

>> No.469378

dat ass

>> No.469393

Your mom is shit you twat.

But in all seriousness GnG and super GnG are a couple of my favorite games. I believe they aren't actually that difficult they just require perfect timing and practice. A lot of hard games are hard because as you stated "they r shit" but these games are not in that category.

>> No.469413


I am very jelly. I want all the GnG games CIB.

I need SGnG and GnG on NES CIB. Only got Ghouls N Ghosts on Genesis and Ultimate GnG CIB.

>> No.470150

>SNES original
I chuckled. But even the ice cold calm says the game is too hard. Hardly the 'pinnacle of design' you claim it to be.

>> No.470180

don't forget super ghouls n ghosts on gba.

>> No.470202

I feel like the PSP version was harder. At least on Arcade mode with no continues. Took me about a month of gaming 4 hours a night at work to finally beat it.

>> No.470226

If Arthur looked where the fuck he was jumping it wouldn't be half as hard.

>> No.470238

La Mulana is harder, at least you know what you're supposed to do in GnG.

>> No.470293

Loads of romhacks are harder.
They can be qualified as "artificual difficulty", but only retards care about this.

Some of those hacks require perfect timing and mastery of the mechanics to get through shit and are difficult even after falling for the deathtraps more than once.

>> No.470336

Do you mean gng hacks or difficulty hacks in general? Have any recommendations? And not that god-awful metroid impossible.

>> No.470352

I forgot the names of most. The most obvious and popular would be kaizo Mario.

Many write it off but in my opinion that shits genius at parts.

>> No.470387

ninja gaiden 3 is the easiest of the 3. I've beaten all 3 and the last two are easy I comparison. I wish I had to e for battle toads. maybe one day.

>> No.470456


Try Mega Man 3 Ever. The creator of this hack even thinks he made it too hard. It's damn good though. Less gimmicks, more tight platforming.

>> No.470635

>download hack
>game start
>top man
>very first screen is pixel perfect jump
>dark brown on black so can't see pixel
>lose 8 lives
>finally land on platform
>another pixel perfect jump back down

Well that didn't last long.

>> No.470679

i beat lolo first time playing

>> No.470704

>buck up and try again
>7 continues full of lives later
>nothing but pixel perfect jumps
>manage to scroll to the next section 2 times
>Yet Another Pixel Perfect Jump setup

You're gonna have to stream this one.

>> No.470838
File: 314 KB, 248x200, 1363570008668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this gotta beat ONE stage
>spend 5 more continues
>random enemy drops a life
>make it to top man
>only takes 1 damage from the buster instead of usual damage
>fuck up one jump
>instant death
>remember I still have one more life
>finally win

I thought Mega Man was about being a heroic super robot, saving the world from Wily's evil schemes.

>> No.471214
File: 50 KB, 704x396, Hyakka-Ryouran-Samurai-Girls-05-A[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-I'm sorry anon... Daijoubu?

Also, why give up when you managed to beat the stage? Isn't that a good sign?

>> No.471268

That's about right though for one one Wily's Castles right?

>> No.471306

I always think its funny when people say the orignal contra was hard. It isnt hard at all. I can beat contra with out dying, pea shooter only, no power ups, multiple times in a row.

>> No.471364

I loved Wiz 1 & 2, but bounced right off of Wiz 3. Never owned 4.

>> No.472973

And the Adventures of Bayou Billy. Good luck beating either.