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File: 23 KB, 500x344, the-legend-of-zelda-majora's-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4645093 No.4645093 [Reply] [Original]

>people who didn't want to play Majora's Mask because they were intimidated by the time limit

Is there a weaker reason to not play a great game?

>> No.4645098

Literally who? You could reset time amd slow it down

>> No.4645102

Tbh when I was younger the time limit in MM gave me stress and I dropped it for a while because of this. It's like a phobia, I guess, it doesn't have to make sense.

Later on I realized what I'd been missing out on though.

>> No.4645106

Kotaku's Jason Schreier, who just did a ranking of the series.

>When Majora’s Mask first came out, the timer scared me off. A Zelda game where you had to rush through everything in three days and you couldn’t take your time to explore each dungeon at your own pace? No thank you, said teenage Jason. But when I played it in 2015, I realized that Majora’s Mask actually adds a brilliant new dimension to the Zelda formula, forcing players to think about puzzles not just in terms of who, what, and where, but in terms of when. It’s weird and gloomy and very cool.

>> No.4645114

>scared me off
Did this idiot cuck also fear the auto scrolling levels in Mario 3? Seriously. How.

>> No.4645129

it's a scary game, it makes me anxious

>> No.4645157

I remember I was hype as fuck when reading in magazines about Majora's Mask because of the mask in the logo looked cool, but mostly because of the three-day cycle time travel/limit mechanics. I LOVED the idea of actually being able to control time since in Ocarina of Time you just warped but didn't change anything. I was not let down and to this day Majora's Mask is the only game that does time travel right, imo.

I can see how it would be overwhelming to some people, but I agree it's a weak reason. I also don't get how people can take Ancient Stone Tablets and apply the no time limit patch, you're taking away the main selling point of the game.

>> No.4645163

i always found the autoscrolling levels boring bc they were so slow, especially the ones in the last world

>> No.4645303

what aspect of the 3ds port ruins it?

>> No.4645308

The boss fights are different and some items are in different spots, but the game is not ruined by any means

>> No.4645342

>play mm
>first thing you have to do is hide and seek
>shit grafix can't discern shit
>get to the next part of the fetch quest
>"oh lol what you're looking for isn't here it's easy over there"
>outta time. Get moon crushed as forever deku
The fuck were they on thinking this was OK? People actually think this was well done? Let me actually go out and play as link before bringing out the Horrible Consequences.

>> No.4645352

you get to play as normal link at the start anon

>> No.4645354

>shit grafix can't discern shit
Stop using HD displays to play SD games.

>> No.4645360

I love MM but that's a valid complaint,Fuck the idea of locking the player to use deku link at the start

>> No.4645374

Didn’t play this as a kid, finally started playing it a week ago. Did the first temple (deku shrine), then got bored and quit.
I don’t understand why this is the most popular “contrarian-but-not-really-contrarian” game in the series. The characters so far are bland despite everyone saying this game is better than the others because of the characters/side quests, the camera when you’re a deku is fucking atrocious (way too zoomed in), and the music is...okay, but not fantastic.
>hurrdurr you just didn’t play long enough
If a game can’t naturally hook me by the 2-hour mark, it’s not worth my time. Not all of us are NEETs with unlimited time to play games.

>> No.4645396

I doubt anyone with a fucking spine did this.

You are given of plenty of time to make some sort of advancement every cycle. Most of the progress you make is saveable.

>> No.4645401

There's nothing instrinsictly wrong with it. It adds to a lot to the story. Besides you aren't going to spend much time in that form.

>> No.4645415
File: 155 KB, 1000x500, legend_of_zelda-majoras_mask_orchestratrions_inlay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Deku Link?
>faster on ground and water
Fine, you can't use a sword, but you wouldn't use the sword inside Clock Town much anyway.
It's only during the first cycle, after that you can transform at will.
Goron Link is also better than young Link on ground, and Zora Link is obviously better than young Link on water.

>> No.4645436

I have to agree. I have played so many "amazing" games that utterly failed to reel me in at all in several hours of play. Only for me to later be told "you have to play for at LEAST10-20 hours before it gets good"
Well fuck that shit. And fuck people who support this structure.

I'm not saying i want adventure or role playing games to be amazing from second one. They need to build up a bit. But they also need a hook to draw players in.

I played both n64 zeldas for like 5 hours each and got nothing out of either of them. Just boredom. And if they can't hook me in 5 fucking hours, there's a real problem there.

>> No.4645449
File: 158 KB, 505x344, +.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's dumb
but i know some people didn't want to play it because it looks like the same shit that OoT.
Why the use the same models?

>> No.4645461

because they're perfect

>> No.4645462


I loved that you were forced to play as a deku at that start. It gave depth IMO by shaking the usual formula up...it makes the story come alive. Like Link, you feel fucking trapped and desperate and it's such a relief when you finally get back to normal. It added tension.

On a personal level, I was in the 6th grade and just entering adolescence as a 12 year old when MM came out. It was an absolutely perfect time in my life for this game. Whereas Ocarina was a much brighter and straightforward game I played as a child, MM was a bizzaro world with body-horror from OoT that perfectly mirrored what I was going through in my own life. It'll always have a special place in my heart for that.

>> No.4645463

I got used to it, but yes, it was intimidating at first.

>> No.4645472

It was made in less than a year.

>> No.4645474

>people who didn't want to play Majora's Mask because it wasn't the exact same as literally every other Zelda game

>hurr durr where's muh zelda/ganon this isn't hyrule waah

Is there a weaker reason to not play a great game?

>> No.4645475


I think this is simply a problem of playing a dated game. You have to remember that even basic mechanics like the lock-on were fresh and new back then. Now if you're a modern gamer, you've already experienced these mechanics which have been refined significantly in Dark Souls for example. And that's saying nothing about N64 graphics on HD TVs.

I believe that many N64 and PSX games fall in a grey area. They lack the simplicity of say a SNES game, which is so charmingly simple in gameplay and so novel visually at a time when it's all about expensive graphics cards and realism. It's a kind of Uncanny Valley effect--the games too closely resemble modern titles resulting in many people subconsciously using current expectations for these old games. At the same time, OoT and other games are too far ahead of their own time to evoke nostalgia or that charmingly simplicity that other games from that era have.

Given all that, I'd say your opinion is perfectly valid. Maybe wait 10 years and then revisit it. Maybe we'll have this conversation again.

>> No.4645541
File: 325 KB, 320x164, zeldamajoraredead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you think about it, only the NPCs use the same model, and there's also new NPCs.
Locations, enemies (majority of them), all are newly made assets. And enemies that were reused were also given new features or animations.
The whole "MM is just an OOT hack" is exaggerated out of proportion. The fact you can now play not just as young/adult link, but as completely new 3 characters is also a factor (4 if you cound Oni Link, which is basically OP adult link).
Also, not sure but didn't Young Link get some new moves as well? I think he doesn't play exactly the same as his OOT incarnation.

>> No.4645562
File: 45 KB, 980x490, landscape-1477931693-ben-kenobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oni Link

I haven't heard that name in a long time.

>> No.4645576
File: 60 KB, 474x972, th (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't play the game because I didn't become a Zelda fan until Wind Waker.

Also I cracked open a player's guide when I was in a book store once and pic related is the first fucking thing I see, and artwork of other characters really was not much better.

I mean I love the N64 Zelda games aesthetics but it seriously had some of the ugliest N PC design in the whole series.

>> No.4645582
File: 150 KB, 333x488, Igos_du_Ikana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the hate for Tingle.
It's obviously a joke character, people get angry because he looks stupid, and that's precisely the whole point.
MM has some really good designs, I think.

>> No.4645720

What does Majora's Mask have to do with a great game?

>> No.4645726

Majora's Mask is a great game, independently from your unimportant opinion.

>> No.4645970

It's supposed to be mysterious not scary

t. Shiggy

>> No.4645973

Tingle was a adult NEET who his manly father was ashamed of. Basically proto r9k

>> No.4645982

The last world literally has an airship stage where the auto-scroll speeds up

>> No.4646208

Well, he actually made some rupees off of his hand-drawn maps, even if Link was his only customer, most likely.