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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4641449 No.4641449 [Reply] [Original]

what console has the most games with replay value?

>> No.4641463

I'd say PS2 but that's not retro enough
So go play Atari instead and use your imagination to pretend each 5-minute high-score run is a brand new story path with alternate endings

>> No.4641851

Nintendo 64, especially with Rareware games.

>> No.4641856

Pure, undiluted arcade philosophy

>> No.4641860

The consoles I go back the most are NES/Famicom, SNES and Mega Drive.
Then N64 and Saturn.
I usually avoid disc-based systems due to loading times, but Saturn's are rather fast most of the times.

>> No.4641885

Genesis because Arcade style

>> No.4641892

It's subjective, but Dreamcast is the best retro system for fighters and fighters have the most replay value. So thats a good pick.

>> No.4641978

Sick duck gif OP

>> No.4641993


>> No.4643769

The only thing that adds replay value enjoying a game so much you wanna replay it so whichever console has the most of those for you is that one. For me it's the Genesis.

>> No.4643772

Dude it was the NES that had free us from that beat the high score shit philosophy

>> No.4643776

Id go even further to say the Master system though irrelevant, definitely has an amazing library and even blew Nintendo out of the water in the 3d department with 8 games that were fantastic looking at the time.

>> No.4644921

Dreamcast and N64 for me. PS1 has got some good stuff as well but a lot of the stuff is multiplat so I don't count it.

>> No.4644996

It depends on what you're into. If you're into fighting games, the Saturn has the best library by far. Into rpgs? The PS1 is your friend. If platformers or sidescrolling is what you crave, the SNES is here for you. Want an arcade style game that actually feels like an arcade game? Genesis. Want a good time? N64.

Each console has a different library, each one caters to a different kind of person. I'm willing to bet that there's someone out there who actually favors the 32X.

>> No.4645008

Meant to say Dreamcast. Fml.

>> No.4645016

if you want soundtracks that are so bad that they are amazing then yes the 32x is perfect

>> No.4645962

This guy is smart.

>> No.4646000

The one you play the most

>> No.4647159

what's the deal with this duck? it looks familiar and I've seen it a few times here but I can't recall where it's from...

>> No.4648394

NES is objectively shit.