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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4634746 No.4634746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everyone talks about how influential the PSX and N64 were, but they were bad influences and only those who are nostalgia blind would disagree.

>Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid and Ocarina of Time were the start of storyfags and the cancer these games brought is why so many modern games have more cutscenes than gameplay. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, story in games is cancer, just read a book.
>Crash Bandicoot and Mario 64 caused the 3D platforming craze but both games sucked, many failed mascots came about because of it and they were on systems with bad controllers that either didn't have analogs or only had one analog as well as poor draw distance. Many ignorant fans of Mario 64 also claim it to be the first or most influential 3D game which is false due to Waveland and D for the Saturn being made first.
>Then games like Banjo had to come and make it even worse by turning platformers into the most boring genre ever because of collect-a-thons until Sonic Adventure redeemed the genre.
>PSX had half-assed ports due to being an underpowered console. Marvel vs. Capcom games on the PSX didn't even allow for tag battles unlike Saturn ports and SOTN has nowhere near as much content as the Saturn version for instance.
>Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Duke Nukem, Alien: Resurrection, and other games for both consoles caused the FPS craze on consoles to take off even though FPS is a genre that works on PC only.

The Saturn however had the perfect balance of 2D games and 3D games as well as the most care put into ports. It was too ahead of its time and didn't succumb to the temptation of marketing itself as an early 3D machine that didn't hold up well over the years, and for that it is the #1 console ever created. Bravo Sega, even if noone else appreciates your masterpiece, I do.

>> No.4634756

>it's another 5th gen war thread by the namefag
You're going to be banned soon, kid.

>> No.4634758

Shut the fuck up faggot, nobody wants to read your gay 5th gen blogpost, I certainly didn't. Sage and ignore.

>> No.4634765

>sage and ignore
You forgot the actual important action to make, anon. Report.

>> No.4634797

Good thing I'm not breaking any rules. Mad I'm revealing the truth?

>> No.4634807

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>Trolls, flames
>anthropomorphic ("furry")

Yeah man, you dindu nuffin

>> No.4634825

I'm being serious with my OP, I believe those games changed the industry for the worse. Is it really that hard to understand? Also I never posted any furry porn so keep reaching.

>> No.4634828

Nobody mentioned porn.
Oh also, another thing, avatarfagging, you have used a lot of Knuckles avatars today, that's another rule broken, my lad.

>> No.4634839

Man I'm glad I made the first ever console war thread /vr/ has ever had. I think I've really got a great new take that'll surely change some minds and make people see my side of the argument using talking points nobody has ever heard before.

>> No.4634852

Im so sick of you namefags and these shitty threads.

>> No.4634860

Just report.

>> No.4634862

Less than 10% of my posts and they were Ugandan Knuckles memes. That's not avatarfagging, otherwise everybody who spammed Uganda Knuckles memes on boards like /v/ would be banned. Keep trying again. You clearly said
>anthropomorphic ("furry")

>> No.4634864

>I-I h-have only shitposted 10%, please d-don't ban me mods!
Too late.

>> No.4634868

/v/ already forgot about ugandan knuckles meme, it's like 2 months old.

>> No.4634871

Memes aren't against the rules and I don't care if I get banned, I'm sure they have it out for me just like you do so nothing I say would change your minds. Just exposing your ignorance.

>> No.4634881

The sad part about this topic is that everybody knows you're right which is why they have to resort to reporting you, they just can't accept how shitty the PSX and N64 truly are and how great the Saturn is.

>> No.4634887

FF7, MGS, OoT, Crash Bandicoot, and Mario 64 were better than anything that came before them. Banjo is better than those. Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Duke Nukem, Aliens Resurrection... All of these are better than any other FPS that had been made before. MvC's PSX port wasn't perfect, but that was par for the course in that era, and it's not like the Dreamcast port was significantly better. Though speaking of MvC, the PSX version did have a mode called Cross Over which allowed for tag battles, but you wouldn't know that because you're a dumb contrarian namefag that thought he could make a popular thread by spouting the same retarded contrarian bullshit that /vr/ loves to hear.
All in all, shut up dumb segafag nobody cares.

>> No.4634907

Phantasy Star 2 was better.
Thief was much better and came out around the same time.
Beyond Oasis was better.
>Crash Bandicoot
Sonic's ass the game was worse than Sonic. >Mario 64
Any Sonic game was better.
>Banjo is better than those.
Better at being boring.
>Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Duke Nukem, Aliens Resurrection... All of these are better than any other FPS that had been made before.
Doom says hi.
>MvC's PSX port wasn't perfect, but that was par for the course in that era, and it's not like the Dreamcast port was significantly better.
That port at least let you have tag battles and wasn't choppy, what is wrong with you?
>Though speaking of MvC, the PSX version did have a mode called Cross Over which allowed for tag battles, but you wouldn't know that because you're a dumb contrarian namefag that thought he could make a popular thread by spouting the same retarded contrarian bullshit that /vr/ loves to hear.
Where you had to take turns. Keep reaching, you clearly never played it.
>All in all, shut up dumb segafag nobody cares.
Everybody cares about Sega, it's still far more popular than Soyny and Soytendo for a reason. Sonic Dash has sold better than all of their CONSOLES.

>> No.4634910


disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.4634914

If you can't even converse without falling back on /v/'s memes, then go back to >>>/v/
That having been said your opinions are wrong.

>> No.4634917

Opinions can't be wrong unless they're yours.
Also /pol/ uses soy too, grandpa.

>> No.4634919

>Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid and Ocarina of Time were the start of storyfags
Adventure games and interactive fiction were already a thing in the 80s, and were very popular. Visual novels also date back to the 80s. Many RPGs and JRPGs had stories before FF7.

>story in games is cancer, just read a book
Aesthetics in games is cancer, just look at paintings. Music in games is cancer, just listen to a CD.

>> No.4634923

>/pol/ uses it too!
They're the same population. I don't care which of the two boards you go back to as long as you go back.

>> No.4634925

>Adventure games and interactive fiction were already a thing in the 80s, and were very popular. Visual novels also date back to the 80s. Many RPGs and JRPGs had stories before FF7.
Some of those aren't video games and most RPGs before then had more gameplay than story.
>Aesthetics in games is cancer, just look at paintings. Music in games is cancer, just listen to a CD.
Graphics and music don't reall ymatter either, glad we see eye-to-eye on this.

>> No.4634928

Even if we exclude IF it makes no difference. Story in games was old news and commonplace before FF7.

>Graphics and music don't reall ymatter either, glad we see eye-to-eye on this.
They do matter.

>> No.4634931

Visual novels too. Adventure games like point-and-clicks are as much video games as web pages are.
>They do matter.
No. They don't.

>> No.4634932

Also again they popularized having more cutscenes than gameplay so I don't care. I don't know why you're on this board if you think graphics are important.

>> No.4634934

If you don't think adventure games are games and if you don't realize the importance of graphics and music you're a fucking retard or lunatic who doesn't understand a single thing about video games. You should be banned.

>> No.4634937

Graphics and music don't affect gameplay which is the only actually important aspect.

>> No.4634938

>I don't know why you're on this board
Oh the fucking irony. Where the fuck do subhumans like you come from? Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4634941

I just wrecked you.

>> No.4634942

Friendly reminder to the 7 people feeding this imbecile that sage still works.

He can't bump his own thread, that's all on your shoulders.

>> No.4634945

This thread can fall to the bottom for all I care. I've said my piece on why the Saturn is a good console while the PSX and N64 were bad.

>> No.4634949

oh great knuckles is shitting up the board with nonsense again

>> No.4634951

I made this thread, idiot.

>> No.4635150

>Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid and Ocarina of Time were the start of storyfags

How was FF7 any more story-driven than FF6? It's literally the same shit, just one had pre-rendered backgrounds and FMVs instead of tiles and sprite-based cutscenes.

>> No.4635156

I hate you stupid niggers. I come here with only the most intelligent arguments and facts and you plebeian lot can only post lame memes. I shant be spending my time with you "people" any longer, I'm going back to /v/.

>> No.4635230

>until Sonic Adventure redeemed the genre

Username Knuckles. You almost had me.

>> No.4635524

I agree with you but when you brought in the Sega Saturn I thought you were trolling and that's coming from a guy who played Saturn long before he had even touched a PSX or N64. The 5th generation is the worst. I've hated it when it came out and still do. So people saying
>you should have been there to understand it
Don't know shit because I was there and saw how shitty the games are. Everyone was jerking off to 3D graphics and large file sizes so they raped the hell out of those memes thus creating awful games.
Think of the craze of ... what's it called...games like Night Trap. Hey we can put movies in our game! It was horrible but possible so people did it. That's how I see the 5th generation.

>> No.4635609

I don't believe what you're talking about but the "beginning of the end" wouldn't be the PS2?
It was with the PS2 that most of the games started completely trying to be like "realistic" movies and to this day are the ones who sell the most on these consoles.

>> No.4635647

>It was with the PS2 that most of the games started completely trying to be like "realistic" movies
That was the Sega CD, and others too
You know those ones that had real people videos, fuck that shit

>> No.4635781

>OP can't even tripfag right
>Is a sonicfag so is most likely an actual autist
>liking sonic, one of the shittiest platformers that might as well be a QTE fest since the only way to beat levels efficiently is to memorize button patterns

>> No.4635793

Fucking niggers. >>4635781 It's the best platformer ever made, and most people here agree with me not you. So go fuck yourself becasue that's not even the topic of the thread.

Everyone is mad I'm reveling the truth about these consoles. Nintendo and sony are probably freaking out when they see this thread and are trying to insult me here to cover it up.

>> No.4635806

You know what, I changed my mind, the Saturn sucks too.

>> No.4635846

Guys i just realized that i'm gay so it wasn't actually that i didn't like 5th gen console's i'm just retarded, sorry for the confusion, i'm gonna go back to eating cocks now, okay bye

>> No.4635885

Actually wait a second you're right, Sonic is shit, and so are most pre-5th gen platformers.

>> No.4635935

GUYS STOP using my name. not even fucking funny what are you doing? seriously just fucking stop right now

>> No.4635962

Can you please stop pretending to be me? thanks ;)

>> No.4635970

Stop pretending you're me, or else I'll get a tripcode, and then you won't be able to pretend anymore. Tired of having my good name ruined by you fuckers.

>> No.4635972
File: 2.24 MB, 290x189, q4JK_f-maxage-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

>> No.4635992

Weird, I thought I had this turboautist filtered.

>> No.4636023

It originated in /g/.

>> No.4636034

FF6 wasn't good either but it still had more gameplay than cutscenes and didn't advertise its cutscenes unlike FF7 did for FMV scenes. Nobody talks about Leo's death.

>> No.4636035

He's been shitposting all day. Literally non-stop shitposting marathon of 20+ hours. Kind of impressive.

>> No.4636042

I think it's more likely that multiple people are stealing the name since the idiot was too stupid to tripfag

>> No.4636046

That's why I like the Saturn though, it didn't fall prey to cashing in on the 3D craze, it brought many great 2D games.
PS2 was also shitty.
Sega CD had plenty of good games like Sonic CD.
Stay mad because Sonic Dash is more popular than every console on the market right now put together.

>> No.4636049

You can tell which ones are not him (the ones going "disregard that, I suck cocks).
But most of the "Knuckles" posts are the same guy (militant anti-Nintendo, bait opinions, etc)

>> No.4636052

It's funny to see this board complain about tripfags only to call me stupid for not doing it.

>> No.4636053 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 215x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that person's fucking problem was to post "disregard that, I suck cocks" after literally every post I made today.

>> No.4636054

It's Australia-kun, already proven in another thread.
It's the same modus operandi really. Long shitposting marathons on weekends.
Expect more tomorrow and on sunday, unless he gets finally banned.

>> No.4636059

Sadly it's the same as always, mods won't ban him because they're having fun with him.
On the IRC channel they already got his personal info.

>> No.4636087

> they already got his personal info
are you 12? you think they googled his IP and got his identity? lmao

>> No.4636093

I don't know man, I'm not part of the mods. It's just what I've heard from someone I know who is on the IRC channel.

>> No.4636097

>being the moderator of a gaming forum and collecting information about the users, discussing it in another place
they sound mad

>> No.4636098

because you're a faggot

>> No.4636103
File: 788 KB, 317x219, 1391945104197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there aren't ways to access someone's computer or phone with just the IP

>> No.4636106

so the mods are doxxing and digitally infiltrating at least one user? spooky!

(ok but seriously if you're a mod of a gaming forum, esp this one, you're probably not exactly a leet haxxor)

>> No.4636112

I see what you did there.
Anyway, I don't care about the mods doxxing this faggot, just permaban him.

>> No.4636115

or just ignore him?

>> No.4636118

People who know who it is already do, but other posters keep falling for his bait, resulting in thread derailment.
He's one of those dedicated shitposters like quentin or ACfag (okay, not THAT bad, but still).