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/vr/ - Retro Games

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463289 No.463289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I'm aware /vr/ isn't as cool as I thought it was

I mean, half the people in the place are great to discuss with. But I also noticed the other half ae teenage/early 20s hipsters that like collecting old games because it's "in".
Is there a way we could get rid of them?

>> No.463305 [DELETED] 

Given them marathon tickets?

>> No.463312

We can start by deleting this thread and getting rid of whiny, off-topic posters such as yourself.

>> No.463324 [DELETED] 


I'd rather sacrifice a little of ontopic discussion to solve this problem. I'm havig a hard time tolerating the hipster kids.

>> No.463334 [DELETED] 

meta threads like these are part of the problem

that makes you part of the problem

>> No.463346 [DELETED] 

report them if they're breaking rules. stay away from threads that tend to start bickering, like super metroid threads, earthbound threads, and threads such as these.

>> No.463350 [DELETED] 


I have a hard time tolerating idiots like you who are 2kewl2post video games.

Wanna talk metashit? Here are some boards up to your speed:

>> No.463365 [DELETED] 

>Discussion; people having a good time
>Resorts to making up some problem about "hipsters" because there has to be some shit to complain about

>> No.463394 [DELETED] 


all that hipster scum trying to tell me I'm the problem

you're like the jews

>> No.463438 [DELETED] 

I'm 24 and play old games. Are you really that mad, queer? Owned a snes when I was just a kid and it was the best system I've ever owned. You wanting old games to be "your thing" makes you as bad as hipsters, you whiney fucking pussy.

>> No.463459 [DELETED] 

/vr/ still has a majority of good posters, I don't see a problem

just ignore things you don't like direct people to the correct board when they post non-/vr/ content, like this:

>> No.463463 [DELETED] 



you're already pretty old, I'm referring to younger people who didn't had retro consoles growing up and don't even like them, but still play/buy them because it's vintage and retro and funny/ironic, etc.

And thanks for all the namecalling, it's like I'm really on /v/

>> No.463494 [DELETED] 

>Kids who buy retro consoles/games and don't even like them, but still play/buy them because it's vintage and retro and funny/ironic, etc.

There are people like that here?
Also, I'm 21 and I like /vr/ for the better videogame discussions (compared to /v/), the nostalgia, and Kacho threads.
I know this goes without saying but it was a sad, long journey from 2007 /v/ to current /v/.

>> No.463517

No OP, see? YOU are the hipster.

>"Boo hoo, young people and HIIIIIIPSTERS are playing MY SECRET CLUB'S GAMES! /vr/ is an exclusive club for people who love old games, like me! I LOVE old games! And fuck all those people who are just PRETENDING TO LIKE THINGS."

If there was ever someone who needed to leave videogames as a hobby forever, it's you.

>> No.463540 [DELETED] 

Im 29. Just hooked up my NES. For any of these little bitches just getting these games/systems because its "in"...I hope they get some form of cancer. They are taking away from collectors/ archivists who would respect and love said hardware for as long as possible. I grew up on NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. I even had much love for the good old 2600. This new generation....I dont even know what to say.

>> No.463550 [DELETED] 

>bumping this thread

Stop. Stop posting. Stop bumping. Let it sink to page 15.

>> No.463570


>> No.463956

sometimes i feel like /vr/ has only played 20 games. it's the same ones everyday

but yeah, you should take this over to /q/ OP

>> No.463990

Wow, where are all the other posts in this thread? Why did they got deleted?


Writing like a retard pretending to know how I think it's not gonna help you.
I never said or implied anything about a "secret club's games", just that there is a clear difference between people who genuinely grew up playing old games, as opposed to younger ones that collect old games without actually knowing much about the subject. You oldbros know that the problem with /v/ was mainly the prominent userbase being mainly 15, 16 or 17 year olds.
Most of /vr/ is fine, well half of it, the other half are people who don't really like videogames, but merely as a cosmetic thing.

But whatever guys, I can understand how an offtopic thread like this could also be seen as "part of the problem", etc, etc

also I wish there was a way we could also discuss new games, but without all the userbase from /v/, I'd really like to discuss all kind of games with all of you 80s bros, not just retro, but that's how it is.

>> No.463991

Please limit discussion of /vr/ on /vr/ itself. These kind of meta threads are toxic to the community, and are not /vr/ related.

>> No.464007
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sorry OP, you got told..
hit the nail on the head

>> No.464014

>Janitor/mod deletes all the posts in this thread but not the thread itself, which is not /vr/

Usually I like the guy who cleans up this board, but you are FUCKING UP right now. Nuke this thread and tell the OP to take his retarded, meta thread-posting ass to /q/. You should know better than this.

>> No.464020

You do realize there are more pages to /vr/ then the first one right?

>> No.464029

I agree. The mod should publicly ban OP and sticky the thread, so everyone can see this kind of behavior is not tolerated on /vr/

>> No.464048


But he didn't got me told, he just pretended to know how I think, and he failed at it.

If you want to bash me for doing meta threads, go ahead, but I never implied anything about some "secret club" or any shit, old games can be liked by anyone, hipsters aren't part of that though because they barely played any games (like >>463956 said, I'm sick of "wow guys earthbound is so rare" threads, I fucking love the game, but enough already).
But whatever, if you want to believe I feel bad because "my secret hobby" is liked by hipsters... well, it sickens me that hipsters are tainting my hobby, but it's not "secret", for fuck's sake, in fact why the fuck does retro games became a hipster thing? videogames were never really something obscure, everyone was nuts about them ever since they first appeared.

>> No.464054


Shut the fuck up. No one gives a shit.

>> No.464069


Look at this cocksucking hipster trying to tell everyone how /vr/ should be. Fuck you man.
I bet you were also the kind of faggot that went running sobbing to the teacher everytime a bully kicked your ass.

>> No.464071

you're just digging yourself deeper man, let it go

>> No.464086


I'm not letting go because I know that writing like a retard pretending to be another person isn't winning an internet argument, not even on 4chan.

Also, ban me if you want, but those of you who aren't the mad hipsters saging this thread know there's truth behind my meta and offtopic thread.

>> No.464096


and yes I mean that as an insult.

>> No.464108


Yeah, I'm not going to that shithole, thank you.
I like my /vr/, but without hipsters or people that defend hipsters.

>> No.464113

>Why did they got deleted?
The real question is why didn't this entire thread get deleted. There is nothing good to come from it.

>> No.464129


I seriously don't know why this is still here.