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4632496 No.4632496 [Reply] [Original]

What was Lavos's motivation? Do you think there are real Lavos's going around the galaxy?

>> No.4632515

Just a hungry boy.

>> No.4632517

eatin planets and shit

>> No.4632528

live, grow strong, procreate, pms

>> No.4632535

Lavos is an alien inside an alien inside another alien.
All the 3 aliens go under the name Lavos, but are all of them the same lifeform? Or is the inner layer Lavos a parasite controlling the other 2?

If the inner Lavos is unique, them the threat is over.
If it is not, then Crono's team just managed to prolong the inevitable.

>> No.4632542

Isn't the alien inside the real one, wearing two armors

>> No.4632562

The outer armour is more like a spaceship

>> No.4632567

It's like a cancer cell, it's not intrinsically evil, it's just doing its thing.

>> No.4632571

Eat the planet, make more Lavoses.

>> No.4632626

Or maybe it's like how crabs and turtles and shit grow their own shell.

>> No.4632656

wow so the last boss is just Cell? bravo toriyama, bravo squaresoft

>> No.4632661

>Do you think there are real Lavos's going around the galaxy

Yes, and he's bringing Mario and Cloud, and all your video game friends.

>> No.4632683

Manipulate the dominant species to its specifications, control their societies, reproduce, and have the spawn consume the perfectly tailored food-species, then presumably die while the spawn find new planets to strip of life to perpetuate the cycle.

>> No.4632863


>> No.4632936

What is the motivation of any Lovecraftian elder god, really?
To truly understand one would be to go insane.

>> No.4632957
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>> No.4633048

but yet we can rationalize it pretty believably already see: >>4632683

>> No.4633069

There's no indication that Lavos died, only that he left behind his shell to become a mountain.

it could be after this portion of his life cycle is complete, he no longer requires it.

Could be that you literally fought a teenager old-one.

>> No.4633076

If you haven't played the game, get out of the fucking thread.

>> No.4633098 [DELETED] 


>> No.4633112


I think the outer Lavos shell is a chrysalis or the shell of a larval form, like how a cicada leaves behind a husk of its baby self when it matures. It's worth noting that the giant shell is mostly hollow on the inside, as if the original tissue inside had been used up. Presumably after destroying the Earth in the original timeline, Lavos molted into his adult form as a Dragon Ball Z villain and took off back into space.

>> No.4633115

i don't play blockbuster meme games

>> No.4633120

Friendly reminder that post quality is important to this community and posts like these can be reported for being low quality, causing the user to get a warning or, in the case of a repeat offense, a ban.

>> No.4633451


What is a sperms motivation when ejaculated out of a penis? In the case of most of 4chan, the floor, or a sock or a asshole.

>> No.4633841

>Do you think there are real Lavos's going around the galaxy?

It's scary to think about, isn't it? That out there amongst the untold billions of galaxies, there might exist a being that has amassed near-unstoppable power, and is in the process of consuming entire worlds to feed its engines.

>> No.4634184

So what happens when two of them end up on the same planet? Would it be an Evangelion situation, or would the weaker specimen simply be eliminated?

>> No.4634365

It's pretty unlikely that any two things on a cosmic power scale are close enough for it to not be a curb stomp, unless there's some controlling factor imposing a cap.

However, I think the cap is "eat the sun and convert all matter in the solar system into spores of yourself" and if such creatures meet, there won't be anything left to watch the fireworks.

>> No.4634538

Given the immense size of the universe and the proven ability of life to adapt to extremely hostile environments, I would expect that some form of large spaceborne organism probably does exist somewhere, but FTL travel is still impossible as far as we know, so it won't be moving very far. I suppose if it was like some kind of photosynthetic creature adapted to live for an extremely long time and to spend most of that time hibernating after accelerating in the direction of the next star it could get around, but then it'd need to be capable of calculating celestial mechanics to plot a course instinctually in its head.

>> No.4635089

That’s because you’ve never been to blockbuster video

>> No.4635104

I think it initially intended on passing the DNA it collected from every life form to pass on to it's offspring. But, when confronted by the heroes does it take the DNA for itself to mutate into the perfect being. In this form it was able to use the ultimate physical and magical attacks.

>> No.4636372

>Do you think there are real Lavos's going around the galaxy?
About that
Have you played Chrono Cross or the DS port?

>> No.4636403
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, chrono trigger 2300ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did Lavos go in 2300ad?

>> No.4636404

Imagine your brain being able to fight on your behalf. That's how I imagine Lavos inner systems work.

>> No.4636407


>> No.4636413

to absorb the androids and become the perfect being

>> No.4636547

They needed a bad guy to fill the plot
destination =/= motivation

>> No.4637413

>Do you think there are real Lavos's going around the galaxy?
It wouldn't really surprise me. Not an exact 1:1 but something that operates similarly, sure.

>> No.4637461

He has to die at some point. I wasn't suggesting that this necessarily happens within the scope of Trigger.

>> No.4637464


>> No.4637469

Do you stay at the restaurant after you've eaten?

>> No.4637608

>a being that has amassed near-unstoppable power, and is in the process of consuming entire worlds
Literally Drumpf imo

>> No.4637792


Died. No, really. Think of it like a scarab.

>> No.4637815
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>> No.4637825


No, thats where some of its kids are.

>> No.4637831

i think it's around 4?

>> No.4637832
File: 235 KB, 1024x1043, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.4637846

That's where Lavos was too.
Unless it can jump fast enough to hit escape velocity, that mountain is Lavos.

>> No.4637848

>that mountain is Lavos


>> No.4637872

the mountain is death peak. that's where the lavos spawns are, but that's it.

>> No.4637886

Death's Peak was likely created as a result of Lavos erupting from the ground (no clue if it's intended to be the remains of its shell), but the game never says one way or the other, as far as I know.

The eruption site in 1999 is extremely close to where Death's Peak stands in 2300, though it doesn't match up exactly.

>> No.4637896

Tectonic plates move.

>> No.4637915
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Well, I was mainly talking about Death's Peak's location in relation to the mountains and domes on the continent.

>> No.4638085

Life isn't possible in a vaccum anon.
And photosynthesis requires O2.
There aren't any ayylums either.
I bet you're also subscribed to "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE"

>> No.4638097

It probably left it's shell behind and moved on using that weird humanoid body, or it died.
Fucking kato not explaining shit

>> No.4638159

There's no reason it shouldn't be, some organisms can survive in vacuum for extended periods of time
The version that evolved on earth does but there's no reason to think that's the only way an animal could gain energy from light
There almost certainly is alien life of some kind somewhere, statistically, even if it isn't intelligent and has no way of getting here
I bet you're the kind of person who tries to make everyone think they're smart but gets publicly BTFO twice a week

>> No.4638179

That post is embarrassing.

>> No.4638181

>Do you think there are real Lavos's going around the galaxy?


Same reason I don't think there are little green men in spaceships fucking with us. It doesn't make sense. Any species that is technologically capable enough to go from one star system to another has absolutely no reason to fuck with an inferior species like us, unless we're truly unique for some reason.
Also, there's no reason to send your meat body somewhere when you can send a drone for a teeny fraction of the cost. Technology increases at an exponential rate, so while yes, we ourselves would love to go to mars and mess with any microbial life we find there, by the time we can get to a planet in another solar system, we can create whatever life we want here. Why kidnap a monkey from a planet 50k lightyears away when you can grow one in a lab? Why go mine gold on the monkey planet when you can create it from stardust from your own sun? Why do anything at all when you can create AI smarter than you that can do anything you can do and more, but faster and better? Why even bother with meatspace when said AI can create a virtual world for you that's better in every way from the one you inhabit, and can take care of your meatspace concerns better than you ever possibly could?

About the only possibility that makes any sense is a species on a planet that is about to go extinct (like their sun is about to explode or something) slapping together a last minute plan to get their DNA off the planet to survive somewhere else, and even then it's a stretch. There could be von neumann probes, but they wouldn't be organic, and they'd work a lot faster than lavos.

>> No.4638187
File: 5 KB, 272x180, Chrono_Trigger_Zeal_boss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4638189

Lavos has nothing to do with technology, did you even play the game?

>> No.4638192

Don't attack the hands, ever, at all. Just keep hitting the face. Do not attack the fucking hands.

>> No.4638195


>> No.4638197

That all makes perfect sense from a human perspective. You're making the mistake of assuming aliens would have the same goals and drives.

I'm not sure what else to tell you. The hands are the big gimmick and if you just pound her in the face eventually she will go down. Do you have a good healer in your party and megalixirs?

>> No.4638201

I'm using Crono, Frog, and Ayla. I have 10 megalixirs.

>> No.4638202

Oh dude, get Frog out of there. You need Marle.

>> No.4638203

First time I played I spent hours on Dark Omen, dying 10 times to every single boss, all because I tried to beat it right after getting the Epoch.
The game expects you to do some side quests, hinted by the old man in the End of Time, before going to Dark Omen.
If you do everything the end game will be a breeze.

Don't forget to steal speed tabs from enemies that you already beat and are not going to respawn and get haste helmets.

>> No.4638207

Alternatively replace Ayla with Marle and double up on your healing. Chrono by himself should be able to dish out the 20k it takes to beat her but it's a battle of attrition.

I like to bring Magus (if you got him) because it changes the fight music.

>> No.4638208

She's going to be terribly under-leveled for this part of the game since I haven't really used her since the first 30% of the game.

>> No.4638212

>You're making the mistake of assuming aliens would have the same goals and drives.
I'm saying all life capable of getting itself to here from there would have about the same goals and drives. A singularity can be good or bad. A good one would either not bother us or it would be like an altruistic god come to help us. A bad one would be like lavos, but so much worse; mainly not organic and much faster at what it intends to do.

>> No.4638214

Oh that is a shame. Maybe try Robo?

>> No.4638219

>I'm saying all life capable of getting itself to here from there would have about the same goals and drives.
And I'm saying you have absolutely no way of knowing that. That's an astronomical assumption.

>> No.4638221

I guess I'll give that a shot.
So is
a good team for this fight, or should I use Magus instead of Crono?

>> No.4638224

I'd give it a shot with that lineup, and if you still need more healing go with Chrono, Frog, Robo. Those 3 can always hold their own.

Splash in Magus if you want, sure.

>> No.4639181
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>> No.4639483

how can you not kill it?
you can fight this boss like 4 times in the game
piss easy

>> No.4639682

Lavos was pretty much the alien from the Thing.

>> No.4639902

Found the faggot