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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 250x199, EarthBound_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
463214 No.463214 [Reply] [Original]

Retro store story time.
>Driving around and notice a used video game store i havent been to before
>Start browsing the shelfs, gf notices pocky&rocky and lets me know
>Pretty good find, great price. I decide to get it
>They notice that it is a little more rare than other popular sales
>"Since you're into rarer games, you should have been here a couple days ago. We sold a Earthbound!"
>"Thats a pretty good find! (ive seen it quite a bit every other store now for $80-100) How much was it?
>"Oh we sold it for $250
>i asked if they had it in box
>There was no box.
How the fuck is someone stupid enough to spend fucking 150 more dollars than a game is worth?
If someone is going to buy used games, odds are they know the average price for certain games, specially the rare ones.
But 250? What the actual Fuck

>> No.463250


It goes for $200.00 on eBay right now, so $250 isn't crazy since you can see and test it in person.

>> No.463260

the thing about earthbound is that it really isnt that rare, but people think it is.
some moron paid $250 for it and now everyone thinks they can get $250 for it

it's all a matter of what people are willing to spend, and some people are willing to spend $250 for it, its catch 22

>> No.463268


Yes goy, don't be such a schlomo and spend top dollar for your retro games!

>> No.463274

>$250 is not insane for an uncommon game released 20 years ago
I hope that was in roobucks, because holy shit.

>> No.464173

Saging just to avoid bumping a dead thread. Every time I see one of these threads about the high price of EB, I get really tempted to sell my copy. I could use the money, and the idea of making a profit off of a hipster gets me hard. But if I did I would lose one of the few games I've managed to hang on to from my childhood, and that number has gotten very small.