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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 98 KB, 666x666, 1510546005014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4626596 No.4626596 [Reply] [Original]

Games you remember but need the name of thread.

3D graphics with pre-rendered backgrounds a-la Longest Journey. Your protagonist collects items as well as spells to use. You start in an alchemy-science-magic lab, and when you first leave you get jailed. I believe the protagonist had silver hair but I might be wrong on that one. One of the spells I remember having was called Illusion but you used it to create a bridge over a ravine.

>> No.4626614

I don’t know the answer, but it sounds cool.

>> No.4626617

It was. I recall it came in 2 CDs and I believe they had a wizard's tower etched on them. The setting was generally magitech, if the lab is any example.

>> No.4626707


>> No.4626735

I used to have this game for the Genesis. If I recall correctly, it was one of those side-scrolling platformers with realistic character movement, think Flashback, but I'm not entirely sure about this. All I can remember about this game is that you were some kind of agent, you infiltrated some kind of underground base and you needed cards of a certain color to open some doors. Been looking for it for years.

>> No.4626762

This looks like it, OP. Looks fun.

Blackthorne? OnEscapee? Don't think either was for Genesis, although Blackthorne was on Sega 32x.

>> No.4626768

I have a bunch.

1. A light-gun shooter where you get attacked by apes. I remember them coming at me very fast and I was a little kid and too slow to shoot them all. The game gave me nightmares. I don't remember if it was arcade or console. It was at a kid's birthday party that I only met a couple time and never again.

2. 3D action arcade game. You play as a girl and hit people with broom or sprayed them with mace. It had QTEs. Partway through, she takes her shirt off and runs around is just a bra, and the game gets very difficult. I couldn't beat it.

3. Adventure game for PC, looked like a comic book. If you clicked on certain panels, they'd move, sometimes in live action. I don't remember anything of the plot or characters.

4. 1st person adventure game, think Myst, but with shittier graphics. You're a knight or warrior or something and you're in a castle, looking for a dragon. You know you're getting closer if you start seeing smoke in the air. I was very young when I played this. Seeing all the smoke filling the screen scared me too much to play it. It was on my cousin's computer.

5. 2D platformer, the screen is slowly filling up with green slime an if you touch it, you die. It had very intense music. I remember nothing else about the game. I didn't play it, watched someone else play it at their house.

6. PC game, 2D platformer. You play as a green guy at an airport and you're attacked by a plane with maces hanging from its wings. Played it in 2001.

>> No.4626771
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Techno Cop?

>> No.4626781

>This looks like it, OP. Looks fun.
That's it, alright. Narrative-wise it just utter fucking disaster, it's incoherent, meandering, and, basically, the next events do not follow from the previous ones. Design is some really good shit though.
Oh, one other thing. This game is NOTORIOUSLY hard to get to run on anything post-Win98.

>> No.4626796

>Narrative-wise it just utter fucking disaster, it's incoherent, meandering, and, basically, the next events do not follow from the previous ones
Disconnected. That's the word.
Or maybe disjointed.
And NOT in "artistic" way or even the way that feels even remotely intentional (it rather feels extremely amateurish).
And it's not about translation. It's the same way in the original Russian version.
I hope you get the idea.

>> No.4626970

Side scrolling or isometric SNES adventure game with a mountain area with lots of clouds or fog you walked on bridges from cliff to cliff. There was a monster/dragon in the fog.

>> No.4627006

There's one I remember but can't think of the name. From the late 80's or early 90's. It was I think an isometric style arcade game where you can play one of (I think) three characters and one is a blatant Indiana Jones ripoff. I remember the attract screen had a scene where they open a coffin or something and light spills out and its Indiana Jones, some chick, and another dude around it in shock (who are the playable characters I think).

>> No.4627064

Dark Adventure/Devil World/Majū no Ōkoku by Konami.

>> No.4627253

Ya got it mate. Thanks.

>> No.4628867

Ok, this one is a real long shot because it might have been a pirate copy and it would make things even more complicated...
It's a SNES game I never actually played but a friend of my almost lent to me, it had red japanese text over a blue background in the label

>> No.4628870

Nothing else, no drawings or anything

>> No.4628879

Garou Densetsu Special?

>> No.4628949


3. Noctropolis?

>> No.4629318
File: 121 KB, 640x400, foundit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked it up and holy shit, that's it! Thank you, good Anon.

>> No.4629379


Having an idea around what year this happened, even decade, will help.

1. House of the Dead?

>> No.4629393

Not House of the Dead, but good guess. I had to have played it in 1996 because I was in 2nd grade, probably early to mid 90s. It had blocky polygonal graphics. It certainly looked similar to House of the Dead.

>> No.4630370

>Garou Densetsu Special
Damn, it might actually be that, even though I don't remember it being a SFC catridge...
Is there even a way to specifically look for something like I described?

>> No.4630468

No idea, that's the only one I saw that was close to what you described. You could try google with "japanese text SNES label" and see if something pops up.

>> No.4631961

Apple 2 game I played in 2nd grade. You had to do basic math to make your robot go up a Donkey Kong like course.

>> No.4632039

PC game.
Stragedy action game. You were brown mud people, something with a portal. You could suck up dead mud puddles to make more mud men.

Second. I really don't know, if anyone has heard, much less played this. You were like, an alien? There was another alien with a gun trying to kill you, so you hide in the bathroom. Never got further than that. 3D rendered.

>> No.4632107

Could the first game be Sacrifice?

>> No.4632118

Afraid not. It was top down with pixel graphics. Thanks anyway.

>> No.4632402
File: 43 KB, 220x396, IMG_3777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamaitachi no yoru?

>> No.4632430

PC 2D side-scroller, horizontal, you play as an old plane, possible co-op with another, silver plane. Stay in place during boss fights by pulling out a helicopter rotor on top.

I know the game is popular but I've been unable to find it for some reason.

>> No.4632629
File: 20 KB, 1200x800, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember two things about the game (probably RPG/adventure/point&click): it had a dark atmosphere with the intro including lighting, and that the hero could go into a house in the town (where he arrives) where a cripple with no legs lives, and you could sweep his flat as a favor.

Any ideas?

>> No.4632631

MECC - Path Tactics?

>> No.4632658


>> No.4632681


>> No.4633331

That’s it! Thanks.

>> No.4634317

It's a yellow-label 18+ pachinko game on the saturn, japan-only, and it has anime visuals.

>> No.4634323
File: 125 KB, 337x205, 6855201_orig[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 is most likely CarnEvil

>> No.4634394

That's definitely it. Thank you.
>Carnevil came out in 1998
Memory was off by 2 years.

>> No.4634979
File: 105 KB, 700x564, Sankyo-Fever-Jikki-Simulation-S-Vol.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might be
Sankyo Fever: Jikki Simulation S Vol. 2

It has a little yellow thing on the box, which I'm assuming is the yellow label. I don't collect Saturn, or Pachinko games, so I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm talking about, just going off 5 minutes of research.

>> No.4635086
File: 26 KB, 1024x768, Game I can't remember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my dad's friends had this on an arcade cabinet at his place. From what I remember, this is what it looked like.

It was a platformer style game with a fatntasy aesthetic sort of like Castlevania in the control, you had a party of... I want to say eight or so people who each had different abilities; you would swap them out as you went along and they lost health/died.

>> No.4635145

PS1 game, all I remember about it is that you start as a boy at some kind of seaport.

>> No.4635159

Looks like a flash game, no? Try looking on armorgames, maybe?

>> No.4635181

>Flash game.

This was in an arcade cabinet about 2000.

>> No.4635182
File: 102 KB, 768x672, gfs_52696_2_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Heroes of The Lance, but that wasn't an arcade game. Screenshot is from NES version. Any other stuff you remember?

>> No.4635209

Not much else; the game took place in a dungeon and you collected treasure chests for points. It was pretty simple sprite work too.

>> No.4635307

Looking for an old Doom clone game, it was a semi-educational game about the American Civil War with long winded campaign/battle information but the primary game was a Doom-like shooter were you could either play as a Confederate or Union soldier.

Also had sections during some missions were you could mount a Gatling gun and mow down a bunch of enemies. Was pretty bloody, I'm amazed I got away with playing it in the school library.

>> No.4635321

In the early 2000s, I got my first computer (Pentium II, 400MHz, Windows 98SE bitches!) and so I bought many a magazine with demo discs and there was at least one CD with 2000 demos on it (it was mostly card and board games obviously).

Anyway there's at least three games from that era that I have no idea what they were named since I've never seen them since and those CDs rotted eventually anyway.

So, the first game whose name I don't remember was a puzzle game. It was 2D sprite graphics and it was like a Bejeweled kinda thing with rings and gems that you had to join. I believe there was also a hooded man in the background or the title screen or something.

Second game was a 2D puzzle game with prerendered 3D graphics where you controlled a bouncing spiked ball and the objective was to crush all the people in every stage in order to progress.

Finally, the third game was a kitten pet simulator. It had somewhat ugly MS Paint artwork and pink font text if I recall, so I don't remember if it's worth remembering but just for the sake of nostalgia I'd like to see it again some day.

>> No.4635328

You know, you could simply download an emulator and a complete ROM pack and go through every rom for a couple minutes to figure out what the game was.

>> No.4635338
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 19[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the second game Stupid Invaders? Early in the game you play as the orange alien and you do hide in a bathroom as an agent comes after him with a laser gun, dressed in a black suit and a hat. Pic related.

>> No.4635367

I remember playing a computer game very similar to Prince of Persia.
I remember the protagonist had black pants and gray armor on the arms, sheens and chest. Can't remember if he was using a metal mask (like the soldering ones) or a helmet with a line visor.
I kinda remember the name was Death tower or Doom tower but the only think I find by that name is that stage from Flashback.
Also, vaguely remember a giant scorpion enemy and a beastman, perhaps a centaur.

>> No.4635461
File: 38 KB, 480x300, 38359-CatzIIYourVirtualPetz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could the kitten one be one of the CATZ games?

>> No.4635494

An arcade car racer.
For DOS or Win95, can't remember.
No real physics, just .
There is an announcer/narrator.
On the demo track there is a ramp where you ran over it while in the air you do a barrel roll.(!)
Whenever you run over this ramp, the narrator goes "YOOOHOOOOO", but if you lose speed and feel from this ramp, he goes "AAAAAARGH"

>> No.4635512

Hmm I'm not sure. I did a quick google image search and a couple things seem familliar but nothing concrete. I think that the only pet in the demo that I played was a white kitten.

>> No.4635527

May not be retro, but there was this one PowerPC Mac platformer where you play as a cool gorilla; it was in my elementary school, so it's possibly an edutainment-type game
Also, it's a game I *do* know, but where the hell do I find a copy of Sonic's Schoolhouse, either physically or digitally?

>> No.4635784

Cultasaurus Erectus by Blue Oyster Cult
There was a Sega Saturn game where you are some cop that can time travel. Anything ring a bell for that?

>> No.4635918

That must be it, thank you anon!

>> No.4635927

God damn I love BOC. This is my favorite track from that record, Spectres is my favorite album overall.

>> No.4635968

>Also, it's a game I *do* know, but where the hell do I find a copy of Sonic's Schoolhouse, either physically or digitally?
You could at least try to google it. I see it on Iso Zone and on the fucking Internet Archive too.

>> No.4636334
File: 15 KB, 640x400, alleycat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ally Cat?

>> No.4636384

My first thought was like >>4635182 said.
But if you remove the ability to swap characters as you wish it could be Magic Sword and its helpers.

>> No.4636402

It's a DOS game, not sure of the year, but it takes place in a sort of fairground/carnival. You could play all the games, like throwing a ball at some cans and stuff. I feel like there may have been a creative element too, like colouring? I'm not sure

>> No.4636441

>Stragedy action game. You were brown mud people, something with a portal. You could suck up dead mud puddles to make more mud men.

>> No.4636504

Fatal Racing/Whiplash. Loved this shit for corkscrews and loop the loops on otherwise Ridge Racery courses.

>> No.4636526

It was an arcade 2d fighting game
The only two characters I remember are a slim dude with yellow hair and a big ass dude with a net and a steel ball

>> No.4636624

> slim dude with yellow hair and a big ass dude with a net and a steel ball
I feel KoF is too famous, but could it be Benimaru and Chang from King of Fighters?

>> No.4636652

Old Apple II Text Input Adventure Game.

It was first person perspective. You were in a house, the goal was to find all the animals playing hide and seek in the house. However, while you were looking, there's a dragon at random locations who'll show up to eat you. Like if you enter a room and he's there and you don't type "GO <location>" fast enough, you're done. And I think he eats the animals after a while, too? So you can lose by not finding them fast enough?

>> No.4636662

Oh no, it wasn't that old, it had actual colors.

>> No.4636674

Standard x-bit colors with everything or just "more than purple and cyan"?
You have to keep in mind those games looked nothing like that on the real screen and had quite an assortment of normal colors.

>> No.4636686

What if it was a Japanese exclusive game that wouldn't be included with those packs?

>> No.4636694

Hmm it was definitely from late 90s/early 2000s and like I said, the graphics looked like drawn with MS-paint, so I can't quite assign an X-bit label on them.

Then it wouldn't be a COMPLETE ROM pack, would it?

>> No.4636702

The English complete rom pack has 700 games and the real complete rom pack has 13700 files on SNES.

>> No.4636714

Win 98 or XP point and click, all I remember is that it had voice acting and a guy walked into a room with a bunch of gophers running on wheels powering something and said 'poor gophers'. Shit's been driving me mad.

>> No.4636736

That's it thanks

>> No.4636830

Neither are quite right.

>TFW he's moved to New Zealand and you can't contact him because you don't have his details and neither does your dad.

>> No.4636839

Horror themed 2D light gun arcade game, I reached the first boss only and I remember it was two faces coming out from a sign or something. The arcade cabinet had 3 stationary guns.

>> No.4637940
File: 90 KB, 400x280, lg09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laser Ghost from Sega.

>> No.4637970

Late 90s/very early 2000s dog figthting sim for pc
Tons of planes available, with tons of different configurations and weapon loadouts available for each plane. A specific detail I remember is your primary machine gun bullets being yellow (squares?) and your secondary machine gun bullets being red.

>> No.4638394

I'm taking a completely wild guess at games that could contain something like this, but Ace Ventura maybe? Did Day of the Tentacle have something like that or was it just Maniac Mansion that had a hamster or gopher or w/e?

>> No.4638602

It's a football game for SNES with a top down perspective, and, unlike other games, you can unlock Futsal to play too.

>> No.4638603

You got it! Thanks

>> No.4638609


>> No.4638704

Looking for an old Arkanoid clone I used to play on my '98 machine (I don't remember if it was windows or a DOS game). One of the power-ups was a dwarf or gnome with a pickaxe and a "Beavis" sounding voice who says "Eheheheh, wanna play" when you get him. When you release him, he flies straight up and destroys all the blocks above him.

>> No.4638794

I want to say something from "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream"

>> No.4639278

I just thought of something I could try... when I got my first computer back in 2000, it came with a demo disc. It had a picture of Gubble printed on top and it was just in purple. It had numerous game demos on it but I can't seem to find an ISO of this disc anywhere, not that I'd expect to find it but maybe someone else might know it if I list the demos it included. I remember most of them but not all:

Gubble (either 1 or 2, not sure)
Tomb Raider II
Gooch Grundy's: X-Decathlon
Blood Omen: The Legacy of Kain
Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith
3D Ultra Cool Pinball
Worms Pinball
Age of Empires

I'm sure there were a couple more but I can only remember those. There was also some other similar game to Forsaken... like a first person shooter where you play as a flying ship in semi-urban environments but I can't remember the title.

>> No.4639314

A 2D platforming shooter where you rescue "babes" who are super hot women and shoot some kind of enemy. I think the enemy might be zombie officer workers or something like that?

Pretty sure there were vending machines that you could get heals or power ups from. I think a flamethrower was one of the weapons.

I played it on a demo disc from a PC magazine around '99. The title might be something like "Mr Dude" or some cheezy macho thing like that

>> No.4639337

Oh shit i just found it thanks to the link below, it was called Halloween Harry


>> No.4639485

>Alien Carnage was Apogee’s first 2D platformer
Ah, the pre-Duke Nukem game it seems.

>> No.4639542


What's the game shown in this video at 38 seconds? I know all the others but that one has always eluded me.

>> No.4639978
File: 35 KB, 425x196, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top down 2d shooter. You played as a ww2 fighter plane and could select different planes/aces including Japanese ones. you fought Nazis. There was bosses at the end of each stage like giant zeppelins and battleships that turned into robots as you blew them up.

Played it on arcade.

>> No.4640025

Strikers 1945 series, probably. The games that take place in WWII are
Strikers 1945
Strikers 1945 II
Strikers 1945 Plus

>> No.4641360

3d game, around 20 years ago
you were some kind of cop or a soldier flying around the city with an aircraft. cyberpunkish
it was pretty cool game for that time.

>> No.4641378


>> No.4641387

that's it. thanks

>> No.4641510

Fog dragon sounds like ff4, but that wasn't sidescrolling or isometric so idk

>> No.4641604

that sounds amazing

>> No.4641642

Mid 90s, RPG, Windows.
You start out in a cabin with your uncle who tells you he's not really your uncle and sends you off to seek your fortune.
The first enemy you encounter is a bear, and I always died at it and could never get any further.

>> No.4641882


Fighting Force

>> No.4641968

An japanese 3d horror from ps1, a guy in a haunted mansion who have to Deal with Monsters like a fire dude. We got so scared as kids that we broke the cd. its name write in japanese, i never found the game again

>> No.4642047
File: 47 KB, 500x375, !CCSgwNwBWk_$(KGrHqJ,!l4Ez+vdEoP!BNKln+V!gQ___12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Novastorm by Psygnosis my nigga. But the presentation like menus, music, and CG intro is much better on 3DO.


>> No.4642240

Bad Day on the Midway?

>> No.4642242

Little Big Adventure?

>> No.4642276
File: 45 KB, 332x443, D5DFA6C3-BF38-472E-87DC-E93650746A8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychic 5 (Jaleco, 1987)?

>> No.4642301

>dos/win95 era
>you carry a sword
>it's not realm of chaos
>there was a castle... maybe
ring any bell?

>> No.4642305

Your pic is fucking revolting. Saged and thread hidden.

>> No.4642387

Poor taste

>> No.4642393

Monkey Shines

>> No.4642446

anyone know of an SNES game about pirates? it has a large emphasis on trading, bartering and traveling around the world. and has a card based combat system. i think it was the second game in a series, but im not certain on that one. been trying to find it for ages, but i can never remember the name of it.

>> No.4642861

>Psychic 5
I don't know because I still remember a medieval fantasy theme to it, but it looks VERY close. Might actually be it.

I'm going to play it and see if it's the thing.

>> No.4642867

Uncharted Waters : New Horizons?

>> No.4642943


So much stuff about this fits, the general feel of it, the music is familar and the way the characters move, but I still remember it being medieval fantasy and being able to swap characters on the fly.

Then again, I might just be remembering things in correctly. It's certainly the closest so far.

>> No.4643124

Aw fuck that's it, thanks Anon

>> No.4644259

>Stragedy action game. You were brown mud people, something with a portal. You could suck up dead mud puddles to make more mud men.
are you maybe misremembering the mud people? it sounds like Blood & Magic, with blood golems/elementals instead of mud people

>> No.4644886

Hello there. Using the opportunity, I'll ask about that ugly Diablo clone where you play as a blue ghost that has an ability to possess corpses of killed enemies. First it approaches a blue building on a shore, gets the first and the last opportunity of instakill and gets itself a new body, then enters the blue building in which some guys in red armor and oversized ticks are crawling around, then somehow finds an entrance to the deeper part of the dungeon and fights some dude in a yellow cone-shaped helmet which to enter a red part of the dungeon and now is navigating through a hive of another oversized bugs, in which lies a teleporter to some castle full of what appears to be living sets of armor called and robots, as well as an even deeper part of this underground structure, where, as it appears, a lot of your average fantasy demons live: hooves - check, horns - check, leathery wings - check, a lot of literally hot things like magma and fire - check, et cetera.
I honestly do not remember what year it was, but I remember that the game was in some Eastern-Asian language. Out of all texts that weren't a bunch of unknown characters, I understood that there were 6 or 5 factions, including animals, the robots called HEAVEN (yep, never in lowercase) and, uh, HELL of those infernal creatures. For some reasons, the two latter factions are mutually hostile and not only will attack each other like all other factions do, but will start a rather long dialog (actually, a monolog, as all PC replied with was "...") before a battle. There were many endings depending on whether you kill some of the most fanciest looking NPCs, possibly the leaders of the factions and what body you possessed at this moment. Strangely, I often got endings called "Ending 23", "Ending 20", "Ending 1" and that's all. Does anyone remember a game like this?

>> No.4645006
File: 910 KB, 500x333, jazzed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the spice

>> No.4645010

Does /vr/ do flash games? I'm searching for an art game (as in, it *swear* it was in the art games section on newgrounds - but i can't find it there) where the main character was a qt long-legged girl, possibly a robot, or at least with robot legs. 2d perspective from the side, a platformer, you could go to sleep in this game i think and was generally feelsy.

And something easier: a flash action game, i think i played it on miniclip, i think it had a four letter name in all caps heavy on the vovels (possibly including A, O, E). the gameplay was about hovering over cards to make them disappear, there was a time limit or something like that, modern vector 2d graphics and vibrant colors.

>> No.4645034

the second one is DOEO. i think my description is on point, fucking crazy game

i'm still searching for the first one though

>> No.4645881

Point and click for pc in a big city, a rabbit or something turned to stone and you needed to fix that. I think you collected something each of which restored a bit of it. I recently remembered a game I associate it with, The Lost Mind of Doctor Brain. I think they were on the same demo disc or something.

>> No.4646018

Number 6 is Vectorman. I don't think it had a PC release but it's possible it was emulated

>> No.4646287

I also checked with my sister; she says this is it.

So thanks; I've been wondering about this for years.

>> No.4646336

Nice, happy to help. It’s a really great game that few people seem to talk about. There’s also a sequel for the Famicom called Esper Bouken Tai

>> No.4646351

>>Alien Carnage was Apogee’s first 2D platformer
I hoping that's just poorly written and they mean the first Apogee 2d platformer that stars Harry.
Because otherwise, it's such a retarded statement I can't fathom why they wrote it.

>> No.4646427
File: 45 KB, 384x288, vectorman first boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn, I even found the screen I was talking about with that. Thanks, man.

>> No.4646797
File: 49 KB, 980x592, TfR9iI0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Platform: Either PS1, Saturn, Dreamcast or N64

Genre: 3D platformer (3rd person camera). It could possibly be considered action/adventure

Estimated year of release: Between 1997-2002

Graphics/art style: Colorful or cartoony, not dark or realistic or futuristic. It looks similar to Kao the Kangaroo, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo-Kazooie or Croc 2

Main character: It's probably a terrestrial animal/creature

Other details: The first or second level is a typical field/meadow/plain in a sunny day, you walk through a road. I definitely remember some spiked balls rolling as obstacles. I recall the level as being kinda simple: you walk straight on the road instead of roaming around the map.

Checked games: Crash series, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, Croc 2, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Kao the Kangaroo, Sonic series, Ninpen Manmaru, Conker, Gex, Spyro series, Ape Escape, Chameleon Twist, Ratchet & Clank, Vex, Zapper, Billy Hatcher, Klonoa, Lilo & Stitch, Tomba 2, Pitfall, Scaler, Pandemonium, Rayman 2, Bubsy 3D, Barbie, Kingsley's Adventure, Tonic Trouble, Sheep Raider, Bugs Bunny series, Looney Tunes, Super Magnetic Neo, Bugdom, Space Circus Fever, Hugo/Agent Hugo, Sly Cooper, Bug!, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Jak and Daxter, Super Mario 64, Glover, Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers, Scooby Doo, Treasure Planet, Stretch Panic, Malice, Phix: The Adventure

I understand that this might be a bit hard to find, as there are many 3D platformers from that era. Here's a drawing about the possible look of the level

Thank you guys!

>> No.4646826

OLLLLD ass game on I think Windows? Don't remember what I played it on. It just happened to be on the computer of a family member I visted when I was like, 5. (I'm 21, 22 this year btw. If that helps with the timeframe.)

It was very palpitated, and if I remember right it was a platformer. I think you were a spaceman? If I remember right, it had a LOT of different flashing colors, at least at one point. I think you were trying to platform your way up while either dodging or killing monsters, and avoiding pits. Thats all I can really offer. It seemed like it was older than Doom, but it might have just been a very low budget game.

>> No.4646832

Somehow fucked up and wrote palpitated instead of pixelated lmao.

>> No.4647258

Educational game for Mac in the 90s with a hickory dickory dock theme. The main thing I remember is options for parents were accessed by punching in a code to the microwave in the kitchen.

>> No.4647459
File: 32 KB, 540x253, 1517568417526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember it being a first person shooter. A lot of grey barrels and a lot of the color grey in general. I remember a green goo everywhere puddles of it and some green enemies. I think the enemies were either aliens or demons but I remember them being brown and grey too. I remember a semi well lit cave again with a lot of the color grey. It looked like an early 3d game on the PC. I played it once at my dads friends pc and then never again but it still stuck with me.

>> No.4647469

The Adventures of Microman?

>> No.4647515
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a PC game that I payed in one of those CDs full of demos and free games.
It was about exploring a house/mansion in a first-person perspective through point and click, similar to MYST. I don't think there was an objective to it or a way to lose, it was mostly about exploring the place and seeing some puzzles. I don't remember what the graphics were like, sadly.

However, the most distinctive feature I remember is that, upon selecting the option to quit the game, you were shown a frontal view of the house/mansion in a similar way to pic related (but with better graphics) and the sky had several stars. Then the front door would be slammed shut and all the stars in the sky would fall on the ground to the sound of breaking glass, then the game really closes.

>> No.4647545
File: 79 KB, 550x413, 23135_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Seventh Guest?

>> No.4647553

Nah, I think the graphics were worse and I don't remember it having voice acting. Actually I don't remember if the game even had any characters at all.