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File: 17 KB, 210x240, scias-breath-of-fire-iv-26_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4624820 No.4624820 [Reply] [Original]

Post the worst playable characters of their respective games. Pic related.

>> No.4624831
File: 84 KB, 508x504, 1467012399813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to use Scias

>> No.4624836

>Give him a 2 hit sword
>Use his critical hit skill every turn
So complex.
I don't think usability was the point of the thread.

>> No.4625846
File: 62 KB, 492x314, Resident_Evil_1_DC_-_Chris_Redfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 slots inventory
>starts with knife
>doesn't get grenade launcher
>can't play the piano
>can't solve a simple math problem
>needs to be saved from a plant by a 17 year old who does it by solving the simple math problem
>can't pick locks
>doesn't have his own unique item
>needs a WHOLE SLOT to carry the Small Keys
>doesn't even get to interact with Barry throughout the whole game
>DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT UMBRELLA CORPORATION IS, seriously, Rebecca has to explain it to him

What a fucking loser. Oh what a big man you are, you can take more damage than Jill. Well guess what, SHE'S THE BETTER AND MORE COMPETENT MILITANT THAN YOU. Bitch, she doesn't even NEED the Sword key, you cunt. Are you meaning to tell me that he can't carry more than six fucking items despite being quite blatantly physically stronger? Are you meaning to tell me that he has less pockets pockets than Jill, despite the whole crew having pretty much the same military gear? Are you fucking serious about this shit, Chris doesn't know who the Umbrella Corp. is? He can't play the piano -- fine, but he can't fucking solve a simple math problem with chemicals?! FUCK YOU CHRIS REDFIELD YOU SUCK.


>> No.4625858


Well then I don't know what it is, because Scias is fucking awesome.

>> No.4625861
File: 161 KB, 353x417, CaitSith-FFVIIArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the worst of the whole series. At least Aeris was a great healer, at least Vincent had Death Penalty overflow, pic related has absolutely nothing.

>> No.4625886

Wasn't it originally planned to be just Jill too, then they added Chris for wider appeal? Shit even Leon was outshining Chris before RE5, then Capcom fucked everything up by making Leon an emofag and Chris into whatever he is now.

>> No.4625892


>> No.4625897

Sounds like conjecture to me.

>> No.4625907
File: 116 KB, 500x300, 2f2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4625947
File: 38 KB, 366x369, mallow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Everyone whose favorite character was Mallow grew up to be gay.

>> No.4625970
File: 101 KB, 800x866, 56-xYoAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows up in the most pointless part of the game
>forces you to go through a shitty minigame gauntlet
>joins for literally no raisin
>has no dialogue or story interaction for the rest of the game
>completely worthless in combat even though he kicked your in a scripted battle sequence before you got him

Why was he even in the game?

I mean it. What the fuck was he doing there?

>> No.4626018
File: 1 KB, 35x45, MegaManX4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4626019

This is just a guess but perhaps before Square made the decision to make Disc 2 what it is they were going to make the game longer and I imagine we would have seen more of Rico.

>> No.4626261

Unless you are one of those retards who think the best character is the one that can speed run the game faster, X is absolutely better than Zero in X4.

>> No.4626313

That's a very contrived way to say you are a Mallow fanboy.

>> No.4626334
File: 77 KB, 640x458, Charaboard_rap_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dipshit.

>> No.4626336
File: 34 KB, 328x410, latest[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4626356
File: 34 KB, 250x650, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4626393

Hey Einsteins, you gonna explain who these people are and why they're the worst? CONTRIBUTE to the thread, god damn it.

>> No.4626405


>> No.4626420

Jean from Breath of Fire II wasn't a very good character.

>> No.4626437

yeah. he's outclassed by every other character in every category. the only way he's remotely useful is when he gets that shaman form where he can do obscene damage to all enemies but you have to charge it. Sten, Bow, and Spar are god-tier with shamans.

>> No.4626465
File: 25 KB, 200x456, Pierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French pompous joke character worse than everyone at everything
>Receive an overpowered gimmick to redeem themselves near the end of the game. Not quite enough to make them useful though.

>> No.4626468

Which part of DIPSHIT do you not understand?

>> No.4626474

Then please go back

>> No.4626476


>> No.4626494

I read this in Falco's voice...

>> No.4626516

I really liked Mallo. I mained yoshi in mario cart. I suck dick. Can confirm.

>> No.4626523

>Which part of DIPSHIT do you not understand?
That doesn't mean anything until you contextualize WHY the character is a dipshit.

>> No.4626613

They clearly made him question his sexuality.

>> No.4626786

Came here to post this cotton candy cretin. Good looking out.

>> No.4628017

>dog samurai
>drunk all the time
>iai style
Scias was great.

>> No.4629463

I for-real thought Mallow was Nintendo's gay outreach character.

>> No.4629475
File: 6 KB, 240x210, waka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated Wakka.
I hated his stocky, stumbling body and fat face
I hated his stupid yellow overalls
I hated Blitz-ball, and I really didnt like that throwing a ball was how he fought.
Auron and Tidus are over here wreaking-fucking-shop with flaming, purple glass, laser swords.
And Wakkas over here with a stupid grin on his fat face holding a green basketball cover in spikes.
and that fake, phoned in "island" accent that sounds like some half retarded Surf Instructor from Italy.
If all that wasnt bad enough, he gets to fuck Lulu?
Fuck this guy. Finish the game with Rikku.

>> No.4629480


Wakka was amazing if you sphere grid jumped him early. Total clutch party member and blitzballer.

>> No.4629481


Yeah, but he's still a dumbass racist hillbilly who fights with a rubber ball.

>> No.4629483


Chaco sucked pretty bad.

>> No.4629487
File: 3 KB, 182x100, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get him when you have tons of awesome gear
>he cant equip any of it
>well at least he ca use all this cool magic
>nah bro his powers are beserk and one ice spell he uses at random

>> No.4629494


Umaro can carry you through the Fanatics' Tower pretty easily though. In any FF game you have at least one character who only auto-attacks anyway, Umaro just gets shafted by being in the game where every command but Ultima might as well not exist.

>> No.4629517

Chaco had all the 3 rune slots free, plus the weapon rune slot.
Any character with those traits are automatically top tier, which really bothers my autism, since I have to choose between characters I like or fuckfaces like Chaco and Sid that are much stronger.

>> No.4629532
File: 16 KB, 232x288, 1463045_10152108615981873_1279342465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris is hard mode. Jill is for literal babies who can't micromanage an inventory. Simple facts.

>> No.4629534

>piledrivers, suplexes, power bombs, even does a frankensteiner
I don't give a SHIT whether he's "good" or not, the game's easy enough as it is and I'll be damned if I'm not picking the wrestling half-demon character for my party..

>> No.4629535

I hate this guy, but gameplay-wise he's one of the 3 best characters just because his stupid overdrive does infinite damage.

>> No.4629717

Ultima is not even that good.

>> No.4629741
File: 56 KB, 1200x1200, france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France in Colonization
>Dutch start with larger cargo carrying ship, plus their prices don't collapse as quickly, so it's possible to make tons of gold off of production of goods
>English get more immigrants, and get to choose who immigrates, making Fountains of Youth incredibly valuable
>Spanish get combat bonus against natives, and the crown will only take the tax rate from plundered treasure instead of half
>France gets slower growth of hatred from the natives, which is worthless since they will still grow to hate you and attack you even if you trade with them and give them regular gifts, and better chances of treaties with other world powers, which is also worthless since they will gladly declare war on you even if you severely overpower them
Unless you are bored of the game on the hardest difficulty, I can see no reason to play as the French in Colonization. In a way, the four world powers are another difficulty setting. Dutch for easy, England and Spain for medium, and France for hard.

>> No.4629760
File: 180 KB, 487x787, Marle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb bitch can't even multi-target heal.

>> No.4629761

t. al blehd

>> No.4629764

Yuna and tidus were so cringy I wish I could have deleted both of them entirely, and they can take kimhari too. FFX is spoiled for choice when it comes to picking a shitty character, but wakka doesn't even crack top 5.

>> No.4629774
File: 680 KB, 619x480, godzilla face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having an actively racist party member could have made for some decent drama if it wasn't handled so retarded.

>gah, I hate them beds for giving my brother an actual non retarded weapon to fight Godzilla with. That's the reason he died. Because he didn't fight Godzilla with a sword like Yevon intended.

>> No.4629776

The whole thing was just to poke fun at religious nuts, but it would actually have been good if they tried to take it more seriously. Bants make for great story.

>> No.4629789

Doing max damage to everything on screen is not that good compared to...?

>> No.4629792


The whole thing was just so Captain Planety. I get there's not really a whole lot of ways to handle the topic subtly but fucking hell I think we can do better than this.

>> No.4629795

No way, Rapp was great. He's the only one of the final party who isn't some stereotypical chosen one. He's a brat in places, sure, but he's a pretty great character by the end.

Guido on the other hand was more or less completely superfluous.

>> No.4629934
File: 79 KB, 435x640, milda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Justin wasn't a destined chosen one. He earned the spirits respect so they CHOSE him based on that. And all Liete was ever meant to do was sit there and watch, her actually going proactive was a huge turn of events. Feena is really the only one you can call chosen and that's more due to genealogy than prophecy. And Guido provided a lot support when Liete was in space and even then gave Justin a lot of worthwhile advice. The only one Id call truly superfluous would be Milda because her big contribution was introducing the party to her husband who provided information and the party probably could have met him without her, but she's cool and it was good to have a fourth.

The Grandia games are actually really good in general about keep the party balance sufficiently motivated and relevant

>> No.4629968
File: 641 KB, 1024x1024, Manillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least you didn't have to use him completely solo in a part of the game he was horribly underleveled for. Who actually made it to Prima without dying or using Mrbl3s?

>> No.4629983
File: 123 KB, 756x1033, lex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4629992

But that's the thing about racism, anon. It's supposed to be retarded. Your brother goes to war and dies, you're going to pick whatever reason to blame literally anyone so you can have some form of revenge. It never makes sense.

I also hate Wakka but the racism part was done well enough. As he got to know Rikku he got over it so, yeah. FFX has an abysmal story and terrible fucking writing but this subplot is kind of alright.

>> No.4630292

Multi-hit attacks that deal 8000~9000 damage for each of its 4 hits.

>> No.4630660


Im gonna say the same thing about that as I said about the laughing scene. SUPPOSED to be retarded doesn't excuse a scene from being written or acted badly.

>> No.4630673

>SUPPOSED to be retarded doesn't excuse a scene from being written or acted badly.
I'd say the exact same thing about pretty much every single Final Fantasy ever made. The story's always been the weakest part.

>> No.4630676


You won't get any argument from me.

>> No.4630684

Last run I did had him critting for 9999 at Home, no idea how the fuck that happened.