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File: 58 KB, 800x547, 56747-the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4620684 No.4620684 [Reply] [Original]

How did Nintendo do it, lads?

>> No.4620704

Two of the first three games were beloved by the previous generation, and this was the first 3D World game for Nintendo. That's pretty much it.

>> No.4620712

delayed the release several times

>> No.4620732

Dedication and innovation.

>> No.4621359

some temples like water and fire are pretty bad imo, incredible soundtrack/atmosphere though.

>> No.4621389

They remade an already successful game (ALttP) in 3D.

>> No.4621417

Because Nintendo is a highly talented company, had a great template to work with, and had the iron fist of Hiroshi Yamauchi guiding them towards perfection.

Contrarians are just going to tell you that the game is overrated shit or worse than ALttP, but in truth, this really is one of the greatest games ever made, and 20 years later people still can't stop sucking it off because nothing before or since has even come close to it.

Highly recommend playing the 3DS version once you've beaten the N64 original to death. Identical gameplay with modern graphics that don't entirely destroy the atmosphere, and a lot of great quality of life changes (not to mention master quest + boss rush mode).

>> No.4621826

it's not really that much like link to the past.

>> No.4621901


>> No.4621903

what's wrong with the fire temple?

>> No.4621974

Nothing. He just heard an eceleb say it before.

>> No.4621978

What is this new false flagging meme?

>> No.4621985

the only thing in the fire temple that annoys me are those flames that shoot up from the ground. other than that it's fine, probably my second favorite dungeon behind the forest temple. i like how you can beat it first if you want unlike the water temple.

>> No.4622104

In what way is this better than Mario 64? That game is actually flawless while Ocarina's fishing game is shit.

>> No.4622109

>kicks you out of the level every time you die instead of just restarting
>reused textures in many places
>an obvious typo in the last fucking piece of text in the game
It's an amazing game, but flawless? Lmao, no. Also, the fishing in Ocarina is the best fishing game on N64 so I can only assume you suck at it.

>> No.4622112

>not a flaw, just a preference
>who cares
>typo in a game with like 20 words in it

Nothing in the game is objectively bad, unlike OoT and its fishing.

>> No.4622114

I thought the water temple was better designed to be honest. The way the fire temple was designed with both the fire wall maze and the boulder maze was just incredibly boring to me. I would put the fire temple at the bottom just slightly below jabus belly, which is granted a pass for at least being slightly unique. I'm assuming we're judging not on how "annoying" a mechanic is otherwise the water temple and carrying that fish bitch would be the worst.

>> No.4622119

>says the game is flawless
>state obvious flaws
>"who cares"
You are an assbaby and nobody will ever value your opinion. I guarantee you only hate the fishing in OoT because you were too shit to get the golden scale. It's a great minigame. Also the fact that there's a typo in a game with "20 words in it" makes it even more pathetic.

>> No.4622128

Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong.

>> No.4622134

>Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong.
Let's see... I stated objectively obvious flaws, I called you out on sucking at fishing, and pointed out that a typo in a game with a small amount of text is even more pathetic than a typo in a game with a large amount. So, hmm... nope, everything I said is right and you're either trolling or legitimately more retarded than an eggplant. Tell me more about how a game with a typo is "flawless" lmao.

>> No.4622136

you lost the argument the minute you said 'who cares' to a flaw that is objectively a flaw. i would call sm64 flawless in a hyperbolic way but literally speaking the game has many imperfections, stop being retarded.

>> No.4622138

what a long angry reply to a star wars reference

>> No.4622141
File: 29 KB, 528x543, faggot_spotted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>star wars reference
Homosexual identified.

>> No.4622186

I tried playing this last week and holy shit the 20fps makes it horrible to play. How can people enjoy this unresponsive piece of shit?

>> No.4622229
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I don't notice anything, do emulators render faster or something?

>> No.4622589

DIsney Wars sucks and that might be the dumbest line in a movie full of excruciatingly bad dialog.

>> No.4622593

Uh? Are you playing on an emulator or an HD screen? Or both?

>> No.4622594

They first played it when they were 8.

>> No.4622662

>even more zeldaposting

>> No.4622667

Made an overrated, shitty, overhyped boring and terribly optimized waste of circuitry that's a massive step back from the bliss that is Mario 64? No idea.

>> No.4622668

seriously, I get really angry at people posting video games.

>> No.4622673

there are more videogames in the world than mario, zelda, castlevania, megaman, and squaresoft RPGs

and they're only an emulator away

>> No.4622682

Then why aren't you making threads about said video games that aren't mario, zelda, castlevania, megaman and squaresoft RPGs, mh?
But yeah
baka desu senpai

>> No.4622684

I do

>> No.4622691
File: 883 KB, 320x240, 1487297134516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude water temple lmao
I don't understand this meme. It's my favorite temple.

>> No.4622693

I'm not seeing your thread on the catalog. Seems like you're more into complaining about popular games than actually discussing them, senpai.

>> No.4622701

don't care if they're popular games, just bored of seeing them over and over

>> No.4622703

Bored, but you can't help talking about them I see.
Anyway, which ones are your threads? Point me to them. Wanna see what kind of games you're into.

>> No.4623825
File: 602 KB, 641x477, mml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4623828

Fuckwits with a 2-second memory man.
aka normies.

>> No.4623839

I never liked OOT even when it was brand new. It felt like a premature jump to 3D and in all respects a giant step down from LTTP. At that point I suppose I already had nostalgia goggles to an extend, though MM would go on to become my favorite Zelda game, and recently I even enjoyed BotW.

OOT is just terribly overrated in my opinion

>> No.4624014
File: 381 KB, 608x416, goeedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goemon > OOT and MML

>> No.4624019

It's the key hidden in the center room

normies never find it and they think the game is broken because they're out of keys. the remake even added a cutscene showing you exactly where it is.

>> No.4624036


There is also the one under the block in the chest room, that one is very easy missable.

>> No.4624050

Isn't that the one you just hookshot up to get after dropping the water? That was not the key I struggled to find on my playthrough lmao

>> No.4624694

Through a heartfelt desire to create a generation of the most annoying contrarian fucks to post online.

>> No.4624716

the dark link fight was garbage

>> No.4625889

After replaying it a few times I can safely say that it's an overrated game full of retarded design choices upon which the sequels decided to build upon, making each iteration worse in the process. The game is at least mostly functional but the art direction is great which I suspect is the main reason people won't shut up about it.

How come there's still no hack to skip the cutscenes and remove all the stupid shit?

>> No.4625890

It fits the fanbase of the game perfectly.

>> No.4625909

it gets the most praise for being innovative and it's not overrated at all regarding that aspect. I think it was an incredible achievement to adapt the Zelda gameplay directly into the 3D world and make it actually work and be at the same time visually pleasing

>> No.4625972

Why there aren't more games like Zelda? Games where your character can get a large variety of action to interact with your environment. It's like there's only Zelda and no one want to make games like that. There are few like Darkstalkers or Soul Reaver but most adventures games are very limited in their game design compared to Zelda. Is it really that hard to make a Zelda game?

>> No.4626009

All three were beloved

>> No.4626127

After Breath of the Wild, there should be more games like it.

>> No.4626415

>it gets the most praise for being innovative and it's not overrated at all regarding that aspect
This is such hipster garbage, the original game accomplished so much more and still holds much better to this day yet no one goes insane about it. OoTfags are just a bunch of anime fans drowning in nostalgia.

>> No.4626487

>visually pleasing
dire lack of texture detail, shit sound and anti-aliasing over kill is not, and never will be, visually pleasing. I bought this game on the day it was released and was disappointed at how dull it was.

>This is such hipster garbage
it sure is.

>> No.4626541

Slogging around in slow-motion and having to open the menu to change boots once every minute makes the water temple shit

>> No.4626608

>I bought this game on the day it was released and was disappointed at how dull it was
I have the feeling that 3D was giving so much trouble to devs that in order to keep things at a functional level, they had to downgrade several aspects of older 2D gameplay, turning 3D into a limitation rather than a improvement.

>> No.4626792

Lol this delusion. Sony control the industry. Blockbusters will keep not being directed by game designers and BOTW won't be a game changer.

>> No.4626841

3 pendants → 3 medalions
7 sages → 7 sages
Master Sword → Master Sword
Flute [really an ocarina] → Ocarina
Light/Dark → Child/Adult
Agahnim/Ganon → Ganondorf/Ganon

>> No.4626993

People will tell you it's because of the atmosphere, or the realisation of a previously 2D grand adventure in 3D. And they're not entirely wrong, but they're missing the main point.

A method of controlling a camera in a third-person action-adventure game that had not yet been done by any other game, and was IMMEDIATELY copied by every game afterwards.

After years of suffering through shit like Tomb Raider and Syphon Filter, we could finally control a third-person action-adventure protagonist without it feeling like we're steering a tank with 48 buttons that are all some variant of 'shimmy slightly to the left'.

That made up the bulk of how the game felt to play, and that's why it's still so fantastically playable now. Because it made up the basis for every third-person action-adventure game that came after it.

>> No.4627000

I'm going to sound like a dickrider, but fuck it. The truth is, nobody can do it. They try and just emulate what Zelda did/does, and they miss the point that it has to feel 'right'. You can't just load it full of content and assume you're there.

That's how you end up with all these Ubisoft games with maps full of sidequest markers and combat that you fall asleep in the middle of. They're just ticking boxes.

You need vision to be able to make something like Zelda. The closest anything ever got in 3D was Fable, because Peter Molyneux's a mad man.

>> No.4627007

MML did it first.

>> No.4627013

Okami was close.

>> No.4627031

Not really the same, Legends has a rudimentary "auto aim" more similar to what you'd see on FPSs.

>> No.4627037

>implying overarching structure is the same as base gameplay

all fan OoT in 2D conversions failed because you can't do OoT without the use of 3D space

>> No.4627041


OoT did it right

>> No.4627093

I watched a gameplay video of BOTW and am rather interested to see that the game seems to get started right away after a very brief and cryptic introduction (with some goofy-sounding line about Link being the hero Hyrule deserves but not the one it needs). I did find it odd that the player I watched had found 3 different weapons before encountering his first enemy, but the important thing to me was that he encountered an enemy before he encounter any goat herding minigames or other mundane crap like that.

>> No.4627120

Dude, if you're gonna play BotW (can be emulated on Cemu for free, btw) you gotta do it as blind and unspoiled as possible. Do not search the internet about the game, just go and play it.

>> No.4627135


It's 2018, anon, everyone's favorite system is Twitch.

>> No.4627228

Well, I only watched about 10 minutes or so.

But honestly I don't give a shit about spoilers. If a game is so full of secrets, surprises, and plot twists that spoilers will really ruin the experience, I probably won't enjoy it anyway. (Doesn't mean I play with walkthroughs but I don't really get this obsession with playing absolutely blind that people seem to have now.)

>> No.4627445

It had so much potential.

>> No.4627471

It's not spoilers, it's how your first experience discovering things is unique and different from everyone else who played the game. If you watch a playthrough you'll know where to go and you'll just be retracing the steps in the playthrough.

>> No.4627480


Yes Z targetting and the control were ground breaking for gaming, but what stands out to me the most about OoT were the puzzles. They were the best, most clever and intuitive ones in a Zelda game EVER. After playing the original to Link's Awakening and then playing this after it came out was a huge leap. The jump to 3D made the puzzle potential in those dungeons unlimited, and this pushed it farther than anyone thought.

Now playing games like LTTP seem simple with the puzzles.

>enter room
>explore all places for a switch
>rinse repeat the whole game

OoT took 3D problem solving skills you have in real life and applied them to the game, and it worked just how you would solve it in life. First time a game did that so well, and it was freaking Zelda.

>> No.4627514

Great presentation, coupled with a remarkable transition to 3D. There was an incredible amount of hype for the game and it lived up to every bit of it.

>> No.4627568

Z-Targeting is literally a testimony of how shitty the 3D concept is.

>> No.4627570

Okami is a harsh reminder that the 3D Zelda formula is a dud and people only bought the 3D Zelda games because of the Zelda brand.

>> No.4627572

OoT "puzzles" are garbage. They just stand at the top of the pile of trash.

>> No.4627573

>two of the first three games before OoT
>neglecting best-in-series Link's Awakening because handheld game
All of my REEEE

>> No.4627574

>I have the feeling that 3D was giving so much trouble to devs that in order to keep things at a functional level

yeah n64 sure had a few graphical and memory limitations developers were constantly fighting against during development. is kinda amazing they fit this entire game into 32mb. that in itself is quite a feat.

>> No.4627579
File: 25 KB, 274x263, 274px-Oh_God_Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quoting nu-wars

>> No.4627857

can we at least admit that OoT was extremely comfy

>> No.4627887


Sure though most Zelda games are and many are even comfier.


>> No.4627953

I think the shift to more puzzles is a neutral thing that some people like and others don't. I prefer the LTTP style where puzzles are just a layer on the dungeon experience and the focus is on navigating environmental hazards and obstacles. In a 2D environment, those environmental hazards often feel like "puzzles" but they function more as an obstacle.

A 3D environment doesn't really need as many puzzles to achieve the same effect. The result in Ocarina is that you tend to have lengthy sequences where you're running around solving puzzles and any enemies you encounter are annoyances and distracting hassles. Alternately, you get bored with the puzzles because there's no risk or danger and wish there were more enemies to fight. In LTTP there was a good balance between the two.

>> No.4627960

basically they figured out how to make 3d action/.adventure more playable than anyone else at the time.

>> No.4628000
File: 315 KB, 692x1362, 120911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what stands out to me the most about OoT were the puzzles. They were the best, most clever and intuitive ones in a Zelda game EVER.

>> No.4628218

never post again

>> No.4628228

Keep in mind those are the same dipshits who praise Alundra. Zelda is hated only because it was popular.

>> No.4628332

By being the Apple of gaems

>> No.4628634

Only in explaining why there was such a major anticipation for Zelda 64 back in 1997-1998. All of them were good games, but it was the original LoZ and ALTTP that really got people excited about Ocarina.

>> No.4628667

why is Link a furry here?

>> No.4628761

Only idiots like Aonuma baby puzzles.

>> No.4628787

I used to think 3D Zelda puzzles were easy...
then I played Uncharted