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4616647 No.4616647 [Reply] [Original]

Are old Star Wars game still worth playing now that the franchise has been utterly destroyed?

>> No.4616649

the fuck are you on about?

>> No.4616650

First of all: the prequels destroyed the franchise.
Worth playing:
TIE Fighter
Star Wars Arcade
Jedi Knight
Dark Forces

>> No.4616653

>the prequels destroyed the franchise
did they really?

>> No.4616654

i agree with this post except the extended universe destroyed the franchise before the prequels ever came out

and shadows of the empire is also worth playing

>> No.4616657

hmm you may have a point there, i'll grant it

>> No.4616667

Yes, especially that one. Try:
The Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces, Dark Forces II, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy)
Jedi Starfighter 1/2
Battlefront 1/2 (Pandemic originals)
Knights of the Old Republic series (not for everyone)
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (PS2/GC/Xbox multiplat that actually has surprisingly good sabre combat)
Republic Commando
Empire at War.

I know I know, most are not /vr/ but OP did ask.

>> No.4616668

>extended universe
I never got into any of that other than some of the games, but I heard a lot of it is fairly decent? I mean Star Wars had a decent track record for vidya, how bad can the comics and other stuff be?

>> No.4616672

Do people still play that movie battles or whatever mod for Academy online? Last I heard is that the community is 'toxic' but that could mean anything.

>> No.4616727

>Knights of the Old Republic series (not for everyone)

I was promised a compelling story and universe at least. I don't know if my suspense of disbelief can really go on after seeing such badly scripted cutscenes, tacky exposition and babby's first dilemmas. I at least hope game will open up once I get a starship.

>> No.4616804

The prequels got redeemed by the Clone Wars CGI series. Matt Lanter is the one true Anakin. Also, KOTOR 1 and Dark Forces are love.

>> No.4616849

It doesn't lol
I had the same complaints as you when I played it.

>> No.4616986

you got it all wrong, star wars died after episode 5

>> No.4616995
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i don't remember ever actually seeing them growing up, but weren't a couple of the snes games supposed to be good too?

i admit i had it all wrong but so do you
the holiday special (1978) ruined star wars

>> No.4617095

Haven't you heard? If you hate The Force Awakens and think Rey is a Mary Sue then you need to hate A New Hope and Luke as well.

So A New Hope ruined Star Wars

>> No.4617104

>the prequels destroyed the franchise
the nuquels did more
>ruined rotj ending
>killed han before him luke and leia reunited
>another fucking deathstar
>cliff hangered on luke
>luke throwing the lightsaber over his shoulder ruins 7s ending
>he was a cranky old man who wouldn't help leia AND had marvel tier quips
>kills him off in a very unsatisfactory way
also all the jedi knight games are worth it

>> No.4617128


>> No.4617131

I farted

>> No.4617132

is Jedi Academy still active online?

>> No.4617135

These >>4616667 >>4616650 are good. Add X-Wing Alliance and Rogue Squadron (the N64 one and its PC port) + Rogue Leader (GNC). NOT Rebel Strike. Episode 1 Racer is fun, too (N64 / PC).

>> No.4617182

Dark Forces and Jedi Knight are great.

>caring about canon

>> No.4617212
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I haven't even watched any of the new movies, but I really did enjoy a few of the games. Just because a franchise is overexposed doesn't mean the games are no longer enjoyable. I still enjoy the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, NES Batman games, SNES Ranma games, WWF Wrestlemania 200/No Mercy, those early McDonalds games, NES/Genesis Disney games, Tiny Toons games, etc. I don't see how quality games stop being quality games to me. I recently got a Shaman King game on GBA, without ever reading nor watching the series, and I find it a fun game, even ignoring its origin franchise.

>> No.4617243

Dark Forces on PC is a horror to run and the controls are a bitch.

Great game,

>> No.4617256

Jedi Knight Series:
>Lightsabers are fucking fun
>Force powers are probably the most enjoyable
>Kyle's a good character, if you're into EU
>Hatefucking the shit out of stormtroopers really came into its own with these games
>Fucking keycard hunting is almost insufferably bad in Jedi Outcast, but it's a carryover from Dark Forces so if you're into that go bananas, I just hated the backtracking, and generally I think being able to get lost in a shooter is a failing on its part
>Sometimes sniper greedo will gank you from across the map

Shadows of the Empire:
>By fucking light years the best theme music of any star wars game, I got it stuck in my head over a decade ago and it's still there
>Han Solo simulator, basically
>You go to planet garbage to fuck up IG88 and it's kind of obnoxious
>I always thought the jetpack was kind of annoying to handle
>Dear god, the fucking speederbike level
>Controls for flight in general was clunkier than rogue squadron or xwing alliance

X Wing Alliance:
>Every ship you could want
>Better than Rogue Squadron
>Basically nothing, it's really very good

>> No.4617283

>Cute girls
>Has a good plot twist if you don't see it coming
>Fun times at the Sith Academy
>No plots are really obviously cut down
>Don't get enough cool Mandalorian armor
>Some areas feel sort of tacked on, but the loot's good
>Some moral choices don't make a lot of sense, the fucking spiders are a good example
>You will want to kill yourself during several dialogue trees on Manaan
>The shitty cutscenes do stand out for being kind of shitty but sometimes they're so awful they're funny so I dunno
>Some obnoxious sub-plots

>Mandalore has cool armor
>More force powers and better combat I feel
>A bit prettier
>More private intrigue I feel than the first
>It's very fucking clear that some rather important storylines and parts got cut
>Plot has dead ends all over the place as a result
>Takes 10 hours to get a lightsaber
>You might need the fucking cliff notes to understand what's going on with about half the lore and characters. People bring up Ulic Qel-Droma for instance and don't go nearly as much into the implications of his story as they ought, because it's a pretty good story.
>They really fucked some parts up man it's depressing

>> No.4617342

That game is sheer hell and is the reason the Star Wars franchise was destroyed.

Flying around in an empty void is not fun. Being giving the objective to kill some enemies every level is not fun when the environment never changes. Every level is practically the same, a short blurb and then 20-30 minutes of you playing shield management.

That is the main feature of the game. Balancing shield levels so enemies you barely see can destroy you in a black void while a timer ticks down and makes everything into a rushfest.

I loathe Star Wars and used to be a major Star Wars fan. The sole reason is this shitty game. The boredom of "The Maze". The lack of anything really changing besides getting some medals on a screen you otherwise don't visit.

Wolf 3d had more immersion factor than this. Doom blew both out of the water a few months later.

>> No.4617352

Good list, I'd add Bounty Hunter and Shadows of the Empire.

>> No.4617353

Obviously you have never heard of the backstory about how Princess Leia injured her foot.

A cosmic deity shows up, turns stormtroopers and Princess Leia into diamonds. All die. Deities try to bring back to life. Put stormtroopers back 8,000 years. Their remains are what Leia tripped on.

Or maybe you could get a kick out of the story where Darth Vader stages an elaborate plot to steal Alderaan gems.

Or maybe you like cannibal rabbits that speak in accents and kick butt?

Or how about the story where Leia makes a furry creature aroused and she has to sing it back to sleep?

Speaking of arousal, don't watch the Holiday Special unless you really like watching wookies speak to each other.

Ewok movies. Ewok cartoons. Ewok hell. Ewoks everywhere, stealing soap and defeating witches while running from a woman who can turn herself into a raven while in the context of a BBC commentary

I spend a lot of time on Pre-1993 EU. I know how shit it is.

>> No.4617368

Ewok adventures were great man

>> No.4617369
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>Ewok movies. Ewok cartoons. Ewok hell.

>> No.4617437

Just use DarkXL

>> No.4617451

Sounds like it’s relatively realistic about the scale and distances involved in fictional space combat, then. I always appreciated that it was fairly close to contemporary flight aims instead of being arcadey and cinematic.

>> No.4617671

Why would content created after the fact effect the quality of these games? If that were true the clasic Sonic games would be unplayable. If you are going to consume media, especially old media, you have to do it in a vacuum or else externalities like that will ruin it for you everytime.

>> No.4618173

Jedi Knight is the greatest game of all time

>> No.4618196

You are wrong

>> No.4618198
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Yes because it takes you back in time to when Star Wars was good. Just ignore new Star Wars!

>> No.4618574

I don't think so. The prequels destroyed George Lucas, not Star Wars. The prequels were mostly solid when it came to world-building and concepts (key elements for a franchise like Star Wars, especially when it comes to videogame spin-offs). They also did a decent job decent job appealing to young people. Many kids that grew up with the prequels remain Star Wars fans even if they realize as adults that the movies themselves have severe flaws.

Something very different is going on with the sequel trilogy. It's too soon to know for sure how it's all going to shake out The Last Jedi is despised far more than any of the prequels. Furthermore, both TFA and TLJ forgo world-building. If anything, the new movies have caused a regression in world-building, causing the setting to be less coherent, less distinctive, and less imaginative. Combined with the extremely poor quality of the story in the latest movie, the future of the franchise is far less certain than it was after Revenge of the Sith.

generally seem to have no problem ignoring some of the most core conventions of the Star Wars universe for trivial re

>> No.4618579

I ignored 99% of the extended universe outside of videogames.

The sole exception are the books by Timothy Zahn. They are far better than the new movies.

>> No.4618584

DC version of Episode 1 racer is really solid.

Yeah the games are still worth playing, especially Dark Forces (and Republic Commando)

>> No.4618594
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Playing this with friends online back in the day was the shit

>> No.4618685

>the prequels destroyed the franchise.
>lists KOTOR 2, from the game series that owes it's entire look and feel to the prequels

>> No.4618692

If you have to ask that question, there's no convincing you otherwise

>> No.4618696
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Shadows of the Empire it still good and feels like it belongs to the original trilogy, unlike the new movies.

>> No.4618759

Yeah, since the new movies suck, it retroactively makes the older games that were once objectively good now bad. Logic.

>> No.4618780

I happen to think TLJ is a much better film than any of the prequels, but in the end it has made Star Wars mundane. Star Wars is now no different than the Marvel movies and that is a damn shame.

>> No.4619082

What are you supposed to care about then? fanon?

>> No.4619090

you're supposed to engage with the thing in front of you like a sane person. i swear to god if you genuinely think in terms like "canon" and "fanon" and "headcanon" your brain is fucked beyond repair.

>> No.4619130

uh, my point exactly? I know this is 4chan and all, but, dude, chill.

>> No.4619156

New shitty things don't retroactively make old good things bad.

>> No.4619159


Thanks, muchly

>> No.4619165

The only good things to come out of the EU were most of the games from the mid-90s to the mid-00s, Zahn's Thrawn trilogy and the X-Wing series (Stackpole / Allston, comics included). Maybe the Yuuzhan Vong shit too, but it's been years since I read that series and I disliked it back then because several planets got destroyed and main characters got killed.

>> No.4619204

Not that guy, but you said some dumb shit and got called out for it, deal with it my man

>> No.4619215

What I liked about the Vong is that they heavily supported the theory that Palpatine knew about them and more or less did nothing wrong, since all the empire superweapons could directly counter their entire scheme.

Outside of that though there were some cool things that never got transcribed to media, like the fucking /pol/ Lizardmen who turned people into batteries. I would have liked a serious effort at building a game around the Ssi-ruu invasion.

>> No.4619218

If Sheev knew about the Vong, why didn't he make them public knowledge, or at least clue in the military brass? If the whole point of the Death Stars was countering the YV, why did he allow an entire planet to be blown up just to maybe get some info out of an ex senator who's helping an insignificant rebellion?

>> No.4619227

Probably because the rebels were the more immediate threat. I'm under the impression that it would have made ruling really difficult if information like that was dissimulated. Multiple smaller factions deciding that they could deal with the threat better on their own on top of a preexisting rebellion. It's just stuff like the World Devastators and the Dark Troopers that seem to be more or less optimized for anti-vong tactics.

>> No.4619239

The YV were the kind of threat that could have united the Rebellion and the Empire for a time. See, if this had been public knowledge, the Rebels could have
>continued to fight the Empire, and toppled it
... which they did, and it would have led to the fall of the galaxy, had the Vong invaded a few years earlier before the New Republic had time to recuperate from the fight against the Empire.
>allied with the Empire
... which would have allowed them to pool resources to fight the larger threat, and continue the rebellion against a weakened Empire after the YV war.
From the Empire's POV, this makes sense too. Either they crush the Rebellion, but at such a high cost that the war against the YV was doomed to failure, or ally with them and defeat the YV, disposing of as many "uncomfortable" elements within the military by sending them into fights against superior enemies and thus weakening the Rebellion before it can resume rebelling.

A weapon being effective against a certain enemy doesn't imply that the weapon was developed with this enemy in mind. Automatic rifles are really, really effective against squirrels.

>> No.4619273

You forgot the boring as fuck combat that's prone to glitching out.

>> No.4619330

X-Wing is a great game once you learn to not suck at playing it.

>> No.4619336

>X Wing Alliance:
I found the story battles, while more complex in general, sometimes didn't have the depth and challenge of the earlier games. But still, X-Wing alliance is great.

>> No.4619342

>The Maze
I'll give you that, and how the game occasionally feels sluggish, but other than that I think you're absolutely wrong. Goddamn did I love that game, and especially its first sequel (TIE Fighter). My biggest gripe about X-Wing was that they had such a limited selection of spacecraft, so way too often you had missions where the Empire would "disguise" their top secret test facility as a set of containers and bulk freighters. Of course, it may have all been due to file size limitations, considering that the entire game was originally shipped on five 3½-inch floppies.

>> No.4619403

>Takes 10 hours to get a lightsaber

Ah, so that wasn't just me.

Anyway, anytime I replay KOTOR 1 or 2 I'll always use a Start With Lightsaber mod. I used to always rush through Taris on KOTOR 1 just because I wanted to become a Jedi as fast as I could, but having a lightsaber from the start meant I took my time and finally got to see everything that there was to the planet. Which is to say a hell of a lot.

Another thing about KOTOR 2 is that it's a bit trippy as a result of how unfinished it is. The story is already pretty melancholic, but the story being unfinished means that some parts often flow in a very bizarre, rather unsettling way. In some ways I feel like it almost adds to the game, but I don't think it's for everyone's taste. That said, given that KOTOR 1's was good but very by the numbers I'm glad they went with something so different for 2.

>> No.4619424

>caring about a lightsaber when the force wrecks everything before you even get in range to hit enemies

>> No.4619996
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>> No.4620013

There literally are black characters in Game of Thrones.

>> No.4620029

It's interesting how some people's response to this will always be "I can't see why anyone would say that, so black people must just be too dumb to make sense" and never to wonder what it is like to have the other perspective. It looks like he means "token representation isn't enough, black people want to see the main character be black sometimes too."

>> No.4620097

Leave the shitty cherry-picked altright memes to /pol/, thanks

>> No.4620151

Believe me, the new Star Wars movies are absolute shite, but just because they have a black guy in it and because celebrities are fucking idiots who are too opinionated about things they understand is hardly the problem with them.

>>4617104 basically hits the nail on the head when it comes to the movies and how they are garbage. You don't need to resort to /pol/-tier (or /leftypol/-tier tbqh) bullshit to find something wrong with the new Star Wars movies.

>> No.4620154

*about things they barely understand

>> No.4620232

Ewoks: The Battle for Endor was a great little fairy tale flick.
eat shit niglet

>> No.4621106

>the books by Timothy Zahn
Yeah the Thrawn trilogy books are great. I bought the first one onboard the ferry on a school trip to France back in the early 90s. At the time these books were the closest thing we had to an expanded universe, barring stuff like the Droids and Ewoks cartoons, and it was great that they were carrying on the story of all the main characters.

>> No.4621230

What didn't you like about Pazaak?

>> No.4621251

Don't listen to this retard. Darkxl is an unfinished piece of crap that is missing key features like the AI for some enemies. The thing hasnt been updated in like 7 years and probably never will be again. Just do yourself a favour and go set up proper mouse and keyboard controls the wasd setup actually works great for this game.

>> No.4621391

That is a retarded question and this is a retarded thread.

If you want to bitch about Star Wars there's a containment board just for you:

You're welcome.

>> No.4621404

The prequels work well once you understand Jar Jar is working with Palpatine. Other than that, most complaints about them also apply to the originals.

Disney Wars is some of the worst fan fiction ever.

Super Star Wars trilogy still holds up pretty well.

>> No.4622487

>evil jar jar

You shits are the worst

>> No.4622856

Too bad not even the original SW trilogy is as good as the LotR trilogy. Nu-quels aren't even in the same ballpark of cinema.

>> No.4623742

Yeah but the thing is he didn't say that did he. He said there are no black characters in it which is untrue.

Not to mention he's taking issue with adaptations so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense as a criticism of the television or movie industry.

I agree with the point he's attempting to make but think he's coming across as an idiot the way he's making it.

>> No.4623783


Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 is the greatest star wars game ever created and it isn't even close.

>> No.4623931

No one asked you, faggot.

>> No.4623934

This. Also I guarantee if Pacific Rim 2 flops he'll blame racism and Trump for it somehow.

>> No.4625462
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I don't see the problem here.

>> No.4625493
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when I came back and got gud at the maze, I started to really like the maze. I hated it passionately when I was a kid, though.

On the other hand, I don't understand the complaint about the environment. It's space. What the fuck are you looking for, exactly?

I liked Force Awakens and loved Rogue One. Unlike George Lucas, Disney's people can write scripts. But then TLJ comes along, a disorganized montage of ultra-left diarrhea, and it will take quite an effort to salvage the situation from here. Disney's 5 billion dollar purchase is hanging in the balance this year.

>> No.4625895

Jedi Outcast is better

>> No.4625939

There are patches around for the missing stuff

>> No.4625951
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>tfw Star Wars 1313 NEVER

>> No.4626174

>I liked Force Awakens
opinion automatically discarded

>> No.4626186


Movies are pretty shit but this isn't why. Except maybe the purple haired lady, her whole arc was retarded

>> No.4626258
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For anyone who wans to play Jedi Academy, come join or JK/UT steam group.


Make sure to download the JK2 maps file located here and drop the .pk3 into your basefolder - http://www.dropbox.com/s/unesp4qinrhbsuo/JK%20Server%20Files.rar?dl=0

>> No.4626279

Do you like race and sexism injected into your favorite stories?

>> No.4626286

I like anything that puts white boys in their places.

>> No.4626335 [DELETED] 

>white guilt
Yeah, no! Enougj with your idiotic ""body-positive"" and ethnic DIEversity crap! Now go back to your facebook or Tumblr SJW blog, oh SOYBITCH!

>> No.4626367

You mad whiteboi? As always, the wh*toid is afraid of the BLACK man. KARA BOGA

>> No.4626396

Whiteys fear the black penis.

>> No.4626417
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Yeah right. No need to censor every other word you don't like, KIKE prole! I am not afraid of black folk, but they, along with aborigines, are a race that is on average quite inferior in terms of cognitive abilities, particularly arithmetic. Even Polynesians tend to be stronger in this area. Blaming whitey and erratically screaming "racist" at those who happen to harbor different opinions to your own is no cover for the fact that most Sub-Saharan African peoples never independentely invented written language nor advanced past the stone age before colonization by Arabs and/or whites. Oh, and both BLM and antifa are toxic and violent as fuck, ratchet turd.

>> No.4626434

That post is secretly an IQ test, if you took that seriously even for a moment that means you've failed it.

>> No.4626470

>IQ test
No, it was either a stray soybitch or a baiting troll.

>> No.4626472

> anyone not white and male is "injected"


>> No.4626495

No but when they specifically say it's to force diversity and every protagonist is a Kathleen Kennedy insert it's kinda fucked up.
>inb4 Luke was a Lucas self insert
Yeah and I'll let you read the 2+ years worth of /tv/ threads about how that's different

>> No.4626507

You've took the bait either way.

>> No.4626594

Sure, why not? Almost every franchise has gone to shit these days. Doesn't affect older games.

>> No.4626812

Yeah Rey has some Mary Sue elements in her that could have been done better. I'd rather have Jyn Erso over Rey any day. JJ Abrams needs to be booted out of Lucasfilm if not FUCKING SHOT. Also, why no N64 Star Wars games on Steam?

>> No.4626818

>Disney retcons the best stories in the franchise while churning out shit movies that make the prequels look like fucking Shakespeare
>Neckbeards only care about muh sjw boogeymans

You're worse than the fanbase is.

>> No.4626826

FYI, the old EU did have its share of shitty novels. Disney needs to revoke EA's Star Wars license. COME ON GG!

>> No.4626952

Outcast is the weakest Dark Forces game. No concussion rifle and those janky fucking stealth levels. Fuck that.

>> No.4626986

I used to agree and then I saw TFA. All the sudden I realized the prequels weren't that bad

>> No.4626996

You're not crazy if it's true.

>> No.4627738

Modern Star Wars doesn't matter. You still have EU books. That being said SW was always trash with terrible story/plot and full of bullshit.

The games as far as games go, they were decent enough but Dark Forces for example benefits from using shit like X-Mouse to bind look up/down. The camera has skewing and such but, yeah they're playable and worth playing especially compared to many of the shit games today which while look better are worse for gameplay.

Not all of the games were all that good anyway even when they came out. The JK series and X/Tie series are generally the best of the lot (singleplayer only, multi is a mess). The BF series were okay to fuck around in but weren't all that great and have extremely poor netcode to boot, so it's worse even on a LAN.

RC was straight up trash. Kotor 1 was meh, 2 was worse.
The RTS games were eh.

The console platformer games weren't so hot, the Yoda adventures were mostly crap.

If you're a huge SW fan then by all means take a crack at all of them and get your pew pew on. If you're just looking for good games with SW skins, there's not much there to get excited about.

>> No.4627741

Maybe there aren't any there. If game of thrones had no black people I couldn't care less. If a movie is all about the happenings of the White family in the town of White in the city of White. Maybe it's going to be predominantly white. That being said, he's right to complain about tolkien, where the majority of Hobbits are supposed to be fucking brown anyway, so legit complaint there.

>> No.4627757

Since all the Old games take place in a different canon than the new shit you don't have to worry about it. Nothing can retroactively make things not matter or such.

>> No.4627796

Your virtue signaling has been noted!

>> No.4628975

I hate nuWars for both. That's possible too ya know

>> No.4629462
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>complaining about strong women in Star Wars

It's funny to hear white guys complain about this, when Rey isn't even a quarter as badass as Leia was. Like, did you even watch the original trilogy?

>> No.4629629

Complaining about a poorly written Mary Sue character is not the same thing as complaining about a badass female character. It's why people hate Rey much more than whatsherface from RO because as bad as she was she wasn't "Rey" bad.

Leia being a badass = fine
Leia superman flying through space = not

>> No.4629669

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds(AoE2 Offical Mod)

>> No.4630525
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If any of you enjoy deep strategy games, try SW: Rebellion. Is like a World War 2 sim wargame but about the Galactic Civil War, and it was made decades ago so there is none of the Disney bullshit, only early Bantam EU goodness. The UI sucks, but if you give the game some time it offers something unique in the RTS and 4x genres.

>That being said SW was always trash with terrible story/plot and full of bullshit.
>the BF series were okay to fuck around in but weren't all that great
>RC was straight up trash. Kotor 1 was meh, 2 was worse.
Pic related

>> No.4630569

Considering how almost every force user you face Force Jumps across the room to instantly engage in melee combat this is a stunningly myopic post.

>> No.4630572

In a cast of dozens there have been only two of any consequence and one of them has been dead for years.