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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.39 MB, 1613x789, legend-of-zelda-nes-logo-jp-79004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4614581 No.4614581 [Reply] [Original]

>30+ years and god knows how many games later
>the first one is still the best in the series

>> No.4614587


>> No.4614591

You might be in the minority there, OP. I expect most people would say Link to the Past.

My favorite is Ocarina of Time because I am a big gay baby. But also Link's Awakening.

>> No.4614593

>30+ years and god knows how many games later
yet you're still fucking talking about zelda instead of something else

>> No.4614594

>only days after the last thread and god knows how many other threads
>another faggot starts a new bait thread

>> No.4614595

I like a good autism kek as much as the next guy, but you're on a chinese cartoon board about video games older than 1999 or otherwise meeting very specific criteria for being called "retro." Pot, kettle, etc.

>> No.4614596

Nintendo thinks people are retarded, and they keep making the games easier and easier.

>> No.4614915

Stinky Linkie

>> No.4614921

Zelda 1 is a turd compared to Ocarina of Time.

>> No.4614924

What about minish cap ?

>> No.4614926

To be fair you need to have a very high IQ to understand Zeruda no Densetsu

>> No.4615369

>best in the series
That would be LTTP
>NOOOOOOO it can't be the best, it's popular!! the best one has to be less played so I feel eccentric and wise for knowing about it!!! reee!!

>> No.4615382

Because everything gets worse with time, civilization is dying

Yes OP is quite the hipster to be playing such ultra-obscure underground games that nobody has ever heard of

>> No.4615386 [DELETED] 


ur a turd compared to your father

>> No.4615391

It's not though.

>> No.4615393

Minish cap is probably one of the worsts 2d Zeldas with Spirit tracks

>> No.4615398

The first two Zeldas are really smartly designed while feeling like a real challenge. They are true ACTION-Adventure games (or Action RPG in the case of Zelda II), and not puzzle hack 'n slashes like the later ones.

>> No.4615403

How did Nintendo do it lads

>> No.4615574

Zelda has always been more than the sum of its parts. Exploration leads to combat leads to item rewards leads to exploration. Individually Zelda isn't the best at any of its qualities but they come together to create a very well crafted adventure. Zelda 1 by far has the best balance with most other entries in the series focusing on one aspect to a fault.
Also fucking puzzles have no place in Zelda. 100% of the time they are literal filler that present a jarring break in progression.

>> No.4615594

The main point of the Zelda games is the variety of action Link can do or acquire. If you want to make a Zelda game you must follow that. You imagine all the physical actions your character has or can get and only after you build a world around that with timed limitations and hierarchy. It's a series of pure game design.

>> No.4615615

That doesn't look like Link's Awakening

>> No.4615617


Phantom Hourglass is the only game in the series I would genuinely call bad. The other games have various faults but I've still overall enjoyed every major Zelda title.

But Phantom Hourglass is legitamently a mess of a game

>> No.4615627

Despite what it looks like, not everyone here is some contrarian turbosperg who dedicates their entire life to the philosophy of 'older is better'. You have to be a little bit autistic to be into retro gaming, just a little bit. But that's nothing compared to the assburgers that can't tell the difference between a fair challenge and the relentless tedium of bombing every single wall and burning every single bush.

The vast majority of games in the series are better than the original Zelda. Deal with it, fags.

>> No.4615637



>> No.4615647

Eh, I dont know, I usually prefer the 3d games but there is something about the original Zelda, maybe the freedom it gives you, maybe the fact they were not trying to scale the difficulty, makes it far more rewarding to me than many other Zelda games.

>> No.4615710 [DELETED] 

>bombing every single wall and burning every single bush.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4615730 [DELETED] 

>bombing every single wall and burning every single bush
When do you ever have to do this?

>> No.4615732

>Zelda 1 is best
fellate a shotgun

>> No.4615735

>bombing every single wall and burning every single bush
I have no idea what you're talking about. When do you ever have to do this?

>> No.4615739

Not him but it was pretty random what you had to bomb and burn in Zelda 1,It could be blatanty obvious or made no fucking sense

>> No.4615741

To be fair, there are some crucial items hidden in really obscure places. Like that fifth or fourth bush from the right on the south side of the lake.

>> No.4615751

>it was pretty random what you had to bomb and burn in Zelda 1
You literally only have to burn one bush, and bomb one wall in the overworld, and they're both hinted at. Everything else is optional.

>there are some crucial items hidden in really obscure places
Literally no crucial items are hidden in places that you have to burn or bomb. Helpful items, yes. Not crucial.
>that bush by the lake
Heart containers are helpful, but not essential.

Can we please put this "burn every bush and bomb every wall" argument to rest?

>> No.4615774
File: 919 KB, 3136x2348, Zzen_TheLegendOfZelda1_Notice_047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking THIS.

You also have to keep in mind that:

a.) The English translation is not perfect. The in-game hints in the Japanese version were much more helpful.

b.) Games in the 80s were a multimedia experience. Often times, you needed to read the manual to know what the hell you were doing. In Zelda's case, the game itself literally tells you to read the manual. If you blindly played Zelda without reading the manual, your experience was incomplete.

>> No.4615794

Because you didn't play Breath of the Wild and are trying really hard to fit in.

It because no one's played games like Bomber King or Tower of Druaga. They won't complain about Zelda after trying those.

>> No.4615795

Agreed. If I can remember enough of the overworld map to beat a Zelda 1 randomizer, then the regular game is easy enough with just the things the game tells you about.

>> No.4616020

>game tells you to read the manual
>manual tells you how to play the game
>play the game without the manual
Why are people so stupid?

>> No.4616031

What I want to know is why link never got a sweet backsword like the one in the title screen

>> No.4616051

On top of this, these games had a very "water cooler chat" thing about them and Nintendo Power was a big part of it. We would talk about the game with each other every day at school to compare what we learned and stuff.

Burning the bush and all that was common knowledge and no one remember who had learned it first.

>> No.4616054

You might realize that many of the people who play this game today do not own the nes version with an original manual

>> No.4616107
File: 11 KB, 533x300, Longsword.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basket hilts are gay as fuck. Traditional cross-guard or go home.

>> No.4616110

>what is a PDF

>> No.4616226
File: 80 KB, 502x506, IMG_6921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you didn't play Breath of the Wild
I skipped that one myself

That 3DS one was actually quite nice though, speaking as someone who hated WW and TP and non-retro Nintendo in general

>> No.4616247

It's pretty much Zelda 1 in 3d with crafting.

>> No.4616272

It's really not, like at all.

>> No.4616287

But if I call it GTA Hyrule the thread will go to shit.

>> No.4616450

>none of Zelda's rapiers in Hyrule Warriors were the sword from the Zelda 1 logo
>even though Link's Magical Sword was based on the Zelda 2 box art which Japan never got

It's not fair

>> No.4616472

>superior hand protection
>basically a saber with thrusting ability
>better cutting power
Nah senpai, backsword is where it's at, plus link never even uses the guard for any of its purposes so he really doesn't need one

>> No.4616482


>> No.4616573

Story was a mistake.
Screen scrolling was a mistake.

>> No.4616580

I mean I beat the game in the early 2000's with no internet connection, no friends that knew anything about the game, and no manual, it's not really that difficult. People really have just gotten more retarded and their attention spans reduced.

>> No.4616586

i have fairly equal appreciation for the first 4 zelda games but my interest in the series drops off pretty hard after that. i think my favorite 3D one is actually twilight princess

>> No.4616594

I'm getting sick of people saying BotW is exactly like Zelda 1. They're nothing alike. Just because they made a shitty tech demo with Zelda 1 graphics doesn't mean the game follows its design

>> No.4617034

For me, its Majora's Mask, but the first four are definitely the best.

>> No.4617041

>The vast majority of games in the series are better than the original Zelda. Deal with it, fags.

The fuck? No, the handheld games have a whooping ONE GAME that's better than Zelda 1. And Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess are worse, too.

>> No.4617190

They didn't made a shitty demo. They created the world by using the same method as Zelda 1: with industrial design. It was stupid though. The problem with Nintendo is they keep making games directed by game designers while the rest of the industry has moved from that since a long time.

>> No.4617195

How is that an issue when they make games that sell? And how exactly has the industry moved on?

>> No.4617196

well the rest of the industry is making games directed by film school rejects for instance

>> No.4617469
File: 773 KB, 854x478, d6g51d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern games directors are narrative guys, not game designer. The game designer must obey, not having any creative freedom. That's why nintendo still develop their videogames like toys for children instead to elevate the artistic medium.
They think like "what can my character do" and make their games through industrial design instead of developing story and writing through a script.
A game like Horizon Zero Dawn selling 8 million copies without any game design work will show how outdated those retarded nips are.

>> No.4617473

It's the closest thing to Zelda 1 that has Aonuma's taint of ruination attached to it. It's just easier and shorter to say "it's like Zelda 1" than "Aonuma ruined Zelda for the last twenty years".

>> No.4617505

>Modern games directors are narrative guys, not game designer

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>The game designer must obey, not having any creative freedo
What the fuck is this 'game designer' you speak of? Seriously what the hell are you refering to?

>They think like "what can my character do" and make their games through industrial design instead of developing story and writing through a script.
Is the "they" the game directors (who you say are narrative guys, so they would love stories and scripts) or is it the "game designers" who you say have no creative freedom (and hence never get to ask 'what my character does'

>> No.4617540

>Modern games directors are narrative guys, not game designer. The game designer must obey, not having any creative freedom. That's why nintendo still develop their videogames like toys for children instead to elevate the artistic medium.
There's already an artistic medium for that. Its called film, you dipshit.
>They think like "what can my character do" and make their games through industrial design instead of developing story and writing through a script.
>player freedom is a bad thing
>story should come first
I play video games to do cool/fun shit. I don't care about your stupid script. I would rather watch a film or read a book.
>A game like Horizon Zero Dawn selling 8 million copies without any game design work will show how outdated those retarded nips are
But its not fun. BOTW was pretty fun, and it was all gameplay. It had almost no story. Pretty sure it sold more too. Are you trolling?

>> No.4617541

Stories in video games are like stories in porn. Fuck off and watch a movie if you want a more cinematic experience.

>> No.4617558

We are no longer playing dungeon crawlers dad.

>> No.4617569

Okay, now I know that you're trolling. I'm not a Nintendrone or anything. In fact some of my favorite games are Ico, Okami, and Katamari Damacy for the PS2, but the fact is that Nintendo makes games that are, above all else, FUN to play. The story literally does not matter at all, as long as the game is fun.

>> No.4617575
File: 54 KB, 448x473, 1gkqyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's have a /v/-tier commentary on modern game design!

How about let's not. Enough threads have been derailed already. Just shut up and let people enjoy their games.

>> No.4617691

When, in the entire series, has Link ever used a sword with a basket hilt?

>> No.4617757
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.4617759
File: 51 KB, 400x300, 1EF8A5F8-02CC-4855-A7F8-A0BC52D9B71D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to be a little bit autistic to be into retro gaming, just a little bit.
Never heard a more true statement in my life.

>> No.4618038

>OP has an opinion
>From inside his bubble, he thinks entire world shares it
>Starts a dead-on-arrival thread in /vr/
>Tards gonna tard

The ciiiiircle of liiiiife.....

>> No.4618041

How is it dead on arrival if it's still on page 1 two and half days later?

>> No.4618048

/vr/ will put me in the pillory for this but I think cinematics can play a big roll in making a game fun/ immersive, etc.

That doesn't mean everything of course, many great games have few or no cinematics, but the technology has come a long way since that quote was made.

>> No.4618485

Zelda II was the best in the series.

>> No.4618573

i could almost agree, but why?

>> No.4618582

>challenging as fuck
>cool side quests
>cool spells
>RPG mechanics
>combat with actual depth
>rewards exploration
>enemy variety
>cool plot twist at the end

>> No.4618639
File: 138 KB, 850x655, __link_shadow_of_the_colossus_and_the_legend_of_zelda_drawn_by_zinfer__sample-55aed1d580897d276d43a07544d95215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the challenge and combat depth in this game is overstated, once you figure out how to manipulate the AI that aspect of the game felt like pretty much any other zelda. i guess it was interesting having more direct control over whether you wanted to level your sword or hearts early on, but you could sort of achieve the same effect in other games by doing dungeons out of order.

i didn't find it as rewarding to explore in zelda 2 either, since the only shit you find that you aren't explicitly directed towards are hearts and p-bags. in LTTP for example you find things that are actually useful in the game like that medallion where you have to throw shit in a puddle, the ice rod, the blue cane, etc.

i think the biggest factor for me is that zelda 2 did so much for the worldbuilding. there was a feeling of isolation that zelda 1 never gave me despite there being even fewer friendly NPCs.

there are 8 towns, all sparsely populated, one being completely burned out and full of monsters. the graveyard felt like it spanned half the fucking continent. whatever link was doing seemed futile but the player was made to press on anyway.

i got the same feeling from playing Shadow of the Colossus when it came out so i've always felt like those 2 games are connected in some way.

>> No.4618845

Because it's another troll thread. every god damn time I come on /vr/, there's a Zelda thread, a Super Mario thread, a Kirby 64 thread. same shit, different day.

>> No.4619151

Have you ever considered that people like talking about what's popular? Retro is not a synonym for obscure.

>> No.4619653

Wow. Its almost like Zelda games used to be really good.

>> No.4620484

were you as suprised as i was that nobody mentioned sotc when botw came out?

to me the influence was strong and obvious but i heard barely a blip online

>> No.4621305

No, I don't mean Zelda in general, I mean specifically Zelda 1, Mario 1, and Kirby 64. The triforce of troll.