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461281 No.461281 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /vr/, friendly debate time

Which do you feel is the better series overall?

>Sega's Shinobi
>Temco's Ninja Gaiden

>> No.461328

Easily Ninja Gaiden as a whole but Shinobi had some memorable a shit bosses, man.

>> No.461363

Shinobi in my opinion. It's Ninja Gaiden on steroids.

>> No.461380

shinobi has a special place in mein heart, but ninja gaiden was better overall.

>> No.461412
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>> No.461414


The relatively modern equivalents can't be compared since they play so differently. NG is a 3D beat em up wheras Shinobi was more of a puzzle game that required serious precision (as well as a huge emphasis on platforming)

>> No.461451


Shinobi III has made me feel like a badass future ninja better than any other game I've ever played.

>> No.461460


Even Hagane?

>> No.461465

Shinobi, by a relatively wide margin. I love the Ninja Gaiden games though.

>> No.461478


Never played it.

A trip to Youtube suggests that it wouldn't, since the dude is always walking and never running.

>> No.461482


Even Strider?

>> No.461484


That guy is doing it wrong. He has all sorts of front/backflips using the triggers.

>> No.461495

First time I played Shinobi 3, I honestly hated it. But after I went back and played it a little more, I loved it. The ability to run is what makes the game for me. It's mind blowing how much difference it makes from the regular power walk that the series had

Hagane is a good game, but it's severely brutal and unforgiving

>> No.461496


>> No.461505

Hmm. Ninja Gaiden for solid platforming and storytelling, Shinobi for just being impressive.

Eh, they're both great. Any attempt to figure out which is best would just be subjective bullshit.

>> No.461589

Ninja Gaiden because its plot and character development surpass that of most critically-acclaimed modern games

>> No.461593

>but it's severely brutal and unforgiving

such is the life of ninjitsu

>> No.461635

Ninja Gaiden is superior, that said I fukken love Shinobi and it didn't enrage me as much as Ninja Gaiden could

>> No.461816

the first ninja gaiden is a masterpiece. it gives you that feeling of being a ninja, cutting through everything and never stopping. 2 and 3 throws that away, making you stop for everything. it no longer has a "flow," instead it becomes a sub-standard castlevania

meanwhile, shinobi got better and better. it started out, oddly enough, as something like a cover shooter, waiting for those dudes to pop up to send a shuriken their way. shadow dancer took this formula and expanded it with more combat options. revenge of shinobi took a different direction, and couldn't find its way. shinobi 3 took revenge's gameplay and made it what it was supposed to be, an awesome action game. in one smooth, continuous motion, you can strike one dude with the sword, kick the next dude, and then send a shuriken to a guy on the other side. it is one of the greatest games of all time.

however, as good as NG1 and shinobi 3 are, they're not as good as strider 2

>> No.461861

Strider 2 is way too easy. It looks cool and is fun but holy shit, you barely even have to try.

>> No.461868

Strider superiority.

>> No.461875

Revenge of Shinobi and Shinobi 3 were GOD tier. Shinobi II on Game Gear was awesome
That weird one for Saturn was lame and the PS2 one was meh....

Ninja Gaiden only got good with the Xbox one years ago

>> No.462380

I agree with a lot of this. I thought the original Ninja Gaiden was great but that the two sequels were somewhat weak in comparison.

I disagree with Revenge of Shinobi being unable to "find its way" though.

I don't really like Strider much, either.

>> No.462891

Ninja Gaiden overall cause most Shinobi games aren't that good.

But holy shit, Shinobi III is the best ninja game I've ever played, and is probably in my top 3 platformers ever. I wish they would have made another one, those controls, the wierd bosses, the fact that you could just run through it and fuck up everything without being phazed once you've played it through a few times, man that game gives me some feels

>> No.462990

For a second I thought you were talking about Strider Returns. I almost had a heart attack.

If Shinobi III is the game that makes you feel most like a future ninja, Strider Returns is the game that makes you feel most like a Narruto fanboy who believes his formidable fan fiction-writing skills have prepared to be a future ninja.

>> No.463034

>it's severely brutal and unforgiving
I would expect no less from a ninja game.

>> No.463067

Ninja crusaders

>> No.463594
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Tenshu...nuff said.

>> No.464443

And Shinobi X felt like you were playing Shinobi: The Saturday Morning Cartoon.


>> No.464478

Has anyone played the Shinobi 3DS game? How does it measure up to a classic like Shinobi III?

>> No.464559

I haven't played much of Shinobi 3DS but I love it, aside from some things like the ugly graphics and the shitty grappling hook. The combat's really nice and I kind of prefer the parry to Shinobi III's block, which I never used anyway. I don't think it has running like III did, which is a bummer but I love the double jump actually working.

I also love the challenge maps and the different costumes and achievements and unlockables and shit. It has a nice amount of content.

>> No.464581

I've never played any NG games except the first, but I'm a huge fan of the Shinobi series.

>> No.464591

As a series? Ninja Gaiden
But in my opinion Shinobi 3 beats the shit out of the entire Ninja Gaiden trilogy.

>> No.464641

I decided to play Shinobi 3 because of Sonic Racing Transformed and I never had the game as a kid, and it became one of my favorite games instantly. Went back and emulated the first one with MAME, played Shadow Dancer on the Genesis, and I played the GG Shinobi on 3DS VC. I also picked up the PS2 one and the 3DS one, which I'm currently playing. I'm trying to get through Revenge of the Shinobi right now, but it's really hard to get into. I loved Shadow Dancer and Shinobi 3, but it feels like Revenge is in between the two gameplay wise without the aspects of what made both games great. Is it skippable?

>> No.464658

I wish Hagane would have had two sequels. If they had added even more stuff into the gameplay, it would've been so great.

Ahh, it's so painful to watch gameplay videos on youtube when the guy playing does nothing but spam sword and bombs. If you don't use the flips, you might as well not be playing cause you're doing it wrong. It's a shame though that most of the later levels are so stuffy that it's not possible anymore because of all the platforming and stuff.

Gaiden is definitely the better Trilogy but Shinobi III is the most memorable game on its own. I still have to play that FMV Saturn game, I hope it's possible to emulate.

>> No.464806

I'd like Shinobi III only if it didn't bullshit me at the end and made me fall right through a platform halfway through thef inal stretch of stage 7

>> No.464808

Still love it though

>> No.464828


Revenge is probably the best known in the series, but if you don't like it, don't play it.

>> No.464850

I personally love Revenge of Shinobi. I appreciate how meticulous it can be, and the level design is great. I think it's a very memorable game.
While I enjoy the difficulty of Shinobi 3DS (something III was kind of lacking), its biggest flaw is something that I see in a lot of modern action games, both 3D and 2D: a dissonance in design.

You have a platforming segment. Then a combat segment. Then a platforming segment. Then a combat segment. So on, so forth. Unlike Shinobi III or Revenge of Shinobi, it doesn't combine the two into a cohesive action experience. Because of that, despite the interesting mechanics, I think the game is a bit more shallow in comparison.

Still a surprisingly great game, though.

>> No.464875

Classic entries: Shinobi
Newer entries: Ninja Gaiden
overall: tie? I don't know. I like the new NG's better than anything Shinobi recently released, but I like them all a lot less than the old Shinobi games. So I'd have to say Shinobi wins overall. But with how utterly shitty the newer Shinobi games are, I feel wierd saying that...

>> No.465004

So far as the vintage entries go, I'd have to side with Ninja Gaiden. I never really understood the appeal of the early Shinobi games; for whatever reason the gameplay just didn't click with me. I wasn't a big fan of Ninja Gaiden 3 either due to its bullshit difficulty, dumb storyline, and bland levels, but the first two were excellent.

I enjoyed the modern Shinobi games a hell of a lot more than the modern Ninja Gaiden games though.

>> No.465530

After playing Shinobi 3 and Shadow Dancer at length, yeah, Revenge certainly does stand out like a sore thumb

It's definitely a lot more slower paced and meticulous than the other two

>> No.465901
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>playing shinobi II for the game gear
>"the fuck this is easy as shit"
>get to the last level
Still haven't beat it.

>> No.465904
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It's not even close to the same genre

>> No.465932

Shinobi is better than Ninja Gaiden....

Unless we are talking about the Master System Ninja Gaiden, cause that game was fucking awesome.

>> No.465943

>Ninja Gaiden overall cause most Shinobi games aren't that good.

Play Revenge of Shinobi too bro.

>> No.465974

Which has a better boss theme?!



>> No.470629

Everything about Revenge of Shinobi's soundtrack was amazing.

>> No.470669

One of the first games I can say I utterly bested. All time fav GameGear game

>> No.470673

Used to keep the sound test running like a radio while I did other things

>> No.470724

It's my favorite Game Gear game, too. I hope the 3DS VC gets it. It has the first one, so I think it's just a matter of time.
I do that occasionally, and I'm not even that into video game music.

>> No.470740

I wouldn't say all of it, but Long Distance, Terrible Beat, and Make me Dance were awesome tracks.

>> No.470862

As far as video game soundtracks go, it was impressively consistent.