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461072 No.461072 [Reply] [Original]

What's the shortest retro game you've ever played?

And I don't mean TAS 30 second short. I mean, a regular playthrough short.

Picture unrelated, it's a spooky ghost watch out

>> No.461085

Yoshi's Story. Yes, when you play each level in the stage select mode it becomes longer but when you play it at launch in 1998 it's disappointingly short and easy even to an eight year old.

>> No.461084
File: 45 KB, 500x345, coleco_colecovision_ss_smurf_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was also my first game. I think it only had 1 level which repeated over and over with increased difficulty. And the whole level took about 4 minutes to beat.

>> No.461096

The fact you only have 6 Yoshies to beat the game in Story Mode makes up for the short lenght, kinda... you lose all 6 lives, and game over, back to level 1.

But yeah, Yoshi's Story was more designed to be played on the level select screen, finding all dem secrets and stuff.
But yeah I remember renting YS and beating it the same day.

>> No.461101

Do the warp zones in SMB count? I can beat that in less than 10 minutes using the warp zones.

>> No.461120

Wonder Boy in Monster world

Cleared it in about 5 hours

>> No.461124

Super Mario Land
decided to play it for the first time one evening; was done long before bed

>> No.461128

Super Mario world is very related, I found the star road on my first playthrough on world 3 and skipped to bowser.

>> No.461138

smash TV.
if that even counts.

>> No.461147

I don't usually play games that can beaten in a short amount of time, so my shortest retro game is Super Metroid. I got a 98% completion in about 2.5 to 3 hours. I don't remember my exact time, but this was about 4 months ago.

>> No.461161

the Terminator on Megadrive in about 20 minutes
the game has only 4 levels

>> No.461162

I remember beat SMB 1 without warping over the course of maybe an hour. Same goes for Streets of Rage 2 on Easy mode.

I'm sure there are other games that took me shorter amounts of time, but that would have been way too long ago for me to remember.

>> No.461168

Super Mario Land is very short. 30-45 minutes depending on how methodically you play.

Not gonna count FMV games like Road Avenger, which are even shorter.

>> No.461183

I can beat Tekken 2 in about 10 minutes.

Sonic Spinball is really short if you know what to do. Maybe 20 minutes total.

Those pirated Famicom carts that just have hentai all throughout probably take a minute to scroll through all of them. Depends on the cart though.

>> No.461184

duck tales on nes and gb.

>> No.461192

arcade donkey kong

>> No.461206
File: 33 KB, 283x430, ramboc64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rambo: First Blood Part II on the Commodore 64. It takes like 5 minutes to beat, if you know what you're doing.

>> No.461198

The first time I ever played Kirby's Dream Land I beat it in like 25 minutes. It was ridiculously short and easy.

I can clear Ninja Gaiden in about 20 minutes, same with Contra and Super C, but that's with practice.

Kung Fu is around 5-10 minutes since it's only like five short levels I think.

>> No.461216

>about 2.5 to 3 hours
>not even 100%

You better work on that!

>> No.461227

Contra 1 is pretty short, can beat that in under an hour easily. Ninja Gaiden 1 as well, can beat that in about the same time.

>> No.461239

Ghost and goblins is super short provided you arent forced to use a billion continues.

>> No.461240


Contra can be cleared in less than 30 minutes if you know how to play.

You can do it in about 10 if you're a 1337 speedrunner. I am not.

>> No.461254

>Donut Plains
>Secret Exit
>Donut Secret 1
>Secret Exit
>Donut Secret House
>Secret Exit
>Star Road until Valley of Bowser Warp
>Final Level

Bam motherfucker

>> No.461256

it takes me 20 minutes to beat contra

>> No.461257

I just beat Contra a couple weekends ago without the code to see if I still could and I can. It took about 40 minutes and two lives.

>> No.461264

altered beast is pretty short

>> No.461265

All Psikyo shooters.

fucking pacman could grab my attention longer than those, and I can 1cc any shmup that isn't by Treasure.

>> No.461268

Tony hawks pro skater 1-4, once you learn how to do large combos and do all the missions few times, it doesnt take too long to unlock everything, maybe 30min - 1h at best

>> No.461270

9/10 people have not and will never beat Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.461273

so memorable music

>> No.461278

I did, took me a week and only because of Jaquio

>> No.461289

There are plenty of games like that, which take a few minutes when you get really good at them but months of attempts the first time.

>> No.461292
File: 61 KB, 256x224, axelay-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axelay. The game takes 20 minutes to beat, if you can survive that long.

>> No.461303

Jackal, Jaws, most kid's games like Little Mermaid, can be finished in 20 minutes or so. Mighty Final Fight I think is also short.

>> No.461308

Ninja Gaiden's reputation for difficulty is far more legendary than the actual game. The game really only requires a bit of memorization and hardly any compared to some other NES games I've played. That one jump in 6-2 is tricky and maybe the second form of Jaquio. Every time you see a bird, just duck and keep moving after they swoop over you causing them to disappear because of the screen moving. It literally works every time.

>> No.461306

I'm pretty sure every tenth person hasn't finished Ninja Gaiden. Even if you count all the people that try it, not every tenth one will finish it. The last level + boss combo and the enemy reappear thing will make sure of that, I think.

>> No.461313

the little mermaid for NES
you can beat it in like 15 minutes

>> No.461316

I wonder how many people have actually tried playing Ninja Gaiden. I think most just hear it's hard and perpetuate that. I think it's a really easy game myself, but I will say Contra scared me off for years because I kept hearing how "impossible" it was. Then when I played it I beat it the same night. It's even easier than NG.

>> No.461318

Ninja Gaiden in 17 minutes

>> No.461323

The final boss is the real reason why it is hard.

>> No.461331

I got ghost and goblins in 2 or 3 days. I think most people talking about these games didnt play them.
Shmups, on the other hand, are just fucked.

>> No.461332

Todd's adventures in slime world.

Shit's like 6 minutes long.

>> No.461339

contra is easy w/ konami code
ninja gaiden is hard as fuck without save states

>> No.461341

You are kinding of making me want to try it again, but I wasn't that fond of the gameplay and don't want to beat games just for the sake of beating them. Nothing wrong with that of course, I merely feel like I should prioritize beating the games where I really enjoy the gameplay.

>> No.461346

Contra is easy without it too.
>get spread gun
>game is basically won

>> No.461371

One thing I realized when I was a kid that helped me overcome these terribly difficult boss fights at the end. You might notice the first time you are on level 6-3 and you go through the door to fight the first boss form that you get a complimentary health refill. You actually get this health refill on every boss fight here at the end but and this is a big but, if you die here and continue at 6-1 and fight all the way back to the bosses, you don't get that complimentary health refill anymore.

So as a kid, knowing I would be completely fucked by the time I got through 6-3 to fight the bosses without the refill, I would actually just reset the game and fight my way through it all again just for that health refill. And it worked plus I got wicked good at the stages.

>> No.461373

that looks beautiful and kinda eerie

>> No.461376

> get hit once - dead

>> No.461391

Kirby's Dreamland
A good 20 minutes of fun

>> No.461398

Yep, SID rules.

>> No.461401

Any fighting game?

>> No.461405

>getting hit when you're shooting out a wall of bullets every second

With the rapid shot power up you are untouchable.

>> No.461428

It's funny how every thread in which either Ninja Gaiden or Contra is mentioned it turns into a dick waving contest. Is it really that hard to accept some people actually do find these games difficult?

>> No.461430

You're obviously better at the game than most. Kudos?

>> No.461435

Contra is a 4/10 difficulty at best. It's a bit rough if you lose your gun, but you're more likely to die from your friend scrolling the screen than anything else.

>> No.461445

10/10, FFFFF, RAAAAGE, there, you got the reaction you wanted, can you go bug another board now?

>> No.461438

Kirby's Dream Land, holy jeez I would have felt ripped off if I paid $30 for that back in the day.

>> No.461439

Funny because those of us with big wangs have better shit to do than play gayms.

>> No.461453

I agree the difficulty is overrated (im not the guy you are arguing with) but 4/10? It is a 7/10.

>> No.461457

Well it's a game based around being as casual friendly as possible, they probably gave it to some teen girl on the street and decided it was long enough when she'd take 5 hours to get to the end and still not be able to beat it

>> No.461459


No, I'm not saying it to brag. It's just that with a fair amount of practice the game really loses its advantage over you and becomes very possible to finish. It just takes that time to learn enemy placements and where the power-ups are. I suck at most games, and if I can beat these then anyone can. Even Arino beat Contra in the course of one evening.

>> No.461461

fuck off and die tripfag

>> No.461476

Metal slug makes NES Contra feel like kiddie mode. 5/10.

>> No.461479

I still can't believe people have 1cc'd Metal Slug 3. That final area, jesus.

>> No.461480

Metal Slug is piss-easy, nigga. And i mean that as someone who can hardly beat the first Contra level.

>> No.461490

Even if it's not super hard, shit still takes closer to an hour to finish - so niggas should STFU about Contra. It's not the shortest game, which is what OP asked for.

>> No.461502

You were able to eat ALL of the 30 bullets that are fired in the first level? Congrats! That takes SKILL.

>> No.461508

You said nothing about doing a perfect run.

>> No.461515

Wait, i read that wrong. Disregard, i'm sleepy as shit.

>> No.461530

>Super Mario Land
>One hour later, I am done

So disappointing. The sequel was only better by an hour or two.

>> No.461545

>70 replies
>not one mention of Marble Madness

The game is literally like 5 minutes long, you can't even go longer than that since the stages are timed and you don't get any extra continues. You either finish in the time limit or you start over. The world record is like 2:54 IIRC.

>> No.461549

Metal Slug is an arcade game, the overall difficulty is how hard it is to get high-scoring runs, not just beating the final boss.

>> No.461552

Kirby's Dreamland was designed to be beatable in half an hour.

>> No.461583

what about SMB 1?

>> No.461586

Arino used a level select code.

>> No.461604

Man. Try playing the game at least ONCE, and see how far you get without shitting continues.

>> No.461613

Does Contra even have a level select code? All I hear about is the 30 man one.

>> No.461619

The Japanese version does.

>> No.461681
File: 492 KB, 524x530, lake of rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely unrelated to the topic, but WHO THE FUCK THOUGH BLACKOUT BASEMENT WAS A GOOD IDEA? My eyes hurt like a bitch.
Don't even need to respond, i'm just mad.

>> No.461704

>Not simply running on instinct

Pathetic. Did a wimp like you really get through Poison Pond?

>> No.461732

Level wasn't hard at all, but the blinking quite literally murdered my eyes.

>> No.461756

Never had that happen. Then again, my eyes are pretty used to blinking.

>> No.461776

>Super Mario Land
I can finish Super Mario Land in 15 minutes, not even speed running it.

>> No.461778
File: 29 KB, 256x356, 256px-AlexKiddInShinobiWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was like, 15 minutes. Which is a shame because it was pretty damn sweet.

>> No.462231

I bet you credit feed.
Can you even 1cc Metal Slug 3?

>> No.462293

Like dark levels, do you?

>> No.462391
File: 99 KB, 484x693, chipndale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i doubt many others have played this, but this was a sub-30 minute game beaten first try on rental for a 9 year old.

>> No.462442
File: 13 KB, 280x280, jaws-screenshot-008-280px.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaws my "sandbox" of the 80s

>> No.462575

So I know it's not exactly short, but for what it is (semi-RPG game) then Monstania is only like 4 hours.