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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 193 KB, 550x411, Tetris_NES_play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
460168 No.460168 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like tetris
How much do you play it
Which version do you play
What is your high score

>> No.460202

I'll have to ask my wife, she plays it every night on my DS. It's mildy infuriating, because she refuses to use the "hold" feature since she only ever played the Gameboy version as a kid. I've tried several times to explain how to use it but she just can't into it. Other than that she's really, really good at it.

>> No.460201

Yeah I like Tetris
I play it a lot
I play Tetris DX mostly
It's 3,590,461/1414 lines.

>> No.460207

>1414 lines.
Daaaaamn, nigga. That is straight ballin. How long does that take? Got a screenshot?

>> No.460206

Tetris is psychedelic. It's also addictive like heroin

>> No.460212


Pardon my ignorance, but what is this 'hold' feature you speak of?

>> No.460217

No screenshot I'm afraid, I really should have.
The way Tetris DX is actually, surviving past 300 lines is not difficult at all and is a matter of not tempting fate by building up Tetrises.

>> No.460230

Later Tetris games let you put a piece in reserve.
The piece currently falling can be swapped out for your held piece, such as you can hold onto a T-block for when you get a piece you can't place conveniently, or you can hold onto a line block until you are ready to use it.

>> No.460250

Me and my g/f played the fuck out of tetris when we first started dating. She's really good at Tetris attack too. I stand no chance aganist her in tetris attack.

>> No.460281
File: 2 KB, 160x144, bgb00004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer know if I like it or not. I just play it.
GB. Sporadically DX and used to play both Nintendo and Tengen NES before I got a gb pocket a few days back. Rest is shit imo.
300k. Yeah it's nothing.

DX is way easier. I use it as a "training" game. Gimme that score in the 1989 version and we'll talk.

>> No.460287

>surviving past 300 lines is not difficult at all and is a matter of not tempting fate by building up Tetrises.
But I only build tetrises. I'm not sure I could rewire myself to play any differently.

>> No.460335

No kidding, original Tetris is crazy hard, actually I find fault with it just because the horizontal positioning does not keep up with the descent at higher levels, not unless you can seriously hammer the buttons like insane.
Later tetris games dropped THIS one part in particular for a reason.

I know how that is as well, I always build tetrises too and it's a wonder I still got 1414 lines that time.

>> No.460393

>Later tetris games dropped THIS one part in particular for a reason.

Well yeah, to make it easier so it would sell more. But ok, maybe the gb version is too hard in that respect, but the dx is ridiculously easy. I mean, if the gb is bad because it is too hard, dx is bad cause it is too easy. It is like the gb version is a rusty ground and dx is an ideal frictionless ground. I guess the NES version is the standard one after all...

>> No.460442
File: 30 KB, 387x354, tengen-tetris-elorg-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The piece should be able to keep up with the player, GB version was too slow in this regard whilst DX was much too lenient.

If I'm not mistaken, Tengen Tetris is supposed to be better than the official NES Tetris anyway.

>> No.461143

>every time waiting for lectures/exercises, every time on the shitter
>rockblox on my Sansa Clip+
>173820 / 16

>> No.461171

>Do you like tetris
>How much do you play it
Once or twice a year
>Which version do you play
Any really
>What is your high score
Don't remember, though it's pretty easy until you reach level 15+. I think I went to a level 40 something at best.

>> No.461182

I don't like to use the feature either.

>> No.461207
File: 25 KB, 640x480, Jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this became my tetris.
although i only got 20k, yet

>> No.461269

one time i got like 215 lines. felt pretty good

>> No.461283

I think it is

>> No.461312
File: 101 KB, 640x443, 1362953531903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw terrible at tetris and get game over at 90 lines

>> No.461327
File: 478 KB, 820x1460, 3f9a0a3af9ac03dfbc545f59f518f19c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengen Tetris is better because... 2 player mode. Why on earth this was not in Nintendo's version, I don't know.

>> No.461364

Any troopers play TGM? I think at least the first one is retro.

>> No.461947

this is a real game right


>> No.461995
File: 83 KB, 600x549, 1071013318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, pulled some art from booru.

though there's some terrible flash games that look like that. also there's Gals Panic, but that's Qix and not Tetris but I like Qix better.

>> No.462007


>Play Bully
>The art class is a Qix/Gals Panic clone

True story.

>> No.462030

Not sure what my score is, I don't keep track, because I start a new game every time I poop.
I play the basic Android/EA tetris nearly every day. I have become pretty good at it, but this is /vr/ so I will butt out now.

>> No.462031

Huh, never bothered much with that game. I liked the general gameplay but I hated the look of the main character too much to play very far. There should have been a character generator. Is it worth it to take another crack at it?

sage for off-topic.

>> No.462032
File: 38 KB, 320x240, tgm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TGM series is best


>> No.462038



And if you want a school simulation that's /vr/ friendly, check out Skool Daze.

>> No.462059
File: 12 KB, 622x511, Mastercurvecg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Later tetris games dropped THIS one part in particular for a reason.

I suggest you guys check out the Tetris - The Grand Master series


>> No.462093

Damnit I want that to be real so bad

I found a few but they are one god awful picture that doesn't even change with the levels

Seriously, how hard would it have been

>> No.462094

I play the NES version
Hi score is something like 480000 points-190 lines. Quite sure I never got past 500000 points.

Played the DS version quite a bit, but hold and infinite spin made me leave after a while. I like Push though.

BTW: If Street Fighter 2 is the VG equivalent of Chess, what is Tetris?

>> No.462330
File: 47 KB, 500x333, you-what-have-you-done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tetris dx would be perfection if it were not for its horrible music selection

compare it to the gameboy ost (3 tracks). it just falters. DX tried to fit so much that the music lost its minimal feel and charm. nearly distracting, in my opinion

Gameboy (A):

DX (A):

>> No.462360

I have the NES version open right now, actually. I use that if I'm at home, but if I'm not I use this online one:


I don't really know what I like about it specifically and there are probably better ones out there but I just stick to this one for some reason.

>> No.462424
File: 205 KB, 475x347, Wetrix_for_N64,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this version.

Funnily enough, I can't find a single torrent or download for the PC version anywhere.

>> No.462452

Haha, I knew exactly what video that was going to be before I expanded it. That shit is crazy.

Neat, I'll take a look. Thanks.

I bet if you look hard enough there's gotta be some JP doujin game that is like >>461327

>infinite spin
You mean how you can keep flipping a piece around after it's been placed? Yeah, kinda easy modo. Should be an option to turn that off.

>If Street Fighter 2 is the VG equivalent of Chess, what is Tetris?
SF4 Endless Lobby? Nethack perhaps?

>> No.462472


step up senpai

>> No.462497

I play tetris, a lot. Mostly some DSiware version I found on the DS. It's got marathon, which I enjoy. Best time is ~8'