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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4599868 No.4599868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the Limp Bizkit of retro games?

>> No.4599871
File: 40 KB, 713x381, durst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the durstcast I mean dreamcast

>> No.4599878

Action 52.

It does a lot of things, but nothing good.

>> No.4599882
File: 647 KB, 465x600, segabits-seganet-limp-bizkit-465x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it all for the nookie

>> No.4599884

do we always gotta cry? do we always gotta live inside a lie? life's just a blast, movin really fast, better stay on top or life'll kick u in the ass.

>> No.4599904
File: 794 KB, 509x714, LimpBizket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one knows what its like...

>> No.4599908

all those ps1 snowboarding games

>> No.4599953
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>> No.4599954

>best girl
Based Durst.

>> No.4599985

Where's the hot glue?

>> No.4600001

Duke Nookie

>> No.4600015
File: 489 KB, 3000x1635, fuck trent reznor yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people shit on Limp?
Nothing else feels so awesome when you're pissed off, high as fuck on stims, and just don't give a fuck. It's pure stupid chaos. Also, they pissed off Trent Reznor, so that's awesome.

Game? Contra Hard Corps
Console? >>4599871

>> No.4600139

>pissed off Trent
Wha hapen?

>> No.4600158

My you insist
You gotta talk that shit
You gotta keep that dog-ass breath
All up in ma face

>> No.4600234

The WWE Smackdown series.

>> No.4600258

>Reznor was involved in a feud with the band Limp Bizkit (specifically their frontman Fred Durst) in the late 1990s, around the height of their popularity, calling Durst a "moron" and saying in a 1999 interview in Rolling Stone magazine, "Let Fred Durst surf a piece of plywood up my ass." It is noted, however, that Reznor is credited as a writer of the song "Hot Dog" on Limp Bizkit's album, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water. This is due to this song's use of lyrics from the Nine Inch Nails song "Closer", in particular the phrase, "I want to fuck you like an animal." Reznor was put in the difficult position of having to give permission for his own lyrics to be used in a song mocking him but interviews at the time suggested that he thought it was best to allow permission rather than drag the issue out."

>> No.4600271

I love both acts. NIN when I'm fucked up, LB when I wanna get fucked up.
NIN is good for grinding in JRPGs.
LB is good for shooters.

>> No.4600372

hey fred
sorry your storage locker got auctioned off
i know you'll miss that sweet dirtbike

>> No.4600380

you know as much hate as the band got, nobody ever denied that they could rock fucking hard. they fucking killed concerts, so much energy, and they still do it even with fred as a 50 year old

>> No.4600409

Tony Hawks Pro Skater

>> No.4600441

>What is the Limp Bizkit of retro games?
You mean games that changed the industry forever, sold like pancakes and put a bunch of copycats out?
Street Fighter II

>> No.4600453
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Drugs are a hell of a drug!
'specially stims.

It's funny how Fred is in better shape now than fucking Eminem begging US presidents for attention. lol


>> No.4600475

Any 1-hit wonder will do.

>> No.4600482

Eminem = wigger with 1 minute of his 15 minutes of fame left.

>> No.4600485

>Street Fighter II
but street fighter 2 was actually respected by the entire industry and was actually good

>> No.4600489

on that note, I think MW2 is the limp bizkit of gaming, but its not a retro game obv

>> No.4600494

Sounds like Trent made a big boy move.
Also Clutch hate Fred as well

>> No.4600501

They suck ass but this is still a great song

>> No.4600502

I don't know a lot of Limp Bizcut but based on what I've seen and heard from them I get the impression that they couldn't decide whether they wanted to be wiggers or metalheads so they went with both and the end result was trash on either end.

So I would suggest a game that attempts to combine two different gameplay styles but does so poorly.

>> No.4600503
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>> No.4600504


>> No.4600521

Edgy music and merchandise for white suburban middleschoolers during the early 2000s.

>> No.4600528

The only people I know that hate bizkit are virgins

>> No.4600530
File: 45 KB, 459x521, guess i better get going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people I know that like Bizcut are virgins.

>> No.4600531 [DELETED] 

Struck a nerve? ;-)

>> No.4600536
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>> No.4600538

I couldn't get into Limp Bizkit at all. I liked KoRn and Deftones, but Limp Bizkit didn't do it for me.
Out of all those 'numetal' bands only Deftones still has some lasting appeal, all the others is pure teen angst.

>> No.4600541

>Fred Durst is a reifag


>> No.4600545

Seether is numetal? That 90s grunge rock revival shit was considered numetal?

>> No.4600547


>> No.4600554

this entire thread has nothing to do with video games or retro video games.

>> No.4600568

The band itself is barely even retro by the board's standards, too.

>> No.4600573

exactly right m8.

>> No.4600575

Says the guy crying because people insulted his shit band.

>> No.4600589


most of the people i can think of who liked limp bizkit back when they were big are now in jail or working in gas stations and shit

>> No.4600597

nah I ain't going to jail, fuck it

>> No.4600603

>he didn't do it for the nookie
>he never got the cookie

>> No.4600610

MW/MW2 means MechWarrior (2) on this board

>> No.4600643

As Limp thing is baby's first metal band, then it would be pokemon, baby's first rpg

>> No.4600719

their first 3 albums were great tbqh. I really want to see them live before they call it quits.

>> No.4600843



>> No.4600848

Wasn't everyone involved with a feud with Durst at some point? Hell even Black Label Society said "Limp Bizkit sucks dick!" at one of their gigs.

>> No.4600863

Mortal Kombat

Obnoxious in an uninteresting juvenile way, massively inferior to its peers, yet sold like gangbusters. Still limply propped up in sales to this day by the slow kids in schools across the world.

>> No.4600896

hating limp bizkit is sooooo 2001. it's not cool anymore silly nerds, nobody cares, get over it.

>> No.4600898


>> No.4600923

It was edgy and badass for the time much like Limp Bizkit.

>> No.4600969

Sonic Adventure.
People liked it a while back but once they realized how shit it really is, they act like they never liked it at all.

>> No.4600973

Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.4600978


Is this even a question? Tony Hawk Proskater 1&2

>> No.4600990
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Apparently they're friends again now.

>> No.4600992

Found the underage. LB has a dozen hits at least.

>> No.4600994

That minute was up 4 years ago m8
The last relevant thing he did was a minor role in that Seth Rogen movie that accidentally destroyed Sony's movie division

>> No.4601002

One of the greatest classic rock bands, RIP Chester

>> No.4601019

>RIP Chester
haha that's linkin park man not limp bizkit

>> No.4601026

I like this one. I haven't laughed at anything on /vr/ in months (that I didn't post myself.)

>> No.4601038

>Liking Limp Bizkit
>Disliking Nine Inch Nails
That's some real shitty taste right there.

>> No.4601043


>> No.4601048

>you know as much hate as the band got, nobody ever denied that they could rock fucking hard. they fucking killed concerts

I went and saw limp about 5 years back? Rocked out to the cd in middle school a ton and thought it might be fun for nostalgia sake. I gotta say that It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. The energy from the crowd was insane.

>> No.4601059

They still got it, too.


>> No.4601060

Oh I had an argument with some shithead here a few months ago who thought NIN was shit.
His counterpick? Fucking Alice in Chains. ALICE IN CHAINS.

>> No.4601063
File: 52 KB, 612x380, buibui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Me and Rob are both big Nintendo fans for a number of reasons. Nintendo approaches gaming from a prospective where Super Mario Bros. is still a classic and doesn't look dated. Look at any game on the PlayStation 1 that tries to exceed past the terrible 3D graphics, with their look alike, sound alike franchise attempts."
>"With Nintendo, there's this kind of aesthetic that they bring to their in-house games that makes them feel like art. Where they aren't trying to be something else, where they have their own place and are just what they are. I've talked with Rob about this, about why that kind of game is cool, has a timelessness to it and isn't trying to be more than what it is. If I were going to make a video game today I would not put in rendered, 3D characters that try to look human. You know, where when they talk their lips are out of sync and have this weird aliased thing going on.
>"There's that Shadow Complex game, which does looks cool. Every cut scene has the eyes rendered pretty well, but there's that terrible voice acting and the characters look like Fembots."
>"..I'm not saying they haven't fucked up a few times too, but they have this sense of here's this game, we're aware of the limitations, but we're going to make the game great with taste and integrity. Being honest, I'm not a huge fan of Sony. Their entire strategy behind the PlayStation is to focus on gaming as an experience last and getting a Blu-ray player in your living room comes first. Now, three years later they're trying to release a motion controller that's a little bit better than the Wii's."

Say what you want about Trent, but he's got his shit together when it comes to vidya.

>> No.4601065

I like both but IMO AiC > NIN

>> No.4601068

lol modern Nintendo is absolute fucking trash. Actually they've been trash since the first Wii. Nintendo died a long time ago, and their glory days were even older still.

>> No.4601071

I dunno, maybe the whole industry just is absolute fucking trash nowadays, but in comparison to Sony or Microsoft, at least Nintendo tries.
It's sad that the days of actual video game companies like Sega and Nintendo being on top are over, though.

>> No.4601145

Alice in Chains is godly, you shut your fucking mouth.
They're the ALttP of music.

That was before the WiiU Now Nintendo is quite comfortable following Sony with their Elder Scrolls VI: Breath of the Wild.

I do like NIN. But pissing off Trent Reznor is still funny. That guy used to take himself way too seriously at times in the 90s.

>> No.4601157

>AIC is the ALttP of music