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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.88 MB, 4240x2120, Sega-Mega-Drive-JP-Mk1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4592930 No.4592930 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread for the best retro console.

>best platformer
Dynamite Headdy.

>best jab & jog
Streets of Rage 2.

>best run & gun
Contra Hard Corps.

>best Metroidvania
Monster World III.

>best shmup
Trouble Shooter Vintage.

>best strategy game
Herzog Zwei.

>best walking simulator
Toejam & Earl.

>best puzzle game
Puyo Puyo Tsu.

Also FM synth > SNES' PCM samples.

>> No.4592973 [DELETED] 

fart sounds xd

>> No.4593010

>Puyo Puyo Tsu.
How I know you're a fucking faggot?

>> No.4593027

You've sucked a lot of cocks in your life, so you know how to spot one?

>> No.4593176

>Streets of Rage 2.
Bare Knuckle 3 is better in every way.
>Toejam & Earl.
Absolute garbage

>> No.4593195

>Dynamite headdy
That's not super Mario world

>Monster World III.
That's not super metroid

>Trouble Shooter Vintage.
That's not super r-type

>Herzog Zwei.
That's not tactics ogre

>Toejam & Earl.
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>Puyo Puyo Tsu.
That's not lemmings

>> No.4593202

>contra hard corps
That's not super smash tv

>> No.4593210

Porn thread must have gotten deleted on /v/, huh

>> No.4593234
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>> No.4593240

>super r-type

>> No.4593243

op forgot best sports game (mutant football league) and best jrpg (lunar 2) if we count add-ons

>> No.4593248
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>best retro console
Good joke, made my day

>> No.4593254

>super r-type
OK, you're just a Nintendo fanboy. Who the fuck would play Super R-Type when you can play R-Type 2 Arcade? Yeah, people that only play games on Nintendo consoles.
LMFAO, not even the same genre and, again, Smash TV Arcade? C'mon, this is a disgrace to /vr/, even if trolling

>> No.4593381

Sor3 is better mechanically but the level design is fucking garbage.

Also it's missing my husbando Max.

>> No.4593385

Sega had Lemmings and it was pretty good. Part 2 even has mouse support but I don't really like all the new lemming types you need to memorize.

>> No.4593535

enjoying Tactics Ogre in Japanese, huh?
>he can't even find an equivalent to T&E

>> No.4593635 [DELETED] 

mega drive is best console

when i grow up i want to be a mega drive

>> No.4593636
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>> No.4593657 [DELETED] 

>Also FM synth > SNES' PCM samples.

you're an idiot. megadrive audio could never compare to the SNES audio chip (spc700).

does megadrive playback 16-bit samples out of the box? NO.
does the megadrive offer digital signal processing for reverb and echo effects on -any channel-? TOP KEK HELL NO.

The YM chip in the megadrive was ancient as fuck when the console was released. you know absolutely nothing about computer or audio hardware, because if you did, you wouldn't write such misleading fucking bullshit.

please take your dangerously low IQ back to lereddit or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.4593661

This is weaponized autism, we must cherish it dearly.

>> No.4593663 [DELETED] 

btfo, clueless idiot. back to lereddit.

>> No.4593676 [DELETED] 

Genesis sounds like actual chiptunes. SNES sounds like a really shitty """cd player""" or whatever the fuck they marketed its sound as.

>> No.4593861
File: 163 KB, 2080x1200, ninbro&segbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing that I had this image.

>> No.4593867

>best platformer
Super Metroid
>best jab & jog
Super Metroid
>best run & gun
Super Metroid
>best Metroidvania
Metal Slug 3
>best shmup
Super Metroid
>best strategy game
Super Metroid
>best walking simulator
Super Metroid
>best puzzle game
Super Metroid

>> No.4593871

snes sounds like creamy smooth synth
brinstar depths yunno

>> No.4593875

by brinstar depths i mean red soil

>> No.4593919

MD really is great. But if you didn't grow up with both SNES and MD, you missed out.

>> No.4593923

MD and TG-16, you mean.

SNES was only good if you were one of those JRPG weirdos.

>> No.4593924

SNES and MD have bigger, more variated libraries than the PCE. Especially if we talk the western TG16. Still 4th gen was awesome in general.

>> No.4593927

Try to find another video game company with a great history of horrible decisions like Sega.

You can't

All those games, all that potential in their consoles. A waste.

>> No.4593929

Or if you think Sonic and Earthworm Jim were mediocre platformers.

>> No.4593938
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*blocks your path*

>> No.4594000
File: 7 KB, 610x610, Streets-of-Rage-Bare-Knuckle-Sega-Genesis-Mega-Drive-MD-Master-System-MS-Game-Gear-GG-8-bit-Pixel-Art-Xtreme-Retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best platformer
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
>best belt-scroller
Streets of Rage 2
>best run & gun
Gunstar Heroes
>best Metroidvania
Monster World III
>best shmup
>best strategy game
Dune II
>best walking simulator
ToeJam & Earl
>best puzzle game
Puyo Puyo Tsuu
>best JRPG
Lunar II: Eternal Blue (CD)
>best WRPG
>best text adventure
Snatcher (CD)
>best Zelda-like
The Story of Thor
>best racing game
Jaguar XJ220 (CD)

>> No.4594012

>best platformer
Rocket Knight Adventures

>best beat 'em up
Golden Axe 2/Streets of Rage 2 (love em both)

>best run & gun
Gunstar Heroes

>best metroidvania
never played any on genesis

>best shmup
Gleylancer or Thunderforce III

>best strategy game
Shining Force

>best walking simulator
Toejam & Earl

>best puzzle game

>> No.4594026

>jab & jog

>> No.4594028

It's just another term for belt scrollers, no big deal. I like Alien Storm the best though.

>> No.4594078

>>best platformer
jump'n'run you illiterate

>> No.4594110

Pit Hells

>> No.4594246
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>Grew up with Nintendo/Super Nintendo
>Never got Sega Genesis because mom refused to buy two systems that "do the same thing"
>Cousin had a Genesis and shit was pretty awesome playing Aladin, and all the Sonic Games
>Purchased a damn near mint CDX with a new internal battery last week
>Excited to finally play some good Genesis games and even what few good Sega CD games are out there
>Go to a local pawn shop and buy a couple of Genesis games (Altered Beast, Sonic and Knuckles, and Sonic 2)
>Burn a few good Sega CD games
>tfw they all look like shit since I don't own any tube/CRT TV's.

Is there any way around this? I really don't have room for a CRT TV in my game room, and I've never needed one since all of my other older games look fine on my old Plasma flat screen.

>> No.4594446

>Gunstar Heroes
Most overrated Genesis game. Only 3 levels from that game are any good, rest are shit.

>> No.4594469

Treasure is my favorite Japanese dev and even I can admit Gunstar Heroes is overrated. That level leading up to not-bison was really lazily designed. I'm shocked more people don't talk about it. Also Ristar>>>>Sonic.

>> No.4594474

Also the weapon combining was poorly balanced. There's a reason no run and gun since has bothered to copy it including the fucking sequel.

>> No.4594483

It's called a bmup. This is the accepted nomenclature.

>> No.4594498

>Or if you think Sonic and Earthworm Jim were mediocre platformers.
Why does it always come back to Sanic with you Nintendildos?

Is it because it's the only SEGA IP autistic enough to pique your interests?

>> No.4594640

The Genesis is notorious for its garbage composite out. Your other consoles definitely look like trash as well, but your Genny will look like extra trash. The simplest way around it is a tube TV, however you're still using the same shitty connection. For a more practical alternative, HD Retrovision makes Genesis YPbPr Component cables, which look ten times better on a flat screen. They will however run you about $50, but if you're serious about playing Genesis, it's probably the simplest way to go.

>> No.4594643
File: 40 KB, 319x356, 33BAF9B8-1AFF-4DEB-9F85-454E1C3D8203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16-bit console war thread
>in 2018

>> No.4594686

I use RGB SCART cable with my Genesis, and it looks great, the colors really pop and the picture is really clear. But yeah if you are using composhit you will get a bad picture, but that isn’t the consoles fault, it’s the crap video cable.

>> No.4594690

James Spader letting himself go a little

>> No.4594712

such sad choices in shooters

get a pc engine if you want a real "fly and bomb"

>> No.4594727


>> No.4594729
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 1516367321754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many great games, how can nintenyearolds be so delusional. I suppose they can't beat games that do not feature slowdowns, kek.
>Akchually nintendo invented bullet time before matrix and max payne

>> No.4594738
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>Your other consoles definitely look like trash as well,
Except they probably don't. He said he's using an old plasma flat screw. Older systems look and play just fine on those old plasma screens (they don't even sell them anymore and haven't for years now). Like you said, the genesis cables are just shit in general, and the image isn't all that great on my trinitron either when I use the standard cables.

>retrovision composite cables for $50
Solid advice. Except they've been out of stock for a while now and prices on eBay have sky rocketed. He'd be lucky to find a set of those cables for 100 bucks now.

Best advice is to just emulate on your computer, or get an HD clone console to play it on a flat screen.

>> No.4594897

Hudson STGs aren't any better than what you can find on the Genny.

>> No.4594923

>gunstar heros is bad
Just hold on

>> No.4594934

enjoy your boring Toaplan games

although Truxton and Twin Cobra, the two best ones, are both better on pce anyway

>> No.4594950

Fire Shark was the best Toaplan shooter, and its only home release was for dat Megadrive.

SEGA always wins, baybee.

>> No.4594954

I doubt he's counting ports, it would make more sense to really only consider the made for Gen/MD shooters such as the popular Technosoft games.
Interesting opinion, I haven't seen many guys here saying Fire Shark is their favorite Toaplan shooter.
To be fair, I've seen varied opinions on that regard: Flying Shark, Hellfire, Truxton...

>> No.4595070

australia-kun pls go

>> No.4595417
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Playing some Puyo Puyo on my Mega Drive and I can't help but want a good arcade stick.

Any recommendations? Preferably microswitched.

>> No.4595435

the japanese version of the arcade power stick is microswitched

>> No.4595450

Nice, didn't know that. The 3 button, 6 button, or both?

>> No.4595573

both but I don't think the buttons are, only the stick. check it out

>> No.4595635

Will do. Thanks, anon.

>> No.4597083

Should I play Popful Mail or Monster World IV next?

>> No.4597456

Name me a PC-Engine shooter better than Thunder Force IV (protip: you can't)

>> No.4597485

Air Zonk

>> No.4597524

Air Zonk
Gradius II

>> No.4598675
File: 85 KB, 1152x648, FauxScreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there's a genesis thread, might as well try my luck. Can anyone tell me that the title of this game? I used to play it a lot back when I was 10 but I forgot the title completely. It's basically:

>a first person shooter with airplanes
>you have to travel from country to country battling terrorists with your experimental aircraft
>boss fights are a 2-step process, with the 2nd one being a huge freaking UFOs or something
>if you ran out of fuel while going from country to country it's game over.
I tried my best drawing what the game looks like with 10000 hours in mspaint.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.4598686
File: 360 KB, 657x495, F77CB739-3C3D-4357-91E2-400188780864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best retro console
>it sounds like farts

>> No.4598709

stop playing shitty US genesis games and play more Japanese genesis games


>> No.4598895

>not having a fart fetish

>> No.4599017

Can you get rid of this shit already?

>> No.4599020


>> No.4599068

Monster World IV is better by a fucking mile.

>> No.4599071

overrated =/= bad

>> No.4599103
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>getting butthurt over using the same reaction image more than once

>> No.4599142
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You used it like twenty times in one morning

>> No.4599174

Will there ever be a game as perfect as Alien Soldier ever again lads?

>> No.4599179

kill yourself

>> No.4599181

Don't cut yourself on that edge.

>> No.4599189

It's just a 2d bayonetta.

>> No.4599194

Metal Slug 3

>> No.4599245

This is your first day on 4chan, I'll be your guide.

>> No.4599470

I had this game on a watch

>> No.4599494
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No love for Strider?

>> No.4599765

Ghosts 'n Goblins is the superior Capcom port.

Programmed by the LEGENDARY Yuji Naka himself.

>> No.4599789

I played that back in the day too. I enjoyed it enough to complete it but fuck that game.

>> No.4599820
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>> No.4599839

it's not a better port, it was only a 5 mb rom

missing a lot of detail on certain levels compared to the supergrafx version

>> No.4599849

Enjoy your inaccurate hitboxes.

>> No.4599856

Its games certainly sound better than most for the PC-engine without its CD-ROM add-onn

>> No.4601993


For an anon who's never owned a Genesis in any capacity before, what model would provide the best bang for one's buck if I was tight on apartment space and wanted to play off an Everdrive plus the occasional yard sale pickup?

Would a Nomad be worth considering? Or is it a meme/genuinely inferior SKU in spite of its portability that doesn't justify the premium?

>> No.4602002

Kega Fusion would be the best bang for your buck.

>> No.4602032

farts are only good when they come out of a girl with a large butt

>> No.4602098 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4602113
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>farts are only good when they come out of a girl with a large butt

>tfw that mudflap effect

>> No.4602121
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>best shmup
>not pic related

>> No.4602267
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Air Diver

>> No.4602270

>For an anon who's never owned a Genesis in any capacity before...
Why would you drop all that money on hardware + and Everdrive for a platform you've never played? Just emulate first and see if there's anything in the library you actually want to own. And there are cheaper Flash carts than EDs that have virtually the same compatibility.

>> No.4602283


>Why would you drop all that money on hardware + and Everdrive for a platform you've never played? Just emulate first and see if there's anything in the library you actually want to own. And there are cheaper Flash carts than EDs that have virtually the same compatibility.

Because I've already found at least 5 games I want to own for it, of course. Also, playing games on their original hardware is a feeling that an emulator can't match.

>> No.4602294

>Also, playing games on their original hardware is a feeling that an emulator can't match.
I was only recommending it so you can get a better understanding of the system's library. Then it would make more sense to invest in real hardware.

>> No.4602296

>Its games certainly sound better

yeah buddy, just compare those street fighter ii voices

>> No.4602306 [DELETED] 


>I was only recommending it so you can get a better understanding of the system's library. Then it would make more sense to invest in real hardware.

That's a fair enough point, I suppose. Though I'm curious as to what you would recommend for someone dead-set on real hardware given how fragmented the ecosystem is, since from your earlier point, it sounds like Genesis SKUs can quickly become money pits.

>> No.4602307


>> No.4602310


>I was only recommending it so you can get a better understanding of the system's library. Then it would make more sense to invest in real hardware.

That's a fair enough point, I suppose. Though I'm curious as to what you would recommend for someone dead-set on real hardware given how fragmented the ecosystem is, since from your earlier point, it sounds like Genesis SKUs can quickly become money pits.

>> No.4602331

>Though I'm curious as to what you would recommend

Hardware version of games? Model 1 seems to have the best sound output, and there are neat features built into the base such as a headphone jack. It seems to be the preferred hardware version among enthusiasts.

As for games, I'm not sure what genres you normally play. I guess I could throw around some general recommendations, but I'll try to avoid anything too common.

>Castlevania: Bloodlines
>Contra: Hard Corps
>Devil Crash and Dragon's Revenge
Awesome pinball games with a fantasy theme. The first one is pretty heavily censored outside of Japan, so try the Japanese ROM.
>Fatal Labyrinth
If you like console roguelikes.
>Golden Axe II
>King of the Monsters series
Sort of like Smash Bros. for Genesis, but with a dash of Godzilla.
>Lightening[sic] Force
Really fast paced shoot-'em-up that lets you choose your level order from the start.
>Mega Bomberman
It's a port of Bomberman '94 originally for TG16. This port has some issues with slowdown, but it's nonetheless a great game, especially for multiplayer arena battles.
>Nobunaga's Ambition and Romance of the Three Kingdoms III
Grand strategy games from Koei. The learning curve is pretty steep, but Nobunaga is a good place to start since the mechanics are more simplified compared to RotK.
It's an entry in the Darius series, but I'm not sure which numbered sequel it is. Another shoot-'em-up.
>Shadow Dancer
The Shinobi games are pretty common, but this is easily the best of the bunch. Very solid difficulty, cool stages, and you have a controllable canine companion.
>Super Fantasy Zone
Import, but there's no Japanese text aside from the intro scene. It's another shoot-'em-up, but more in the style of Defender with cutesy graphics.
>Vectorman series
>Virtua Racing

>> No.4602636

If /v/ existed back then, who would be the equivalent to Sony posters? Nintendo or Sega?

>> No.4602695


Sony basically stole Sega's "cool and edgy" niche for itself with a more cinematic bent, so Sonyposters would most likely be Segaposters.

Funnily enough, the whole PS4-era shittalking about Sony being dead in Japan and dependent on Europe to keep it going could more or less be recycled verbatim for Sega in the SNES/Genesis era.

>> No.4602707

Said cinematic bent changes things much more than you think. Sony 5th gen babies are essentially modern gamers to me. I'd rather deal with people that, even if their attitude is questionable, at least play for the game mechanics (see: Cee). Discussion is far better with them, both the topics and the substance of the arguments and the like.
This is actually among my favorite made for console shooter.

>> No.4603751

>Shadow Dancer for best Shinobi

Odd choice. I'd rank the arcade games, the game gear games, Revenge and even III over that game.

>> No.4603757

why the fuck is just one game more expensive than the entire console itself

>> No.4603832

All of these are true. Best game of the 4th generation by a mile

>> No.4603895

Sure, if you're shit at games.

Once you get the space jump and screw attack you become a literal god and have no chance of ever dying.

>> No.4603973


Not an argument. Casual games can still be good games, too.

>> No.4604389

Fuck off back to playing Farmville on Facebook, then.

>> No.4604624
File: 71 KB, 1247x1200, supersegbrongtp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Super(Golden) Segabro. No gloss yet, though.

>> No.4604659

Lemmings belongs to Amiga.

>> No.4604690


>> No.4604763
File: 19 KB, 640x353, 1280px-SNES_US-640x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best retro console
>it sounds like compressed midi played under a mattress

>> No.4604887

Strider is overrated.

>> No.4604901

That would be Sonybro absorbing all of Nintenbro and Segabro's third party games.

>> No.4605320
File: 74 KB, 1247x1200, supersegbrogtp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the first time I tried gloss, but I think I did worse than that time.
Oh, well. Here goes.

>> No.4606414


Still applies for Segabro absorbing Nintenbro's market share outside of Japan in the SNES era.

>> No.4606437

Robert California?

>> No.4606456
File: 215 KB, 1017x1178, IMG_0722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone looking for a Mega Drive/Genesis stick, I recommend the DOCS Arcade Command if you come across one. Micro switches in the stick and buttons and super cheap. Got one NIB for like $30.