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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.74 MB, 2620x2500, Intellivision-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4591516 No.4591516 [Reply] [Original]

What was the thought process behind the Intellivison (or Colecovision, if you'd prefer) controller?

>> No.4591547
File: 328 KB, 720x900, post-9874-0-64431300-1383918488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding overlays over the numbers?

>> No.4591571
File: 101 KB, 669x378, early_bicycle_attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"it is currently 1979 and while there is probably an ergonomically optimal form for a video game controller to be, it's probably going to take a couple decades of trial and error before somebody works out what that is."

>> No.4591584

>arcade hardware is too expensive for home use
surely you see how that controller's design isn't that far removed from the famicom's, op

>> No.4591592

Doesn't seem to be that bad. I've never seen this thing live. From what I checked you can select levels and if it's a 1 or 2 players game from the controller itself instead of switches on the console like the 2600 and the disc is probably the closest thing to an actual d-pad.

>> No.4591892

its fucking awful. i grew up with an intellivision.

>> No.4591910

Membrane keyboards were all the rage and a lot cheaper than alternatives. Lots of remote controls had that layout but with a jog dial instead of a pad. Would have made perfect sense at the time.

>> No.4592009 [DELETED] 

>Lots of remote controls had that layout but with a jog dial instead of a pad
Not in 1981 http://videopreservation.conservation-us.org/vid_guide/

>> No.4592252 [DELETED] 

Nothing to back up your claim on the page you linked to. You've proven nothing other than that you're too young to have seen any remotes that looked similar to that in 1982. Since you were an infant and most video equipment was in studios that isn't a surprise.

>> No.4592280 [DELETED] 

The burden of proof is on you in this disagreement. Post any example.

>> No.4592783 [DELETED] 

>oops he called my bullshit
Top kek kid. There's no burden of proof required when dealing with bullshitting tripfags. Especially ones who think they remember what adults were doing at work while they were at home shitting in their diapers.

>> No.4592826 [DELETED] 

Couldn't find any huh? Yeah, I didn't expect you could.

>> No.4593163

That thing looks comfy as hell, not gonna lie.

>> No.4593798

It sharply contrasts with the VCS' single button and makes the consoles seem much more advanced in comparison.

>> No.4594043 [DELETED] 

Didn't even bother looking kiddo

>> No.4594169 [DELETED] 

Yes, self deluded people often actively avoid learning they're wrong about things.


>> No.4595531 [DELETED] 

But I'm not wrong. I was using wired remotes with a jog dial when you were a toddler. The only one who's deluded is the tripfag who thinks he knows what kind of remotes dad was using while mom was changing his diapers. Why don't you just google for wired remotes with a jog dial and see what reality has to offer instead of shitposting?

>> No.4595703


>more buttons = better

I fucking loved the thing.

>> No.4595768 [DELETED] 

Literally name any example

inb4 it has never been documented on the internet and can only be found in my memory and somewhere between the earth and mars next to a teapot

>> No.4595793 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. They were thinking about it like a computer - a bunch of keys bound to various functions. Overlays would've made it easy for users with absolutely 0 technical experience to associate a button with an action. Later consoles had the benefit of market feedback and years of seeing how controllers were being used to base their design on. Plus the market itself was becoming more tech savvy and more comfortable with generic controllers over game specific overlays.

>> No.4595818
File: 231 KB, 863x583, Jag_Pad_Top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more buttons = better
I agree. I know many people laugh at the jaguar controller because of all those buttons but imagine playing diablo with it instead of the playstation controller, choosing the exact spell and whatnot or selecting megaman power ups or zelda items. I wish something like pic related existed

>> No.4595841 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck, why are tripfags all this retarded. Seriously, go back to moderating r/atheism and stop posting here.

>> No.4595852 [DELETED] 


>> No.4595867 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1518131109282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts in thread
>ruins thread
>searches for another thread to ruin

>> No.4596028 [DELETED] 

I'm certainly not the one ruining this thread. It's stupid, pointlessly negative aggressive imbeciles like you that are ruining this entire board

>> No.4596141 [DELETED] 

Feel free to head over to reddit with the other tripfags ;^)

>> No.4596307

They knew that everything would be done through phones in the future, but technology at the time wasn't good enough to deliver touchscreens so they gave us number pads with overlays instead. And then they stuck a proto-ipod wheel on the bottom.

>> No.4597996 [DELETED] 

Stay mad fake gramps. No one needs to prove anything to someone who thinks he knows how the world was when he was a toddler.

>> No.4598003 [DELETED] 

Read a fucking book.

>> No.4598017

Nothing quite like the joy of adding another trip to the filter list.

>> No.4598021
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4598026

Incredible! Looks exactly like an Intellivision controller!

>> No.4598042

There was no standard at the time and it isn't a bad controller design when you actually analyze it.

>> No.4598101 [DELETED] 

To be fair, I'm just an occasional poster and I am also annoyed by your bullshit. What leads you to seek recognition in an anonymous board? This is a legitimate question, pls respond when possible, thanks

>> No.4598116 [DELETED] 

Tripfags really need to die

>> No.4598271 [DELETED] 

No thanks. Fucking books are for desperate old women like you. You sound mad google proved you a fool.

>> No.4599890 [DELETED] 

This plz

>> No.4599913 [DELETED] 

I use a trip to hold myself accountable for my posts but it turns out that it has the added benefit of enraging the type of people out to be enraged. Sadly, /vr/ is becoming nearly irrecoverably inundated with these type of posters. I don't know why they don't just stay on /v/ but soon they will be a majority here and worthwhile on-topic discussion will cease to be possible.

>> No.4599916 [DELETED] 

Why do you care this much about a fucking 4chan board? What’s your endgame here, what are you trying to save? It’s clear we’re all tired of your namefag bullshit. Calm down.

>> No.4599925 [DELETED] 

Because it was born the same week as my son and I hate to see it getting sick and dying.

>> No.4599934 [DELETED] 


>> No.4599942 [DELETED] 

One of its cancers is trip fags, ironically enough

>> No.4600018 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should stop posting under your retarded attention whoring name.

Of course tripfags are too stupid to figure out that they're the problem not everyone around them, so let me spell it out for you: Leave. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.4600035 [DELETED] 

My trip has absolutely no effect on my posts. I make the same posts I ever did. What it does do is draw the ire of angry anons who don't even understand the nature of 4chan. Once these kind of people are the majority on a board, the board dies and once every board is dead, 4chan will die.

>> No.4600058 [DELETED] 

You're so stupid you're single handedly ruining this board and you have the audacity to blame it on everyone around you. You're a blight on this planet.

>> No.4600070 [DELETED] 

>I use a trip to attention whore

>i'd be a full of shit shitposter without the trip

>> No.4600089

there is a huge difference. That thing has those raised plastic conductive pads, famicom has actual plastic buttons.

>There's no burden of proof required when dealing with bullshitting tripfags.
kek fucking told

>> No.4600245 [DELETED] 

They didn't know any better.


You're fucking pathetic getting this triggered over a tripfag. How new are you? Shut the fuck up already you autistic shitter.

>> No.4600308 [DELETED] 

Lol what’s up babbages

>> No.4600364 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 500x500, mg803-500ml[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it interesting how without fail every time any anon tells any of the supposedly "everyone" so triggered by my trip what an idiot they are, every single one of them always accuses that anon of being me samefagging? Yes sir, that sure is interesting that every single one of them is so convinced that everyone else is a samefag....

>> No.4600474

Samefag detected.

>> No.4601363

>Isn't it interesting how without fail every time the tripfag posts it's a shitpost

>> No.4601638
File: 169 KB, 438x446, dobson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a /vr/ thread with a topic I think is somewhat interesting
>babbage's gramps comes in and has to ruin it with a 40-post long argument every single time
I really wish the mods would IP ban you, guy.

>> No.4601652 [DELETED] 

fuck of this is an anonymous board go be gay on facebook

>> No.4601873

>unironically having dobson anything on your computer

I hope you get ban hammered too.

>> No.4602223

This is what he does. He ruins threads and seems to think that by doing so he's contributing "quality posts" to the board.I don't think he understands that just by tripfagging when he doesn't need to he's doing not but harming the board, as it guarantees that half of the subsequent posts in the thread are going to be either people bitching about him tripfagging or him trying to defend why he tripfags. It's some ultimate irony shit, he says he trips to improve the quality of /vr/ but doesn't seem to understand that all he's doing by tripping is hurting it, and that if he made the exact same posts as anon then people would actually engage in discussion about whatever he said rather than just flaming him. I've tried to explain this to him several times before but he always ignores my posts. He's either willfully obtuse or a master troll.