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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 202 KB, 610x418, zeldabox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4577932 No.4577932 [Reply] [Original]

any good oot-like games for the ps1 ?

nothing 2d plz

>> No.4577937 [DELETED] 



>> No.4577938


Soul Reaver

but you'd better play the Dreamcast version

>> No.4577946

Soul Reaver is terrible though.

>> No.4577952


it's more clunky to control, but a great game nonetheless

>> No.4577973

Mega man legends
Brave fencer musashi

>> No.4577980
File: 41 KB, 351x351, Tailconcerto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Tail Concerto kinda, I forgot about this one

>> No.4578027

Not with the toddler block dungeon design it ain't

>> No.4578138

do you want me to kick your ass?

>> No.4578159


You'd have to go outside to do that.

>> No.4578204

If you just want a game like any old Zelda and don't mind 2D graphics, the first Alundra game is great. Be warned though, it is extremely puzzle-oriented, can be brutally difficult at times and lasts about 60+ hours so if you're looking for a casual experience, this isn't for you.

If you just want a good 3D adventure game though, Medievil is one of the best ever made. It's a lot more combat oriented than Zelda, and the game is broken into levels rather than an overworld, but there's puzzle solving, a little bit of platforming, and you have an inventory with tools and items and all that. Super fun game, can't recommend it enough.

>> No.4578207

Oops, didn't see that you said no 2D. Just go with Medievil then.

>> No.4578246

MGS has free roaming and item switching

>> No.4578252

soul reaver and granstream saga

>> No.4578593

How's the sequel? I never got around to playing it yet.

>> No.4578623

King's Field


>> No.4578624

The Harry Potter games for PC/PSX

>> No.4579161

Ape Escape

>> No.4580045

Tomb Raider II

>> No.4580265
File: 100 KB, 600x600, kingsleys-adventure-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4580763

Why not 1 or 3 or the other two weird ones that I dont remember the names of?

>> No.4582972


Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle