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File: 182 KB, 1417x1063, everdrive-64-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4572698 No.4572698 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it? Do you guys own one?

>> No.4572705

if you gonna spend up to 70 bucks just to play a rom set why not just use an emulator?

>> No.4572719

my shit-tier laptop can't run DK64, Goemon 1 and 2, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark or any of the other cool games my friend Billy has

>> No.4572729

damn,then save up and get a better computer.If your really desperate about playing n64 games then yeah the everdrive is pretty alright.

>> No.4572772

>inb4 emulation memes.
It's worth it. Worth it for Conker alone (EU).
Get the 3.0 though. Higher compatability and more games and the ability to save is worth the extra money.

>> No.4572816

>save up for a better computer
>not save up for an ED64


>> No.4572828

aren't these like $150 or so?
I've heard ED64Plus is alright for it's much cheaper price.

>> No.4572841

couldnt you say that about the original copy too

>> No.4572843

Love my Super Everdrive. I'm sure the 64 version is just as nice. Plus with 64 emulation being shit it's one of the better consoles to get one for.

>> No.4572849

People are confused over 50/60hz and PAL/NTSC. PAL is superior to NTSC, but 60hz is superior to 50hz. Understood? Google it if you find yourself stumped by my above explanation.

The end.

>> No.4572852

100% worth it. N64 emulation is shit. This is the best way to play and own all the roms at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.4572856

worth it because N64 emulation is shit
and you can play romhacks and custom roms on a real machine

>> No.4572872

You really don't know how bad N64 emulation is if you think emulation is an acceptable replacement in this case.

Definitely worth it OP, though I'd argue against this >>4572772 and say the 2.5 is okay. The only games you lose out on as far as I know are Animal Forest and Pokemon Stadium 2, and those aren't that expensive if you really want to play them.

>> No.4572879

also you can play disk system games without needing the extra hardware

>> No.4572885
File: 1.00 MB, 2112x2700, Metal_Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its worth it if you're interested in playing the entire n64 library without issues

if you're like >>4572719 though, then don't bother. pj64 can run even on the oldest of computers and runs every major game.
n64 emulation being shit is a meme or possibly just shitposting by the uninformed.

due to extreme poorfaggory about a decade ago, i emulated basically every n64 game before going back to my real n64 (now with an everdrive 3.0).

>> No.4572937

I've got ED's for NES, SNES, Genesis, GB/GBC, and a GBA ED for emulating NES and watching cartoons with piss poor framerate on the go.

Playing romhacks on real hardware kicks ass. Playing romhacks that weren't properly tested on real hardware sucks ass, since you don't know they are bad until they hang after playing for a while. Being able to transfer saves between the ED and your PC is pretty awesome too. Get a converter program, and you can transfer saves from your emulators to the ED and back again. Right now I'm playing the translation of Final Fantasy 3 on NES. Started on the NES, then transferred the save to my laptop when I had to take a quick trip somewhere, played through to the end of the floating continent on my laptop, then transferred the save back to the NES when I got home.

Paid $80 for most of them, except the Genesis one was $60 and the NES one was $100. If you don't trust the chink carts, wait for black friday and save.

>> No.4572939

Yes. Yes.

>> No.4572948

No. There are only two worthwhile games on the N64.

No I already own those two games. Mario 64 and Zelda TOoT.

>> No.4572971

you forgot kazooie

>> No.4572989

you forgot F-Zero X

>> No.4572997

Buying 4 big-name N64 games will put you at the price of the ED64 by themselves, so it pays for itself quickly.

>> No.4573059

HOL UP you can't save games on 2.5?

>> No.4573078

Mystical Ninja 2/Goemon's Great Adventure goes for insane money
shame, because it's a great game, used to rent it all the time as a kid

>> No.4573105

You sir are a sad person. I have 30+ games for it that I played the shit out of.

>> No.4573106

are there any cheap chinese knock offs of the everdrive?

>> No.4573156

that's the same mistake as buying a cheap mayflash adapter instead of raphnet. you'll get input delay and it will die in a few months.

>> No.4573198

You can, you just need to reset then turn off the console. With 3.0 you don't need to reset

>> No.4573212

I bought mine about two months ago and already played

F-Zero X (with the DDR expansion)
Both Zelda
Ogre Battle 64
Paper Mario
Mario 64
Jet Force
Bangai O
Wonder Project J2
Densha de Go!
Mischief Makers
Currently playing Sin an Punishment
Some Shiren the Wanderer, too

And a ton of NES games like Ninja Gaidens, Megamans, Kunio Kuns, Battletoads, Ducktales and so

It's one of the most worthwhile things I've ever bought

>> No.4573264


Just to give OP an example, you have played almost $400 worth of games in two months. I was bored so looked up prices.

>> No.4573473

>n64-emulation still bad
>we're able to emulate ps3-games already
the suffering is real

>> No.4573484

you haven't been paying attention the last two years. Use angrylion RDP or GlideN64. N64 emulation is great now

>> No.4573490

Learn to quote you lame tripfag jap wanna-be.

>> No.4573669

I was talking about stuff like Mario. Just buying Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and one of the Mario Parties almost puts you at the price of a flash cart. Trying to get into N64 collecting these days is even less financially reasonable than getting into SNES collecting.

>> No.4573897

Yeah but you can emulate all of those reasonably well on almost anything
The games I’d get an EverDrive for are ones like Goemon or Perfect Dark, great games that were never really fixed so you might as well buy the official game or ED64 it

>> No.4573902

Huh doesn’t seem worth the extra $90 if I can just hit reset

>> No.4574950

Paper Mario still looks like glitchy garbage in glide64 and i'm pretty sure telling people to use angrylion is a "lol delete system32" style meme so fuck you too buddy

>> No.4574971

The ED64 Plus is basically the Everdrive 64 v2. II got one for about 70 burgerbux and it came with an 8GB SD card.

>> No.4575414

Daily reminder that if you have to ask if a toy is worth it you should save your money for food. I don't own one because I own superior devices.

>> No.4575804

>immediately invalid opinion

>> No.4575826

If you care to play the entire library regardless of region lock, then it's for you.

>> No.4575843

GlideN64, anon. "Glide64" is something else and outdated. ALso angrylion is legit, it's the most accurate way to emulate N64 by far, but you need a good computer to run it well.

>> No.4576092

Try emulating paper Mario or conker bad fur day

>> No.4576732


You can just .wad the former on a Wii/Dolphin and play it that way. N64 controller adapters exist if you want to keep the original control scheme that badly.

Conker's Bad Fur Day is a fair point, though.

>> No.4576752
File: 309 KB, 785x757, 1506742521190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 emulation

>> No.4576760

This was the worst console in the history of the universe. Worse than the CDi. Worse than the Zeebo. There are aliens who have made video game console that sucked but still not nearly as bad as the N64.

>> No.4577027

big if true

>> No.4577139

i've done complete plays of both games with that old glide plugin years ago
no one understands n64 emulation it seems

>> No.4577148

>N64 emulation being shit

As long as you use the glide plugin it's pretty much alright.

The original N64 had some hideous framrate issues that the emulators doesn't have so it's a tradeoff

>> No.4577156


glide is updated semi regularly though, whatever comes with PJ64 is outdated though.

>> No.4577280

what an idiot

>> No.4577943

what would one use for emulatin da 64 these days?

>> No.4578281

Where do you guys buy everdrives for cheap? Checking eBay brings up listings approaching 200 dollars.

>> No.4578296

2 best options
1. retroarch. GlideN64 is enabled by default, change the RDP setting in options from HLE to LLE to change to angrylion
2. Project64 works great too, just don't use the default plugins.
I prefer retroarch for the shaders and the per-game mapping (because c buttons)

>> No.4578298

how about from the guy who makes them https://krikzz.com/store/

>> No.4578315


No this "thing" can fry your console

>> No.4578643

Wait for the next Black Friday sale, get them from SAG, Retrogate, or Krikey himself.
Go on Aliexpress, look for "game cart" or something similar since they don't allow the knockoff carts anymore and the sellers have to obfuscate it. Never update your firmware.

>> No.4578651

Don't listen to this fag, PC emulation for N64 is terrible and anyone who thinks it's passable has never touched a console. ED64 is the next best thing to having actual games, go for it if you want to try out rare stuff on real hardware.

>> No.4578686

go on

>> No.4578692

It's worth it if you want to play rare games on original hardware and if you want to try out mods.

>> No.4578721

N64 uses 3.3V logic, it's a non-issue

>> No.4579195

I own it and i'd say its deffo worth.

I downloaded the complete romset of n64 and it feels pretty good knowing i have every n64 game made. Now if only i could get my order of Ultra hdmi that i've been waiting on for over a year.

>> No.4580027
File: 43 KB, 449x449, HNI_0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being THIS PICKY about N64 emulation as a whole
I can understand concerns about not wanting to emulate it via smartphone, tablet, modded Gamecube, and handhelds save possibly for the PS Vita(those with FW versions ranging from 1.00 to 3.60 that is). Come on!

>> No.4580519

I can understand why you can't understand

>> No.4581095
File: 2.18 MB, 2016x1512, Saving_up_for_a_SD_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you enjoy playing games on a N64, I think it may be worth it. I do own a Chinese one since it was cheaper, but I have yet to try it since I still have to get a SD card for it. At that time, I primarily played Sega Saturn and Sony Playstation games, but really enjoyed playing my friends' N64 (even so much that I purchased the boxed US and Treasure games without owning the system). I know I still want to get the Goemon games, Gauntlet Legends, Flying Dragon, and I don't know what else I should look for, Any suggestions?

>> No.4582048

If the Saturn, which bases its 3D on quadrilaterals, has a DSP that is good yet quite tricky to work with in addition to being a 32-bit machine with dual CPUs can be eventually emulated beyond poor-mediocre levels, WHY NOT the N64? Seriously!?

>> No.4582148

Wow you sure are knowledgeable anon huh :^)

>> No.4582152

>implying that the Saturn doesn't have myltiple CPUs

>> No.4582183

Your comment is absolutely pointless. N64 emulation is absolute shit and it doesn't look like it's ever going to be good. Meanwhile N64s are cheap and an Everdrive, despite not being that cheap, can be bought for the price of 2-4 uncommon titles.

>> No.4582485

>Your comment is absolutely pointless.
How exactly?
N64 emulation is absolute shit and it doesn't look like it's ever going to be good. Meanwhile N64s are cheap and an Everdrive, despite not being that cheap, can be bought for the price of 2-4 uncommon titles.
Thank you for the info about the N64 everdrive. However, I must ask, what makes you so damn sure that the N64 emulation scene will not improve to anywhere near the level of PSX, Saturn, or Gamecube emulation ever(or at least not anytime soon)?

>> No.4582487


>> No.4582901

What is that

>> No.4582939

Different anon here. N64 emulation has always been a more difficult thing to do because of less people working on it, the whole Project 64 debacle and even now that people are working on a Higan/Bsnes tier equivalent called CEN64 it's still not stable enough for a full release. If even someone like Kevtris says it might be "much more complicated" then you just know what a mess the scene is (he said that at the end of the Super NT review video of My Life In Gaming). It doesn't help that some chips still aren't fully documented yet.

I'd love N64 emulation to be as great as the rest but we're not there yet AT ALL.

>> No.4582941

How do we get there