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4571042 No.4571042 [Reply] [Original]

is this really as bad as everyone says? how was this received upon release?

>> No.4571050

I don't think people really say it's THAT bad, it's just one of the many late 4th gen isometric games that kinda doesn't work too well, cool spots goes to hollywood comes to mind.
I remember trying it at a store when it came out, playing for a minute or so and deciding I wasn't picking it up.
It didn't live up to previous mainline Sonic games.
But if you want to see a really shitty game, check out Sonic Blast on Game Gear.

>> No.4571116

i've heard very few people say it's bad

now dull and repetitive, yes

>> No.4571142

I think it is mostly just youtube e-celebrities that say that. This game just isn’t talked about much because it’s pretty forgettable. Not bad, just kinda bland. It has cool music though, but that’s usually a given with sonic games. I think why some people hate on it is because the game isn’t what they were expecting given the title of the game. What I wonder is do they really expect an actual 3D game on a 16 bit system?

(Virtua Racing and F22 aside)

>> No.4571147
File: 945 KB, 2016x1512, 1A13F609-70F7-4C98-8FFF-423B0DA27730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got okay reviews at the time. It just really isn’t that interesting of a game. If you are a sonic fan you’ll get something out of it, but most would just play it for a level or 2 then leave it.

>> No.4572132

There's a Director's Cut available online that fixes a lot of the games' issue while also adding a bit more content to it.
It's not nearly as bad as most people say it is. Like mentioned before, it had to compete with the previous Sonic titles which make it look bad by comparison.

>> No.4572162

Saturn version has some sick music (Rusty Ruins, Green Grove, Gene Gadget)

>> No.4572163

I enjoyed it. It's a bit slow paced an on the easy side.

>> No.4572519

One of the best soundtracks on the Genesis. Gameplay is definitely a 6/10, but the music carries it.

Has good visuals for its day, too.

I remember getting it right when it came out. It was a good holdover between Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Mario 64. There's fun to be had, but it's not going to blow you away.

>> No.4572736

I remember playing it on the Saturn at a friends house and thinking it was really cool. The only other Sonic game I'd ever played at that point was Sonic 2 so 3D blast was revolutionary.

>> No.4574563


>> No.4574571

Great game.

>> No.4574572

The Director's Cut is noteworthy because it was programmed by the guy who worked on it originally. This is literally the game director's ideal cut of the game that he wanted to finish but hadn't the time or budget back in the 90s. Now with 20 years of hindsight he went back to the original code and made the game much more enjoyable. Highly recommended

His YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfVFSjHQ57zyxajhhRc7i0g

>> No.4574673

good graphics but the gameplay wasn't sonic
even as a hardcore sonic fan I wasn't big on it

>> No.4574761

It's a pretty comfy game if you like graphics like this. Just don't go in expecting anything like the other Sonic games.

>> No.4574769

It's my favorite of the Genesis / MD era. I guess the game is little more than a novelty intended to showcase isometric graphics, but the stages are competently designed and the game is very fun in its own right. I would just suggest looking at it from a fresh perspective rather than expecting it to live up to the namesake of its predecessors.

The director's cut didn't 'fix' anything, it just added some new features that the game's programmer originally wanted to have. Some of the new features are certainly there for sanity, but they don't 'fix' the game since it was never broken to begin with. It's nonetheless worth checking out.