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File: 33 KB, 640x480, Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4570073 No.4570073 [Reply] [Original]

What makes this game so aesthetic?

>> No.4570158

I'm pretty sure "aesthetic" is a non-predicative adjective. A game can't "be" aesthetic.

>> No.4570352

No need to play with semantics, you know what op meant. I agree that it indeed has its charm, and I can't quite put my finger on as to why

>> No.4570403

The soundtrack, the darkness, the over the top gore as you can see from your picture. The game is creepy and really gets your heart pumping, especially on the harder difficulties. This is the best Doom in my opinion, and everything a doom game was meant to be.

>> No.4570431

>No need to play with semantics
Fuck you, stop misusing language or apologising for it.

>> No.4570436

>is a non-predicative adjective
a non-preditiva.. wat again nigguh? u think u smarter than me????

>> No.4570452

it was the worst version of doom. there was nothing aesthetically pleasing about it. the graphics were terrible, as was the audio and sound effects. the drawing distance of the 3d objects continually masked by shitty fog. this is what happens when you let midway license your IP for consoles: you get trash.

>> No.4570458

I see you've never played the original PC version? because only a sad lunatic would dare write what you've just written. fuck. hilarious.

>> No.4570461

No never. What PC version?

Fuck off idiot.

>> No.4570463


>> No.4570502

In German it can just mean "good looking".

>> No.4570524

What original PC version? You mean the original Doom for PC? With its shitty music and shitty art style?

>> No.4570552

Doom 64 is the original version of this game, it's not a port of Doom, it's its own game. However you can play the Doom 64 missions in Doom on PC and it's arguably better that way.

>> No.4570569

He was referring to the original DOOM.
But also there's a fan conversion mod that effectively replicates 64.

>> No.4570581

What are you talking about? Doom 64 is highly regarded and many consider it the best of the series.

>> No.4570621


>Claims Doom 64 is the worst on the series
>Not mentioning the precarious PSX port and it's shitty soundtrack

>> No.4571030

>Thinking psx doom is bad

oh boy i just remembered where i am though.

>> No.4571039

what do you mean by aesthetic

>> No.4571040

Are you guys western journalists from the 90s?

>> No.4571148

Holy fuck imagine being this gay. If anything Doom 64 is one of the best games in the series. How you can call the graphics trash is beyond me, but given that you'd call it the worst when games like Doom 3 and the Jaguar/SNES ports exist is pretty telling of how stupid you are, so everyone can safely disregard your opinion.

>> No.4571293

Doom 3 is better.

>> No.4571405 [DELETED] 



>> No.4571410



>> No.4571413


I played it at the time and I remember not being impressed even as a kid. Just thought 'this isn't doom!".

>> No.4571437

psx doom has an amazing ost

>> No.4571464

Good use of lighting and colors, sleek weapon designs, enemies that actually look demonic and not like neon cartoon monsters, etc. One thing I loved about this game is the skyboxes, they really help set the tone of the levels and make you feel like you're on some isolated space station or in the depths of hell. I always thought the ones in the PC games looked like dogshit.

Great game, PC fags are still salty it only came out on N64 so they will forever try to convince you that it's a piece of shit.

>> No.4571572
File: 159 KB, 640x480, 1_05032014152550doom_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's art direction was far more focused on being horror themed than the original.
Midway had shown that they wanted to make a doom game in this style with the Playstation port that featured redone lighting and sound, but the assets remained the same.
The tone of the story is also more grim, with doomguy being a paranoid PTSD sufferer sent back into action after the events of Doom 2.

>> No.4571579

>PC fags are still salty it only came out on N64
What's wrong with the fan conversion?

>> No.4571581

yeah there are multiple great fan conversions

>> No.4571792

Colloquially in the US, it means the same. Grammerfag just likes to pretend he's better than others because he memorized an info nugget that he only ever uses for this exact situation.

>> No.4572236

No, it's common knowledge. It really speaks about this place when so many people are unaware of it.
And then you shit on him while being proud of your ignorance. Priceless.

And it's grammar.

>> No.4572283

Doom64EX is the best, right?

>> No.4572304

the PC is the only way to play the game today.

>> No.4572343

any conversion with improved animations tho?

>> No.4572616

Story? There was a story in Doom64?

>> No.4573034

I first played through the game on Project64 emulator. Don't remember if i unlocked the special laser weapon for the final boss. I think you had to collect its hidden parts on the way.
There was a fan conversion for the Doomsday engine (Doom64EX?) and more recently, BrutalDoom64, which adds Doom2 monsters that were not featured in D64, such as Revenants, with new assets to match the original aesthetic.
I think all the remakes have the same maps and use the same assets. Were there more remakes?
(I loved the BGM with the brooding sound and insane voices.)

>> No.4573113

Oh shut up faggot. There's absolutely nothing wrong about playing the game the way it was originally intended. If you're too retarded to play a game without vertical aiming on an analog controller you shouldn't be on this board. The game is still awesome on N64 to this day.

>> No.4573126

nah he's right, can't go back to that terrible n64 shit after experiencing fluid 200fps at a crisp unfiltered 1080p with dynamic lighting and a nice keyboard and mouse

>> No.4573131

oh and that audio! sounds fantastic

>> No.4573132

Right, so in other words, you're just a faggot. I have no problem playing this game on a nice CRT and nothing will ever replicate the original experience. Back to Overwatch homosex.

>> No.4573147

dude I'm a PCfag and even I don't play doom with vertical mouse aim. pre-quake games are meant to be played with strafe aim unless it's a mod.

>> No.4573171

Yeah there's Doom 64 TC which was superseded by Doom64 EX (maybe the most 'faithful' recreation, it uses the original data) but then there's Doom 64: Retribution which is made for gzdoom and there's also Doom 64 for Doom II: Respawned which is exactly what it says. Then there's BD64 as you mentioned too, who knows there might be more I don't know about.

I'm quite fond of Doom 64: Retribution as a whole polished package designed to work well with my sourceport of choice, as well as it's additional episodes.

>> No.4573172

But is it kino?

>> No.4573592

The sectors with colored lighting look really cool

>> No.4573597

Vertical aiming has nothing to do with it (the original PC Doom didn't have it), the problem is that controllers are just shit for fps games compared to keyboard & mouse.

>> No.4573602

Yo, everybody interested in Doom 64 tech gotta read this


>> No.4573725

aesthetics make the game aesthetic, duh.

>> No.4574031

>being a fan of Nintendo

>> No.4574043
File: 29 KB, 528x543, faggot_spotted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Doom 64 isn't amazing
Homosex identified.

>> No.4574058
File: 43 KB, 213x361, extreme_disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays gay RPGs on PS1 and pretends they're fun because muh childhood n' sheeit

>> No.4574538


>> No.4574707

>What makes this game so aesthetic?

>> No.4575918

Cool, gotta check them out. Original D64 didn't have automap IIRC, but the remakes do. Always a welcome feature in a maze game.

>> No.4575931

Actually it did.

>> No.4577834
File: 413 KB, 2311x1300, Doom 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4577836
File: 94 KB, 1920x1080, Doom 64 textless logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4577839
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, Doom 64 cover art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4577886

This game is by far my favorite doom, all the textures are so good, I love the art style, pretty much all the redesigns, horror soundtrack is amazing, I'm honestly surprised to see doom 64 being posted about on here. I thought most of the doom community hated it. Secret levels are the shit, between this and quake I couldn't get enough. Also gotta love those moving water/lava/poison textures, simply beautiful

>> No.4577901

>I'm honestly surprised to see doom 64 being posted about on here. I thought most of the doom community hated it.
Nope, it's generally pretty well-regarded. Some people do dislike it of course, but not everybody.

>> No.4577942

It's truly amazing when you think about it, that the real Doom 3 was an N64 exclusive.

>> No.4578506

Good art and sound direction. Aubrey Hodges is a genius.


>> No.4578757

>Doom 3 is better.
doesn't matter what you're replying to

this is never true

>> No.4578775

No they're not. I recommend you give them a fair go, most PC K&M purists change their views after being on controller for a while. The original doom was also designed to be played without a mouse. K&M obviously have an advantage but turning 180 degrees in an instant isn't a realistic manoeuvre, as stated you should have enough brains to play the game without that level of aim and turning quickness.

>> No.4579039


PSX doom soundtrack and Doom 64 soundtrack are both Aubrey Hodges masterpieces idiot.

>> No.4579215

The only story I know in Doom 64 is the ending where after slaying the mother demon, you remain in hell forever to keep the demons in line.

>> No.4579347

doom 64 was and is great
ex port is best way to go in modern times

>> No.4579421

The fact that it used N64 hardware not to render full-3D like a lot of other games, but to add awesome lighting and particle effects unmatched in games at the time.
Oh, and Aubrey Hodges.

>> No.4579436



>> No.4579608

Doesn't the 3do port use real metal music?

>> No.4579635

These. And yes, Doom 64 looks good, even back to back with the originals in my opinion.

>> No.4581192

He's clearly using the meme version of the word "aesthetic" you autistic newfag

>> No.4581221

Were any of you in that faggy /v/ thread last night where some anon was trying claim doom 64 is the best doom and fan made wads are all worthless because they don't have new assests

>> No.4581224

Yes, that was me, and I distinctly remember BTFOing you and got you to admit that you were retarded.

>> No.4581238

Nope. Sound track still kicks major ass, though.
Unfortunately that's about the best part of that port. Shame it had to be rushed out to market within a ridiculously tight deadline.

>> No.4581239

>nintendwhore thinks his console trash is superior because he was too poor to afford the pc game
You faggots ruin literally everything. I bet you think snap map was a good idea huh?

>> No.4581243

Doom64 is just a blatant rip off of quakes aesthetic with terrible sound design.

>> No.4581259

>terrible sound design
Am I on /v/? This is next-level contrarianism.

>> No.4581261
File: 475 KB, 640x640, e40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks mods cant have new assets
>calling anyone else retarded

>> No.4581265

Ok, maybe not terrible, but coming off of Doom, D64 has comparabley unsatisfying sound

>> No.4581268

Can't possibly imagine how you think that. Yes the original SS sounds better but many other sounds are at least on par, just better fitting the horror atmosphere.

>> No.4581270


>> No.4581282
File: 358 KB, 552x543, 1506209614905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that low-ass framerate
shake my damn head to be honest

>> No.4581312

>using the meme version
>calls others autistic newfag

Oh the irony.

>> No.4581359
File: 1.76 MB, 1784x2392, SHIT_RAT_IDENTIFIED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4581470

I played Doom on the pc though. The psx version is trash...

>> No.4581470,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I have seen the same game like a gambling here https://gamblingcomet.com/ca/.. I am really enjoying it when I wanna get rest in home