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File: 57 KB, 640x640, ps1_final_fantasy_vii_bl-120314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4551901 No.4551901 [Reply] [Original]

Is FFVII better on the PSX, or on the Steam version?

>> No.4551907

Like most games, you'll have a more informed opinion if you play it on the original platform, however the Steam version is fine.

>> No.4551908

Does it change anything important?

>> No.4551913


>> No.4552190

Play the PC version if you want to install the New Threat Mod, for the vanilla experience go with the PSX version.

>> No.4552191
File: 135 KB, 482x600, steamgabejews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still using that malware in current year?

>> No.4552192

Ps4 version.

>> No.4552209

Personally FF7 will always look best on a CRT with the PS1 version because the backgrounds are forever stuck at a low resolution, so playing the PC version at a higher res looks kind of jank what with the high res models over low res backgrounds, but the Steam version has some advantages like a retranslation patch and some other decent mods. Just be sure to patch out the :O faces on the NPCs and don't fall for the graphics mod meme because they're all awful.

>> No.4552293

The N64 version.

>> No.4552318

He likes / is interested in FFVII, what did you expect.

>> No.4552528

>no Ben Garrison signature
Soiled it

>> No.4552563

It's actually by A. Wyatt Mann

>> No.4552682

This is pretty much the case with any game made in the 90's with pre rendered backgrounds. They all look at there best on a CRT.

>> No.4552698

>no loading times
>better 3D models
>no padding
>pixel art cutscenes instead of ugly CGI
>4-player minigames

>> No.4552701

PS1, probably. Steam has a weird input bug that was in the original PC port and never fixed for the steam release where if you push buttons on the menu or in combat too fast (i.e. you push down and "use" at close to the same time), you'll actually skip down two options than one. It's not a widely reported issue and most people don't notice it (or recommend taking a second before selecting things), but it drove me nuts. It happens on both keyboard and controller.

>> No.4552734

this is the correct answer

>> No.4552903

>major N64 releases
>pixel art cut scenes
c'mon son

>> No.4552934
File: 192 KB, 1024x1278, selphie making a selphie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally enjoy both if you pull that stick out of your ass and stop saying >hurr durr graphics in a game unironically published in 1997 and >hurr durr this and that little detail that don't change the experience at all make x way better/worse than y


t. played both

>> No.4553014

Look at these anti-semites.

>> No.4554792

Holy shit I never knew about this mod, thanks.

>> No.4554813

I've played both. It really doesn't matter its the same wonderful experience either way.

>> No.4554818

wait for the ps4 remake

>> No.4554840

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.4554880
File: 698 KB, 2409x1234, 152042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 version would have had fappable models that's for sure.

>> No.4555342


Seriously though, New Threat is really good!

>> No.4556531

That's ugly

>> No.4556569

What's so great about New Threat

>> No.4556623

But PS1 on a CRT is still the better version.

Also this.

>> No.4556624

Nah it is a shit game on any system. It is baby's first RPG. And over rated shit.

>> No.4557413


>> No.4557423

I'm tempted to agree, but that's what OP asked.

It runs better on PSX and looks 'better' too - not that it's HD (like Steam is) but the way it was crafted looks better on PSX.

>> No.4559458

It makes the game not easy as fuck.

Not an argument.

>> No.4559483

Not him but he's implying the game is dumbed down which is an argument.

>> No.4559505

Dumbed down from what? The SNES games with the exact same gameplay mechanics?

>> No.4559557

It sucks on either format. Baby's first RPG.

>> No.4559576

You forgot removing your name before spamming your opinion twice, like you were two different people. Or you legitimately forgot that you posted ITT before, which is even worse.

Dumb namefag.

>> No.4559592

disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.4559594

>Steam version except you can't mod it
No thanks

>> No.4559596

On Steam you get widescreen but the backgrounds look like shit. You want those backgrounds to be pretty. If you want the spirit bug fix you can also grab a patch for the PS1 version.

There are also script fixes but they are very few, and not everything is fixed. No there was not a retranslation like the FF Wiki states. No, Reunion isn't required to enjoy either.

>> No.4559605

Pictured: not an N64 anything.

>> No.4559613

Either way Android at least is shit. It's that version but with no mod compatibility and the usual shit optimization.

It's like FFT where they rushed an iOS port over way too late for quick cash.

>> No.4559724

Finally a good post from you ITT. I'm proud.

>> No.4559748

steam version has shit sound and music.

>> No.4559782

You're thinking of the initial PC release with the midi music. That hasn't been true for some time now.

>> No.4559795

There is a fanmade retranslation patch for the PC version. It's kind of meh though, it's more accurate but it's a very soulless by the dictionary translation and goes full autism with the names.

>> No.4559837

I have it on steam. It's certainly not the same sounds from the PSX. The PSX version is much better. The steam version still sounds like ass. Maybe less ass than back in the day. Or whatever the fuck, but still the shits.

>> No.4559862

you can replace the ogg files to fix that

>> No.4559952

might re install now. thx my guy

>> No.4560120

There's an option to change it in the launcher I think

>> No.4560175

No offense but FF,7 is a story game for me and I don't care about difficulty

>> No.4560180

And this is why gaming is the way it is now. Thank you, guys.

>> No.4560197

Kill all storyfags.

>> No.4560203

Best Knuckles post so far.

>> No.4560207

disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.4560213

Cute post.

>> No.4560226

The original PC version has an updated script that fixes a few errors. It's still basically the same translation though, but some people mistake it as being "new".

>> No.4560473

Didn't the updated PC script end up introducing a bunch of errors themselves?

>> No.4560478

I just play on PC (Steam) these days.

>> No.4560485

Steam ver. got a patch waaay back replacing the midi OST with the CD OST

>> No.4560489

>late 90s
>love my FF7 game, refuse to lend it to friends
>one of them gets the PC version and wants to show it off to me
>notice little improvements here and there like mouths being added to the figures
>secretly jealous
>PC's theme for the Turks comes on
>its hot garbage
>ridicule friend for inferior version

>> No.4560494

Yeah the midi ver. of the soundtrack is a fucking embarrassing mess

>> No.4561341

ps1/retranslation/shaders. That's the correct way to play it.

>> No.4562654

hey I play many games for challenge and mechanics but FF7 has never been one of them and aside from difficulty mods, I can't see anyone doing otherwise. How many people care about New Threat?

Most people who've experienced FF7 like it for the story and not for the actual game

>> No.4562659

New Threat is good but Sega Chef is still working on it so you might want to avoid and try another difficulty hack? New Threat can't be so good that you'd opt in Early Access

>> No.4562678

Fine then, I'll play it you goblins

>> No.4562986

And those are the (numerous) guys that have bought games later mostly for story and seeing numbers increase while doing nothing challenging. Thus killing the classic game industry in the mid-long term.

>> No.4563143

it's endemic to the genre (JRPG), no wonder if fizzled out and no one cares anymore

>> No.4563163
File: 48 KB, 381x301, 1351385045386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega Chief only recently dug into assembly hacking

>> No.4563617

The gaming landscape now is mostly either storyfagging and/or people playing for permanent rewards, in any case those elements spread out from only the RPG to the rest of the industry.

>> No.4563636

I just realized that I'm a dumb faggot

>> No.4565629

Fuck off right back to uganda faggot

>> No.4565653

How's the Steam version of 9?

>implying the PC version mouths are an improvement
Thank god you can mod that ugly shit out

>> No.4565818

play it on computer, download New Threat. its the true way to experience the game desu.

>> No.4567186

PC version with the retranslation, objectively.

>> No.4568597

Steam achievements

>> No.4569574

Final Fantasy Seven? More like Final Fantasy Sevenew Threat