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4551876 No.4551876 [Reply] [Original]

Gamespot gave Mario Kart 64 a 6.4. Definitely the worst review I can think of. Here is a line from it:
>The thing is, even with all its bells and whistles, Mario Kart 64 is very likely to disappoint you after about a week.
Lol. 20 years later and I can still have a blast on this when playing with m8s. MK64 was a staple of that entire gen and never left rotation (of course /vr/ wouldn't know because /vr/ never had friends).


>> No.4551889

>begged mom to buy me mario kart 64
>"you're not going to play it enough"
>all kinds of promises and assurances that I will
>disappointed after a week
>never touched it again

still have it, I should sell it and give her the money back plus extra to account for ho

>> No.4551903

>when playing with m8s

You can say that about every game.

Everyone played MK64 as a party game.

>> No.4551909

I remember seeing that rating and disagreeing a long time ago. But that's because I was still in the "every game that gets less than an 8 is mediocre" mindset. With a more realistic rating system that actually fully uses a 1-10 scale, I'd say 6 is a fair rating for MK64, assuming 10 = literally perfect, 9 = masterpiece, 8 = oustanding game, 7 = great game, 6 = good game, 5 = ok game, 4 = bad game, 3 = awful game, 2 = outstandingly bad game, 1 = unplayable

F-Zero X is the N64 racer I'd give a 9, in retrospect

>> No.4551912

I'd give Mario Kart 64 a 6/10 or a 7/10 too

It's not as good as the SNES Mario Kart and lacks replay value outside of its multiplayer. For example, Goldeneye you could unlock cheats and it had an in depth FPS single player for its time outside of its MP

>> No.4551919
File: 127 KB, 583x400, diddy kong 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also compare Mario Shart 64 to Diddy Kong Racing and you'll see how much content it lacks

>> No.4551929

fucking love dkr. iM BaNjO

Pisses me off that i race better with pipsy. was TT the fastest character in the game?

>> No.4551930

Reviews rarely reflect reality. Reviewers are almost always wrong.

>> No.4551937

I think it's more to do with the fact that grade inflation hadn't hit Gamespot yet.

CTR released three years later got like almost a full 3.0 grades higher. Now you might think CTR is a better game, but it's not 3.0 better.

>> No.4552123

I don't think CTR players think MK64 was a 6 either, that retarded score came from a retarded writer

>> No.4552146

Mario kart has good draw distance

>> No.4552164

Ultra Game Players also gave it a mid 6 score at the time. Mario Kart 64 is worse than the SNES version because it has no charm. The tracks are too big and lifeless. It's a 6/7 game and isn't bad, but MK SNES is a 10/10 game.

>> No.4552183

>Nintendo fan disagrees when someone doesn't call a Mario game the second coming of Christ

Oh golly gee what a shocking turn of events

>> No.4552196

I don't take any stock in reviews, why would I want to dig up ones I disagree with? Seems like a big waste of time and energy to me.

>> No.4552201
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>they rated it 6.4

delightfully devillish

>> No.4552212

It's an accurate score for a party game built for normies.

>> No.4552215

Try suggesting to them games that might be better than ninty equivalents. That really triggers their autism.

>> No.4552216

could you use any more buzzwords?

>> No.4552217


Such as?

>> No.4552218

seems like the perfect activity for the average 4channer. going out of your way to find stuff to disagree with, and hope that others agree with your disagreement

>> No.4552223
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>> No.4552335
File: 67 KB, 640x624, Giga Wing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys must be sick of me posting this here but anyway, here we go https://gamecritics.com/brad-gallaway/3231/
This time I'll make a sort of tl;dr version with the worst quotes.
"it's literally impossible to make it through a single stage unscathed."
"forget about using any kind of skill to dodge them."
"I doubt it's even possible to successfully evade"
"no amount of manual dexterity whatsoever is going to get you through this one."
"As a consequence, there's almost no gameplay at all."
"As an example of how boring the game actually is, my son announced that I could play alone after he had been mashing the controller for only a paltry 10 minutes."
"If you can't convince a five-year old kid who loves videogames to play, you know that can't be good."
"Another thing to note is that the game can be beaten in about 15 minutes (using many, many continues), and I doubt anyone will want to play through it more than once or twice."
"this "no skills needed, even a rutabaga could play this" excuse of a game"
"left me wondering why the game was even released. Just because its bargain priced, doesn't mean that it's worth a purchase.Rating: 3 out of 10"

"his favorite game of all time is the first Mass Effect"

>> No.4552625

>You can say that about every game.
no you cant, and certainly not one you can still play 20 years later

>> No.4552975

I bet you were really proud of this post. Here's a pity (You).

>> No.4553038

>game is fun with friends!
is true for every multiplayer game if your play group isn't a bunch of humorless faggots
>my specific situation is universal

>> No.4553045

If anything Super Mario Kart should have a bad review, it's fun and all but mechanically it's the worst entry (maybe tied with Super Circuit, that's probably worse)

>> No.4553570

I like MK64 but man does it feel weird when there are enough players that no music plays. It’s a little eerie.

>> No.4553574

Step aside, MK64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPn4kCTnJ-0

>> No.4553668

>The Neverhood


>> No.4553670

I think it's a fair score.

>> No.4553678
File: 104 KB, 297x314, 1516226159389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not loving smk

>> No.4553684

>is true for every multiplayer game if your play group isn't a bunch of humorless faggots
No it's not you autistic dribbling retard. There are plenty of games out there that we'd rather not play. That's just a simple fact of life. There were plenty of games we could play in the fifth gen (across all platforms) and MK64 was one of the staple games that were chosen. And guess what? We can STILL play it now and love it just like we did then, because MK64 is a great fucking game. That's a lot more than I can say for a game like fucking Clayfighter. We actually bother to hook up my laptop to the TV and emulate MK64 even in 2018. You think anybody would bother doing that now for Clayfighter? You think anybody played Clayfighter multiplayer for hours at a time back in '97? No they did not because it's a shit game. At best "fun with friends" for a game like CF would last about five minutes before saying fuck this let's do something else. Only reason you'd ever endure a game like that is if you had nothing else to play. We had everything, and we chose MK64 (and we STILL play MK64), so pull your head out of your ass you hopeless autist.

>> No.4553692

Oof, this one hurts to read

>> No.4553695


>> No.4553697


Fuck you.

>> No.4553773

I agree that 64 is a really boring game

>> No.4553780

Agree fully with this. It's an average game and was a huge step backwards from Super Mario Kart. I remember being hugely disappointed with it. Liked DKR though.

>> No.4553785


Had this game as a kid but never really "got" it. Kept losing on the first level to the Triceratops boss.

Just hooked up my N64 this weekend and have been playing it. So much to do and unlock - I didn't even realize that there was a coop mode for the Adventure... My brother and I would have loved that.

>> No.4553823

victory music still plays after a player completes the race though, so it's not a problem with the number of sound channels or something. it's weird

>> No.4553828


Because MK64 is a party game, while the other actually requires skill. Normies always gravitate towards easy party games.

>> No.4553830

>90s gamespot

yeah, reviewers were different then

MK64 is a really good game, despite some presentation issues

>> No.4554061

this is fair

>> No.4554623

lol hopeless faggot confirmed

>> No.4555018

CTR shits on MK64 any day, bro.

>> No.4555036

nice framerate and nice silver coin challenges

>> No.4555039

>nice framerate
It's fine in single player. The game was designed for single player anyway. Multiplayer was an afterthought.
>nice silver coin challenges
git gud

>> No.4555063

I think Banjo, Krunch, Drumstick, and TT all have the same top speed, but TT has the handling of Pipsy to boot, so he seems faster.

>> No.4555074

>MK64 was a staple of that entire gen

i was in high school during 5th gen. i dont remember that game being a multiplayer staple (that award went to goldeneye)
or even a racing staple (ridge racer or Daytona usa)
i had a n64 n hated it. only games i could really get into were shadows of the empire and killer instinct gold.

>> No.4555104

one of the reasons mario kart went downhill after Super and never recovered until 8 was the coins. without needing coins to reach your true top speed, you would just take the optimal route for each lap. if you hvae to get coins you can't just take the same optimized route every time
the silver coin challenges are really fun