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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4547532 No.4547532 [Reply] [Original]

This game is fucking hard.

I don't remember having this much trouble when I played it as a kid. It's hard right? I'm not crazy?

>> No.4547549
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You as a kid
>played vidya constantly
>used CRT monitor on original hardware
>not as frustrated by difficulty
>faster reaction times

You now
>barely play classic games anymore
>laggy LCD on an emulator
>does not feel as rewarding to play anymore
>you're old lol

>> No.4547559

That's a lot of assumptions.

>> No.4547578

Played this for the first time last summer. I definitely found it difficult at first but once I mastered bouncing it was a breeze. Great game and that damn theme song was stuck in my head for weeks.

>> No.4547585

More like:
>Back Then
>it was one of the few games you owned
>odds are, you played it nearly every day until you beat it
>then you played it to beat it every now and then
>have thousands of games to play
>pick it up after not playing it in years or decades
>don't remember level layouts, enemy locations, or much else

It's still one of the easier games on the NES, you just need to practice. Remember, bounce unless you have a good reason not to.

>> No.4547620

>played this for the first time in decades last year when Disney Afternoon Collection came out
>did even better on it now than I did when I was a kid
>no deaths, hardest difficulty on my second try
No, it's not hard. The remaster is slightly harder due to improved boss patterns but it's still quite easy to clear.

>> No.4547718

There's only one video game that's hard, and only I have heard of it.

>> No.4547947

You should use the save state/load state technique!

>> No.4547948

It's called LIFE!!

>> No.4547974

You probably played it on Easy difficulty as a kid. Unless you're playing it on Easy now, in which case all I can say is git gud.

>> No.4548083

Not him, but I beat it while renting it as a kid and I wasn't good at games (although compared to today's kids I was probably amazing). We were just used to harder games back then so we had better reaction times and concentration naturally because of it. The average nintendo game in general was hard compare to today's games, so this game feels hard to people playing now, but back then it was slightly below average difficulty.

>> No.4548147

You haven't played many arcade games to say this, if at all. And before you go le credit feeding, try stuff like, not even clearing, just reaching Ura loop in Ketsui, or other easier to access but still challenging second loops in Cave games.
Even if you consider loops worthless then play Truxton 2. Go ahead, continue if you like, try to beat it.

>> No.4548159

You're not the smartest cookie, eh?

>> No.4548168

The controls have a bit of a learning curve. Once you get the hang of them, the game's not hard.

>> No.4548198

I've legit encountered people that thought stuff like that here on /vr/. If that was ironic then OK.

>> No.4548223

You think its hard?

>> No.4548225

not retro

>> No.4548228

It depends what you mean by hard. It's easy by the standards of NES games. But the average NES game is harder than the average game on just about any other console. Yet they are easy compared to arcade games.

The spectrum of game difficulty is MASSIVE.

>> No.4548235

The spectrum of game difficulty WAS massive.

>> No.4548250

It still is. Unless you think the old games somehow have disappeared from the universe.

>> No.4548252

They have disappeared along with humanity.

>> No.4548254

That's why I used the past tense. Sure, you can still play older games. But if we only consider the games coming out then the spectrum has been greatly reduced with very few exceptions.
Before it went from very easy to very hard.
Now it's only from very easy to very slightly hard with maybe a couple of well made exceptions each year.