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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4540946 No.4540946 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of this company? As I've said before, to me it's the #1 most underlooked video game company of all time. Not underrated since from what I've seen most of those that have come across their games (usually arcade enthusiasts) grow to at least like their games. I've seen a few on /vr/, for instance.
Why do I say so? I barely see them credited for what they achieved outside of the circles of said arcade enthusiasts. I mean, everyone knows the impact Dragon Quest had on JRPGs even if they haven't played it nor any other DQ / Enix game, for instance. What Toaplan did for vertically scrolling shoot'em ups is no short of legendary: while the most popular games of the scrolling genre when it started to boom in the mid 80's were horizontal (Gradius, R-Type, Darius...), these guys almost singlehandedly established and polish the now known as the "vertical formula". The impact Capcom's 19XX series had on later verts is virtually negligible in comparison.
The popular Raiden by Seibu Kaihatsu is essentially a very good Toaplan inspired game, for instance (of the likes of Twin Cobra and a bunch of others they made before Raiden).
Their selection of games is, to me at least, very good. They even touched on the bullet hell formula before it even became a thing (Batsugun), the only thing they missed before going bankrupt was complex scoring systems.
From their aforementioned slower paced games similar to the later Raiden, to the frantic Truxton and its sequel, to their cool run and guns OutZone and FixEight, and of course my pic related.
Not only they influenced the shooter scene while alive and after: their employees went to other companies after it closed down and extended Toaplan's legacy even more, such as Cave (DoDonPachi) and Takumi (Mars Matrix).

>> No.4540974
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All your base.

>> No.4540983

Yeah, not even with that popular meme did they get any reputation outside of those who have actually sat down to play the games.
Forgot to add that the popular Raizing games Sorcer Striker (for which they were advised by Toaplan since they were new to the arcade business after coming from Compile), Kingdom Grandprix, Battle Garegga, Armed Police Batrider and Battle Bakraid were made on Toaplan hardware (the driver used in their later games, toaplan2).
If any of you haven't yet read it and are interested, check out this interesting interview. Truly a nice insight on classic game design http://shmuplations.com/toaplan-chronicleQA/

>> No.4541061 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Cee.

>> No.4541078
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you mean "overlooked"?

>> No.4541084 [DELETED] 

Global Rule 2

>> No.4541087

Okay, I get it, no more Toaplan threads. Mods, remove this if you feel like it, I won't repost it.

>> No.4541091

Yeah, I meant this, I don't know what I was thinking there. I was a bit distracted I guess.

>> No.4541098

Wouldn't say I love them, but they have made a lot of really good games and their influence can be felt everywhere. Many of their games suffer from the problem of being too long, and having boring beginnings. Tatsujin 2 is the worst when it comes to that, but it's not exclusive to it. I love Grind Stormer but even it suffers from that, the first 2 levels are a chore. OutZone is perfect though, can rush through it quickly and it keeps the action up. Wish they made more run & guns. Flying Shark is a cute little game too, good for beginners.

>> No.4541101

Toaplan makes great games and Dogyuun is really fun. Nice graphics and music. I wish the giant mecha part started sooner, though.

>> No.4541105

By reading their interviews I guess they were concerned with beginners, this may explain why they made particularly easy beginnings. The lengths and loops are there for the experts, they said it was profitable when experts kept playing to get further and further in the same game with long and infinite loops.
Their music is an acquired taste but it's nice indeed.

>> No.4541115

Jesus, these first few posts. Le meme, le stupid witch hunt, le nitpicking without contributing as well, and...
You talk as if Toaplan generals or threads about their games were spammed here day in and day out, or as if their games were mentioned everywhere.

>> No.4541117
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I hate to add to that but it's par for the course for /vr/. Face it, we're mostly all man-children

>> No.4541136

I'm aware, but the anti-arcade shitposting here has a special kind of flavor.

>> No.4541151

OP has posted some variation of this post at least three times in a month.
Check the archives, he completely deserves to get called out for trying to force a narrative that it's underrated and we never mention it despite there being over 50 posts about them this month alone.

>> No.4541167

I'm OP and yes, I have. I wanted to dedicate a thread to this to not derail other threads and I had to repeat myself a bit to make it, sorry about that.
It's not underrated tho, it's overlooked.
Underrated: Something people have tried but didn't like while some think it deserved better.
Overlooked: Something not many have tried despite it being potentially good.
In this case it's not underrated by most people I've seen that have played the games.
And... what if I told you most of those posts you mention are just me. I've only seen them mentioned a bunch of times lately by posters other than me in the last few weeks and even months.

>> No.4541190

Anyway, before leaving for today:
Stop focusing so much on the "overlooked" part of my post. I just feel that way since I like their games so much and I feel more people that enjoy old games should give them at least a try. It seems to me that not enough have given them a chance here, nor know about their legacy. If you think I'm wrong then OK. That's all.
Just focus on talking about their games, please. Good night.

>> No.4541193

>what if I told you most of those posts you mention are just me
Toaplan is a forced /vr/ meme, great job, dipshit. Hope you aren't expecting to ever have a serious conversation about it now.

>> No.4541195 [DELETED] 

back to facebook with you!

>> No.4541227
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I recognize these threads too, anon. But I support you and don't mind them. I think those of us who are into arcades tend to participate less here. Try shmups dot system11 dot org

>> No.4541241

>By reading their interviews I guess they were concerned with beginners
Yeah, it's interesting how Out Zone wasn't born as much out of them wanting to make a run & gun as it was born out of wanting to make a game that let beginners control their own pace. It's a nice way of looking at it, and worked out well too.

>> No.4541318 [DELETED] 

They are great, essential company for the rise of vertical shmups, one of the main Psikyo guys consider Hi Shou Zame as one of the most important games for vertical shooters.

>> No.4541331

What did Flying Shark do that was so groundbreaking for the genre?

>> No.4541335

They are great, essential company for the rise of vertical shmups, one of the main Psikyo guys consider Hi Shou Zame as one of the most important games for vertical shooters.
What made Toaplan games great for the time was their great attention to terrain enemies, if you look at their earlier game like Tiger Heli or Slap Fight for example they don't have aerial enemies at all. Hishou Zame was the game where they did a great balance between terrain and aerial enemies, making it much more appealing than the 194X games from the time.

>> No.4541401

Balance between terrain/water and aerial enemies, bullet sealing, bomb system as we know it today, bullet precision and speed, gameplay style that encourages more routing and memorization. Stuff like that became pretty much standard vertical design until Raiden DX or so. Bullet-hell added stuff like bullet density, compelx scoring and smaller hitboxes, but they didn't ditch any of the Toaplan conventions.

>> No.4541849

>The most classic arcade shoot'em up focused company
>a forced /vr/ meme
Didn't know liking games was a meme, /v/
I've been visiting that forum for years for the strategy section. However, I dislike forums. They'll probably hate me for not having enough posts, being Spanish or whatever.
I find it interesting how people thing these games are impossible or quarter munchers while devs like these clearly cared about beginners, they just also cared about the people that stuck to their games.

>> No.4541852

The first was meant for >>4541193 , sorry

>> No.4541868

Fucking great studio.

>> No.4541880

As I said, even Toaplan themselves pretty much started the bullet hell trend with Batsugun, their shooter swan song. Its special version features a smaller-than-your-ship hitbox. They ony really missed the complex scoring, which started right after they stopped making games (IIRC RayForce was an early example that came just one year after Batsugun).

>> No.4541881

Not to mention Ikeda himself from Toaplan is credited a lot for "creating" or popularizing bullet hells with DoDonPachi (not as much DonPachi) even if he was inspired by the bullet count of the previous Battle Garegga.

>> No.4542461

Do you or any of the others know why they went bankrupt? They were pretty popular and had a big influence. Maybe they were bad at managing money?

>> No.4542909

Batsugun and V-V are kinda proto-danmaku, but it's not like having many revenge bullets was that much of a novelty as that was a thing with old Konami games too. What is important about Dodonpachi is that it managed high bullet density without revenge bullet, polished Donpachi's scoring to make it more accesible as well.
And yes more complex scoring got attention ub mid 90s but there are older examples too like Omega fighter.

>> No.4542978

Sure, it's only proto-danmaku, that's why I say words like "started" or "touched on the formula before it even became a thing".
I wouldn't say it's a coincidence though since both V-V and Batsugun were the games that Ikeda made in Toaplan before working at Cave.
I didn't know about Omega Fighter, I'll probably check it out soon.

>> No.4543379
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Does this game have sound on MAME now? It doesn't have in the lastest build of Shmupmame from 2013. Which is a shame since, even if music is only aesthetics (I like it a lot still), sound effects are important to me for reacting and stuff.

>> No.4543385

Forgot to add that no ports either at all...

>> No.4543451

Only info i've seen is that they were struggling financially due to a decline in the popularity of the types of games they were making (difficult/action/arcade type games) and then the team all splintered off and went to other studios.
There is a toaplan history website but it's all in French so i've got no idea what it says. http://www.neo-arcadia.com/dossier/histoire-de-larcade-et-des-societes-darcade/lhistoire-de-toaplan/

>> No.4543456

Yeah it has both music/effects working fine. Mame from 2013 is awfully outdated.

>> No.4543458

It does as of mame 0.193

>> No.4544196

Can't understand French either. Let's hope there's a French anon among us.
I thought what became less popular were shooting games in comparison to beat'em up / fighting. In any case, arcade shooters would go on to live for like 20 more years, right?

Thank you. Has MAME improved on its general input lag issues, though?

>> No.4544204

MAME is terrible, use retroarch, turn vsync off and synchronize your monitor refresh rate manually.

>> No.4544596

Some of their games are really good like Truxton and twin cobra. But they also made plenty of mediocre stuff

Both of their hori shooters were pretty lame

>> No.4544649

i can't stand arcade truxton desu

>> No.4544696

I've never tried retroarch, is it really that good? I've heard the contrary, some emulators have input lag issues there; again, from what I've heard from other anons, no idea myself.
Most of their mediocre games, like the horis, weren't made by their best team. The horis in particular were projects for beginners to the company, to train them, and they had trouble making them interesting since they were all about the vertical style they had established. Similar stuff goes to their silly beat'em up, or the weird Arkanoid style game... But their vertical shooter library, which was their main focus and what they survived on financially, is pretty damn stellar, even more if you consider the time they were made. And even if not all of them are excellent, their legacy is overlooked by the general video game fanbase.
Why? This game was made with more emphasis on memorization, routing, etc. they even left the safe sports on purpose. Maybe this is why? I personally love the speed of the game, not something you experience in danmakus.

>> No.4544705

i just can't stand the pacing and how the game is pretty much a miniboss rush

>> No.4544714

also your fingers will hurt if you play it because of the aforementioned boss

>> No.4544719

That's OK. Toaplan made sure to make their games stand out from each other, which is good. Remember that this is a time before complex scoring systems were the thing that differentiated an arcade shooter from another one while their basic controls and design were similar, making them feel very samey to purely for survival players (danmakus) so this was their best available move. I'm sure you prefer some of their other games at the end of the day, and that was their intention.

On the other hand, if you dislike tapping you can always set up a turbo button. My usual set up is a normal fire button, the bomb button and a turbo fire button. Your health is more important than games, don't hesitate when deciding if this is worth it, cheating, etc. This almost never breaks a game, and if it does you can lower the fire rite to be less Hz.

>> No.4544725

well i love hishouzame at least

>> No.4544727

Yep. To me, if you don't at least like some or even one of their games you just aren't into classic arcade shooters to begin with.

>> No.4544954
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This article is the only thing about toaplan history in this website. Neo arcadia is an arcade community website which materialized into it's own game center for a while (they closed down a few years ago).
First time I see a post about French people that's not about hating them on /vr/.
But anyway I can alway try to translate it.
>Both of their hori shooters were pretty lame
They're not imo. Even if the weapon system is kinda broken on this port, zero wing is one of the games I play the most on my megadrive. Hellfire's weapon system really is good too, and the 1st stage's music is just great :
Toaplan really made some great use of the OPL2 chip.

>> No.4544962

I could translate it. Not French but I'm from Quebec.

>> No.4544963

How can I hate the French with how much more love they have for arcade shooters than other places? I've watched some French documentaries on this topic (subbed ofc). Also, there seems to be a robust online community. Can't say the same for Spain, sadly. Being an arcade lover here is painfully lonely, why do you think I'm here?
Anyway, if you can translate that article, or at least the part relevant to what I asked, I would greatly appreciate it.
About the horis, I still like them a lot, but I can easily see why others may see them as a bit mediocre and lame. Verts were Toaplan's true strength.

>> No.4544965

Read what I said to our fellow French anon here >>4544963
>Anyway, if you can translate that article, or at least the part relevant to what I asked, I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.4544978

I'll try to remember to look at it once I get back home.

>> No.4545034

Thank you in advance, let's see if we finally discover how and why they failed. I'm sure other anons here would like to read this too.

>> No.4545057

It's not like it was the first time they failed. Toaplan itself spawned from other companies.
Anyway, here's the start of the translation (I don't know if it's good enough or not):
Nowadays, Toaplan is a legend among arcade game fans, and this status haven’t been acquired by pure luck. Toaplan means Out Zone, Hellfire, Snow Bros or even Tiger Heli, games that have marked a whole generation of players. For younger generations, they’re also the inventors of the “danmaku” genre, also called “manic shooters”, those famous modern shoot ‘em ups where the screen is flooded with bullets. And it’s not for nothing as some of the manic shooter developers from Cave, Raizing/8ing and Takumi used to work at Toaplan. Let’s take a look on the tragic history of the founding father of shoot em ups.

The genesis :

The story begins with a little company called “Orca”, which released a between 1981 and 1984 a bunch of games that few still remember about. There are games like Changes/Looper which is inspired by Pac-Man, The Bounty/River Patrol which whishes you “Bon Voyage” before the party begins, a platformer called Springer and 2 shoot em ups : Espial, a mix between Star Force and Xevious which are it’s main inspiration, and Zodiak, a really good shooter with multidirectional scrolling.
In 1984 Orca goes bankrupt, and the developer team create a new company called “Clax” which will only develop a single game under Taito’s license : Gyrodine, a shoot em up with a peculiar playability where the player control a helicopter that shoots in the air or to the ground in the direction it’s facing. This game is considered to be the origin of Toaplan shooters. On a side note, Kenichi Takano, the actual Cave’s president, is a former Orca employee and developer from Clax. Gyrodine will be the only game from Clax which will go bankrupt thanks to serious financial issues.

>> No.4545075

Yeah, I know about their beginnings. This summer I dedicated a lot of time to research those Orca games and play them emulated (they are fairly derivative but I still had a fun time regardless). How and why they eventually failed is what still escapes me.
Though, what employees from Toaplan went to Raizing? I know Toaplan helped them at the beginning and they used their hardware, but I don't know about any specific key dev/s.

>> No.4545082

I mean, the key Raizing guys were from Compile and Naxat Soft.

>> No.4545098
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They don't explain why they want bankrupt in the article. They do explain that they were developping a bunch of games (a 2D action game Genkai Chousen Distopia, a mario kart clone Survival Battle Dynamic Trial 7 and Teki Paki 2), but no reason why the disastrous fate.
Also pic related.

>> No.4545106

Thank you anyway for reading through it for us. A shame this is not well documented.

>> No.4545496
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This stage is one of the most fun moments I've ever had in a shooting game, or games in general. The way the enemy formations are designed just clicks with me. It's a joy that's hard for me to describe, particularly to other friends that aren't into these games. The nice soundtrack just enhances the mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgGMeLd9N2g
This game is a bit boring (by being a tad uneventful) to me before this stage though, so I haven't replayed it much. But when I reach this part I always have a fun time.

>> No.4545518

>This game is a bit boring (by being a tad uneventful) to me before this stage though
It's telling that they just skip the first 2 levels on the later loops in Batsugun special. I love this level too, and a lot of other upbeat cloud levels in shmups, like Rayforce's, Dodonpachi's or Daioujou's level 3. They just feel right, and are usually where the difficulty gets high enough to be engaging but not lenient enough for you to enjoy the ride and not get too stressed.

>> No.4545558

You're slightly mistaken. In Special, every loop has a stage less than the previous one, till the last one that starts at stage 4 and thus is two levels long (as you know, the game has 5 stages).
So it's:
1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 4-4, 4-5
This is nothing new to Toaplan, though. In Tiger Heli's second loop the game skips the first stage. From an interview:

Q. Starting in the second loop, why do you start from stage 2, not stage 1?

A. We thought stage 1 was too easy for successive loops. There’s too few enemies, and it wouldn’t be interesting to just speed up the bullets for them, so we skipped it.

And yeah, I like all those "turning point" stages as well, thought this one feels particularly special to me in some way. I almost set up a save state just to start from here where I wanted, but I'm not a big fan of save states so I didn't end up doing it.

>> No.4545564

>I almost set up a save state just to start from here where
Meant when and not where there. Anyway, I was tired. Signing off for today.

>> No.4545592

Oh yeah you're right, for some reason I remembered loop 3 starting at stage 4 too. Don't play loops a whole lot myself. They are the one aspect of arcade games that truly aged poorly in my opinion. Removing the early levels is nice and all but what I truly want them to remove is the first boring & easy loop lol.

>> No.4545630

God forbid you go around having those nasty modern OPINIONS around the Arcade threads. Everything must always stay exactly the same follow tradition.

>> No.4545637

You'd have to disable audio sync and all the DRC stuff too. Which can only be done through the CFG files.
>some emulators have input lag issues there
RA versions of emulators have less input lag than their standalones if you enable hard GPU sync and set it to 0.
I ran it through google translate and it was suprisingly not too hard to read.

>> No.4546115

Having a loop selection in ports would be a nice addition, or for future arcade-style games (if they even exist).

>> No.4546120


I need this Tiger Heli poster painted on the side of my Van.

>> No.4546128

It's a Twin Cobra poster, anon.

>> No.4546140

btw I find it funny how people that like video games in general find arcades too hard to be fun / quarter munchers nowadays while ITT people who actually play the arcades are complaining about how they start out too easy and want to skip to the truly engaging parts.
It truly tells about the misconceptions the general gaming fanbase has with arcades nowadays. Or their general lack of skill due to never having had to develop them for their choice of games, that too.

>> No.4546215

No one says that. The hostility towards changing the formula comes from the idiots who complain about elements they don't understand.
Yeah that would be great, especially if they would count as seperate modes for scoring. Difficulty modes work too, though loops are interesting and I'm sure there's bound to be people that love them instead of simply accepting them as part of the deal.

>> No.4546230

Game design started with the NES, didn't you know? Before that, games were just about scamming people!
The most interesting part of Toaplan's interviews is when they talk about their rationale for making their games so heavy on memorization. They see it as a way to make games more accessible. Not sure how common this attitude was among the players, but it clashes with the western attitude, where games that need memorization are the epitome of greedy arcade developers literally stealing people's hard-earned money.

>> No.4546559

I mean, it's not like arcade shooters haven't changed or evolved, compare Tiger Heli with SaiDaiOuJou lol
Those interviews truly show how good arcade devs like them also cared about beginners. They just didn't destroy the whole thing so it only catered to them like what happened to gaming, they also had the experts and skilled in mind.
The issue here is that even arcade beginners are "better" at games than modern gamers since they had a better mentality. They went to play the games for the challenge. Now these new gamers think they are entitled to beat a game without any kind of real effort and play them for aesthetics, progress systems, social reasons, etc. anything but actually engaging with game mechanics and the challenge that may involve.

>> No.4546589

Tiger Heli isn't Kyukyoku tiger anon.

>> No.4546602

I mean even the poster has a tiger and a cobra lol

>> No.4547441
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Very iconic stage and theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gpvMdMVuxI

>> No.4547447

truxton 2 has some of the best FM music i've heard

>> No.4547449

Yep, the whole thing is just amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkpry6BPApg
It also used PCM, this is why it sounds so good.

>> No.4547461
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Treasure > Psikyo > Toaplan > Raizing > Takumi > CAVE

>> No.4547469

I wouldn't say it's fair to compare Toaplan to all the others since it came before all of them, and even some are made by key ex-Toaplan employees or are very inspired by them. The others are the next generation of scrolling shooters.
Ignoring the Toaplan placing, I don't know what to say. I haven't played the Treasure ones and it's very hard for me to decide on the rest since I enjoy their libraries a lot. Judging by your order, you prefer faster paced shooters (more "manic" than "danmaku") which seems like a reasonable position to hold. My favorite non-Toaplan from these is probably Mars Matrix from Takumi but even then it's really close.

>> No.4547470

don't reply to dumb namefags

>> No.4547473

I know this Knuckles guy is quite trolly but I think I made a reasonable reply.

>> No.4547552

I've posted this before on /vr/ but figured why not posting it again here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shhk239SeTs
I swear Toaplan designed it like this so you lowered your guard lol (I actually don't know but it's funny to think).

>> No.4548240
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What game after Toaplan went bankrupt would you say feels more like a Toaplan game?
DonPachi feels like a 1993 Toaplan game due to being made by the same guy just two years later. But what about other examples, maybe more similar to their older stuff?

>> No.4548241

Sorry: what game feels THE MOST like a Toaplan game.

>> No.4548469


>> No.4548814

Dangun Feveron feels like a REALLY fast Toaplan game

>> No.4549064

Yeah, I love that game, I've talked about it quite a bit on /vr/. As you say, it feels like a faster Toaplan game (so it's closer to the Truxton games in particular) but with a heavier emphasis on scoring.
Can you guys think of another example that could beat DF?

>> No.4549082
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>> No.4549093

Air Gallet?

>> No.4549113

>I haven't played the Treasure ones
You should. Radiant Silvergun is a masterpiece and Gradius V is the best game in its series.

Probably Twin Cobra 2.

>> No.4549229

If you guys can think of an example to my question but made by people that had nothing to do with Toaplan that would be even more interesting.

Also a nice contender which is closer to the older Twin Cobra 1 style (and the later Seibu Raiden games). Though again, it doesn't surprise me since afaik it's made by ex-Toaplan guys.

I don't have the money right now and they don't work well for me emulated. I have tried to play them, they look cool.
About Twin Cobra 2, wasn't that a game started by Toaplan and later finished by Takumi (which was formed by people from Toaplan)? I don't remember the exact details. For some reason, while I like that game, I'm not too enthusiastic about it.

>> No.4549306

go on mobygames and search the staff members

>> No.4549320

You read wrong, I'm asking what game after they stopped making them feels the most like it was made by them even if it wasn't. I even said later it's preferable if it wasn't made by ex-Toaplan guys.
So, in other words, the most Toaplan-inspired game after Toaplan's death.

>> No.4549998

By Tatsuya Uemura, the prolific Toaplan composer.

>> No.4550004

No wonder why this ost was so good

>> No.4550009

geezus dude, i don't particularly care

it's the best suggestion you're gonna get, don't lecture me like a grouchy mom

>> No.4550464

Sorry if my post annoyed you. I just want to know more games that play a lot like Toaplan's library since I like it that much. If you don't care then don't worry, just ignore my question.

>> No.4550473

Not /vr/ but Twin Tiger Shark is pretty much a free Toaplan fangame

>> No.4550475

lol that name surely screams that. I'll check it out, thanks. Won't be talking about it though since I don't want to risk this thread getting nuked by the mods.

>> No.4550946

What else did the Flying Shark composer do? That game had some ballin music.

>> No.4550951

he does shit like this now

>> No.4550962


>> No.4550965

He only did a track for Giga Wing btw.

>> No.4550973

also x68000 music >arcade
i love last fighter

>> No.4551101

Read this if you haven't:

>> No.4551132

OK, that legit sounds amazing, didn't know about that port. Does it play faithfully to the original?

>> No.4551138

from what i've seen, they didn't bother preserving the aspect ratio in any way so to compensate you seem to move really fast

that's one big difference i noticed

>> No.4551140

That seems like a relatively big deal, tho.

>> No.4551439
File: 226 KB, 265x374, TwinHawk_arcadeflyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of Twin Hawk / Daisenpu? I barely see it mentioned when Toaplan is discussed for some reason. It has some unique characteristics like having all enemies be ground based and its distinct bomb system.

>> No.4551458

I think this naming scheme is fucking confusing
>twin tiger
>tiger heli
>kyukyoku tiger

>> No.4551463

Yeah, you even made a mistake: Twin Tiger doesn't exist lol

>> No.4551483

cobras sharks tigers I gotta admit I sometimes have trouble telling these apart

>> No.4552386

Too bad this video doesn't showcase the helpers and only ever uses them as smart bombs.

>> No.4552412

then use a video with the helpers duh

>> No.4552553

I also wanted to show it without them since they are quite powerful. Thank you anyway, now we can compare the first loop with and without this feature.

>> No.4553125
File: 813 KB, 564x800, fixeight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school game trailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk52S3WC8H0

>> No.4553669
File: 1023 KB, 568x800, zerowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the huge power memes and e-celebs have these days I'm pretty surprised Toaplan games aren't spammed in general video game discussions on the Internet like other games that got more popular later thanks to the Internet. Granted, I don't miss that stuff happening, just a thought.
You know what I mean, the "All your base" thing was pretty big and that Classic Game Room guy is known for mentioning Truxton way too much.
I guess these games are just that unappealing to your average video game enthusiasts these days.

>> No.4554394

What's the deal with Hawks? (Cue bass)

>> No.4554398

Toaplan is reasonably popular, let's leave it at that.

>> No.4554472

WTF is the Gespenst in a Toaplan game?

>> No.4554586

Sure, I don't think I'd have in any other way. If more people liked arcades, more people would like Toaplan, it's that easy.
Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say, anon.

>> No.4555380
File: 1.16 MB, 980x690, tc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the lyrics say here? I think I hear "Tiger".

>> No.4555527

there's an arranged version out there that's not just samples
he says STEEEEL TIGER in this one

>> No.4555529

Uh, steel tiger.
Uh, I'll never forget.
I get up.

This is what I hear. I had thought of similar lyrics for the original but this is clearly clearer, thanks. Seems like randomly put together English words; classy Japan.

>> No.4556706

>clearly clearer
Fuck, what the fuck was I thinking yesterday.