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/vr/ - Retro Games

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453956 No.453956 [Reply] [Original]

How about a Megaten thread /vr/?

>> No.453994 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.454076
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>still no translation of if
>aeon genesis is taking forever
>we will never get official releases for any of the games older than Persona 1

>> No.455823
File: 262 KB, 1440x1402, Jack_Bros._-_1995_-_Atlus_Co.,_Ltd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will never get official releases for any of the games older than Persona 1
Technically, Jack Brothers for the Virtual Boy and the first Last Bible game (which we got the colour upgrade of) both predate Persona 1 and were released in North America.

>> No.456449

AG finally releases Jojo, there is hope...

I'm curious,are they any diffeences between the many remakes and ports of the SNES Megaten games?

>> No.456462

I don't know shit about all this Persona and Digital Devil nonsense all the kids are playing these days, but Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne on PS2 was awesome, even though it was brutal hard. That press turn battle system was really something else (sucked when you were hella unprepared for a fight though)

>> No.456470


I hope the irony in your post was intentional.

Nocturne was a good game though, have you ever thought about playing the /vr/ related ones?

>> No.456494

If you're talking about the first person view ones that were japan only, I'm not that interested

I really don't know a lot about the series, but Nocturne was one of my favorite RPGs on the PS2

I was under the impression that Nocturne was the first released in the US and then the DDS and Persona games came out afterwards, but again I'm not real knowledgeable about this series

>> No.456521


The first three Persona games are all available in english, you could try them. The first game has same kind of first person segments as the original Megaten games, but Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment both take place in modern day japan and play more like conventional JRPGs. I would highly recommend them.

SMT1-2 are on the SNES and both have english translations as well. Those are both in first person, but if you could get over that you would find very interesting and satisfying JRPGs within.

>> No.456527

Is it bad that I liked the 80's OVA? Tokyo Revalation sucked, but Digital Devil Story kicked ass.

>> No.456538
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It hasn't aged very well, but I think it was good for what it is and still enjoyable as either an intro to where SMT started or as a bonus for fans of the franchise.

Tokyo Revelations I really enjoyed as a terrible comedy.

>> No.456546

I might look into them. Do they still have that Satanic vibe to them and the weirdly sexualized monsters, like the boner-goblin thing from Nocturne?

>> No.456552

Wait to you get to YHVH.

>> No.456572


Expect death, tits, gods and Hitler.

>> No.456591
File: 234 KB, 946x922, smt1-pce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing SMT1 on my phone to kill time during my commute recently. I'm having a blast and don't mind the dungeon crawls (i'm used to playing captive for hours on end) but the demon fusing is confusing me; I inadvertently went Chaotic and now I'm having a hard time finding a fusion that nets me Media on a demon that is actually resilient. And grinding... well, I guess in these games I need to remember that it doesn't do shit because the demons don't level up. But that habit dies hard.

>> No.456631
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Monsters with dicks of all sizes are an SMT staple.

I'm not sure what you mean by Satanic vibe, but all the games feature 'satanic' demons, angels, and all kinds of mythological references. If you liked Nocturne, I'm sort of surprised you are not interested in the first two games. If it's the graphics, man you are really on the wrong board.

If you like the style and mood of Nocturne, the Raidou games may interest you.

>> No.456638


In my personal opinion, SMT 1 & 2 are the "darkest" games in the series. And I like their stories the best, especially 2.

>> No.458583

The graphics don't bother me, its the thought of playing an RPG in first person on the SNES that I don't like. I don't usually like RPGs that are dungeon crawlers and have turn based combat, I make an exception for Nocturne because I love the battle system, but the thought of playing a game like that in an awkward perspective is a big turnoff

>> No.458806

Are there any other games or series out there that does Game Over screens in the same metaphysical manner?

>> No.458824

To be fair I've only really played the persona series, but the 2 Megaten OVA's that are out there kick so much ass. I know one isn't related to the games in any way whatsoever, but still.

Also I've played Nocturne, and that game is hard as fuck.

>> No.458837

1 & 2's stories are fucking God-tier.
It's a shame, at least for me, that I just can't get into their gameplay.
I slogged through the both of them because I loved the atmosphere, but I don't honestly think I could do it again.

I'm really hoping Soul Hackers isn't like the first two games, but is more like the first Persona and Strange Journey. The gameplay felt more like SMT 1 & 2's, but a lot more polished and balanced. Too bad I don't really like the story or atmosphere in either of them.

>> No.458886

>I've played Nocturne, and that game is hard as fuck.
I bought the game used from Gamestop around a year after it came out in the states and they offered the strategy guide to me with discount. I didn't know shit about the game, but I bought it and the strategy guide.

Fucking game still kicked my ass even while following the guide to a T. That game was brutal, but it was so fun. I kinda like the battle system's philosophy of "if you fuck up in the slightest the game will assrape you to death". My save file showed about 80 hours when I completed it, but it took me about a year of regular playing to beat it because the bosses just get so goddamned hard after about the halfway point.

>> No.458890
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>tfw there will never be a Last Bible 3 translation


WOW! I just saw that. Holy shit, I have to play this.

I was told this was a horrible game tho. But fuck it, it's jojo

>> No.458910
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Strange Journey best MegaTen

>> No.458957

We're never going to get a translation of Megami Tensei, are we? I really loved the original light novels, too...

Damn straight.

>> No.458982

I actually found that game to be pretty boring, honest. I wasn't a huge fan of the soundtrack, atmosphere, or story.

SMT 2, Nocturne, and Digital Devil Saga are all probably my top games from the series. I'd also love to try out Last Bible 3 since it looks really surreal.

>> No.458993


That was fun, but SMT II, Nocturne, Devil Survivor 1/2 and Persona 3/4 were all more fun.

>> No.459052

Imagine if they fucked it up like they did with the first SMT

>> No.459086


It'll be a non issue because someone will fix it like last time! I hope.

Also, that was for the law path anyway wasn't it? Who the fuck picks law.

>> No.459127


>> No.459148

>I actually found that game to be pretty boring, honest. I wasn't a huge fan of the soundtrack, atmosphere, or story.


>> No.459168
File: 22 KB, 352x640, majin tensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin Tensei is a superior series!

I'm just kidding this game is shit

>> No.459181

>Who the fuck picks law.

I do. I love YHVH, probably my favorite villain in video games.

>> No.459198


why the fuck are you siding with him

>> No.459221
File: 53 KB, 660x371, i am the law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't you be siding with the LAW

>> No.459231
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Because it's for fags

>> No.459235

It's not that bad, just kinda dated. The art is decent. It's worth it if you're a JoJo fan.

Strongly agree as far as traditional MegaTen. Nocturne is still the best game though.

I really couldn't give less fucks about Purse Owner 3 and 4, or Arena, and the general direction the franchise is taking now. Fuck that noise.

>> No.459253

>I really couldn't give less fucks about Purse Owner 3 and 4, or Arena, and the general direction the franchise is taking now. Fuck that noise.

They managed to ruin the music in the remake of Person 1. That still pisses me off.

>> No.459275
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>> No.459273
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law you say?

>> No.459303

There was a translation of Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei underway but apparently it was abandoned or something.

>> No.459297
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>> No.459305
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Speaking of which, does SH have alignments?

>> No.459316

>tfw no Romancing Saga 2 translation in sight
>Aeon Genesis lists it at 5% progress

>> No.459327


Blame Sandy for If....

The game is practically done from what I heard but the guy he was working with got hit by the hurricane.

>> No.459334
File: 51 KB, 300x539, kyuuyaku megami tensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this game a few weeks ago.

Really nice boxart.

>> No.459416
File: 486 KB, 550x550, 96947f5b030ca95ff577976e2b50297f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruin the music in the remake of Person 1
In the PSP version? What did they do? P1 has my favorite soundtrack ever. I own three different versions of the OST. Elly's theme is the greatest:

That dude danced CRAZY.

SMT2 is my favorite, but yeah.

>> No.459446
File: 175 KB, 686x676, 70cd503334d29b508ed415f746b94ee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, Aeon gets all my props for the amount of translations he's done. Give the guy a break. Some games have actual coding problems, not script translating delays. It's usually easier for him to move on to something else instead of butting his head against a wall.

Persona 1 is the best Persona. I love the battle system, slow as it is.

>> No.459456

I wish all megaten games were as dark as 1/2

>> No.459678

Kyuuyaku is not SMT2, unless you meant MT2 remake.

>> No.459689

You'll love Soul Hackers then, one of the darkest in the series.

>> No.459721

I was just talking about the box art. I am aware of Kyuuyaku. I have all the FC and SFC SMT games, complete in box. Digital Devil Story even came with some stickers. All these games are still relatively inexpensive to buy. Persona 3/4 fans don't really have any interest in them.

>> No.459765
File: 371 KB, 1435x1460, persona 2 innocent sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many games even have Hitler in them?


>> No.459809
File: 18 KB, 217x211, obviously not hilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still convinced this is the real reason we didn't get Innocent Sin. I ain't complaining, because we got Eternal Punishment, but at the time I was pretty rustled. EP relies pretty heavily on the plot of IS, it really felt like a lot of context was missing. Because it was.

>> No.459827

Wolfenstein 3D, Bionic Commando, Persona 2: IS, and he's sort of in Ikari Warriors. That's all I got, for consoles.

>> No.459828

The glasses totally ruin that whole section because it makes him look so fucking stupid that you can't help but laugh.

>> No.459838

Hearts of Iron 3

>> No.459858

If I recall, at the time Atlus said it was because the Columbine shooting had just happened, and they didn't want to release a game that showed teenagers using guns in a school.

Which is bullshit, because you do plenty of shooting in school in P2:EP. I think the reason we didn't get Innocent Sin is because literally Hitler, gay romance, and Atlus thinking (at the time) that US gamers didn't want to play as a bunch of Japanese high school students. Persona 1 bombed (good job fucking that one up, Atlus USA), I'm guessing they thought P2:IS was too similar and P2:EP was more "mature".

>> No.459874

>Gay romance

Like, one sentence.

>> No.459881
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Really? I heard it was more like a mix of Persona and SMT, which turned me off. I mean, compare these designs. Why is he smirking like that? He looks like a goofy comic relief character more than anything.

>> No.459918
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There's a lot of >implications. Lots of them. You basically get to choose him as a love interest. It's not like "THESE GUYS ARE TREMENDOUS FAGGOTS" but it's there.

>Persona and SMT,
Mmmm... it plays more like SMT. It retains the magnetite system and first-person dungeons from the first games but adds more to the fusion and gameplay in general. The story is great and the character design is top-notch. If you liked any SMT related game before Persona 3/4, you'll like it. I mean, Nemissa. There you go.

>> No.459928

No, I was talking purely about the atmosphere and tone, I'm well versed on the gameplay part of it. You know how desolate 1/2 felt? Like it was all hopeless and everything is going to kill you? Something like that.

>> No.459962
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Well, SMT1 is end times, SMT2 is post-apocalypse, Nocturne is a mix, yeah. Soul Hackers is it's own world, the setting is basically near-future, but the tone isn't quite as dark as SMT1/2. It's not as much about the grand battle between Law and Chaos. It's definitely not as light as any of the Persona games, though.

>> No.460323

I like them. It makes him look hilarious

>> No.460341

Persona is really awkward. It tries to mesh comedy with supposed serious themes and fails horribly. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel when I play those games.

>> No.460375
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Like a weeaboo faggot, I guess. That's how I felt. The comic relief characters in all the games are written pretty terribly, except for Ulala in Eternal Punishment.

>> No.460458

>The comic relief characters in all the games are written pretty terribly


>> No.460527

Mark for Persona 1 is stupid.
Eikichi is pretty decent, but some of the comedy between him and Lisa is dumb and unfunny.
Like I said, Ulala is good.

Okay, I guess I just disproved myself. You win. SMT-related, all the characters in Avatar Tuner are shit tier.

>> No.461810

What do you think about Soul Hackers?
A 3DS port is coming out today, so I am thinking about buying it.
I played several SMT games a little or partly, but the one I loved the most and completed is Strange Journey.
I really liked SMT3 too, but the atmosphere was a little too empty (even though it felt pretty eerie and I get where they were going with it), while ST offered both exploration and more story-driven gameplay. Plus I really liked the setting. (I don't dislike other games, I just didn't have a chance to finish them or give them enough of a try just yet).
So, from what I've seen, Soul Hackers seems more akin to Strange Journey in terms of feel but I may be mistaken.

So, for the ones who already played Soul Hackers on Saturn - how do they compare? Is it worth a buy if I am a relative newcomer but was really into Strange Journey?

I know this is a little unrelated, but since Soul Hackers came out on Saturn I figured I'd ask here.

>> No.462696

If you like Strange Journey, you will enjoy Soul Hackers. Same artist, so there's wonderful 2D character art everywhere. The story is interesting, demon fusion is fun and similar to Strange Journey. The major difference is that you get Magnetite from killing monsters (and some other actions) which you need to summon demons, but also depletes in general (slowly). So you have to manage that a bit but it's not difficult.

As far as the difference between 3DS and the others, I dunno. I played the PS1 port in moon runes with a walkthough and had a blast. The 3DS can fuck off, for all I care.

>> No.463189

It was Devil Survivor before Devil Survivor.

Majin Tensei II is far better though because there are 5 endings instead of 2, also characters can be Dark or Light Aligned in addition to Law or Chaos.

>> No.463436

Which is a pity. I'd much rather have had updated Majin Tensei games than DeSu. The story, characters, even the artstyle was a huge turnoff for me. The gameplay was fine, but it kills your motivation when you hope the people you are supposed to be saving die.

>> No.465280 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 143x185, 143px-Mot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys
wanna see my Beast eye?

>> No.465284

wasn't meant to quote