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File: 98 KB, 640x735, Ultima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4533251 No.4533251 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an Ultima thread. I've owned the entire series for many years but I plan on finally delving in soon. Is it true that I can safely skip the first three and start with 4?
Other discussion stuff:
>How would you rank the games?
>Which ones have you beaten?
>Are 8 and 9 that bad?

>> No.4533290

Lets be honest:
Ultima 1-3 are too primitive to enjoy
Ultima 8-9 are too shitty to enjoy

that leaves just 4-7 to play, quite the legacy!

>> No.4533570

8 is worth playing for the atmosphere as long as you get the Gold Edition since that fixes the worst of the bullshit gameplay-wise.

9 just sucks.

1, 2, and 3 are OK, even now. The bigger issue than being "primitive" is the fucking controls are just a pain in the ass. Same goes for 4 and 5, though those are good enough to be worth dealing with it.

4, 5, 6, 7, 7 Part 2, Underworld, Underworld 2, Online, Savage Empire, and Martian Dreams are all awesome in their own ways. That actually IS a pretty fucking spectacular "legacy".

>> No.4533579

>>How would you rank the games?


>Underworld 2

>7 Part 2


>Savage Empire
>Martian Dreams

The first 3, and maybe even 4, tiers are all basically must-plays. The spin-offs less so. After the quality ones it'd probably go:


>Runes of Virtue
>Runes of Virtue 2


>> No.4533596


>the oldest running MMORPG that is 20 years old

calling it lesser classic is a bit of an insult, to be fair though it turned to shit in 2003

>> No.4533667

the first three are a trilogy than can safely be skipped yes

4-6 are another trilogy and are simply masterpieces, 4 in particular is just incredible

7 is actually two games each with an expansion, and like others have said, it represents the absolute height of crpgs, and a strong candidate for best game of all time

8 is different, i like it but it feels half assed, especially when compared to 7

9, oh boy, its supposed to be a direct sequel to 8 but ends up retconning alot of it in an attempt to end the series nicely, which it largely fails at. i actually dont mind the gameplay but everything else sucks

overall i think the series is slighty overrated and propped up by 7 and underworld(which is basically a different franchise)

>> No.4533873

>>the oldest running MMORPG that is 20 years

but it isn't the oldest still running MMORPG?
both the realm and nexustk are older than it

>> No.4533904
File: 3 KB, 57x105, abidah pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear Lord and Lady, the nostalgia. This was the first MMO I ever played, and probably only like two other games have matched the sheer joy of exploration that I got from Nexus.

>> No.4533961

Do you know what MMO stands for?
Protip: it doesn't stand for just "online game"

Nice try though

>> No.4533985

are you really going to play this language game of drastically redefining common industry terms just so you can save face on a counterfeit anime picture board

please explain your idiosyncratic definition so I can point out that first mmo under it was actually eve

>> No.4534004

Ultima online peaked at 250,000 active subscribers.

THAT is an MMO.
Not your little scrub games you mentioned.

>> No.4534304

and I probably would have ranked it higher if it were still in its 1999 form

>> No.4534312

Anybody ever play Arx Fatalis? I've been trying to find a zero-effort download of it, but no such luck. Anyway, it looks like the closest thing to a relatively-more-modern Ultima Underworld.

>> No.4534370

4-7 would be 4 games, that's a hell of a lot. even one good game is a good legacy. no one's gonna care how many shitty star wars movies they make as long as a new hope exists

>> No.4534379
File: 16 KB, 320x200, ultima-worlds-of-adventure-2-martian-dreams_26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good Ultima games are Savage empire, Martian dreams (NOT U6), U7, Serpent isle and the two Underworld

The others are too old/shitty

>> No.4534384

try on GOG you poorfag, i bought the game for less than 2€

>> No.4534414

8 is not bad but 7 was, with all its added content, a masterpiece while 8 went in a different direction and was rushed. This lead to a fan uproar making people to remember it as being much worse than it actually was.

>> No.4536332
File: 12 KB, 512x512, u9_in_ultima-iii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ultima IX was a mess
what if we just... reached over and...

>> No.4536350

Although 9 is pretty horrendous story wise... and performance wise with it crashing a lot, but there is enjoyment to be had from it.

I feel like Ultima is the kind of series that could use a proper reboot.

>> No.4536505

>I feel like Ultima is the kind of series that could use a proper reboot.

EA own it, so like 90% chance it would be shit. They have tons of money to hire people with talent but really they make shit.

>> No.4536528

The only enjoyment I ever derived from U9 was an MST3K esque mocking how stupid it was

>> No.4536641

I've completed all games except Escape from Mt Drash, Runes of Virtue and Online.
My personal favorites are UW2 and 6, biggest disappointments were 7 and SI.
8 is pretty bad but 9 was alright.

>Is it true that I can safely skip the first three and start with 4?
You won't miss anything in terms of lore or plot.
1 is so short and simple you can easily squeeze it in just to get a taste of the origins.

>> No.4536643

They made a shitty mobile game that shut down after a year because it didn't make enough money.

>> No.4536650

>shitty mobile game
shitty is redundant there, and game is not the proper word to use.

>> No.4536659

Ultima Online literally invented the MMORPG. Sure, there were multiplayer RPGs you could play online before it, but none of them on the scale of UO.

>> No.4537693

Gothic 1 and 2 are basically everything Ultima 9 could have and should have been.

>> No.4537697

Underworld Ascendant is getting made.

>> No.4538318
File: 579 KB, 671x938, LHaJb3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone coming?

>> No.4538986

Piranha Bytes are basically remaking Ultima 9 over and over again.

>> No.4539335

Is this the orchestrated version?

>> No.4539383

I agree with you there anon. If U8 had just been some independent game made by a studio nobody had heard of, it probably would have been a mediocre and soon forgotten adventure/RPG hybrid. It's only because of the snapback from the rest of Ultima that it is remembered so badly.

The worst crime, IMO, was disregarding everything after black gate and trying to turn it into another "let's romp around britannia a-fucking-gain." Set it on the Guardian's homeworld while you do battle with him as a titan of Aether or something dammit!

>> No.4539770

What do you mean

>> No.4540354

Ultima Online is getting a restricted free mode soon, any thoughts? I might try it again but when I last played the free 2 week trial or whatever it is, I was kind of disappointed when I saw all the gear that people had now. Just looks out of place and knowing how long you probably have to grind for it didn't make me happy either.