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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 490 KB, 499x208, zelda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4520674 No.4520674 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played this game. Give me a reason to not play it right now /vr/

>> No.4520676

Can't. I played it for the first time over a decade after its release and still loved it.

>> No.4520686

It's boring and I think if you didn't already know where everything is then it might be even more boring + frustrating.

But you won't know until you try, op.

>> No.4520698

I started playing it recently, and I’ve found it very fun so far.

This though, some of the locations of/what to do with items is hard to figure out. That’s what bothers me the most, but there are pretty thorough guides online of a game this old, so if I get really stuck I just look things up.

The music is great. That is a huge reason to play it.

>> No.4520734

Had never played it until a couple years ago and really enjoyed it, so I can't. I think the worst part nowadays is the way it looks.
Even the infamous Water Temple wasn't that terrible; there's just some obnoxious elements that need streamlining out.

>> No.4520743

It's too easy and filled with cutscenes.

>> No.4520985


>> No.4520987


>> No.4521018

Majoras mask is better

>> No.4521024

Play 3DS version instead, 64 is shit in comparison.

>> No.4521038

3ds version completely killed the games atmosphere and made it easy mode with the hints system ROFL casual shitter detected

>> No.4521047

He will no doubt retort, as if it really matters, that the 3DS version runs 10 FPS higher.

>> No.4521057

>hints system
Was that even a thing on it? I never noticed if there was.
What makes OOT3D easier is the gyro aiming. But damn it feels good to use.
The atmosphere thing is true, some parts are brighter than on the original.
I'd say it's better to play the N64 first, but the 3DS version is also worth playing, it's really nifty.

>> No.4521090

Except the hint system is completely optional

Boss Battles
Cancer-free inventory system
Master Quest
30 FPS

>b-but muh atmosphere

Ye keep on playing your shit version.

>> No.4521094
File: 2.63 MB, 640x360, oot-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this triggers the 3DSlets

>> No.4521105

>Not having the original and the remake

>> No.4521119

It's a great game, just play it.

>> No.4521120

It makes up for it in other ways.

I don't have the means to make a comparison video, but look at the staircase section in ganon's tower in the 3DS version.

>> No.4521138

I can't be alone in thinking that for such important games like OoT you should play the original first to have a better impression of the impact it had.

>> No.4521152
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> subproducts of simplistic lighting, limited texture size/color range and other technical limitations
> "atmosphere"

>> No.4521153

This specially for the MM remake; the changes in that one fucking broke the game as it was originally designed

>> No.4521158

Hey guys, I know you're busy discussing the N64 vs 3DS version, but I need help.
I can't find the last piece of heart, I've resorted to using a guide to find it, but even then I still can't find it.
I'm using this
Is there a chance I might have fucked up something?

>> No.4521163

Dude how would we know which ones you've gotten already? You will have to double check each yourself, obviously there's one that you only THINK you already got

>> No.4521165

Easy and slow game. Not too bad but it bores me.

>> No.4521181
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>> No.4521196


No they did not.

I even think the N64 version is better, don't say retarded things like it "broke" the game. You sound like Egoraptor.

>> No.4521197

You aren't really helping me, /vr/. Most of this thread actually makes me wanna play the game and experience for myself.
I guess I'll just have to do that.

>> No.4521264


The main reason people nowadays rate the game more poorly than at time of release was because the game did a lot for 3D adventure games in terms of, well, the adventuring part. Most 3D games were still really shitty at making a world feel big and lived in. The game also made exploring that big world fun without turning into a collectathon like shittier games like Donkey Kong 64 did.

I guess you'd say it put 3D games on notice at the time.

If playing a game like that doesn't do it for you, it's probably because you've already played plenty of 3D games that are just as competently made, because after Ocarina came out the standard of quality went up a notch.

It's still a good game, it's only a great game if you remember it in its time.

>> No.4521274

Some guys like me >>4521165 straight up don't like it, nor later similar 3D games, though.

>> No.4521283


Yeah, and that's okay. I was mostly talking about what seems to be the majority's reaction to OoT at release and the majority of new players' reaction to OoT today.

>> No.4521285

top looks better

>> No.4521289


Top would look better if it wasn't emulated in HD with filtering applied.

>> No.4521332


This x1000

With very few exceptions upscaling n64 games is almost always a bad idea.

>> No.4521343

>that the 3DS version runs 10 FPS higher.

is this even an argument, when OoT emulates on a toaster and runs at stable framerate?

>> No.4521350

Breath of the Wild is out.

>> No.4521409

It still runs at 20fps.

I've tried a hack of it running at 30 but animations play too fast and fucks up random things, like jumping distance.

>> No.4521446

I don't have an n64. Is it still good on the Wii?

>> No.4521463

The VC versions are pretty accurate to the original, exactly the same as the bonus disc way back on the GC actually. Minor nitpicks are some glitches that behave differently, no sweet N64 AA, lack of a six-button controller so you're forced to use the stick for button commands, and of course some of those "updated" gerudo textures, but not anything even some of the more die-hard fans would notice or care about. At least all of the graphical effects work, which is more than I can say for most emulators.

>> No.4521508
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>> No.4521585

>I've never played this game. Give me a reason to not play it right now /vr/

Theres no reason... go and play it the heck i would love to be able to play it the first time again.

>> No.4521616

lack of a six-button controller so you're forced to use the stick for button commands

You can also use X, Y and a shoulder button (I forget which one).

>> No.4521619

It also maps to x y and z on collectors edition

>> No.4521628

I don't even like the game but
>give me a reason not to play it
What the fuck?

>> No.4521630

Does the 3DS remake let you control the camera?

>> No.4521636


Yes, both with the old "snap back" with L button and with the C-stick. You have to have a New 3DS with a C-stick to do that, of course.

>> No.4522176

N64 emulation breaks OoT's lighting effects, this is how it looks on a real console >>4521094

Looks more sophisticated than 3DS imo. Obviously polygon count and texture resolution are lower though.

>> No.4522349

That's the power memes have on the younger ones.

>> No.4522395 [DELETED] 

>I started playing it recently, and I’ve found it very fun so far.

Wrong. OOT has not stood the test of time and as the glamour has worn off it has proven to be amongst the least of all Zeldas. It is greater only than its corrupted proginy that followed. It cannot touch earlier Zeldas, that heap of crap Zelda II excepted.

>the game did a lot for 3D

What bullshit. The game was primitive in its day as were all N64 games. The only advancements in 3d games of any genre during that period were being made on PC. You want to play a good game that made a difference? Play Quake.
You want to play a primitive, glitched, overrated pile of shit that still gets romanticised by morons on the internet; sure play OoT. But make sure you start cutting afterwards because if you have a positive reaction to it then that is a sure sign of mental issues. Repros of the game should come with pre-fabricated suicide notes for low-taste scum like you who actually like OoT in order to make it easier for us to be rid of you. Let me tell you this: the sooner you're off the fucking planet the better for the rest of us. Take your OoT fanboy friends with you. Take your Majora's Mask friends too. No advancements in 3D graphics were made in that game. Also Zero in Wind Waker. Zero in TP, Zero in SS, Zero in any portable version, or any other version. Technically, Link to the Past made greater leaps with its spinning triforce logo.

Murder all pro-OoT posters, I beg you.

>> No.4522404

>that heap of crap Zelda II excepted.
You already gave away your bait here. Blew your load early my friend.

>> No.4522413

you sound extremely butthurt, Zelda 2 is good and OoT deserves props for z-targeting alone

>> No.4522423

I played the fucking shit out of MM, I love it, but the 3DS version is actually better. Being able to skip hours instead of only just half a day is really damn nice, as well as mask/item switching being a lot better. I don't think I could ever go back to the n64 version after being spoiled like that.

>> No.4523005
File: 173 KB, 1252x1252, Principle Goodvibes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That file name

>> No.4523010

Once you get the Goron tunic, why would you ever go back to the Kokiri one?

>> No.4523410

What should I do to prepare for Ganon's Castle?

>> No.4523445


>> No.4523474

because it serves no functional purpose if there is no heat timer like there is in death mountain

>> No.4523479

There's no reason not to play it. As all the bitter haters in the thread might have already clued you in, it is an amazing classic.

>> No.4525336

>reason not to play it
uh, unless youre an egoraptor circle jerk or you cant handle 20 fps, there isnt much of a reason

>> No.4525360

>I've never played this game
Didn't think this was even possible

>> No.4526417

Being underage or a /v/ crossposter is a thing.

>> No.4526657

>rented oot around when it came out
>mildly impressed with it, but didnt get too far
>got OOT as a bonus for buying/preordering Wuind Waker
>get bored partway through and drop it
>get it for the 3ds
>get bored and drop it again

I really need to actually beat the game.

>> No.4526671

>hard to find where to go
how retarded are you guys, OoT was at its release the easiest zelda ever

>> No.4526683

Still is.

>> No.4526728

>there are people who actually look up where to go next in OoT
god damnit

>> No.4526729

stop using project64

>> No.4526749

Let the world burn, honestly.

>> No.4526792

It's boring as fuck and Majora's Mask is better in every way.

>> No.4526803

if you are deaf it wont be that good

>> No.4526842

I went back to it on the re-release, and it turns out every dungeon is a chore. Your brain doesn't release that serotonin for completing something with this game, it's just another trudge through something hoping to get to the fun. It's the least offensive 3D Zelda though so hopefully I can keep you from playing the handholdfests that are Majora's Mask through Skyward Sword

>> No.4526858

i think you mean dopamine..serotonin is more related to feeling powerful than satisfaction or enjoyment

>> No.4526927

>not getting a rush of power as you hack things to bits with your sword

>> No.4527281

Did you get both hearts from the frogs?

Did you hear Dampe’s race in under a minute?

Did you get the heart piece by the gold tree north of Lon Lon Ranch?

Did you get all the magic bean hearts, specially the one outside the Spirit Temple?

>> No.4527289

how did you manage to play that mess of Wind Waker but not OOT??? When I started WW I could not believe how inferior it was compared to a prequel like OOT...

>> No.4527479

I kegit believe WW has stronger dungeons and story.

Only thing I didn't like was that sailing became a slog near the end

>> No.4527507

Is there a 3DS capture card?

>> No.4527510


This is also the one 3DS game that emulates well.

>> No.4527514

Real shame, I feel like the experience of Wind Waker is really enhanced after playing OOT. This is the only time I'll ever admit that there are really strong connections between two non direct sequel Zelda games.

>> No.4527517

If only the game had some sort of built in hint system.

>> No.4527527

>WW has stronger dungeons
The forest and volcano dungeons were good, but I hated the buddy system and moving those statues around.

It's a shame, I like how Link controls in WW but it lacked fun dungeons to play in.

>> No.4527543


I know how to spell, i swear.

Fair enough. I should play both games again. Its been a few years.

To each his own. The buddy system never bothered me. Care to elaborate on the fun dungeons thing?

>> No.4527548

That's why they made Breath of the Wild aimless :D
Be sure to thank a Millennial next time you see one

>> No.4527553

>Care to elaborate on the fun dungeons thing?
WW had 2 fun dungeons. OoT had at least 6.

>> No.4527592
File: 10 KB, 297x170, 1515949105990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its just more fun!

Oh wow thanks for the insight

>> No.4527608

I already said I don't like dragging a 2nd character around a dungeon. Removing those mechanics would make them fun instead of irritating.

>> No.4527634

>stronger dungeons
TWW easily has the worst dungeons out of all the 3D Zeldas. Horrible difficulty curve that never picks up, mediocre pacing, and the buddy system is very hit and miss in the last two main dungeons. I will say Tower of the Gods is one of the best dungeons in the series, though.

>stronger story
You’re right

>> No.4527729

It sucks and is only liked by people who were poor kids and only had a n64 to play.

>> No.4527735

>poor kids
>not SEGA consoles

>> No.4527748

Some of us are old enough to have spotted the n64 for the turd it turned out to be.

>> No.4527807

You sound like an underage console war baby.

>> No.4527936

You should play it, its an amazing game.

>> No.4527938


>> No.4527957

What about it?

>> No.4527968


>> No.4527969

Homosex detected

>> No.4530457

OP here. Just finished this. Wow, it was AMAZING.

>> No.4530569

No you're not, you didn't, and it wasn't

>> No.4530612


>> No.4530907

Its not retro

>> No.4530952
File: 1.33 MB, 1337x2000, Gerudo-Pirate-Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're butt ass ugly in-game

>> No.4531565


>> No.4531567

Everyone had PS1 when I was younger.
If you had N64 you were king of the council.

>> No.4531571

just play it, its fun and looking for contrarians to tell you not to play it is retarded

>> No.4531584

Its pitifully average for a game with such an insane hype around it. And I say insane, because people are calling it the best ever, and its far from it. Not even the best of its series, genre, the n4 itself or generation.

And don't misunderstand. Its not a bad game at all. I am merely stating that the hype and the actual game live on different planets. Maybe different galaxies...

I say play it all the same, because the n64 has SO, few good games anyway. So any random n64 owner could (and really should) just get the 20, or so good games available to it.

>> No.4531593

the zora tunic looks best with the mirror shield and golden gauntlets tbqh

>> No.4531609

the dungeons are great but there's nothing to do in between

still great but no majora

>> No.4533068

Did anyone ever make an OoT/MM style Zelda II game?

>> No.4533075
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>not paying real estate for your secret grotto getaway to the Crown Royals

>> No.4533098
File: 34 KB, 600x389, master-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That location accurately describes this board 2bh

>> No.4533124


>> No.4533163
File: 58 KB, 850x567, Light of Legality in play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dale, get off of the internet for today.
>Tap A for Motivation

>> No.4533253

OoT: Master Quest is the shit. Definitely screws with your head more in terms of puzzles in the dungeons. My favorite re-make is the Forest Temple. I got stuck for the longest time there. There's a switch down in one of the wells in the courtyard, and you have to look at it from a very specific perspective so it is very easy to miss.

The water temple is actually easier in Master Quest (the irony) but all the other dungeons are harder.