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File: 301 KB, 614x819, UltimateSNESGuideBookPatreonPreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4519731 No.4519731 [Reply] [Original]

In honor of the newest book coming out in August, what do you think about retro game guide books?

I have wanted to get the Unofficial Game and Watch book, but it is so freaking expensive. Looks awesome though.

>> No.4519745

I can't believe people paid money for the first book

>> No.4519752

I can probably get the same info on a game by making a thread on /vr/. Absolute waste of cash.

>> No.4520168

But it's better to have a physical copy.

>> No.4520585

I'll just download the PDF, look at it once, and promptly forget about it. Like I did with the first one.

>> No.4520610

The 7th saga reflections gave me cancer.

>> No.4520639


>> No.4520642
File: 257 KB, 531x775, fdsbook-front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, is that even a real thing? The writing looks worse than the NES Guidebook. Post a link though cause I'm curious and couldn't find it myself.

I have a few books like these, my most recent is the Hardcore Gaming Complete Guide to the FDS.

I also have the N64 Anthology which is good, but its translated from French and its a decidedly European perspective. Gameboy World 1989 is really well written but only covers one year of the Gameboy's life, and the author only ever made one follow-up book.

>> No.4520706

>I know what you're thinking. 7th saga? What about the first 6? Don't worry, unlike other games you don't have to play the prequels to understand this one.

This entire thing is triggering every aspect of my autism.

>> No.4520720

The HG101 name on the cover should've tipped you off their shittiness.

I find it laughable that their books are being translated for the Japanese market, as if the Japanese don't have various books and other resources to learn about their own gaming history from people who actually lived it and not just gaijins who imported their games years after the fact.

>> No.4520886

Friendly reminder that Kurt Kalata and all the HG101 crew are SJW faggots and should be avoided.

>> No.4521290

Did he just flip the fucking image for the 7th saga box art?

>> No.4521352

I barely could read the 7th Saga part. I assume this is a joke or at least I hope so.

>> No.4521357

>Masters of RPGS
Twitchy eye
>Unique in you can pick your starting character
The SaGa fan in me is SCREAMING

>> No.4521369

>Go to the HG101 for the first time in years
>Reading some old threads
>See several post where the poster writes "I AM AN IDIOT" for no reason.
>Turns out the word "cuck" is filtered on their forums, even though most people are simply mentioning the word or using it properly and not as an insult.
Jesus Christ, Kurt Kalata. If you're that bothered by the word "cuck" to filter it out, then I guess it probably hits too close to home for you. Wonder what kind of skeletons is he hiding in his closet.

>> No.4521393

That 7th Saga entry is fake right? This is something I would've wrote in third grade while trying to pad out an essay that had some arbitrary paragraph or page minimum requirement.

>> No.4521427

Fuck off. It's hard to write a 1/2 paragraph about your feelings while playing a video game. Not to mention doing it for all 700+ games.

>> No.4521432

You are an idiot. This looks like it was made by a 12 year old, every aspect of it. I can't even believe anyone would pay for this garbage.

>> No.4521448

This reads like an small writing assignment for a kid in third grade maybe. If this is written by an adult, it looks unprofessional, poorly written and full of inaccuracies.

>> No.4521590

I think they're great for people like you

>> No.4521818

Pretty sure the whole thing is a fake.

>> No.4521889

No offense if you're Pat, I know you make efforts for your reviews, but really, the first book had way more polished descriptions, and yes I know this is a patreon preview, but that 7th saga quick review is awful.

Why mention Romhacks instead of playing the Vanilla experience first even if a bit.

Saying Romhack in a review implies vague style of gameplay besides obviously not playing a full hack and just enhancements, 7th saga was a solid RPG and doesn't even need a romhack to enjoy on a console (not saying improvement hacks hurt, they're pretty good) but please don't even bother mentioning romhack because it implies the gameplay has changed and your review forgets to mention more important game mechanisms.

Just saying. Good luck on the book.

>> No.4522021

Not Pat, but maybe it turns out most people didn't even read the descriptions and only cared about the reflections. And maybe some readers don't know about romhacks. I think talking about romhacks is perfectly acceptable or even using cheats to beat the game. Maybe playing 700+ games is a lot harder than you think?

>> No.4522084

Well, if you're gonna go full on reviewing a full library might as well make the reflections worth it if your asking price is around 50 for the physical copy of the book. (Ignoring the digital for the argument even if that's the version people would go with.)

But you're pretty spot on that handling a 700+ or so game is probably quite tiresome.

>> No.4522087

*or so game list, sorry didn't add that small part at the end

>> No.4523642

Check the patreon.

>> No.4523665

I'm not seeing anything. Link or it didn't happen.

>> No.4523708
File: 23 KB, 359x316, 1422138147271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have read other reviews and they said the game was overly hard, so I downloaded a romhack
>After wandering around for an hour I looked up a guide on GameFAQs to get through.
Absolutely terrible. Why bother doing a reflection when you haven't even bothered trying to have a serious go at the game. And they ask money for this turd? Might as well download a bunch of ROMs and go through them yourself, there's clearly no proper perspective to be found here.

>> No.4523772

That book looks fucking terrible. You'd get better descriptions of games by just googling their names.

>> No.4523810

>Decide to Google A.S.P. to prove you wrong.
>Click wikipedia

A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol (known as Desert Fighter in Europe and Desert Fighter: Suna no Arashi Sakusen (デザートファイター:砂の嵐作戦) in Japan) is an isometric shoot 'em up published by SETA for the SNES.

The game is based somewhat upon the Gulf War. As a pilot in the Air Strike Patrol, the player's aim is to stop Zarak from invading Sweit.

The player gains points for judgement in managing resources, attack power and political sensitivity. The total of these determines which text is displayed when the game is finished. The dogfights make the game more diverse and the cheat options e.g. ability to destroy buildings with the chain gun give variety. Lots of optional targets to destroy on the open map too but take too long and you fail the mission.


>> No.4523820

Is it literally copied from Wikipedia? Seriously?

>> No.4523960
File: 144 KB, 1728x631, asp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4523968

Fucking Christ.

>> No.4523987

2 things:
A. It's not the same, there are minor changes.
B. That wikipedia is obviously editted to match the book. Nice try.

>> No.4524025
File: 40 KB, 542x542, 1509844818767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe? I didn't go into the edit history or whatever to check