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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 600x584, Final Fantasy IX [U] [SLUS-01251]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4515048 No.4515048 [Reply] [Original]

is it considered retro/vr/ approved to play retro games that simply got a graphical update, [but everything else remains the same].??
Like FFIX remastered (which is also the best FF)

I want to be a retro gamer like you, but I think I prefer the less pixelated graphics over the originals...

Also is there any rpg that has such charming characters?

>> No.4515063

/vr/ is one not person. I always recommend playing it on original hardware because you're playing it as intended and remasters can look terrible, see ffx ps3 remaster.

>> No.4515070

>ffx remaster looks terrible

Ive played a bit of it on Vita and it looks really sharp and smooth, very nice.

I played the FFIX remaster on PC and its also decent, the original is nice too the only issue is the character models can get super pixelated and blurry at times

>> No.4515071

>I want to be a retro gamer like you
Sorry you can't. Videogames back then where special and had a different touch, and the gamers back then were special people too, and you and your generation are not special and will never be special no matter how much you cry.

>> No.4515092

it completely changes their faces. if you have any love for the original and played it when it came out you'd understand.

>> No.4515102

>I want to be a retro gamer like you

This makes me sad. Why are people nowadays so thirsty for validation?

>> No.4515107

Does it matter?
Just play what you think looks the best. Fuck "playing it as intended".
Retro gaming elitists are the fucking worst.

>> No.4515646

cool thanks

>> No.4515731

Yeah there are people here who say dumb shit like "if you haven't played the original on original hardware with a CRT TV, you haven't technically played the game" and get really up their own ass about it, just ignore them completely. It's the /vr/ equivalent of the dumbshits on /v/ who fill their diapers every time a game doesn't run native 4k 120FPS etc etc.

>> No.4515740

>if you haven't played the original release (No Greatest Hits/v. 1.0+ releases or flash carts) on original hardware (that has been modified to output a signal it wasn't designed for) with a CRT TV (/vr/ approved models only, through /vr/ approved inputs. No switchers), you haven't technically played the game


>> No.4515864

This touched me in a profound way no other post has in a while. Were a dying breed.

>> No.4515875
File: 390 KB, 768x1024, 1482738425928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to be a retro gamer like you, but I think I prefer the less pixelated graphics over the originals...

Stop worrying about what the faggots here think, there's a fucking legit PS1 VS N64 Castlevania thread and a 300+ post thread about fapping to video game characters FFS. Most people here just emulate anyways and then pretend they own (let alone care about) shitty chink bootleg products like flashcarts and assberry pis just to look hip and cool or fit in. Also

>Also is there any rpg that has such charming characters?

Tales of Symphonia bro

>> No.4515963

Remasters are shit

>> No.4515976

>if you havent played the original game on the original system with a CRT you havent played the game

>> No.4515986


Just play what you enjoy for fucks sake.

>> No.4516068

>(which is also the best FF)
You and I are not going to be friends.

>> No.4516256

>playing it as intended

Can this meme diealready? I've never seen a single quote from a retro dev saying they intended for their game to played in 240p on a crt screen.

Just because you release a game in a time where most people have 240p crt tv's doesn't mean that the developers intended for the game to played that way. I'm many, if not most would have loved for their games to played in HD with really nice textures and shit.

My pa said the same thing to me, as did his pa before him, and his pa before him :~). It's almost as if every generation feels contempt for younger generations who have grown up in a different environment with different challenges and luxuries.

I wouldn't worry about being a retro gamer or whatever. Just play games you enjoy.

There's a lot of shit you can do in emulators to make the games look nicer. I haven't really fucked with it but maybe check out /emugen/. There are HD skin packs for Ocarina of Time and you can up the resolution and shit.

>> No.4516267

Just play the fucking games and stop worrying about anything else. Leave this board and never return, otherwise you're likely to become a jaded fuck like the rest of the board.

>> No.4516287

A modern gamer that plays for graphic and charming characters. Also, JRPG. Color me surprised.

>> No.4516297

Play games in the way that is that maximizes your enjoyment. Nothing else matters.

>> No.4516641

>You and I are not going to be friends.
I don't see any other option for best FF

>> No.4516934
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>Also is there any rpg that has such charming characters?
Why don't you try FF6?

>> No.4516948

The faces look worse, and they butchered a good amount of the soundtrack. I would have preferred to have an option to have the original look and OST back. They gave you one of those options in the PS4 version.

>> No.4517351

said every generation ever

>> No.4517364

I guess this would be the appropriate thread for this
What's the best version of FFIV?

>> No.4517375

Japanese original, the US one is way too dumbed down

>> No.4517379

I meant SNES or DS

>> No.4517393

The DS one is not bad, but if you never played it go for the SNES version; it's the original thing, after all

>> No.4517395

Alright thanks

>> No.4517448

do you think developers at the time envisioned remasters and 4k upscaling and HDTV's? of course not, that's all that's meant by "play as intended" of coure if you want to get in to skin mods and all kinds of emulation autism you're perfectly free to do so if that's what you want.

>> No.4517894

Of course they didn't imagine 4k remasters, but that doesn't prove that they intended their games to played on CRT tv's.

There is equal evidence for both claims.

>> No.4517897

How about one that isn't single handedly responsible for the death of the franchise?

>> No.4518173

>How about one that isn't single handedly responsible for the death of the franchise?
You are talking about the movie and Enix buying Squaresoft after that.

>> No.4518470


>> No.4518585

I'm playing 3ds majoras mask for the first time, it seems great so far. Looks nice actually.

>> No.4520191

Blame VII for that

>> No.4520474

My personal list:

FF7,9,10 are okay on PC, maybe 12 and 15 will be cool to but stay away from the SNES library jesus christ...

Disgaeas are actually better on PC

D1 they fixed the counter glitch the biggest shit that can happen to you while hunting Hyperdrive, you get to the bottom of a item and the item god counter chain into softlock...

D2 fix the Magichange glitch and add the missing DLC characters.

Ocarica 3D is awesome CTRL+F "atmosphere" and ignore if you see a wall of text of some "expert" complaining, if it's to bright for you remember that you always adjust the lightning on 3DS.

That's all i can remember because the rest are actually remakes and or changed a lot of mechanics, like DQ83DS and Persona 3 Portable.

>> No.4520478

FF4 is a complicated case, it has a lot of version.

If you want how the JP version played out try PSP, if you want a hard version DS.

Ignore the rest SNES version it only worth something if you are speedrunning.

>> No.4520479

I don't think that playin as intended could go away if "as intended" is interpreted as avoid a bad version of nice games like the FF SNES era on steam.

>> No.4520504

7s the whole reason the franchise became so wildly popular tho

>> No.4520514

OOT is not a bad remake, but to me it loses a lot playing in that small screen. I don't think those games with long and expansive fields are really suited for portable devices.

>> No.4520636


Forgot to mention Tales of Symphonia is fine on PC as well, if the graphical differences bothers you there are mods for it.

>> No.4520647

>Can this meme die already
No, maybe you newfags should fuck off and stop fucking with good games

>> No.4520662

Remasters belong, revamps don't. For example, the FF4 remake with 3D sprites and whatnot doesn't belong.

But then you get into a gray area with some games, like Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, which has a shit-ton of new cinematics, though the core game is the same, so I say allow things like that.

>> No.4520745


FF4DS is legit as made the harder than the JP SNES.

VP:L there is the problem of missing QoL solutions from PS1 US missing from the game.

>> No.4520746

Since i was i child i was never blown away by the size of OoT World, only Hyrule Field can give you that kinda of impression.

For nowadays people who live with Skyrim and GTAs, fields with loading zones are fine on a smaller screen.

>> No.4520752

The game is the reason that many better JRPG franchises risked to go for US releases.

Complaining about 7 is like saying your grandfather was an idiot for having kids.

>> No.4520841

Our parents loved us a tad bit more I guess

>> No.4522374

Never play a revamp/update/anything that isn't original disc in original hardware.

Never play FFIX under any circumstances. VII only or VI only.

Never pay for a game.

>> No.4522426

Yes. In my opinion, at least.

Final Fantasy IV 3D (DS/iPhone/PC) is a full-fledged remake and not a remaster.
It's an all-new adaptation of the original game, not an update.
It's harder and I really don't recommend playing this until you've played the original.

The best version of the original 2D game, however, is either the Namingway Edition ROM hack for the Super NES version (which fixes some bugs, reverts censorship, and fixes the translation, and it's the purest to the original) or the PSP version (which is a shinier version of the Game Boy Advance version with new levels and the ability to switch characters in the Tower of Babil).

I am not sure which version is better in the long run since even I switch my opinions from time to time.
I am quirky like that.

>> No.4523295
File: 78 KB, 688x659, ;3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah never play revamps Dragon Quest 7 and Tactics Ogre are an absolute fucking masterpiece on their original forms.

>> No.4523320

They also reduced the size of Lulu's boobs. They're like half the size.

>> No.4523339

Don't forget you need to play in a wood grained dungeon with tang and rice Krispies.

>> No.4523367
File: 854 KB, 616x294, 1488442774367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to be a retro gamer like you

>> No.4523619

3D RPGs have no right to exist

>> No.4523632

>implying there are good RPGs that came after 7
get off my board

>> No.4523648

What is Nocturne?

>> No.4523668

Console JRPGs, I mean. There are good western RPGs coming out even now when they stick to tabletop roots.

>> No.4524373

hey i can have reddit and /vr/ open at the same time it doesn't just have to be one or the other!

That has nothing to do with developers intentions though. It's just whatever one is the best version.

>> No.4524430

>not VI

>> No.4524457

When I played through the 3DS remake I forgot that the saving system was different, so I set out to 100% the game and the game crashed on me at one point. Lost around 9-10 hours of progress.

>> No.4524478

The thing that sucks about the OoT 3DS remake is the lightning. the 3DS version seriously ruined the feel of the final boss

>> No.4524718

VII had much more put into marketing, even more cinematic and brought the franchise to Europe. No contest.

>> No.4525542

7 is when FF went full weebshit

>> No.4527395


Both of your points are hyperbole so your argument is a strawman.

People generally say the original game on a crt is the best way to play retro vidya because they generally were made for CRTs. Castlevania SNES for instance was designed specifically with scanlines in mind. A lot of retro games just look like shit on a LCD and have more flaws on top of that like input lag.

Also 60fps has been do-able for the whole industry for a long time but they opt for higher resolutions since fps isnt a marketable term.

If you take these complaints literally as in "you never really played the game if you played on a sub-optimal setup", you likely got trolled.