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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4510104 No.4510104 [Reply] [Original]

How do you even have fun with arcade games if 1CCing a game is so difficult?

Usually continuing (in a non-fighting game) lets you respawn rather than restart the level so I feel guilty.

I've only 1CCed a handful of games, Contra, Renegade and Kicker.

I love arcade games but I'm not necessarily good at them. How do you impose limits while still having fun? Do you do a single credit? A single credit with extra lives or lower extends? A set number of continues?

>> No.4510162

We just had a thread with a list of easy 1CCs for different genres, OP. Anyway:
1. It can still be fun to play a nice challenging game even if you don't manage to clear it, at least for me. Don't get frustrated, just enjoy it while it lasts. It helps to not play them for too much time, 2 hours of nonstop arcade challenge can burn anyone.
2. Try playing games not based around getting to the end but rather scoring. These are mostly from before the mid 80's.
3. Try credit feeding but trying to beat the game with less coins each time until you can with just one.
4. Play more games with checkpoints that are still challenging even when having infinite coins (Parodius Da, Truxton 2, Makaimura series).
5. The usual, try easier 1CCs. You seem to be doing this already. Try Batsugun Special Version.
6. Try Shmupmame. Regular MAME can have some input lag, this will make it better in a lot of cases (Dragon Saber is another game like this). Of course, anything to reduce lag from your part like monitor, controller, etc. shenanigans helps.
7. Use save states to practice parts that give you trouble. Some here hate this and I don't do it myself but it's hard to deny its usefulness.
8. Try different genres you may be interested in to avoid burnout, maybe you're more skilled on those.
That's it for now, good luck.

>> No.4510213

been thinking about this, is using save states to practice hard sections really legitimate?

For example, not a shooter but there's a game called "Door Door" on Famicom which is pretty tough because it's 50 puzzle stages that you have to beat on 3 lives, with no continues and only small numbers of extra lives. If you use states, however, then you can get way more 'tries' to figure out the best way to beat a stage, and you no longer are hindered by the biggest challenge of a stage, which is limited exposure as you try to beat it.

I guess it comes down to what you think is fair or unfair, to me it feels like that game is totally broken if you use states since the whole challenge is around having limited tries.

>> No.4510223

As long as you can beat the whole thing without save states the only difference is saving time (making the learning curve shorter).I don't do this personally since I like to always start from scratch and don't mind not clearing every game I play.
And btw, the puzzle genre (other than the ones based on RNG) is not as good of an example since it's less based on execution.

>> No.4510379

There's no definitive answer, you learn what works best for you over time. To me the most important part was letting go of that stubborn "one more try" attitude that made me grind runs despite getting progressively more frustrated and making mistakes. Now I do a couple or a few runs every other day. It keeps the games fresh and fun, and is more effective for learning. Though to be fair, part of what makes this effective is knowing what to look for when learning, which is something that only comes with experience. Stick to easier games.

>> No.4510467

You sure about that, TGM has crazy execution

>> No.4510483

Yes. Back in the day, it wasn't uncommon for the best arcade gamers to basically just make friends with operators and practice after-hours on free-play mode.

I used to hang out with a kid who's dad owned the local arcade and we'd pretty much stay overnight either playing arcade games or play D&D.

>> No.4510880

>To me the most important part was letting go of that stubborn "one more try" attitude that made me grind runs despite getting progressively more frustrated and making mistakes. Now I do a couple or a few runs every other day.
Seconding this.

>> No.4510901

>How do you even have fun with arcade games if 1CCing a game is so difficult?
because i find challenge, learning,strategising and ezecuting fun, how do you ever have fun if every achievement you have required no real effort? if you don't find learning fun you might aswell forget it.

>> No.4510903

of course it's legit you fucking donkey, is practicing parts of a piece of music before you do the whole thing together not legitimate? practice is practice for fuck sake you stupid cunt.

>> No.4510906

OP seems to be into that, just maybe a bit spoiled by modern gaming poison.

>> No.4510920

Threadly reminder that the only thing that matters is if you're having fun. If you have more fun using save states, do it. If you have more fun '1 CCing', do it. If you have more fun quarter-feeding, do it. It doesn't matter.

>> No.4510929
File: 611 KB, 1130x710, SIrArthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are 100% right. I know you don't need me to validate you, but I just wanted to say that what you wrote was one of the smartest things I have read on any board.

I know someone answered similarly already, but I wanted to kind of elaborate on the idea of using save states. I think it is really good to practice with save states, and for years I was unwilling, simply because I thought the idea of practicing from a save state was cheapening the game. The thing that got to me finally was time. Without save states, I could get to an area and die hundreds of times without solving anything because I failed to realize what mistakes I was making.
While that may have been fun at arcades where I wanted to spend as much time a possible, it is frustrating as an adult, simply because I don't have that kind of time to grind anymore. The grinding also helped line the arcade owner's pockets, I am sure.

I finally beat Chou Makaimura (not an arcade game, but one of my favorites), and without save states to practice on what I was consistently messing up on, it would have been a much more agonizing and time wasting ordeal.

>> No.4510972

I've been called an elitist by arcade hating trolls here countless times just due to enjoying games ranging from slightly challenging to the hardest games out there.
I hate the actual few elitists out there that destroy what little is left of our community, though. I get confused as being one of them just by mentioning I like arcade games the best and play them without credit feeding.

>> No.4510982

You don't really need savestates to practice that game. The easier difficulties lower the amount of money you need for continues, to the point where you basically have infinite continues if you make any progress at all in a stage.

>> No.4511016
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x2000, __captain_commando_chun_li_hibiki_dan_ken_masters_poison_and_others_capcom_captain_commando_final_fight_lost_worlds_makaimura_and_others_drawn_by_nishimura_kinu__66a3f86c129e6ed063cc491e0f0a897c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SirArthur poster here. I wanted to say that I agree with you, and that there are elitists who damage the community. With that said, I don't think that you are an elitist simply because of the way that you play, and I think that regardless of whether you play with only one credit, use save states, or credit feed, you are doing the most important part of what we are all about here: playing video games.

I agree with that for the most part. I only really use save states on the end of the game for the second to final boss, because I would choke endlessly with the Goddess Bracelet and get so frustrated that I would mess up the stage that preceded it.

>> No.4511065

I have no idea what's this shit going on about people on gaming 4chan boards not actually playing anything. Why does this happen?

>> No.4511089
File: 9 KB, 180x225, ValentineRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't saying that people on 4chan don't play video games. I was just saying that the most important part of being apart of the community is having fun with the games you are playing. Just to be clear.

>> No.4511090

I've seen that thing mentioned before a lot, though.

>> No.4511095
File: 77 KB, 650x582, rockman11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, people like to say a lot of things. If you look at any thread, that simply isn't true.

>> No.4511134

There's a lot to be said for sticking with things that aren't immediately fun for a greater reward further along the road. Some of my favourite games of all time made me feel pretty annoyed in the beginning when I was learning them. Practicing arcade games isn't always fun, especially when you're starting out or decide to go for a difficult goal. But seeing improvement always makes it worth it, and the excitement of actually doing it is unlike anything else in games.

>> No.4512058

OP here, I managed to 1CC Golden Axe using Tyris Flare (needed that level 6 magic to kill Death Adder's skeletons)

I feel a bit embarrassed though, it was just dozens and dozens of attempts of reaching and failing the final boss over and over again. In this sense I wasn't really improving, I was just throwing myself at a wall.

>> No.4512486

It's ok, move on to other games.

>> No.4512704

I loosen up my limitations. Maybe stick to like 5 or 3 credits per run. I got through Tower of Doom on 3 (no dragon) and felt pretty good about myself
I feel pretty confident about doing it on 1 soonish

>> No.4512712

>limited tries
Artificial difficulty

>> No.4512959

Hi /v/